Last login: Wed Nov 9 09:12:49 on ttys005 demos-MacBook-Air:~ demo$ lldb (lldb) bt all * thread #1: tid = 0x1866, 0x00007fff7838a582 CoreFoundation`__CFSearchStringROM + 34, queue = '', stop reason = instruction step into * frame #0: 0x00007fff7838a582 CoreFoundation`__CFSearchStringROM + 34 frame #1: 0x00007fff78389f78 CoreFoundation`__CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2584 frame #2: 0x00007fff783985cb CoreFoundation`CFStringCreateWithBytes + 59 frame #3: 0x00007fff76e9c751 libFontParser.dylib`TFPFont::CopyFontName(unsigned short, std::__1::vector >*) const + 819 frame #4: 0x00007fff76f7f162 libFontRegistry.dylib`TClientFontEntity::CopyFullName(bool) const + 78 frame #5: 0x00007fff76f7e7e8 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddFontToIndex(TFontIndex const*, unsigned int, CGFont*) const + 126 frame #6: 0x00007fff76f7b1ad libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddAllFontsToIndex(TFontIndex const*) const + 217 frame #7: 0x00007fff76f77de3 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::GetIndex(unsigned short) const + 313 frame #8: 0x00007fff76f8ba9d libFontRegistry.dylib`__CFURL const* TFontRegistryImp::CopyFontForNameCommon(__CFString const*, TFontQueryOptions const&) const + 125 frame #9: 0x00007fff76f7952a libFontRegistry.dylib`XTCopyFontWithName + 94 frame #10: 0x00007fff79a03fb3 CoreText`TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostScriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, unsigned long) const + 355 frame #11: 0x00007fff799f5bd9 CoreText`ContainsAndIsOnlySearchableAttribute(__CFDictionary const*, TDescriptorSource const&, __CFString const*, unsigned long) + 90 frame #12: 0x00007fff79967c95 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*, bool) const + 219 frame #13: 0x00007fff79967acc CoreText`TDescriptor::InitBaseFont(bool) + 34 frame #14: 0x00007fff79967707 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*, double, unsigned long) const + 261 frame #15: 0x00007fff799873c7 CoreText`CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor + 100 frame #16: 0x00007fff8ab2a17d UIFoundation`+[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:options:] + 296 frame #17: 0x00007fff8ab2e973 UIFoundation`__NSFontFactoryWithName + 138 frame #18: 0x00007fff8ab2e83d UIFoundation`+[NSFont fontWithName:size:] + 44 frame #19: 0x00007fff8aa828e7 UIFoundation`__NSDefaultFont_block_invoke + 39 frame #20: 0x00007fff8d4a0128 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8 frame #21: 0x00007fff8d4a00e5 libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 38 frame #22: 0x00007fff8aa828bd UIFoundation`NSDefaultFont + 41 frame #23: 0x00007fff760ce17a AppKit`__NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 578 frame #24: 0x00007fff761febc6 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 frame #25: 0x00007fff761feac1 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell + 57 frame #26: 0x00007fff761fe660 AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 554 frame #27: 0x00007fff761859a9 AppKit`+[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 frame #28: 0x00007fff761fe42b AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 135 frame #29: 0x00007fff761f94d8 AppKit`-[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 frame #30: 0x00007fff761fe395 AppKit`-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 181 frame #31: 0x00007fff761f9210 AppKit`+[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 frame #32: 0x00007fff7df26a38 QuartzCore`CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 frame #33: 0x00007fff7e043a3c QuartzCore`___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 frame #34: 0x00007fff7e04369d QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 frame #35: 0x00007fff761ee8ce AppKit`_NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 frame #36: 0x00007fff7e037546 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 frame #37: 0x00007fff7e037671 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 frame #38: 0x00007fff7e02ce88 QuartzCore`CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 frame #39: 0x00007fff7df23d55 QuartzCore`CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 frame #40: 0x00007fff764b6c69 AppKit`__37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 frame #41: 0x00007fff7842aec7 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 frame #42: 0x00007fff7842ae37 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 frame #43: 0x00007fff7840bad9 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 873 frame #44: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #45: 0x00007fff779a8fbc HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 frame #46: 0x00007fff779a8cf9 HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184 frame #47: 0x00007fff779a8c26 HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 frame #48: 0x00007fff76092b79 AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 1093 frame #49: 0x00007fff767a81c3 AppKit`-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1637 frame #50: 0x000000010a3d3ef6 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::DoYield(this=0x00006080000abf40, bWait=false, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 998 at salinst.cxx:628 frame #51: 0x000000010a2638f0 libvcllo.dylib`ImplYield(i_bWait=false, i_bAllEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 1744 at svapp.cxx:505 frame #52: 0x000000010a2631d8 libvcllo.dylib`Application::Yield() + 24 at svapp.cxx:552 frame #53: 0x000000010a26314e libvcllo.dylib`Application::Execute() + 478 at svapp.cxx:469 frame #54: 0x0000000102c8a5b9 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::DoExecute() + 9 at app.cxx:1366 frame #55: 0x0000000102c8d6d3 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::Main(this=0x00007fff5d0bcb68) + 12563 at app.cxx:1693 frame #56: 0x000000010a271b0a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMain() + 186 at svmain.cxx:185 frame #57: 0x000000010a3d33a9 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 249 at salinst.cxx:469 frame #58: 0x000000010a519a00 libvcllo.dylib`::-[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:](self=0x00006000001101a0, _cmd="sendEvent:", pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 80 at frame #59: 0x00007fff76087589 AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 1002 frame #60: 0x00007fff760521ad AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 1237 frame #61: 0x000000010a3d189a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMainHook(pnInit=0x00007fff5d0bcae4) + 522 at salinst.cxx:211 frame #62: 0x000000010a27337c libvcllo.dylib`SVMain() + 44 at svmain.cxx:220 frame #63: 0x0000000102d02606 libsofficeapp.dylib`::soffice_main() + 534 at sofficemain.cxx:165 frame #64: 0x0000000102b43efd soffice`sal_main + 13 at main.c:48 frame #65: 0x0000000102b43ed7 soffice`main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fff5d0bcc50) + 39 at main.c:47 frame #66: 0x00007fff8d4d6255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 thread #2: tid = 0x1872, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102b6019e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_wait(seconds=10) + 110 at alloc_cache.cxx:1334 frame #3: 0x0000000102b60077 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_all(arg=0x000000000000000a) + 87 at alloc_cache.cxx:1485 frame #4: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #5: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #4: tid = 0x1882, 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10, name = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d5fc867 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg + 55 frame #2: 0x00007fff7840c834 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 frame #3: 0x00007fff7840bcc1 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1361 frame #4: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #5: 0x00007fff761df5a0 AppKit`_NSEventThread + 205 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #5: tid = 0x188e, 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #1: 0x0000000102bc5a40 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acceptPipe(pPipe=0x00007ff0fb898a00) + 224 at pipe.cxx:428 frame #2: 0x0000000102cf7972 libsofficeapp.dylib`osl::Pipe::accept(this=0x000060000127e330, Connection=0x0000700010178860) + 50 at pipe.hxx:151 frame #3: 0x0000000102cf5b20 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute(this=0x000060000127e300) + 160 at officeipcthread.cxx:1193 frame #4: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #5: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #6: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000127e300) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #7: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x00006000001146d0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #10: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #6: tid = 0x1a11, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102ba5132 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_waitCondition(Condition=0x00006000000e5c80, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 3010 at conditn.cxx:201 frame #3: 0x0000000144ce3340 libupdchklo.dylib`osl::Condition::wait(this=0x0000600000179770, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 32 at conditn.hxx:84 frame #4: 0x0000000144ce7260 libupdchklo.dylib`(anonymous namespace)::UpdateCheckThread::run(this=0x00000001445aaf90) + 720 at updatecheck.cxx:506 frame #5: 0x0000000144ce329e libupdchklo.dylib`::threadFunc(param=0x00000001445aaf90) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #6: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x0000608000717190) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #7: tid = 0xab2a, 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ed7b5 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 1426 frame #2: 0x00007fff8d6ed211 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 13 thread #10: tid = 0xb12b, 0x00007fff8d6ed204 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread frame #0: 0x00007fff8d6ed204 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f390 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x39219aa5136300d9, rURL=0x000070000fee8801) at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #0: 0x000000010940f390 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x39219aa5136300d9, rURL=0x000070000fee8801) at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #1: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #2: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #3: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #4: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #5: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #6: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #7: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #8: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #9: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #10: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #11: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #12: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #13: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #14: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #15: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #16: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #17: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #18: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #19: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #20: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #21: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) thread select 11 * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f390 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x39219aa5136300d9, rURL=0x000070000fee8801) at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #0: 0x000000010940f390 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x39219aa5136300d9, rURL=0x000070000fee8801) at contentidentifier.cxx:77 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) -> 77 { 78 } 79 80 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f175 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 37 at contentidentifier.cxx:75, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f175 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 37 at contentidentifier.cxx:75 72 // ContentIdentifier Implementation. 73 74 -> 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { 78 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf5f0 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at weak.hxx:106, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf5f0 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at weak.hxx:106 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) -> 106 {} 107 #endif 108 /** Dummy copy constructor. Set the reference count to zero. 109 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf5f3 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 19 at weak.hxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf5f3 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 19 at weak.hxx:102 99 #else 100 /** Default Constructor. Sets the reference count to zero. 101 */ -> 102 inline OWeakObject() 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf710 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XWeak::XWeak(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at XWeak.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf710 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XWeak::XWeak(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at XWeak.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XWeak : public ::css::uno::XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e348) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e348) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf71f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XWeak::XWeak(this=0x000000014456e348) + 31 at XWeak.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf71f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XWeak::XWeak(this=0x000000014456e348) + 31 at XWeak.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XWeak : public ::css::uno::XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf5ff libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 31 at weak.hxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf5ff libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 31 at weak.hxx:102 99 #else 100 /** Default Constructor. Sets the reference count to zero. 101 */ -> 102 inline OWeakObject() 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf60a libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 42 at weak.hxx:106, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf60a libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 42 at weak.hxx:106 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) -> 106 {} 107 #endif 108 /** Dummy copy constructor. Set the reference count to zero. 109 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf611 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 49 at weak.hxx:103, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf611 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 49 at weak.hxx:103 100 /** Default Constructor. Sets the reference count to zero. 101 */ 102 inline OWeakObject() -> 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) 106 {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf618 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 56 at weak.hxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf618 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 56 at weak.hxx:104 101 */ 102 inline OWeakObject() 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) -> 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) 106 {} 107 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf620 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 64 at weak.hxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf620 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 64 at weak.hxx:105 102 inline OWeakObject() 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) -> 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) 106 {} 107 #endif 108 /** Dummy copy constructor. Set the reference count to zero. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf628 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 72 at weak.hxx:106, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf628 libucbhelper.dylib`cppu::OWeakObject::OWeakObject(this=0x000000014456e348) + 72 at weak.hxx:106 103 : m_refCount( 0 ) 104 , m_pWeakConnectionPoint( NULL ) 105 , m_pReserved(NULL) -> 106 {} 107 #endif 108 /** Dummy copy constructor. Set the reference count to zero. 109 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f184 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 52 at contentidentifier.cxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f184 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 52 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) -> 77 { 78 } 79 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f18f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 63 at contentidentifier.cxx:75, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f18f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 63 at contentidentifier.cxx:75 72 // ContentIdentifier Implementation. 73 74 -> 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { 78 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf640 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::lang::XTypeProvider::XTypeProvider(this=0x000000014456e368) + 16 at XTypeProvider.hdl:20, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf640 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::lang::XTypeProvider::XTypeProvider(this=0x000000014456e368) + 16 at XTypeProvider.hdl:20 17 18 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace lang { 19 -> 20 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XTypeProvider : public ::css::uno::XInterface 21 { 22 public: 23 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e368) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e368) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf64f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::lang::XTypeProvider::XTypeProvider(this=0x000000014456e368) + 31 at XTypeProvider.hdl:20, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf64f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::lang::XTypeProvider::XTypeProvider(this=0x000000014456e368) + 31 at XTypeProvider.hdl:20 17 18 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace lang { 19 -> 20 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XTypeProvider : public ::css::uno::XInterface 21 { 22 public: 23 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f197 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 71 at contentidentifier.cxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f197 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 71 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) -> 77 { 78 } 79 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f1a2 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 82 at contentidentifier.cxx:75, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f1a2 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 82 at contentidentifier.cxx:75 72 // ContentIdentifier Implementation. 73 74 -> 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { 78 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f340 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::ucb::XContentIdentifier::XContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e370) + 16 at XContentIdentifier.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f340 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::ucb::XContentIdentifier::XContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e370) + 16 at XContentIdentifier.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace ucb { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XContentIdentifier : public ::css::uno::XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e370) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cf757 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::XInterface::XInterface(this=0x000000014456e370) + 23 at XInterface.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace uno { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f34f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::ucb::XContentIdentifier::XContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e370) + 31 at XContentIdentifier.hdl:18, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f34f libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::ucb::XContentIdentifier::XContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e370) + 31 at XContentIdentifier.hdl:18 15 16 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace ucb { 17 -> 18 class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI XContentIdentifier : public ::css::uno::XInterface 19 { 20 public: 21 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f1aa libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 90 at contentidentifier.cxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f1aa libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 90 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) -> 77 { 78 } 79 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f1d1 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 129 at contentidentifier.cxx:76, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f1d1 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 129 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 73 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) -> 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { 78 } 79 (lldb) (lldb) error: invalid thread (lldb) error: invalid thread Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f134 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 20 at contentidentifier.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f134 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 20 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 54 55 56 ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(const OUString& rURL ) -> 57 { 58 // Normalize URL scheme ( it's case insensitive ). 59 60 // The content provider scheme is the part before the first ':' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940eef8 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 40 at contentidentifier.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940eef8 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 40 at contentidentifier.cxx:56 53 // ContentIdentifier_Impl Implementation. 54 55 -> 56 ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(const OUString& rURL ) 57 { 58 // Normalize URL scheme ( it's case insensitive ). 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da3d0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da3d0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54c0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54c0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54cc libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54cc libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da3d5 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da3d5 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef08 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 56 at contentidentifier.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef08 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 56 at contentidentifier.cxx:56 53 // ContentIdentifier_Impl Implementation. 54 55 -> 56 ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(const OUString& rURL ) 57 { 58 // Normalize URL scheme ( it's case insensitive ). 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da3d0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da3d0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54c0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54c0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x00006080006052d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e54cc libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e54cc libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da3d5 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da3d5 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x00006080006052d8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef1c libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 76 at contentidentifier.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef1c libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 76 at contentidentifier.cxx:56 53 // ContentIdentifier_Impl Implementation. 54 55 -> 56 ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(const OUString& rURL ) 57 { 58 // Normalize URL scheme ( it's case insensitive ). 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef21 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 81 at contentidentifier.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef21 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 81 at contentidentifier.cxx:62 59 60 // The content provider scheme is the part before the first ':' 61 // within the content id. -> 62 sal_Int32 nPos = rURL.indexOf( ':' ); 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f0b3a libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f0b3a libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x00000001093f0b63 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x000000010940ef31 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 97 at contentidentifier.cxx:62 frame #3: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #4: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #5: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003a u':') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003a u':') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f0b63 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f0b63 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f0b66 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f0b66 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee8858, ch=U+003a u':', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef31 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 97 at contentidentifier.