CPU Time 1 of 28: 62.0% (15.818s of 25.532s) swlo.dll ! SwFootnoteBossFrame::CollectFootnotes_ - ftnfrm.cxx swlo.dll ! SwFootnoteBossFrame::CollectFootnotes + 0x92 - ftnfrm.cxx:1808 swlo.dll ! SwLayoutFrame::MoveLowerFootnotes + 0x119 - ftnfrm.cxx:2677 swlo.dll ! SwFlowFrame::MoveFwd + 0x3ef - flowfrm.cxx:1976 swlo.dll ! SwContentFrame::MakeAll + 0x438 - calcmove.cxx:1339 swlo.dll ! SwFrame::PrepareMake + 0x2e0 - calcmove.cxx:281 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::CalcFollow + 0x3ff - frmform.cxx:278 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::AdjustFollow_ + 0x16b - frmform.cxx:610 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::FormatAdjust + 0x347 - frmform.cxx:1165 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::Format_ + 0xa5f - frmform.cxx:1611 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::Format_ + 0x188 - frmform.cxx:1719 swlo.dll ! SwTextFrame::Format + 0x519 - frmform.cxx:1908 swlo.dll ! SwContentFrame::MakeAll + 0x934 - calcmove.cxx:1521 swlo.dll ! SwFrame::OptPrepareMake + 0x131 - calcmove.cxx:394 swlo.dll ! SwLayAction::FormatContent_ + 0xbb - layact.cxx:1811 swlo.dll ! SwLayAction::FormatContent + 0x2b2 - layact.cxx:1640 swlo.dll ! SwLayAction::InternalAction + 0x522 - layact.cxx:560 swlo.dll ! SwLayAction::Action + 0xd3 - layact.cxx:345 swlo.dll ! SwLayIdle::SwLayIdle + 0x440 - layact.cxx:2187 swlo.dll ! SwViewShell::LayoutIdle + 0x8d - viewsh.cxx:713 swlo.dll ! sw::DocumentTimerManager::DoIdleJobs + 0x19d - DocumentTimerManager.cxx:178 swlo.dll ! sw::DocumentTimerManager::LinkStubDoIdleJobs + 0xd - DocumentTimerManager.cxx:158 mergedlo.dll ! Timer::Invoke + 0xc - timer.cxx:75 mergedlo.dll ! Scheduler::ProcessTaskScheduling + 0x2f3 - scheduler.cxx:478 vclplug_winlo.dll ! WinSalTimer::ImplHandleElapsedTimer + 0x1d - saltimer.cxx:163 vclplug_winlo.dll ! ImplSalYield + 0x12b - salinst.cxx:480 vclplug_winlo.dll ! WinSalInstance::DoYield + 0x8f - salinst.cxx:527 mergedlo.dll ! Application::Execute + 0x15e - svapp.cxx:434 mergedlo.dll ! desktop::Desktop::Main + 0xf47 - app.cxx:1600 mergedlo.dll ! ImplSVMain + 0x6e - svmain.cxx:201 mergedlo.dll ! soffice_main + 0xfe - sofficemain.cxx:98 soffice.bin ! main + 0x18 - [unknown source file] soffice.bin ! func@0x40113d + 0x103 - [unknown source file] kernel32.dll ! BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x23 - [unknown source file] ntdll.dll ! __RtlUserThreadStart + 0x2e - [unknown source file] ntdll.dll ! _RtlUserThreadStart + 0x1a - [unknown source file]