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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
92831 2 0 ux-advise enhancement medium --- Position vertical scroll bar widget outboard of Sidebar
63416 10 0 ux-advise normal medium --- FILTER: autofilter -- first row lock
59754 2 0 ux-advise normal medium --- Disable autocompletion/autocorrect by default
37230 7 0 ux-advise enhancement medium --- Calc shift-ctrl-down/up/left/right keystroke changed its behaviour
37219 3 0 ux-advise enhancement medium --- Add exported PDF files to the recent documents list in current desktop environment
58663 2 0 sdk major medium --- RFE: Mac OS X 64bit port (cannot use UNO with Java 7)
56959 4 0 libvisio normal medium --- libvisio: Draw does not import properly MS Visio connectors
120707 2 0 libetonyek normal medium --- Cannot open .pages file in Writer
160342 3 0 graphics stack normal medium --- Unwanted spaces in the printout
153699 3 0 graphics stack normal medium --- UI/FORMATTING Certain Windows fonts invisible in Calc with cairo 1.17.8
149805 2 0 graphics stack minor medium --- kf5: Gap when expanding comboboxes in toolbar
146402 2 0 graphics stack major high --- LibreOffice aborts when starting with an empty profile (Windows + probably AMD GPU)
141294 7 0 graphics stack major high --- Decks of Sidebar on HiDPI gets stuck in resize loop upon attempted width adjustment, work around of setting new SB "MinimumWidth" to false in expert config
140755 2 0 graphics stack major high --- Blurred text in images
139085 4 0 graphics stack normal medium --- SVG Graphic Objects look spidery from LO 7.0
138973 4 0 graphics stack normal medium --- Sidebar Gallery deck crashing
137387 2 0 graphics stack normal medium --- UI graphical artifacts in macOS
130857 4 0 graphics stack enhancement medium --- Qt5 implement theming using native widgets (weld)
125934 3 0 graphics stack normal medium --- No application icon on Wayland with the qt5 / kf5 backend
116213 2 0 graphics stack normal medium --- OS X and OpenGL bitmap scanline sizes are not 32-bit aligned

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