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef31 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 97 at contentidentifier.cxx:62 59 60 // The content provider scheme is the part before the first ':' 61 // within the content id. -> 62 sal_Int32 nPos = rURL.indexOf( ':' ); 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef3f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 111 at contentidentifier.cxx:63, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef3f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 111 at contentidentifier.cxx:63 60 // The content provider scheme is the part before the first ':' 61 // within the content id. 62 sal_Int32 nPos = rURL.indexOf( ':' ); -> 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef49 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 121 at contentidentifier.cxx:65, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef49 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 121 at contentidentifier.cxx:65 62 sal_Int32 nPos = rURL.indexOf( ':' ); 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { -> 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f15fb libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f15fb libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1603 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1603 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=16) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=16) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 frame #1: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 frame #2: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 frame #3: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #4: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 frame #5: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #6: 0x00000001093f161c libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #7: 0x000000010940ef5b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 139 at contentidentifier.cxx:65 frame #8: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #9: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #10: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #11: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #12: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #13: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #14: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #15: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #16: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #17: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #18: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #19: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #20: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #21: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #22: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #23: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #24: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #26: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #27: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #28: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) (lldb) error: invalid thread Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pFrom=0x0000000118221a98, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f161c libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f161c libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f161e libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f161e libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f162b libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f162b libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee8858, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef5b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 139 at contentidentifier.cxx:65, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef5b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 139 at contentidentifier.cxx:65 62 sal_Int32 nPos = rURL.indexOf( ':' ); 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { -> 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef60 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 144 at contentidentifier.cxx:66, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef60 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 144 at contentidentifier.cxx:66 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); -> 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1a05 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1a05 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2611 2608 */ 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { -> 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1a0d libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1a0d libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2612 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92d80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1693, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92d80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1693 1690 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1691 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1692 { -> 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92dd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1694, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92dd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1694 1691 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1692 { 1693 assert(ppThis); -> 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e12 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1695, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e12 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1695 1692 { 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); -> 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e1d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e1d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1696 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1697, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1697 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; -> 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e2e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1698, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e2e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1698 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e3a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e3a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=118) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=118) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=117) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=117) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=116) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=116) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=97) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=97) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=122) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=122) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=112) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=112) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1733, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1733 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 -> 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f75 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1735, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f75 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1735 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { -> 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1736, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1736 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f89 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1736, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f89 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1736 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1737, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1737 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1741, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1741 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1741 if ( pOrg ) 1742 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1743 } 1744 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fa7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1743, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fa7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1743 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1741 if ( pOrg ) 1742 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1743 } 1744 1745 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1746 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1a20 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1a20 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2612 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1a22 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1a22 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2613 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 2616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 frame #1: 0x00000001093f1a2f libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2613 frame #2: 0x000000010940ef79 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 169 at contentidentifier.cxx:66 frame #3: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #4: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #5: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628, str=0x000000011821ba90, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f1a2f libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f1a2f libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee8630) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2613 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 2616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef79 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 169 at contentidentifier.cxx:66, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef79 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 169 at contentidentifier.cxx:66 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); -> 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dadf0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dadf0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dadfe libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dadfe libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae09 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae09 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8628) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae12 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae12 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d8, str=0x000070000fee8628) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef8b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 187 at contentidentifier.cxx:66, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef8b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 187 at contentidentifier.cxx:66 63 if ( nPos != -1 ) 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); -> 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8628) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940ef9d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 205 at contentidentifier.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940ef9d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 205 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); -> 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } 70 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f0bf libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f0bf libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f0c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f0c7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 frame #1: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 frame #2: 0x000000010940f0e7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 frame #3: 0x000000010940efbe libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 238 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 frame #4: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #5: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #6: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #2: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 frame #3: 0x000000010940f0e7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 frame #4: 0x000000010940efbe libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 238 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 frame #5: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #6: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #7: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=65) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=65) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=65) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=65) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee85a0, pStr=0x0000000118221a98, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821ba90) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f0e7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f0e7 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f0e9 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f0e9 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3127 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3153 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093f3133 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620, str=0x0000000118225548, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f0f6 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f0f6 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee8858, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8630) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940efbe libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 238 at contentidentifier.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940efbe libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 238 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); -> 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } 70 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) bt all thread #1: tid = 0x1866, 0x00007fff76e4a38f libFontParser.dylib`TnameTable::FindName(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short) const + 85, queue = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff76e4a38f libFontParser.dylib`TnameTable::FindName(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short) const + 85 frame #1: 0x00007fff76e4c596 libFontParser.dylib`TnameTable::GetName(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short) const + 14 frame #2: 0x00007fff76e4c54d libFontParser.dylib`TSFNTFont::GetName(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short) const + 65 frame #3: 0x00007fff76e9c745 libFontParser.dylib`TFPFont::CopyFontName(unsigned short, std::__1::vector >*) const + 807 frame #4: 0x00007fff76f7f162 libFontRegistry.dylib`TClientFontEntity::CopyFullName(bool) const + 78 frame #5: 0x00007fff76f7e7e8 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddFontToIndex(TFontIndex const*, unsigned int, CGFont*) const + 126 frame #6: 0x00007fff76f7b1ad libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddAllFontsToIndex(TFontIndex const*) const + 217 frame #7: 0x00007fff76f77de3 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::GetIndex(unsigned short) const + 313 frame #8: 0x00007fff76f8ba9d libFontRegistry.dylib`__CFURL const* TFontRegistryImp::CopyFontForNameCommon(__CFString const*, TFontQueryOptions const&) const + 125 frame #9: 0x00007fff76f7952a libFontRegistry.dylib`XTCopyFontWithName + 94 frame #10: 0x00007fff79a03fb3 CoreText`TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostScriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, unsigned long) const + 355 frame #11: 0x00007fff799f5bd9 CoreText`ContainsAndIsOnlySearchableAttribute(__CFDictionary const*, TDescriptorSource const&, __CFString const*, unsigned long) + 90 frame #12: 0x00007fff79967c95 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*, bool) const + 219 frame #13: 0x00007fff79967acc CoreText`TDescriptor::InitBaseFont(bool) + 34 frame #14: 0x00007fff79967707 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*, double, unsigned long) const + 261 frame #15: 0x00007fff799873c7 CoreText`CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor + 100 frame #16: 0x00007fff8ab2a17d UIFoundation`+[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:options:] + 296 frame #17: 0x00007fff8ab2e973 UIFoundation`__NSFontFactoryWithName + 138 frame #18: 0x00007fff8ab2e83d UIFoundation`+[NSFont fontWithName:size:] + 44 frame #19: 0x00007fff8aa828e7 UIFoundation`__NSDefaultFont_block_invoke + 39 frame #20: 0x00007fff8d4a0128 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8 frame #21: 0x00007fff8d4a00e5 libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 38 frame #22: 0x00007fff8aa828bd UIFoundation`NSDefaultFont + 41 frame #23: 0x00007fff760ce17a AppKit`__NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 578 frame #24: 0x00007fff761febc6 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 frame #25: 0x00007fff761feac1 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell + 57 frame #26: 0x00007fff761fe660 AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 554 frame #27: 0x00007fff761859a9 AppKit`+[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 frame #28: 0x00007fff761fe42b AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 135 frame #29: 0x00007fff761f94d8 AppKit`-[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 frame #30: 0x00007fff761fe395 AppKit`-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 181 frame #31: 0x00007fff761f9210 AppKit`+[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 frame #32: 0x00007fff7df26a38 QuartzCore`CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 frame #33: 0x00007fff7e043a3c QuartzCore`___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 frame #34: 0x00007fff7e04369d QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 frame #35: 0x00007fff761ee8ce AppKit`_NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 frame #36: 0x00007fff7e037546 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 frame #37: 0x00007fff7e037671 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 frame #38: 0x00007fff7e02ce88 QuartzCore`CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 frame #39: 0x00007fff7df23d55 QuartzCore`CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 frame #40: 0x00007fff764b6c69 AppKit`__37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 frame #41: 0x00007fff7842aec7 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 frame #42: 0x00007fff7842ae37 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 frame #43: 0x00007fff7840bad9 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 873 frame #44: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #45: 0x00007fff779a8fbc HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 frame #46: 0x00007fff779a8cf9 HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184 frame #47: 0x00007fff779a8c26 HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 frame #48: 0x00007fff76092b79 AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 1093 frame #49: 0x00007fff767a81c3 AppKit`-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1637 frame #50: 0x000000010a3d3ef6 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::DoYield(this=0x00006080000abf40, bWait=false, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 998 at salinst.cxx:628 frame #51: 0x000000010a2638f0 libvcllo.dylib`ImplYield(i_bWait=false, i_bAllEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 1744 at svapp.cxx:505 frame #52: 0x000000010a2631d8 libvcllo.dylib`Application::Yield() + 24 at svapp.cxx:552 frame #53: 0x000000010a26314e libvcllo.dylib`Application::Execute() + 478 at svapp.cxx:469 frame #54: 0x0000000102c8a5b9 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::DoExecute() + 9 at app.cxx:1366 frame #55: 0x0000000102c8d6d3 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::Main(this=0x00007fff5d0bcb68) + 12563 at app.cxx:1693 frame #56: 0x000000010a271b0a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMain() + 186 at svmain.cxx:185 frame #57: 0x000000010a3d33a9 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 249 at salinst.cxx:469 frame #58: 0x000000010a519a00 libvcllo.dylib`::-[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:](self=0x00006000001101a0, _cmd="sendEvent:", pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 80 at frame #59: 0x00007fff76087589 AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 1002 frame #60: 0x00007fff760521ad AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 1237 frame #61: 0x000000010a3d189a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMainHook(pnInit=0x00007fff5d0bcae4) + 522 at salinst.cxx:211 frame #62: 0x000000010a27337c libvcllo.dylib`SVMain() + 44 at svmain.cxx:220 frame #63: 0x0000000102d02606 libsofficeapp.dylib`::soffice_main() + 534 at sofficemain.cxx:165 frame #64: 0x0000000102b43efd soffice`sal_main + 13 at main.c:48 frame #65: 0x0000000102b43ed7 soffice`main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fff5d0bcc50) + 39 at main.c:47 frame #66: 0x00007fff8d4d6255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 thread #2: tid = 0x1872, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102b6019e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_wait(seconds=10) + 110 at alloc_cache.cxx:1334 frame #3: 0x0000000102b60077 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_all(arg=0x000000000000000a) + 87 at alloc_cache.cxx:1485 frame #4: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #5: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #4: tid = 0x1882, 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10, name = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d5fc867 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg + 55 frame #2: 0x00007fff7840c834 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 frame #3: 0x00007fff7840bcc1 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1361 frame #4: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #5: 0x00007fff761df5a0 AppKit`_NSEventThread + 205 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #5: tid = 0x188e, 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #1: 0x0000000102bc5a40 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acceptPipe(pPipe=0x00007ff0fb898a00) + 224 at pipe.cxx:428 frame #2: 0x0000000102cf7972 libsofficeapp.dylib`osl::Pipe::accept(this=0x000060000127e330, Connection=0x0000700010178860) + 50 at pipe.hxx:151 frame #3: 0x0000000102cf5b20 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute(this=0x000060000127e300) + 160 at officeipcthread.cxx:1193 frame #4: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #5: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #6: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000127e300) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #7: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x00006000001146d0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #10: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #6: tid = 0x1a11, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102ba5132 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_waitCondition(Condition=0x00006000000e5c80, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 3010 at conditn.cxx:201 frame #3: 0x0000000144ce3340 libupdchklo.dylib`osl::Condition::wait(this=0x0000600000179770, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 32 at conditn.hxx:84 frame #4: 0x0000000144ce7260 libupdchklo.dylib`(anonymous namespace)::UpdateCheckThread::run(this=0x00000001445aaf90) + 720 at updatecheck.cxx:506 frame #5: 0x0000000144ce329e libupdchklo.dylib`::threadFunc(param=0x00000001445aaf90) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #6: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x0000608000717190) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #10: tid = 0xb12b, 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ed622 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 1023 frame #2: 0x00007fff8d6ed211 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 13 * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x00000001093dade4 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 frame #1: 0x000000010940efd0 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 256 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 frame #2: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:57 frame #3: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 frame #4: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:77 frame #5: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 frame #6: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #7: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #8: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #9: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #10: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #11: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #12: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #13: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #14: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #15: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #16: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #17: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #18: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #19: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #21: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #22: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #23: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dadf0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dadf0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dadfe libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dadfe libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae09 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae09 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8620) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae12 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae12 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x00006080006052d0, str=0x000070000fee8620) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940efd0 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 256 at contentidentifier.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940efd0 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 256 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); -> 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } 70 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8620) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940efe2 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 274 at contentidentifier.