Sun Jun 2 2024 21:03:52 UTC
<noelgrandin> when I started out, I returned error codes. Then I grew a little and started throwing exceptions. Then I grew tired of people ignoring them and called assert. Now I just damn well call exit() if you can't be bothered to call my code properly
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
89338 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL the attached pps file cannot be opened in LibreOffice 4.3.5 or 4.4 2017-03-08
47075 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL VIEWING: Opening pps files getting "file protected by password " error message 2012-04-27
62611 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL SLIDESHOW: Not running presentation pps password for editing 2013-06-03
106332 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Impress do not allow open edit password-protected PowerPoint presentations in "read-only" mode 2017-03-08
127574 LibreOff Impress libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Impossible to open a file .ppt 2019-09-16
5 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Impress" component of the "LibreOffice" product