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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
30716 2 0 Calc enhancement high --- Engineering Notation
30732 3 0 Writer enhancement high --- Character formatting not retained in entries of TOC, table lists, etc.
30770 2 0 Calc major high --- xslx import/export takes hours, while UI freezes
31481 2 0 Writer enhancement high --- [RFE] Split pane in same window for side-by-side proof reading/ translating of 2 different files
32248 17 0 Draw minor high --- FILEOPEN: SVG: add support for <tspan> elements inside <text>
32484 8 0 UI normal high --- Allow anchor settings in frame styles
32948 2 0 LibreOffice major high --- Address Book Data Source Wizard fails with message "No SDBC driver was found" (see comment 58)
33041 7 0 LibreOffice enhancement high --- Allow page background to cover the whole page, not only within page borders/margins (workaround in comment 33)
33603 7 0 Impress enhancement high --- Presenter notes should be available in normal view as a scrolling pane
33624 4 0 Writer normal high --- PDF EXPORT "Create PDF Form" breaks display in forms when displayed with AcrobatReaderX
33899 10 0 Calc enhancement high --- Autocorrection replaces dates with fractions
34002 4 0 Writer enhancement high --- EDITING - Add Reveal Codes feature like there is in WordPerfect.
34133 3 0 LibreOffice enhancement high --- Add option to automatically compress and resize images: either on insertion or when saving, and via a separate minimize document wizard like Impress has.
34303 11 0 UI normal high --- VistaFilePickerImpl () - PDF export location is not the path of the original file but a different folder (last used for save/export/..) workaround comment 47
34391 3 0 Writer enhancement high --- FORMATTING: Introduce table cell styles
34436 4 0 Writer normal high --- TABLES text in cells behaves wrong when rotated (Shift Enter needed for line - see comment#3)
34548 2 0 Impress critical high --- EDITING: CRASH in action after Undo
34800 2 0 Writer normal high --- EDITING: Comments added to footer are placed at the right top of the page.
34959 11 0 Impress enhancement high --- Export/convert presentation to video
34987 6 0 Impress critical high --- Impress disregards Master Slide setting of text area

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