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940efe2 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 274 at contentidentifier.cxx:67 64 { 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); -> 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } 69 } 70 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940efe6 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 278 at contentidentifier.cxx:68, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940efe6 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 278 at contentidentifier.cxx:68 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); -> 68 } 69 } 70 71 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821ba90) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8630) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940efeb libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 283 at contentidentifier.cxx:68, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940efeb libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 283 at contentidentifier.cxx:68 65 OUString aScheme( rURL.copy( 0, nPos ) ); 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); -> 68 } 69 } 70 71 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f065 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 405 at contentidentifier.cxx:69, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f065 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 405 at contentidentifier.cxx:69 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } -> 69 } 70 71 72 // ContentIdentifier Implementation. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:69, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f13d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier_Impl::ContentIdentifier_Impl(this=0x00006080006052d0, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:69 66 m_aProviderScheme = aScheme.toAsciiLowerCase(); 67 m_aContentId = rURL.replaceAt( 0, nPos, aScheme ); 68 } -> 69 } 70 71 72 // ContentIdentifier Implementation. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f212 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 194 at contentidentifier.cxx:76 73 74 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) -> 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { 78 } 79 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f2ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 349 at contentidentifier.cxx:78, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f2ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 349 at contentidentifier.cxx:78 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { -> 78 } 79 80 81 // virtual (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:78, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f3ad libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348, rURL=0x000070000fee8858) + 29 at contentidentifier.cxx:78 75 ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier( const OUString& rURL ) 76 : m_pImpl( new ContentIdentifier_Impl( rURL ) ) 77 { -> 78 } 79 80 81 // virtual (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73b67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 487 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 179 180 // Create a new identifier for the mormalized URL returned by 181 // PackageUri::getUri(). -> 182 uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( aUri.getUri() ); 183 184 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 185 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c46d44 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 20 at Reference.hxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c46d44 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 20 at Reference.hxx:149 146 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) -> 149 { 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62eb4 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 20 at Reference.hxx:150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62eb4 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 20 at Reference.hxx:150 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { -> 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ef8 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castToXInterface(p=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at Reference.h:266, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ef8 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castToXInterface(p=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at Reference.h:266 263 work on all supported platforms. 264 */ 265 static inline XInterface * castToXInterface(interface_type * p) { -> 266 return static_cast< XInterface * >(static_cast< void * >(p)); 267 } 268 269 public: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ec1 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 33 at Reference.hxx:150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ec1 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 33 at Reference.hxx:150 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { -> 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ec8 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 40 at Reference.hxx:151, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ec8 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 40 at Reference.hxx:151 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); -> 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } 154 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ed2 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 50 at Reference.hxx:152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ed2 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 50 at Reference.hxx:152 149 { 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) -> 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } 154 155 template< class interface_type > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f58c libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 12 at contentidentifier.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f58c libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 12 at contentidentifier.cxx:91 88 89 90 // virtual -> 91 void SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::acquire() throw() 92 { 93 OWeakObject::acquire(); 94 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f550 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at contentidentifier.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f550 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 16 at contentidentifier.cxx:93 90 // virtual 91 void SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::acquire() throw() 92 { -> 93 OWeakObject::acquire(); 94 } 95 96 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103837dc8 libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3`cppu::OWeakObject::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at weak.cxx:222, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103837dc8 libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3`cppu::OWeakObject::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at weak.cxx:222 219 // XInterface 220 void SAL_CALL OWeakObject::acquire() throw() 221 { -> 222 osl_atomic_increment( &m_refCount ); 223 } 224 225 // XInterface (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103837dcc libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3`cppu::OWeakObject::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 12 at weak.cxx:223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103837dcc libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib.3`cppu::OWeakObject::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 12 at weak.cxx:223 220 void SAL_CALL OWeakObject::acquire() throw() 221 { 222 osl_atomic_increment( &m_refCount ); -> 223 } 224 225 // XInterface 226 void SAL_CALL OWeakObject::release() throw() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f555 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 21 at contentidentifier.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f555 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 21 at contentidentifier.cxx:94 91 void SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::acquire() throw() 92 { 93 OWeakObject::acquire(); -> 94 } 95 96 97 // virtual (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940f599 libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 25 at contentidentifier.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940f599 libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::acquire(this=0x000000014456e348) + 25 at contentidentifier.cxx:91 88 89 90 // virtual -> 91 void SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::acquire() throw() 92 { 93 OWeakObject::acquire(); 94 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ee2 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 66 at Reference.hxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ee2 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 66 at Reference.hxx:153 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); -> 153 } 154 155 template< class interface_type > 156 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface, __sal_NoAcquire ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c46d4d libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 29 at Reference.hxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c46d4d libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8848, pInterface=0x000000014456e348) + 29 at Reference.hxx:153 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); -> 153 } 154 155 template< class interface_type > 156 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface, __sal_NoAcquire ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73bad libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 557 at pkgprovider.cxx:182, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73bad libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 557 at pkgprovider.cxx:182 179 180 // Create a new identifier for the mormalized URL returned by 181 // PackageUri::getUri(). -> 182 uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( aUri.getUri() ); 183 184 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 185 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73bb2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 562 at pkgprovider.cxx:184, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73bb2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 562 at pkgprovider.cxx:184 181 // PackageUri::getUri(). 182 uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( aUri.getUri() ); 183 -> 184 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40124 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40124 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42514 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42514 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4251b libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4251b libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42540 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42540 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 frame #1: 0x0000000146c42548 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 frame #2: 0x0000000146c42523 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:129 frame #3: 0x0000000146c4012d libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:128 frame #4: 0x0000000146c73bc9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 585 at pkgprovider.cxx:184 frame #5: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #6: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #7: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #8: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #9: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #10: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #11: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #12: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #13: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #14: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #15: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #16: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #17: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #18: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #19: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #20: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #21: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #22: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #23: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42548 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42548 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42523 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42523 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4012d libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4012d libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8840, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73bc9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 585 at pkgprovider.cxx:184, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73bc9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 585 at pkgprovider.cxx:184 181 // PackageUri::getUri(). 182 uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( aUri.getUri() ); 183 -> 184 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73bce libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 590 at pkgprovider.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73bce libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 590 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent -> 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e1d5 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 37 at providerhelper.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e1d5 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 37 at providerhelper.cxx:164 161 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( 162 const uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 163 { -> 164 return queryExistingContent( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() ); 165 } 166 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae30 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 16 at Reference.h:411, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae30 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 16 at Reference.h:411 408 @return UNacquired interface pointer 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { -> 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae6e libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 78 at Reference.h:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae6e libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 78 at Reference.h:412 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); -> 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 415 /** Gets interface pointer. This call does not acquire the interface. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e6298 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castFromXInterface(p=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at Reference.h:251, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e6298 libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castFromXInterface(p=0x000000014456e348) + 8 at Reference.h:251 248 work on all supported platforms. 249 */ 250 static inline interface_type * castFromXInterface(XInterface * p) { -> 251 return static_cast< interface_type * >(static_cast< void * >(p)); 252 } 253 254 /** Cast from a pointer to this interface_type to an "interface pointer" (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093dae7a libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 90 at Reference.h:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093dae7a libucbhelper.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8848) const + 90 at Reference.h:412 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); -> 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 415 /** Gets interface pointer. This call does not acquire the interface. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e1e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 57 at providerhelper.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e1e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 57 at providerhelper.cxx:164 161 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( 162 const uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 163 { -> 164 return queryExistingContent( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() ); 165 } 166 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940fb4f libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 15 at contentidentifier.cxx:154, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940fb4f libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 15 at contentidentifier.cxx:154 151 152 153 // virtual -> 154 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 155 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 156 { 157 return m_pImpl->m_aContentId; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940faef libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 15 at contentidentifier.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940faef libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 15 at contentidentifier.cxx:157 154 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 155 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 156 { -> 157 return m_pImpl->m_aContentId; 158 } 159 160 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093d3334 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093d3334 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128 125 @param str a OUString. 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) -> 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e2d14 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e2d14 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { -> 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e2d1e libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e2d1e libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; -> 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1214 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e2d26 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e2d26 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093d333d libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093d333d libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730, str=0x00006080006052d0) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940fb0f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 47 at contentidentifier.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940fb0f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 47 at contentidentifier.cxx:157 154 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 155 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 156 { -> 157 return m_pImpl->m_aContentId; 158 } 159 160 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010940fb60 libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 32 at contentidentifier.cxx:154, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010940fb60 libucbhelper.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x000000014456e348) + 32 at contentidentifier.cxx:154 151 152 153 // virtual -> 154 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 155 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 156 { 157 return m_pImpl->m_aContentId; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e200 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 80 at providerhelper.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e200 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 80 at providerhelper.cxx:164 161 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( 162 const uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 163 { -> 164 return queryExistingContent( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() ); 165 } 166 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e292 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 50 at providerhelper.cxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e292 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 50 at providerhelper.cxx:170 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > 168 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( const OUString& rURL ) 169 { -> 170 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 171 172 cleanupRegisteredContents(); 173 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 frame #1: 0x000000010942e2bd libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 93 at providerhelper.cxx:170 frame #2: 0x000000010942e211 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 97 at providerhelper.cxx:164 frame #3: 0x0000000146c73be2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 610 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 frame #4: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #5: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #6: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #7: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #8: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #9: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #10: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #11: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #12: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #13: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #14: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #15: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #16: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #17: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #18: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #19: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #20: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #21: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #22: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #23: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9be4 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9be4 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9beb libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9beb libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd1e0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd1e0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd1e8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd1e8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9bf3 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9bf3 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da86d libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da86d libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e2bd libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 93 at providerhelper.cxx:172, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e2bd libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 93 at providerhelper.cxx:172 169 { 170 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 171 -> 172 cleanupRegisteredContents(); 173 174 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 175 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942d77b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 43 at providerhelper.cxx:125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942d77b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 43 at providerhelper.cxx:125 122 123 void ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents() 124 { -> 125 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 126 127 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::iterator it 128 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.begin(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da864 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9be4 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9be4 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9beb libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9beb libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd1e0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd1e0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd1e8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd1e8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093e9bf3 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093e9bf3 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093da86d libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093da86d libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942d79f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 79 at providerhelper.cxx:125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942d79f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 79 at providerhelper.cxx:125 122 123 void ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents() 124 { -> 125 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 126 127 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::iterator it 128 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.begin(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942d7a7 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 87 at providerhelper.cxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942d7a7 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 87 at providerhelper.cxx:128 125 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 126 127 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::iterator it -> 128 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.begin(); 129 while( it != m_pImpl->m_aContents.end() ) 130 { 131 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent( (*it).second ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942d8bc libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 364 at providerhelper.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942d8bc libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 364 at providerhelper.cxx:129 126 127 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::iterator it 128 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.begin(); -> 129 while( it != m_pImpl->m_aContents.end() ) 130 { 131 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent( (*it).second ); 132 if ( ! ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942dc5a libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 1290 at providerhelper.