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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
36263 13 0 UI blocker highest --- No icons in user interface (root cause: ZIP handling totally broken)
36271 3 0 UI blocker highest --- FILEOPEN impossible, General error, memory could not be read
36301 7 0 LibreOffice blocker medium --- Crash on exit from LibreOffice
36437 2 0 Installation blocker highest --- Developer builds should contain another namespace, e.g. LibO-future (allow parallel installation of development versions, keeping the stable release)
36451 3 0 Installation blocker medium --- Localisation breakage in 3.4 beta2
36667 3 0 Writer blocker high --- Calculating in Text Documents: update broken
38590 2 0 Calc blocker highest --- Possible fd-leak with speadsheet containing Chart objects
40261 4 0 Writer blocker high --- [CRASH] - EDITing XML Form in Writer Causes crash
42227 2 0 Draw blocker medium --- FILEOPEN: rotated objects all in top left slide corner
44075 2 0 Extensions blocker high --- mysql-connector-ooo-1.0.1 does not work
45046 2 0 UI blocker medium --- New page break indicators flicker and are unusable
46635 10 0 LibreOffice blocker high --- FILESAVE Endless loop during autorecovery if format not writable
47319 2 0 Writer blocker medium --- Crash when double-clicking a shape
51252 7 0 LibreOffice blocker high --- LO cannot start (reports runtime error with Visual C++ Runtime Library)
58267 8 0 LibreOffice blocker medium --- weakref / lifecycle nightmare on calc draw shape load
58275 4 0 Installation blocker highest --- Install fails if .NET Framework 4.0 (Client) is not present
63779 2 0 LibreOffice blocker high --- search is always case sensitive
65022 12 0 LibreOffice blocker highest --- Format -> Paragraph/Page = Silent Crash
65338 2 0 Impress blocker medium --- FILESAVE doesn't retain font settings of style: after save (as) and again opening of presentation, font is changed
65653 2 0 Base blocker high --- EDITING: Base crashes with queries with keyword "LIKE" in GUI-Mode

Change Parameters

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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