Mon Jun 3 2024 01:26:42 UTC
<tml__> what's the difference between OpenGLWrapper::isVCLOpenGLEnabled() and OpenGLHelper::isVCLOpenGLEnabled() ? <mst_> isn't that obvious? the helper makes the wrapper easier to access, and the wrapper wraps around the helper
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
104450 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] DOCX (OOXML) file opening issues 2024-01-14
104520 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] DOCX (OOXML) bug tracker 2024-05-12
107585 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Microsoft Office binary, text and xml file formats 2024-03-18
108254 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] File format filters (import/export) bugs and enhancements 2024-05-20
109530 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] File opening issues Wed 03:51
136524 LibreOff LibreOff libreoffice-bugs NEW --- [META] Performance/hang/lag/high CPU issues 2024-05-22
6 bugs found.


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