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942dc5a libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 1290 at providerhelper.cxx:143 140 ++it; 141 } 142 } -> 143 } 144 145 void ContentProviderImplHelper::removeContent( ContentImplHelper* pContent ) 146 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd180 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd180 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() -> 134 { 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce28c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce28c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce2c0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce2c0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131 128 129 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_releaseMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 130 { -> 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133 130 { 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 -> 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { -> 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; -> 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 140 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143 140 return false; 141 } 142 -> 143 return true; 144 } 145 146 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148 145 146 /* not initialized */ 147 return false; -> 148 } 149 150 static oslMutexImpl globalMutexImpl; 151 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce2c8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce2c8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce294 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce294 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce29c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce29c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd185 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd185 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8410) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942dc5f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 1295 at providerhelper.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942dc5f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::cleanupRegisteredContents(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0) + 1295 at providerhelper.cxx:143 140 ++it; 141 } 142 } -> 143 } 144 145 void ContentProviderImplHelper::removeContent( ContentImplHelper* pContent ) 146 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e2c9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 105 at providerhelper.cxx:172, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e2c9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 105 at providerhelper.cxx:172 169 { 170 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 171 -> 172 cleanupRegisteredContents(); 173 174 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 175 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e2ce libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 110 at providerhelper.cxx:177, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e2ce libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 110 at providerhelper.cxx:177 174 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 175 176 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::const_iterator it -> 177 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.find( rURL ); 178 if ( it != m_pImpl->m_aContents.end() ) 179 { 180 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent( (*it).second ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e386 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 294 at unordered_map:1119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e386 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 294 at unordered_map:1119 1116 {return __table_.key_eq().key_eq();} 1117 1118 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY -> 1119 iterator find(const key_type& __k) {return __table_.find(__k);} 1120 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY 1121 const_iterator find(const key_type& __k) const {return __table_.find(__k);} 1122 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e39e libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 318 at providerhelper.cxx:177, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e39e libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 318 at providerhelper.cxx:177 174 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 175 176 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::const_iterator it -> 177 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.find( rURL ); 178 if ( it != m_pImpl->m_aContents.end() ) 179 { 180 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent( (*it).second ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e41f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 447 at providerhelper.cxx:178, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e41f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 447 at providerhelper.cxx:178 175 176 ucbhelper_impl::Contents::const_iterator it 177 = m_pImpl->m_aContents.find( rURL ); -> 178 if ( it != m_pImpl->m_aContents.end() ) 179 { 180 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent( (*it).second ); 181 if ( ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e73b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1243 at providerhelper.cxx:187, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e73b libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1243 at providerhelper.cxx:187 184 static_cast< ContentImplHelper * >( xContent.get() ) ); 185 } 186 } -> 187 return rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper >(); 188 } 189 190 void ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContents( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e800 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e800 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:47 44 */ 45 inline Reference() 46 : m_pBody (NULL) -> 47 {} 48 49 50 /** Constructor... (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010943644c libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 12 at ref.hxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010943644c libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 12 at ref.hxx:46 43 /** Constructor... 44 */ 45 inline Reference() -> 46 : m_pBody (NULL) 47 {} 48 49 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000109436453 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 19 at ref.hxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000109436453 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 19 at ref.hxx:47 44 */ 45 inline Reference() 46 : m_pBody (NULL) -> 47 {} 48 49 50 /** Constructor... (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e805 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 21 at ref.hxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e805 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 21 at ref.hxx:47 44 */ 45 inline Reference() 46 : m_pBody (NULL) -> 47 {} 48 49 50 /** Constructor... (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e747 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1255 at providerhelper.cxx:187, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e747 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1255 at providerhelper.cxx:187 184 static_cast< ContentImplHelper * >( xContent.get() ) ); 185 } 186 } -> 187 return rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper >(); 188 } 189 190 void ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContents( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e75a libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1274 at providerhelper.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e75a libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1274 at providerhelper.cxx:188 185 } 186 } 187 return rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper >(); -> 188 } 189 190 void ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContents( 191 ContentRefList& rContents ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd180 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd180 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() -> 134 { 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce28c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce28c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce2c0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce2c0 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131 128 129 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_releaseMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 130 { -> 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133 130 { 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 -> 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { -> 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; -> 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 140 return false; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137 frame #1: 0x00000001093ce2c8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74 frame #2: 0x00000001093ce294 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135 frame #3: 0x00000001093cd185 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 21 at mutex.hxx:134 frame #4: 0x000000010942e75f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1279 at providerhelper.cxx:188 frame #5: 0x000000010942e211 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 97 at providerhelper.cxx:164 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73be2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 610 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143 140 return false; 141 } 142 -> 143 return true; 144 } 145 146 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148 145 146 /* not initialized */ 147 return false; -> 148 } 149 150 static oslMutexImpl globalMutexImpl; 151 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce2c8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce2c8 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce294 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce294 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce29c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce29c libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd185 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd185 libucbhelper.dylib`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8690) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e75f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1279 at providerhelper.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e75f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURL=0x000070000fee8730) + 1279 at providerhelper.cxx:188 185 } 186 } 187 return rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper >(); -> 188 } 189 190 void ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContents( 191 ContentRefList& rContents ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e211 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 97 at providerhelper.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e211 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 97 at providerhelper.cxx:164 161 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( 162 const uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 163 { -> 164 return queryExistingContent( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() ); 165 } 166 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd650 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a0 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225548) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093ce1a8 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001093cd655 libucbhelper.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8730) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010942e21f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 111 at providerhelper.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010942e21f libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8848) + 111 at providerhelper.cxx:164 161 ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent( 162 const uno::Reference< css::ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 163 { -> 164 return queryExistingContent( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() ); 165 } 166 167 rtl::Reference< ContentImplHelper > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73be2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 610 at pkgprovider.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73be2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 610 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent -> 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5c75c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::get(this=0x000070000fee8830) const + 12 at ref.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5c75c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::get(this=0x000070000fee8830) const + 12 at ref.hxx:169 166 */ 167 inline reference_type * SAL_CALL get() const 168 { -> 169 return m_pBody; 170 } 171 172 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73bf0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 624 at pkgprovider.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73bf0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 624 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent -> 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c54214 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 20 at Reference.hxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c54214 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 20 at Reference.hxx:149 146 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) -> 149 { 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c65134 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 20 at Reference.hxx:150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c65134 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 20 at Reference.hxx:150 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { -> 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c65178 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castToXInterface(p=0x0000000000000000) + 8 at Reference.h:266, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c65178 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castToXInterface(p=0x0000000000000000) + 8 at Reference.h:266 263 work on all supported platforms. 264 */ 265 static inline XInterface * castToXInterface(interface_type * p) { -> 266 return static_cast< XInterface * >(static_cast< void * >(p)); 267 } 268 269 public: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c65141 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 33 at Reference.hxx:150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c65141 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 33 at Reference.hxx:150 147 template< class interface_type > 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { -> 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c65148 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 40 at Reference.hxx:151, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c65148 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 40 at Reference.hxx:151 148 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface ) 149 { 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); -> 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); 153 } 154 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c65162 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 66 at Reference.hxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c65162 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 66 at Reference.hxx:153 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); -> 153 } 154 155 template< class interface_type > 156 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface, __sal_NoAcquire ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5421d libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 29 at Reference.hxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5421d libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee8838, pInterface=0x0000000000000000) + 29 at Reference.hxx:153 150 _pInterface = castToXInterface(pInterface); 151 if (_pInterface) 152 _pInterface->acquire(); -> 153 } 154 155 template< class interface_type > 156 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( interface_type * pInterface, __sal_NoAcquire ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73c3d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 701 at pkgprovider.cxx:188, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73c3d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 701 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent -> 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73c3d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 701 at pkgprovider.cxx:188, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c73c3d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 701 at pkgprovider.cxx:188 frame #1: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #2: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #3: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #4: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #5: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #6: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #7: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #8: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #9: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #10: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #11: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #12: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #13: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #14: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #15: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #16: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #17: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #18: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #19: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #20: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73c46 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 710 at pkgprovider.cxx:187, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73c46 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 710 at pkgprovider.cxx:187 184 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 185 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... -> 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5c780 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5c780 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:88 85 /** Destructor... 86 */ 87 inline ~Reference() -> 88 { 89 if (m_pBody) 90 m_pBody->release(); 91 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c698d0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c698d0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 16 at ref.hxx:89 86 */ 87 inline ~Reference() 88 { -> 89 if (m_pBody) 90 m_pBody->release(); 91 } 92 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c698ee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 46 at ref.hxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c698ee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 46 at ref.hxx:91 88 { 89 if (m_pBody) 90 m_pBody->release(); -> 91 } 92 93 /** Set... 94 Similar to assignment. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5c785 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 21 at ref.hxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5c785 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Reference::~Reference(this=0x000070000fee8830) + 21 at ref.hxx:91 88 { 89 if (m_pBody) 90 m_pBody->release(); -> 91 } 92 93 /** Set... 94 Similar to assignment. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73c4b libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 715 at pkgprovider.cxx:189, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73c4b libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 715 at pkgprovider.cxx:189 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); -> 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 192 // Create a new content. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c56350 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is(this=0x000070000fee8838) const + 16 at Reference.h:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c56350 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is(this=0x000070000fee8838) const + 16 at Reference.h:94 91 @return true if reference acquires an interface, i.e. true if it is not null 92 */ 93 inline bool SAL_CALL is() const -> 94 { return (NULL != _pInterface); } 95 96 /** Equality operator: compares two interfaces 97 Checks if both references are null or refer to the same object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73c54 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 724 at pkgprovider.cxx:189, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73c54 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 724 at pkgprovider.cxx:189 186 // Check, if a content with given id already exists... 187 uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent 188 = queryExistingContent( xId ).get(); -> 189 if ( ) 190 return xContent; 191 192 // Create a new content. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c73d0f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 911 at pkgprovider.cxx:194, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c73d0f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 911 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 191 192 // Create a new content. 193 -> 194 xContent = Content::create( m_xContext, this, Identifier ); // not xId!!! 195 registerNewContent( xContent ); 196 197 if ( && !xContent->getIdentifier().is() ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f0e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 46 at pkgcontent.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f0e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 46 at pkgcontent.cxx:145 142 ContentProvider* pProvider, 143 const uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 144 { -> 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c45630 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 16 at Reference.h:411, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c45630 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 16 at Reference.h:411 408 @return UNacquired interface pointer 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { -> 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4566e libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 78 at Reference.h:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4566e libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 78 at Reference.h:412 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); -> 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 415 /** Gets interface pointer. This call does not acquire the interface. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62e28 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castFromXInterface(p=0x0000000144a07390) + 8 at Reference.h:251, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62e28 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::castFromXInterface(p=0x0000000144a07390) + 8 at Reference.h:251 248 work on all supported platforms. 249 */ 250 static inline interface_type * castFromXInterface(XInterface * p) { -> 251 return static_cast< interface_type * >(static_cast< void * >(p)); 252 } 253 254 /** Cast from a pointer to this interface_type to an "interface pointer" (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4567a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 90 at Reference.h:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4567a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator->(this=0x000070000fee8b58) const + 90 at Reference.h:412 409 */ 410 inline interface_type * SAL_CALL operator -> () const { 411 assert(_pInterface != NULL); -> 412 return castFromXInterface(_pInterface); 413 } 414 415 /** Gets interface pointer. This call does not acquire the interface. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f16 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 54 at pkgcontent.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f16 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 54 at pkgcontent.cxx:145 142 ContentProvider* pProvider, 143 const uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 144 { -> 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff758f libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff758f libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:49 46 47 // XContentIdentifier methods. 48 // virtual -> 49 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 50 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 51 { 52 return m_aContentId; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff758f libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:49, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000142ff758f libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:49 frame #1: 0x0000000146c44f33 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 83 at pkgcontent.cxx:145 frame #2: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #3: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #4: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #5: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #6: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #7: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #8: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #9: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #10: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #11: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #12: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #13: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #14: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #15: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #16: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #17: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #18: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #19: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #20: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #21: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #22: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff753f libucb1.dylib`ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff753f libucb1.dylib`ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 15 at identify.cxx:52 49 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 50 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 51 { -> 52 return m_aContentId; 53 } 54 55 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff73d4 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff73d4 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128 125 @param str a OUString. 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) -> 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff7c44 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff7c44 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { -> 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff7c4e libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff7c4e libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; -> 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1214 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff7c56 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff7c56 libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff73dd libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff73dd libucb1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86b8, str=0x0000000144a073c0) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff754c libucb1.dylib`ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 28 at identify.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff754c libucb1.dylib`ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 28 at identify.cxx:52 49 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 50 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 51 { -> 52 return m_aContentId; 53 } 54 55 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000142ff75a0 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 32 at identify.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000142ff75a0 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier(this=0x0000000144a07390) + 32 at identify.cxx:49 46 47 // XContentIdentifier methods. 48 // virtual -> 49 OUString SAL_CALL ContentIdentifier::getContentIdentifier() 50 throw( RuntimeException, std::exception ) 51 { 52 return m_aContentId; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f33 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 83 at pkgcontent.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f33 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 83 at pkgcontent.cxx:146 143 const uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 144 { 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); -> 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c45694 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at pkguri.hxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c45694 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at pkguri.hxx:49 46 47 public: 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) -> 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const 52 { init(); return m_bValid; } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d407 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 23 at pkguri.hxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d407 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 23 at pkguri.hxx:49 46 47 public: 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) -> 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const 52 { init(); return m_bValid; } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c418d4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c418d4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:128 125 @param str a OUString. 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) -> 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41934 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41934 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:129 126 */ 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { -> 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4193e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4193e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 30 at ustring.hxx:130 127 OUString( const OUString & str ) 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; -> 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1214 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41946 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41946 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 38 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c418dd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c418dd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86f8, str=0x000070000fee86b8) + 29 at ustring.hxx:131 128 { 129 pData = str.pData; 130 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 131 } 132 133 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? 134 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d414 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 36 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d414 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 36 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 28 at ustring.hxx:119 frame #2: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 21 at ustring.hxx:117 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5d428 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 56 at pkguri.hxx:48 frame #4: 0x0000000146c4569d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 29 at pkguri.hxx:49 frame #5: 0x0000000146c44f43 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 99 at pkgcontent.cxx:146 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d428 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 56 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d428 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 56 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d441 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 81 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d441 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 81 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8710) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8710) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d45a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 106 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d45a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 106 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d473 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 131 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d473 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 131 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d48c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 156 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d48c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 156 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d4a1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 177 at pkguri.hxx:48, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d4a1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 177 at pkguri.hxx:48 45 void init() const; 46 47 public: -> 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d4a6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 182 at pkguri.hxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d4a6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 182 at pkguri.hxx:49 46 47 public: 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) -> 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const 52 { init(); return m_bValid; } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4569d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 29 at pkguri.hxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4569d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri(this=0x000070000fee86f8, rPackageUri=0x000070000fee86b8) + 29 at pkguri.hxx:49 46 47 public: 48 explicit PackageUri( const OUString & rPackageUri ) -> 49 : m_aUri( rPackageUri ), m_bValid( false ) {} 50 51 bool isValid() const 52 { init(); return m_bValid; } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f43 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 99 at pkgcontent.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f43 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 99 at pkgcontent.cxx:146 143 const uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier ) 144 { 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); -> 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f48 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 104 at pkgcontent.cxx:147, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f48 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 104 at pkgcontent.cxx:147 144 { 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); -> 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 150 if ( loadData( pProvider, aURI, aProps, xPackage ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c456c0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at pkgcontent.hxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c456c0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), -> 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 79 explicit ContentProperties( const OUString& rContentType ); 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d55f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 15 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d55f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 15 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:119 frame #2: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:117 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5d573 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 35 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 frame #4: 0x0000000146c456c5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 frame #5: 0x0000000146c44f51 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 113 at pkgcontent.cxx:147 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d573 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 35 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d573 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 35 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86c8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86c8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d587 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 55 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d587 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 55 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d58c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 60 at pkgcontent.hxx:75, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d58c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 60 at pkgcontent.hxx:75 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 74 ContentProperties() -> 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d598 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 72 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d598 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 72 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee86d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee86d8) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d5a8 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 88 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d5a8 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 88 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445d0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 16 at Sequence.hxx:50, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445d0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 16 at Sequence.hxx:50 47 48 template< class E > 49 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence() -> 50 { 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62af0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 16 at Sequence.hxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62af0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 16 at Sequence.hxx:51 48 template< class E > 49 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence() 50 { -> 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb5c libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 12 at Sequence.hxx:215, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb5c libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 12 at Sequence.hxx:215 212 getTypeFavourUnsigned( 213 SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T > const *) 214 { -> 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb6e libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 30 at Sequence.hxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb6e libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 30 at Sequence.hxx:218 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, -> 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( 219 static_cast< 220 typename ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::ElementType * >( 221 0)). (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 12 at unotype.hxx:321, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 12 at unotype.hxx:321 318 */ 319 template< typename T > inline css::uno::Type const & 320 getTypeFavourUnsigned(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER T const *) { -> 321 return ::cppu::UnoType< T >::get(); 322 } 323 324 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbc8 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::UnoType::get() + 8 at unotype.hxx:296, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbc8 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::UnoType::get() + 8 at unotype.hxx:296 293 #else 294 typedef T T1; 295 #endif -> 296 return cppu_detail_getUnoType(static_cast< T1 * >(0)); 297 } 298 299 private: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbe1 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::cppu_detail_getUnoType((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 17 at unotype.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbe1 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::cppu_detail_getUnoType((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 17 at unotype.hxx:136 133 134 inline css::uno::Type const & 135 cppu_detail_getUnoType(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER ::sal_Int8 const *) { -> 136 return ::cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(::typelib_TypeClass_BYTE); 137 } 138 139 inline css::uno::Type const & (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41a5b libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 11 at unotype.hxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41a5b libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 11 at unotype.hxx:110 107 inline css::uno::Type const & 108 getTypeFromTypeClass(::typelib_TypeClass tc) { 109 return getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( -> 110 ::typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(tc)); 111 } 112 113 } (lldb) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103645706 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 38 at static_types.cxx:125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103645706 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 38 at static_types.cxx:125 122 nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 123 nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; 124 -> 125 if (! s_aTypes[eTypeClass]) 126 { 127 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 128 if (! s_aTypes[eTypeClass]) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41a63 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 19 at unotype.hxx:109, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41a63 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 19 at unotype.hxx:109 106 107 inline css::uno::Type const & 108 getTypeFromTypeClass(::typelib_TypeClass tc) { -> 109 return getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 110 ::typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(tc)); 111 } 112 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41a88 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference(tdr=0x00000001036b0a08) + 8 at unotype.hxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41a88 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference(tdr=0x00000001036b0a08) + 8 at unotype.hxx:104 101 inline css::uno::Type const & getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 102 ::typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * const * tdr) 103 { -> 104 return *reinterpret_cast< css::uno::Type const * >(tdr); 105 } 106 107 inline css::uno::Type const & (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41a6b libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 27 at unotype.hxx:109, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41a6b libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(tc=typelib_TypeClass_BYTE) + 27 at unotype.hxx:109 106 107 inline css::uno::Type const & 108 getTypeFromTypeClass(::typelib_TypeClass tc) { -> 109 return getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 110 ::typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(tc)); 111 } 112 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbe8 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::cppu_detail_getUnoType((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 24 at unotype.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbe8 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::cppu_detail_getUnoType((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 24 at unotype.hxx:136 133 134 inline css::uno::Type const & 135 cppu_detail_getUnoType(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER ::sal_Int8 const *) { -> 136 return ::cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeClass(::typelib_TypeClass_BYTE); 137 } 138 139 inline css::uno::Type const & (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbcd libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::UnoType::get() + 13 at unotype.hxx:296, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbcd libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::UnoType::get() + 13 at unotype.hxx:296 293 #else 294 typedef T T1; 295 #endif -> 296 return cppu_detail_getUnoType(static_cast< T1 * >(0)); 297 } 298 299 private: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fbb1 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 17 at unotype.hxx:321, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fbb1 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x0000000000000000) + 17 at unotype.hxx:321 318 */ 319 template< typename T > inline css::uno::Type const & 320 getTypeFavourUnsigned(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER T const *) { -> 321 return ::cppu::UnoType< T >::get(); 322 } 323 324 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb73 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 35 at Sequence.hxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb73 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 35 at Sequence.hxx:218 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, -> 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( 219 static_cast< 220 typename ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::ElementType * >( 221 0)). (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c426ac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type::getTypeLibType(this=0x00000001036b0a08) const + 12 at Type.h:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c426ac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type::getTypeLibType(this=0x00000001036b0a08) const + 12 at Type.h:155 152 @return UNacquired type description reference 153 */ 154 inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * SAL_CALL getTypeLibType() const -> 155 { return _pType; } 156 157 /** Tests if values of this reflected type can be assigned by values of given type. 158 This includes widening conversion (e.g., long assignable from short), as long as there (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb7b libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 43 at Sequence.hxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb7b libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 43 at Sequence.hxx:218 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, -> 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( 219 static_cast< 220 typename ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::ElementType * >( 221 0)). (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb82 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 50 at Sequence.hxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb82 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 50 at Sequence.hxx:216 213 SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T > const *) 214 { 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { -> 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( 219 static_cast< (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646461 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 33 at static_types.cxx:303, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646461 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 33 at static_types.cxx:303 300 typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pElementType ) 301 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 302 { -> 303 if (! *ppRef) 304 { 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364646f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 47 at static_types.cxx:305, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364646f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 47 at static_types.cxx:305 302 { 303 if (! *ppRef) 304 { -> 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036461a4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 4 at instance.hxx:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036461a4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 4 at instance.hxx:412 409 static variable 410 */ 411 static T & get() { -> 412 return *rtl_Instance< 413 T, StaticInstance, 414 ::osl::MutexGuard, ::osl::GetGlobalMutex >::create( 415 StaticInstance(), ::osl::GetGlobalMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103647876 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 22 at instance.hxx:278, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103647876 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 22 at instance.hxx:278 275 #if defined _MSC_VER 276 static Inst * m_pInstance = 0; 277 #endif // _MSC_VER -> 278 Inst * p = m_pInstance; 279 if (!p) 280 { 281 Guard aGuard(aGuardCtor()); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103647881 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 33 at instance.hxx:279, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103647881 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 33 at instance.hxx:279 276 static Inst * m_pInstance = 0; 277 #endif // _MSC_VER 278 Inst * p = m_pInstance; -> 279 if (!p) 280 { 281 Guard aGuard(aGuardCtor()); 282 p = m_pInstance; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103647912 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 178 at instance.hxx:294, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103647912 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 178 at instance.hxx:294 291 { 292 OSL_DOUBLE_CHECKED_LOCKING_MEMORY_BARRIER(); 293 } -> 294 return p; 295 } 296 297 static inline Inst * create(InstCtor aInstCtor, GuardCtor aGuardCtor, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036461ad libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 13 at instance.hxx:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036461ad libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 13 at instance.hxx:412 409 static variable 410 */ 411 static T & get() { -> 412 return *rtl_Instance< 413 T, StaticInstance, 414 ::osl::MutexGuard, ::osl::GetGlobalMutex >::create( 415 StaticInstance(), ::osl::GetGlobalMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646474 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 52 at static_types.cxx:305, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646474 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 52 at static_types.cxx:305 302 { 303 if (! *ppRef) 304 { -> 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626cf4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626cf4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036295f4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036295f4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036295fb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036295fb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fc0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fc0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fc8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fc8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103629603 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103629603 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626cfd libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626cfd libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450, t=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364648a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 74 at static_types.cxx:305, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364648a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 74 at static_types.cxx:305 302 { 303 if (! *ppRef) 304 { -> 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364648f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 79 at static_types.cxx:306, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364648f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 79 at static_types.cxx:306 303 if (! *ppRef) 304 { 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); -> 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364649d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 93 at static_types.cxx:308, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364649d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 93 at static_types.cxx:308 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { -> 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624383 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624383 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:92 89 explicit OUStringBuffer(int length) 90 : pData(NULL) 91 , nCapacity( length ) -> 92 { 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); 94 } 95 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624a43 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:90, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624a43 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:90 87 @param length the initial capacity. 88 */ 89 explicit OUStringBuffer(int length) -> 90 : pData(NULL) 91 , nCapacity( length ) 92 { 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624a4a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 26 at ustrbuf.hxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624a4a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 26 at ustrbuf.hxx:91 88 */ 89 explicit OUStringBuffer(int length) 90 : pData(NULL) -> 91 , nCapacity( length ) 92 { 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); 94 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624a50 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 32 at ustrbuf.hxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624a50 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 32 at ustrbuf.hxx:93 90 : pData(NULL) 91 , nCapacity( length ) 92 { -> 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); 94 } 95 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L 96 explicit OUStringBuffer(unsigned int length) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9188f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 15 at strtmpl.cxx:1265, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9188f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 15 at strtmpl.cxx:1265 1262 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, sal_Int32 nLen ) 1263 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1264 { -> 1265 assert(ppThis); 1266 if ( nLen <= 0 ) 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b918e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1266, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b918e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1266 1263 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1264 { 1265 assert(ppThis); -> 1266 if ( nLen <= 0 ) 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else 1269 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b918f9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 121 at strtmpl.cxx:1270, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b918f9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 121 at strtmpl.cxx:1270 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else 1269 { -> 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91913 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1273, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91913 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1273 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 -> 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=32) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=32) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #2: 0x0000000102b9191b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1273 frame #3: 0x0000000103624a58 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 40 at ustrbuf.hxx:93 frame #4: 0x000000010362438b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 27 at ustrbuf.hxx:92 frame #5: 0x00000001036464ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 107 at static_types.cxx:308 frame #6: 0x0000000146c5fb8a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 58 at Sequence.hxx:216 frame #7: 0x0000000146c62af9 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 25 at Sequence.hxx:51 frame #8: 0x0000000146c445d5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 21 at Sequence.hxx:50 frame #9: 0x0000000146c5d5bd libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 109 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 frame #10: 0x0000000146c456c5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 frame #11: 0x0000000146c44f51 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 113 at pkgcontent.cxx:147 frame #12: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #13: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #14: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #15: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #16: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #17: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #18: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #19: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #20: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #21: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #22: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #23: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #24: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #25: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #26: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #27: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #28: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #29: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #32: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b780) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=76) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=76) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=32) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9191b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1273, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9191b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1273 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 -> 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9192f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1274, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9192f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1274 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91987 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 263 at strtmpl.cxx:1275, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91987 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 263 at strtmpl.cxx:1275 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91995 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1277, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91995 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1277 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 -> 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } 1280 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } 1280 } 1281 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b919bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 315 at strtmpl.cxx:1280, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b919bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nLen=32) + 315 at strtmpl.cxx:1280 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } -> 1280 } 1281 1282 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1283 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624a58 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 40 at ustrbuf.hxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624a58 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 40 at ustrbuf.hxx:94 91 , nCapacity( length ) 92 { 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); -> 94 } 95 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L 96 explicit OUStringBuffer(unsigned int length) 97 : OUStringBuffer(static_cast(length)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362438b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 27 at ustrbuf.hxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362438b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458, length=32) + 27 at ustrbuf.hxx:94 91 , nCapacity( length ) 92 { 93 rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pData, length ); -> 94 } 95 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L 96 explicit OUStringBuffer(unsigned int length) 97 : OUStringBuffer(static_cast(length)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 107 at static_types.cxx:308, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 107 at static_types.cxx:308 305 MutexGuard aGuard( typelib_StaticInitMutex::get() ); 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { -> 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464b0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 112 at static_types.cxx:309, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464b0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 112 at static_types.cxx:309 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); -> 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036466d4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 20 at ustrbuf.hxx:572, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036466d4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 20 at ustrbuf.hxx:572 569 template< typename T > 570 typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, OUStringBuffer& >::Type append( T& literal ) 571 { -> 572 assert( 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103647e4c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [3]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103647e4c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [3]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169 166 static const std::size_t length = N - 1; 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) -> 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036466e1 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 33 at ustrbuf.hxx:572, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036466e1 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 33 at ustrbuf.hxx:572 569 template< typename T > 570 typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, OUStringBuffer& >::Type append( T& literal ) 571 { -> 572 assert( 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646714 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 84 at ustrbuf.hxx:575, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646714 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 84 at ustrbuf.hxx:575 572 assert( 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( -> 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), 576 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 577 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 578 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624b5c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8458) const + 12 at ustrbuf.hxx:331, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624b5c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8458) const + 12 at ustrbuf.hxx:331 328 */ 329 sal_Int32 getLength() const 330 { -> 331 return pData->length; 332 } 333 334 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646729 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 105 at ustrbuf.hxx:576, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646729 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 105 at ustrbuf.hxx:576 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), -> 576 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 577 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 578 return *this; 579 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103647e78 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [3]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103647e78 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [3]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } -> 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 173 template (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646735 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 117 at ustrbuf.hxx:576, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646735 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 117 at ustrbuf.hxx:576 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), -> 576 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 577 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 578 return *this; 579 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364673b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 123 at ustrbuf.hxx:574, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364673b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 123 at ustrbuf.hxx:574 571 { 572 assert( 573 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 574 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), 576 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 577 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); (lldb) bt all thread #1: tid = 0x1866, 0x00007fff7838fc88 CoreFoundation`CFDictionaryGetValue + 104, queue = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff7838fc88 CoreFoundation`CFDictionaryGetValue + 104 frame #1: 0x00007fff783ca80a CoreFoundation`CFLocaleCreate + 234 frame #2: 0x00007fff78825ead CoreGraphics`CGCreateCanonicalLanguageLocale + 40 frame #3: 0x00007fff78825f00 CoreGraphics`CGCreateLocaleForLCID + 60 frame #4: 0x00007fff78c7db7c CoreGraphics`create_locale + 101 frame #5: 0x00007fff78c7da80 CoreGraphics`add_sorted_names_with_name_id + 567 frame #6: 0x00007fff78c7d103 CoreGraphics`copy_localized_value + 89 frame #7: 0x00007fff78c7d19a CoreGraphics`CGFontNameTableCopyNameForLocale + 87 frame #8: 0x00007fff76f7f294 libFontRegistry.dylib`TClientFontEntity::CopyFullName(bool) const + 384 frame #9: 0x00007fff76f7e7e8 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddFontToIndex(TFontIndex const*, unsigned int, CGFont*) const + 126 frame #10: 0x00007fff76f7b1ad libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddAllFontsToIndex(TFontIndex const*) const + 217 frame #11: 0x00007fff76f77de3 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::GetIndex(unsigned short) const + 313 frame #12: 0x00007fff76f8ba9d libFontRegistry.dylib`__CFURL const* TFontRegistryImp::CopyFontForNameCommon(__CFString const*, TFontQueryOptions const&) const + 125 frame #13: 0x00007fff76f7952a libFontRegistry.dylib`XTCopyFontWithName + 94 frame #14: 0x00007fff79a03fb3 CoreText`TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostScriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, unsigned long) const + 355 frame #15: 0x00007fff799f5bd9 CoreText`ContainsAndIsOnlySearchableAttribute(__CFDictionary const*, TDescriptorSource const&, __CFString const*, unsigned long) + 90 frame #16: 0x00007fff79967c95 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*, bool) const + 219 frame #17: 0x00007fff79967acc CoreText`TDescriptor::InitBaseFont(bool) + 34 frame #18: 0x00007fff79967707 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*, double, unsigned long) const + 261 frame #19: 0x00007fff799873c7 CoreText`CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor + 100 frame #20: 0x00007fff8ab2a17d UIFoundation`+[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:options:] + 296 frame #21: 0x00007fff8ab2e973 UIFoundation`__NSFontFactoryWithName + 138 frame #22: 0x00007fff8ab2e83d UIFoundation`+[NSFont fontWithName:size:] + 44 frame #23: 0x00007fff8aa828e7 UIFoundation`__NSDefaultFont_block_invoke + 39 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d4a0128 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d4a00e5 libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 38 frame #26: 0x00007fff8aa828bd UIFoundation`NSDefaultFont + 41 frame #27: 0x00007fff760ce17a AppKit`__NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 578 frame #28: 0x00007fff761febc6 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 frame #29: 0x00007fff761feac1 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell + 57 frame #30: 0x00007fff761fe660 AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 554 frame #31: 0x00007fff761859a9 AppKit`+[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 frame #32: 0x00007fff761fe42b AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 135 frame #33: 0x00007fff761f94d8 AppKit`-[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 frame #34: 0x00007fff761fe395 AppKit`-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 181 frame #35: 0x00007fff761f9210 AppKit`+[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 frame #36: 0x00007fff7df26a38 QuartzCore`CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 frame #37: 0x00007fff7e043a3c QuartzCore`___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 frame #38: 0x00007fff7e04369d QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 frame #39: 0x00007fff761ee8ce AppKit`_NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 frame #40: 0x00007fff7e037546 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 frame #41: 0x00007fff7e037671 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 frame #42: 0x00007fff7e02ce88 QuartzCore`CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 frame #43: 0x00007fff7df23d55 QuartzCore`CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 frame #44: 0x00007fff764b6c69 AppKit`__37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 frame #45: 0x00007fff7842aec7 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 frame #46: 0x00007fff7842ae37 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 frame #47: 0x00007fff7840bad9 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 873 frame #48: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #49: 0x00007fff779a8fbc HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 frame #50: 0x00007fff779a8cf9 HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184 frame #51: 0x00007fff779a8c26 HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 frame #52: 0x00007fff76092b79 AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 1093 frame #53: 0x00007fff767a81c3 AppKit`-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1637 frame #54: 0x000000010a3d3ef6 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::DoYield(this=0x00006080000abf40, bWait=false, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 998 at salinst.cxx:628 frame #55: 0x000000010a2638f0 libvcllo.dylib`ImplYield(i_bWait=false, i_bAllEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 1744 at svapp.cxx:505 frame #56: 0x000000010a2631d8 libvcllo.dylib`Application::Yield() + 24 at svapp.cxx:552 frame #57: 0x000000010a26314e libvcllo.dylib`Application::Execute() + 478 at svapp.cxx:469 frame #58: 0x0000000102c8a5b9 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::DoExecute() + 9 at app.cxx:1366 frame #59: 0x0000000102c8d6d3 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::Main(this=0x00007fff5d0bcb68) + 12563 at app.cxx:1693 frame #60: 0x000000010a271b0a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMain() + 186 at svmain.cxx:185 frame #61: 0x000000010a3d33a9 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 249 at salinst.cxx:469 frame #62: 0x000000010a519a00 libvcllo.dylib`::-[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:](self=0x00006000001101a0, _cmd="sendEvent:", pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 80 at frame #63: 0x00007fff76087589 AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 1002 frame #64: 0x00007fff760521ad AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 1237 frame #65: 0x000000010a3d189a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMainHook(pnInit=0x00007fff5d0bcae4) + 522 at salinst.cxx:211 frame #66: 0x000000010a27337c libvcllo.dylib`SVMain() + 44 at svmain.cxx:220 frame #67: 0x0000000102d02606 libsofficeapp.dylib`::soffice_main() + 534 at sofficemain.cxx:165 frame #68: 0x0000000102b43efd soffice`sal_main + 13 at main.c:48 frame #69: 0x0000000102b43ed7 soffice`main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fff5d0bcc50) + 39 at main.c:47 frame #70: 0x00007fff8d4d6255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 thread #2: tid = 0x1872, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102b6019e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_wait(seconds=10) + 110 at alloc_cache.cxx:1334 frame #3: 0x0000000102b60077 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_all(arg=0x000000000000000a) + 87 at alloc_cache.cxx:1485 frame #4: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #5: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #4: tid = 0x1882, 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10, name = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d5fc867 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg + 55 frame #2: 0x00007fff7840c834 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 frame #3: 0x00007fff7840bcc1 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1361 frame #4: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #5: 0x00007fff761df5a0 AppKit`_NSEventThread + 205 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #5: tid = 0x188e, 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #1: 0x0000000102bc5a40 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acceptPipe(pPipe=0x00007ff0fb898a00) + 224 at pipe.cxx:428 frame #2: 0x0000000102cf7972 libsofficeapp.dylib`osl::Pipe::accept(this=0x000060000127e330, Connection=0x0000700010178860) + 50 at pipe.hxx:151 frame #3: 0x0000000102cf5b20 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute(this=0x000060000127e300) + 160 at officeipcthread.cxx:1193 frame #4: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #5: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #6: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000127e300) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #7: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x00006000001146d0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #10: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #6: tid = 0x1a11, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102ba5132 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_waitCondition(Condition=0x00006000000e5c80, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 3010 at conditn.cxx:201 frame #3: 0x0000000144ce3340 libupdchklo.dylib`osl::Condition::wait(this=0x0000600000179770, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 32 at conditn.hxx:84 frame #4: 0x0000000144ce7260 libupdchklo.dylib`(anonymous namespace)::UpdateCheckThread::run(this=0x00000001445aaf90) + 720 at updatecheck.cxx:506 frame #5: 0x0000000144ce329e libupdchklo.dylib`::threadFunc(param=0x00000001445aaf90) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #6: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x0000608000717190) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #10: tid = 0xb12b, 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ed622 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 1023 frame #2: 0x00007fff8d6ed211 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 13 * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364673b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 123 at ustrbuf.hxx:574, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x000000010364673b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 123 at ustrbuf.hxx:574 frame #1: 0x00000001036464c0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 128 at static_types.cxx:309 frame #2: 0x0000000146c5fb8a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 58 at Sequence.hxx:216 frame #3: 0x0000000146c62af9 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 25 at Sequence.hxx:51 frame #4: 0x0000000146c445d5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 21 at Sequence.hxx:50 frame #5: 0x0000000146c5d5bd libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 109 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 frame #6: 0x0000000146c456c5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f51 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 113 at pkgcontent.cxx:147 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e23b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:191, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e23b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:191 188 const sal_Char * str, 189 sal_Int32 len) 190 { -> 191 assert(This); 192 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 193 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 194 assert(len == 0 || str != nullptr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e27a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:192, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e27a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:192 189 sal_Int32 len) 190 { 191 assert(This); -> 192 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 193 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 194 assert(len == 0 || str != nullptr); 195 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e2cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:193, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e2cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:193 190 { 191 assert(This); 192 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 193 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 194 assert(len == 0 || str != nullptr); 195 assert(len >= 0); 196 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e327 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 263 at ustrbuf.cxx:194, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e327 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 263 at ustrbuf.cxx:194 191 assert(This); 192 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 193 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 194 assert(len == 0 || str != nullptr); 195 assert(len >= 0); 196 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 197 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e375 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 341 at ustrbuf.cxx:195, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e375 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 341 at ustrbuf.cxx:195 192 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 193 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 194 assert(len == 0 || str != nullptr); -> 195 assert(len >= 0); 196 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 197 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 198 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e3af libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 399 at ustrbuf.cxx:199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e3af libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 399 at ustrbuf.cxx:199 196 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 197 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 198 sal_Int32 n; -> 199 if( len != 0 ) 200 { 201 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 202 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e3b9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 409 at ustrbuf.cxx:201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e3b9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 409 at ustrbuf.cxx:201 198 sal_Int32 n; 199 if( len != 0 ) 200 { -> 201 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 202 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 203 204 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e3f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 464 at ustrbuf.cxx:204, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e3f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 464 at ustrbuf.cxx:204 201 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 202 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 203 -> 204 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 205 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 206 207 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e3fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 477 at ustrbuf.cxx:205, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e3fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 477 at ustrbuf.cxx:205 202 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 203 204 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 205 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 206 207 /* copy the tail */ 208 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e40c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 492 at ustrbuf.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e40c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 492 at ustrbuf.cxx:208 205 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 206 207 /* copy the tail */ -> 208 n = (nOldLen - offset); 209 if( n == 1 ) 210 /* optimized for 1 character */ 211 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e415 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 501 at ustrbuf.cxx:209, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e415 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 501 at ustrbuf.cxx:209 206 207 /* copy the tail */ 208 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 209 if( n == 1 ) 210 /* optimized for 1 character */ 211 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 212 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e441 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 545 at ustrbuf.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e441 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 545 at ustrbuf.cxx:212 209 if( n == 1 ) 210 /* optimized for 1 character */ 211 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 212 else if( n > 1 ) 213 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 214 215 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e48c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 620 at ustrbuf.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e48c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 620 at ustrbuf.cxx:216 213 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 214 215 /* insert the new characters */ -> 216 for( n = 0; n < len; n++ ) 217 { 218 /* Check ASCII range */ 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e49f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 639 at ustrbuf.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e49f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 639 at ustrbuf.cxx:219 216 for( n = 0; n < len; n++ ) 217 { 218 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); 220 221 pBuf[offset + n] = (sal_Unicode)*(str++); 222 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e4e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 711 at ustrbuf.cxx:221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e4e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="[]", len=2) + 711 at ustrbuf.cxx:221 218 /* Check ASCII range */ 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); 220 -> 221 pBuf[offset + n] = (sal_Unicode)*(str++); 222 } 223 224 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e50e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 750 at ustrbuf.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e50e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 750 at ustrbuf.cxx:216 213 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 214 215 /* insert the new characters */ -> 216 for( n = 0; n < len; n++ ) 217 { 218 /* Check ASCII range */ 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e49f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 639 at ustrbuf.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e49f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 639 at ustrbuf.cxx:219 216 for( n = 0; n < len; n++ ) 217 { 218 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); 220 221 pBuf[offset + n] = (sal_Unicode)*(str++); 222 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e4e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 711 at ustrbuf.cxx:221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e4e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="]", len=2) + 711 at ustrbuf.cxx:221 218 /* Check ASCII range */ 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); 220 -> 221 pBuf[offset + n] = (sal_Unicode)*(str++); 222 } 223 224 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e50e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 750 at ustrbuf.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e50e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 750 at ustrbuf.cxx:216 213 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 214 215 /* insert the new characters */ -> 216 for( n = 0; n < len; n++ ) 217 { 218 /* Check ASCII range */ 219 OSL_ENSURE( (*str & 0x80) == 0, "Found ASCII char > 127"); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e51c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 764 at ustrbuf.cxx:224, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e51c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 764 at ustrbuf.cxx:224 221 pBuf[offset + n] = (sal_Unicode)*(str++); 222 } 223 -> 224 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 225 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 226 } 227 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e52c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 780 at ustrbuf.cxx:225, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e52c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 780 at ustrbuf.cxx:225 222 } 223 224 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 225 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 226 } 227 } 228 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e53f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 799 at ustrbuf.cxx:227, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e53f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=0, str="", len=2) + 799 at ustrbuf.cxx:227 224 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 225 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 226 } -> 227 } 228 229 /************************************************************************* 230 * rtl_uStringbuffer_remove (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364674e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 142 at ustrbuf.hxx:578, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364674e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, literal=) [3]) + 142 at ustrbuf.hxx:578 575 &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), 576 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 577 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); -> 578 return *this; 579 } 580 581 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464c0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 128 at static_types.cxx:309, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464c0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 128 at static_types.cxx:309 306 if (! *ppRef) 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); -> 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464c9 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 137 at static_types.cxx:310, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464c9 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 137 at static_types.cxx:310 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); -> 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646786 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 38 at ustrbuf.hxx:696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646786 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 38 at ustrbuf.hxx:696 693 */ 694 OUStringBuffer & append(rtl_uString* str) 695 { -> 696 return append( OUString( str )); 697 } 698 699 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625964 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625964 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:156 153 @param str a OUString data. 154 */ 155 OUString( rtl_uString * str ) -> 156 { 157 pData = str; 158 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626094 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626094 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:157 154 */ 155 OUString( rtl_uString * str ) 156 { -> 157 pData = str; 158 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 159 } 160 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362609b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 27 at ustring.hxx:158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362609b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 27 at ustring.hxx:158 155 OUString( rtl_uString * str ) 156 { 157 pData = str; -> 158 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); 159 } 160 161 /** New OUString from OUString data without acquiring it. Takeover of ownership. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9153c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91541 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 17 at strtmpl.cxx:1210 1207 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( acquire )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { -> 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91546 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_acquire(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1211 1208 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1209 { 1210 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pThis ); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1214 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036260a3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 35 at ustring.hxx:159, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036260a3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 35 at ustring.hxx:159 156 { 157 pData = str; 158 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 159 } 160 161 /** New OUString from OUString data without acquiring it. Takeover of ownership. 162 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362596d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 29 at ustring.hxx:159, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362596d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 29 at ustring.hxx:159 156 { 157 pData = str; 158 rtl_uString_acquire( pData ); -> 159 } 160 161 /** New OUString from OUString data without acquiring it. Takeover of ownership. 162 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646796 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 54 at ustrbuf.hxx:696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646796 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 54 at ustrbuf.hxx:696 693 */ 694 OUStringBuffer & append(rtl_uString* str) 695 { -> 696 return append( OUString( str )); 697 } 698 699 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624454 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 20 at ustrbuf.hxx:504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624454 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 20 at ustrbuf.hxx:504 501 */ 502 OUStringBuffer & append(const OUString &str) 503 { -> 504 return append( str.getStr(), str.getLength() ); 505 } 506 507 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624b1c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee83d0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624b1c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee83d0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628 625 626 @return a pointer to the Unicode characters buffer for this object. 627 */ -> 628 const sal_Unicode * getStr() const { return pData->buffer; } 629 630 /** 631 Access to individual characters. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624464 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 36 at ustrbuf.hxx:504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624464 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 36 at ustrbuf.hxx:504 501 */ 502 OUStringBuffer & append(const OUString &str) 503 { -> 504 return append( str.getStr(), str.getLength() ); 505 } 506 507 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624b3c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee83d0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624b3c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee83d0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624471 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 49 at ustrbuf.hxx:504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624471 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 49 at ustrbuf.hxx:504 501 */ 502 OUStringBuffer & append(const OUString &str) 503 { -> 504 return append( str.getStr(), str.getLength() ); 505 } 506 507 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624a79 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 25 at ustrbuf.hxx:559, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624a79 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 25 at ustrbuf.hxx:559 556 */ 557 OUStringBuffer & append( const sal_Unicode * str, sal_Int32 len) 558 { -> 559 assert( len == 0 || str != NULL ); // cannot assert that in rtl_uStringbuffer_insert 560 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), str, len ); 561 return *this; 562 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624acb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 107 at ustrbuf.hxx:560, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624acb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 107 at ustrbuf.hxx:560 557 OUStringBuffer & append( const sal_Unicode * str, sal_Int32 len) 558 { 559 assert( len == 0 || str != NULL ); // cannot assert that in rtl_uStringbuffer_insert -> 560 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), str, len ); 561 return *this; 562 } 563 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624b5c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8458) const + 12 at ustrbuf.hxx:331, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624b5c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8458) const + 12 at ustrbuf.hxx:331 328 */ 329 sal_Int32 getLength() const 330 { -> 331 return pData->length; 332 } 333 334 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624ae0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 128 at ustrbuf.hxx:560, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624ae0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 128 at ustrbuf.hxx:560 557 OUStringBuffer & append( const sal_Unicode * str, sal_Int32 len) 558 { 559 assert( len == 0 || str != NULL ); // cannot assert that in rtl_uStringbuffer_insert -> 560 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), str, len ); 561 return *this; 562 } 563 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e079 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 585 at ustrbuf.cxx:159, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e079 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 585 at ustrbuf.cxx:159 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else -> 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee8458, capacity=0x000070000fee8460, offset=2, str=u"byte", len=4) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624af7 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 151 at ustrbuf.hxx:561, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624af7 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=u"byte", len=4) + 151 at ustrbuf.hxx:561 558 { 559 assert( len == 0 || str != NULL ); // cannot assert that in rtl_uStringbuffer_insert 560 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pData, &nCapacity, getLength(), str, len ); -> 561 return *this; 562 } 563 564 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624480 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 64 at ustrbuf.hxx:504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624480 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x000070000fee83d0) + 64 at ustrbuf.hxx:504 501 */ 502 OUStringBuffer & append(const OUString &str) 503 { -> 504 return append( str.getStr(), str.getLength() ); 505 } 506 507 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036467a3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 67 at ustrbuf.hxx:696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036467a3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 67 at ustrbuf.hxx:696 693 */ 694 OUStringBuffer & append(rtl_uString* str) 695 { -> 696 return append( OUString( str )); 697 } 698 699 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624590 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624590 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c30 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c30 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001175b54f8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c38 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c38 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624595 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624595 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee83d0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036467b5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 85 at ustrbuf.hxx:696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036467b5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(this=0x000070000fee8458, str=0x00000001175b54f8) + 85 at ustrbuf.hxx:696 693 */ 694 OUStringBuffer & append(rtl_uString* str) 695 { -> 696 return append( OUString( str )); 697 } 698 699 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464da libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 154 at static_types.cxx:310, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464da libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 154 at static_types.cxx:310 307 { 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); -> 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464e3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 163 at static_types.cxx:311, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464e3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 163 at static_types.cxx:311 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); -> 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624543 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:320, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624543 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 19 at ustrbuf.hxx:320 317 OUString makeStringAndClear() 318 { 319 return OUString( -> 320 rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear( &pData, &nCapacity ), 321 SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 322 } 323 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8da60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 16 at ustrbuf.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8da60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 16 at ustrbuf.cxx:61 58 rtl_uString * SAL_CALL rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear( rtl_uString ** ppThis, 59 sal_Int32 *nCapacity ) 60 { -> 61 assert(ppThis); 62 assert(nCapacity); 63 // avoid an un-necessary atomic ref/unref pair 64 rtl_uString *pStr = *ppThis; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8da9b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 75 at ustrbuf.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8da9b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 75 at ustrbuf.cxx:62 59 sal_Int32 *nCapacity ) 60 { 61 assert(ppThis); -> 62 assert(nCapacity); 63 // avoid an un-necessary atomic ref/unref pair 64 rtl_uString *pStr = *ppThis; 65 *ppThis = nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dad6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 134 at ustrbuf.cxx:64, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dad6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 134 at ustrbuf.cxx:64 61 assert(ppThis); 62 assert(nCapacity); 63 // avoid an un-necessary atomic ref/unref pair -> 64 rtl_uString *pStr = *ppThis; 65 *ppThis = nullptr; 66 67 rtl_uString_new (ppThis); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dae1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 145 at ustrbuf.cxx:65, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dae1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 145 at ustrbuf.cxx:65 62 assert(nCapacity); 63 // avoid an un-necessary atomic ref/unref pair 64 rtl_uString *pStr = *ppThis; -> 65 *ppThis = nullptr; 66 67 rtl_uString_new (ppThis); 68 *nCapacity = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8daec libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 156 at ustrbuf.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8daec libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 156 at ustrbuf.cxx:67 64 rtl_uString *pStr = *ppThis; 65 *ppThis = nullptr; 66 -> 67 rtl_uString_new (ppThis); 68 *nCapacity = 0; 69 70 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8daf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 165 at ustrbuf.cxx:68, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8daf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 165 at ustrbuf.cxx:68 65 *ppThis = nullptr; 66 67 rtl_uString_new (ppThis); -> 68 *nCapacity = 0; 69 70 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( pStr ); 71 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8daff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8daff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(ppThis=0x000070000fee8458, nCapacity=0x000070000fee8460) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:72 69 70 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( pStr ); 71 -> 72 return pStr; 73 } 74 75 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL rtl_uStringbuffer_newFromStringBuffer( rtl_uString ** newStr, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362455d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 45 at ustrbuf.hxx:320, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362455d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 45 at ustrbuf.hxx:320 317 OUString makeStringAndClear() 318 { 319 return OUString( -> 320 rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear( &pData, &nCapacity ), 321 SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 322 } 323 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362455f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 47 at ustrbuf.hxx:319, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362455f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 47 at ustrbuf.hxx:319 316 */ 317 OUString makeStringAndClear() 318 { -> 319 return OUString( 320 rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear( &pData, &nCapacity ), 321 SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 322 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624be7 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624be7 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c13 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c13 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624bf3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624bf3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448, str=0x0000000144565d88, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010362456b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 59 at ustrbuf.hxx:319, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010362456b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 59 at ustrbuf.hxx:319 316 */ 317 OUString makeStringAndClear() 318 { -> 319 return OUString( 320 rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear( &pData, &nCapacity ), 321 SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 322 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464f0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 176 at static_types.cxx:311, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464f0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 176 at static_types.cxx:311 308 OUStringBuffer aBuf( 32 ); 309 aBuf.append( "[]" ); 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); -> 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464f5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 181 at static_types.cxx:313, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464f5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 181 at static_types.cxx:313 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 -> 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); 315 if (!*ppRef) 316 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646809 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 9 at typedescription.h:992, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646809 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 9 at typedescription.h:992 989 */ 990 inline bool TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK( _typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass ) 991 { -> 992 return (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD) || 993 (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE); 994 } 995 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646816 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 22 at typedescription.h:993, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646816 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 22 at typedescription.h:993 990 inline bool TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK( _typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass ) 991 { 992 return (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD) || -> 993 (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE); 994 } 995 996 /** Gets a description from the reference. The description may not be locked by this call. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646823 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 35 at typedescription.h:992, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646823 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(eTypeClass=typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) + 35 at typedescription.h:992 989 */ 990 inline bool TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK( _typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass ) 991 { -> 992 return (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD) || 993 (eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE); 994 } 995 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036464ff libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 191 at static_types.cxx:313, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036464ff libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 191 at static_types.cxx:313 310 aBuf.append( pElementType->pTypeName ); 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 -> 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); 315 if (!*ppRef) 316 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646585 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 325 at static_types.cxx:314, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646585 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 325 at static_types.cxx:314 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); -> 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); 315 if (!*ppRef) 316 { 317 typelib_TypeDescription * pReg = nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364684e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 30 at static_types.cxx:101, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364684e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 30 at static_types.cxx:101 98 // !for NOT REALLY WEAK TYPES only! 99 static inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * igetTypeByName( rtl_uString * pTypeName ) 100 { -> 101 typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef = nullptr; 102 ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName( &pRef, pTypeName ); 103 if (pRef && pRef->pType && pRef->pType->pWeakRef) // found initialized td 104 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646856 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 38 at static_types.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646856 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 38 at static_types.cxx:102 99 static inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * igetTypeByName( rtl_uString * pTypeName ) 100 { 101 typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef = nullptr; -> 102 ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName( &pRef, pTypeName ); 103 if (pRef && pRef->pType && pRef->pType->pWeakRef) // found initialized td 104 { 105 return pRef; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652ec8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 40 at typelib.cxx:2230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652ec8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 40 at typelib.cxx:2230 2227 typelib_TypeDescriptionReference ** ppRet, rtl_uString * pName ) 2228 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 2229 { -> 2230 if( *ppRet ) 2231 { 2232 typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( *ppRet ); 2233 *ppRet = nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652ef6 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 86 at typelib.cxx:2235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652ef6 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 86 at typelib.cxx:2235 2232 typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( *ppRet ); 2233 *ppRet = nullptr; 2234 } -> 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364b1e4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 4 at instance.hxx:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364b1e4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 4 at instance.hxx:412 409 static variable 410 */ 411 static T & get() { -> 412 return *rtl_Instance< 413 T, StaticInstance, 414 ::osl::MutexGuard, ::osl::GetGlobalMutex >::create( 415 StaticInstance(), ::osl::GetGlobalMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365d026 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 22 at instance.hxx:278, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365d026 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 22 at instance.hxx:278 275 #if defined _MSC_VER 276 static Inst * m_pInstance = 0; 277 #endif // _MSC_VER -> 278 Inst * p = m_pInstance; 279 if (!p) 280 { 281 Guard aGuard(aGuardCtor()); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365d031 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 33 at instance.hxx:279, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365d031 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 33 at instance.hxx:279 276 static Inst * m_pInstance = 0; 277 #endif // _MSC_VER 278 Inst * p = m_pInstance; -> 279 if (!p) 280 { 281 Guard aGuard(aGuardCtor()); 282 p = m_pInstance; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365d0c2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 178 at instance.hxx:294, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365d0c2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::rtl_Instance::StaticInstance, osl::Guard, osl::GetGlobalMutex, int, int>::create(rtl::Static::StaticInstance, osl::GetGlobalMutex) + 178 at instance.hxx:294 291 { 292 OSL_DOUBLE_CHECKED_LOCKING_MEMORY_BARRIER(); 293 } -> 294 return p; 295 } 296 297 static inline Inst * create(InstCtor aInstCtor, GuardCtor aGuardCtor, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364b1ed libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 13 at instance.hxx:412, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364b1ed libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::Static::get() + 13 at instance.hxx:412 409 static variable 410 */ 411 static T & get() { -> 412 return *rtl_Instance< 413 T, StaticInstance, 414 ::osl::MutexGuard, ::osl::GetGlobalMutex >::create( 415 StaticInstance(), ::osl::GetGlobalMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652efb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 91 at typelib.cxx:2235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652efb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 91 at typelib.cxx:2235 2232 typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( *ppRet ); 2233 *ppRet = nullptr; 2234 } -> 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652f15 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 117 at typelib.cxx:2236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652f15 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 117 at typelib.cxx:2236 2233 *ppRet = nullptr; 2234 } 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); -> 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652f26 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 134 at typelib.cxx:2238, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652f26 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 134 at typelib.cxx:2238 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { -> 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103651c6e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::getMutex(this=0x00000001036b0ad0) + 30 at typelib.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103651c6e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::getMutex(this=0x00000001036b0ad0) + 30 at typelib.cxx:216 213 214 inline Mutex & TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::getMutex() 215 { -> 216 if( !pMutex ) 217 { 218 MutexGuard aGuard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); 219 if( !pMutex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103651d21 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::getMutex(this=0x00000001036b0ad0) + 209 at typelib.cxx:222, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103651d21 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::getMutex(this=0x00000001036b0ad0) + 209 at typelib.cxx:222 219 if( !pMutex ) 220 pMutex = new Mutex(); 221 } -> 222 return * pMutex; 223 } 224 225 inline void TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl::callChain( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652f32 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 146 at typelib.cxx:2238, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652f32 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 146 at typelib.cxx:2238 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { -> 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626cf4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626cf4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036295f4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036295f4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036295fb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036295fb libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fc0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x000060800001e970) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fc0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x000060800001e970) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fc8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x000060800001e970) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fc8 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x000060800001e970) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103629603 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103629603 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626cfd libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626cfd libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350, t=0x000060800001e970) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652f4e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 174 at typelib.cxx:2238, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652f4e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 174 at typelib.cxx:2238 2235 TypeDescriptor_Init_Impl &rInit = Init::get(); 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { -> 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652f53 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 179 at typelib.cxx:2239, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652f53 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 179 at typelib.cxx:2239 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); -> 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { 2242 sal_Int32 n = osl_atomic_increment( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103652ff2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 338 at unordered_map:1119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103652ff2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 338 at unordered_map:1119 1116 {return __table_.key_eq().key_eq();} 1117 1118 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY -> 1119 iterator find(const key_type& __k) {return __table_.find(__k);} 1120 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY 1121 const_iterator find(const key_type& __k) const {return __table_.find(__k);} 1122 _LIBCPP_INLINE_VISIBILITY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365300a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 362 at typelib.cxx:2239, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365300a libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 362 at typelib.cxx:2239 2236 if( rInit.pWeakMap ) 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); -> 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { 2242 sal_Int32 n = osl_atomic_increment( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365308b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 491 at typelib.cxx:2240, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365308b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 491 at typelib.cxx:2240 2237 { 2238 MutexGuard aGuard( rInit.getMutex() ); 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); -> 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { 2242 sal_Int32 n = osl_atomic_increment( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); 2243 if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036531fa libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 858 at typelib.cxx:2242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036531fa libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 858 at typelib.cxx:2242 2239 WeakMap_Impl::const_iterator aIt = rInit.pWeakMap->find( pName->buffer ); 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { -> 2242 sal_Int32 n = osl_atomic_increment( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); 2243 if( n > 1 ) 2244 { 2245 // The reference is incremented. The object cannot be destroyed. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365325d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 957 at typelib.cxx:2243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365325d libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 957 at typelib.cxx:2243 2240 if( !(aIt == rInit.pWeakMap->end()) ) // != failed on msc4.2 2241 { 2242 sal_Int32 n = osl_atomic_increment( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); -> 2243 if( n > 1 ) 2244 { 2245 // The reference is incremented. The object cannot be destroyed. 2246 // Release the guard at the earliest point. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365326e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 974 at typelib.cxx:2247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365326e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 974 at typelib.cxx:2247 2244 { 2245 // The reference is incremented. The object cannot be destroyed. 2246 // Release the guard at the earliest point. -> 2247 *ppRet = (*aIt).second; 2248 } 2249 else 2250 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036532c9 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1065 at typelib.cxx:2248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036532c9 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1065 at typelib.cxx:2248 2245 // The reference is incremented. The object cannot be destroyed. 2246 // Release the guard at the earliest point. 2247 *ppRet = (*aIt).second; -> 2248 } 2249 else 2250 { 2251 // destruction of this type in progress (another thread!) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365335e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1214 at typelib.cxx:2255, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365335e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1214 at typelib.cxx:2255 2252 // no access through this weak reference 2253 (void)osl_atomic_decrement( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); 2254 } -> 2255 } 2256 } 2257 } 2258 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103653367 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1223 at typelib.cxx:2256, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103653367 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1223 at typelib.cxx:2256 2253 (void)osl_atomic_decrement( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); 2254 } 2255 } -> 2256 } 2257 } 2258 2259 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625f70 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625f70 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() -> 134 { 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fec libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fec libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626020 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x000060800001e970) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626020 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x000060800001e970) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131 128 129 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_releaseMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 130 { -> 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133 130 { 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 -> 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { -> 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; -> 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 140 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143 140 return false; 141 } 142 -> 143 return true; 144 } 145 146 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000667300) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148 145 146 /* not initialized */ 147 return false; -> 148 } 149 150 static oslMutexImpl globalMutexImpl; 151 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626028 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x000060800001e970) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626028 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x000060800001e970) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625ff4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625ff4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625ffc libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625ffc libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625f75 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625f75 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8350) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010365336c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1228 at typelib.cxx:2256, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010365336c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1228 at typelib.cxx:2256 2253 (void)osl_atomic_decrement( &(*aIt).second->nRefCount ); 2254 } 2255 } -> 2256 } 2257 } 2258 2259 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103653380 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1248 at typelib.cxx:2257, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103653380 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName(ppRet=0x000070000fee83d0, pName=0x0000000144565d88) + 1248 at typelib.cxx:2257 2254 } 2255 } 2256 } -> 2257 } 2258 2259 2260 extern "C" sal_Bool SAL_CALL typelib_typedescriptionreference_equals( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646862 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 50 at static_types.cxx:103, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646862 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 50 at static_types.cxx:103 100 { 101 typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef = nullptr; 102 ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName( &pRef, pTypeName ); -> 103 if (pRef && pRef->pType && pRef->pType->pWeakRef) // found initialized td 104 { 105 return pRef; 106 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364688f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 95 at static_types.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364688f libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 95 at static_types.cxx:105 102 ::typelib_typedescriptionreference_getByName( &pRef, pTypeName ); 103 if (pRef && pRef->pType && pRef->pType->pWeakRef) // found initialized td 104 { -> 105 return pRef; 106 } 107 else 108 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036468ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 123 at static_types.cxx:111, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036468ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`igetTypeByName(pTypeName=0x0000000144565d88) + 123 at static_types.cxx:111 108 { 109 return nullptr; 110 } -> 111 } 112 113 extern "C" 114 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364658e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 334 at static_types.cxx:314, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364658e libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 334 at static_types.cxx:314 311 OUString aTypeName( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); -> 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); 315 if (!*ppRef) 316 { 317 typelib_TypeDescription * pReg = nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036465a2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 354 at static_types.cxx:315, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036465a2 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 354 at static_types.cxx:315 312 313 assert( ! TYPELIB_TYPEDESCRIPTIONREFERENCE_ISREALLYWEAK(typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE) ); 314 *ppRef = igetTypeByName( aTypeName.pData ); -> 315 if (!*ppRef) 316 { 317 typelib_TypeDescription * pReg = nullptr; 318 ::typelib_typedescription_new( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646642 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 514 at static_types.cxx:327, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646642 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 514 at static_types.cxx:327 324 assert( *ppRef == pReg->pWeakRef ); 325 } 326 // another static ref: -> 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); 328 } 329 } 330 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646652 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 530 at static_types.cxx:328, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646652 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 530 at static_types.cxx:328 325 } 326 // another static ref: 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); -> 328 } 329 } 330 } 331 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624590 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624590 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c30 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c30 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294b780, obj=0x0000000144565d80) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000144565d88) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000144565d88) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c38 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c38 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624595 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624595 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee8448) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646657 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 535 at static_types.cxx:328, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646657 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 535 at static_types.cxx:328 325 } 326 // another static ref: 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); -> 328 } 329 } 330 } 331 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036245b0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 16 at ustrbuf.hxx:305, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036245b0 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 16 at ustrbuf.hxx:305 302 Release the string data. 303 */ 304 ~OUStringBuffer() -> 305 { 306 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 307 } 308 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c50 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 16 at ustrbuf.hxx:306, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c50 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 16 at ustrbuf.hxx:306 303 */ 304 ~OUStringBuffer() 305 { -> 306 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 307 } 308 309 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103624c58 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 24 at ustrbuf.hxx:307, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103624c58 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 24 at ustrbuf.hxx:307 304 ~OUStringBuffer() 305 { 306 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 307 } 308 309 /** 310 Fill the string data in the new string and clear the buffer. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036245b5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 21 at ustrbuf.hxx:307, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036245b5 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer(this=0x000070000fee8458) + 21 at ustrbuf.hxx:307 304 ~OUStringBuffer() 305 { 306 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 307 } 308 309 /** 310 Fill the string data in the new string and clear the buffer. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646660 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 544 at static_types.cxx:328, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646660 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 544 at static_types.cxx:328 325 } 326 // another static ref: 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); -> 328 } 329 } 330 } 331 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103646677 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 567 at static_types.cxx:329, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103646677 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 567 at static_types.cxx:329 326 // another static ref: 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); 328 } -> 329 } 330 } 331 332 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625f70 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625f70 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 16 at mutex.hxx:134 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() -> 134 { 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625fec libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625fec libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 12 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626020 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626020 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc09e0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 32 at mutex.cxx:131 128 129 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_releaseMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 130 { -> 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a34 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 116 at mutex.cxx:133 130 { 131 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 132 -> 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a42 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 130 at mutex.cxx:135 132 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { -> 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 140 at mutex.cxx:136 133 if ( pMutex ) 134 { 135 int nRet=0; -> 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0a5e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 158 at mutex.cxx:137 134 { 135 int nRet=0; 136 nRet = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 137 if ( nRet != 0 ) 138 { 139 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_unlock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 140 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f76 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:143 140 return false; 141 } 142 -> 143 return true; 144 } 145 146 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0f90 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_releaseMutex(pMutex=0x00006080006672c0) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:148 145 146 /* not initialized */ 147 return false; -> 148 } 149 150 static oslMutexImpl globalMutexImpl; 151 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103626028 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103626028 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Mutex::release(this=0x00000001036b0ab0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:74 71 */ 72 bool release() 73 { -> 74 return osl_releaseMutex(mutex); 75 } 76 77 /** Returns a global static mutex object. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625ff4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625ff4 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 20 at mutex.hxx:135 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() 134 { -> 135 pT->release(); 136 } 137 }; 138 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625ffc libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625ffc libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 28 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103625f75 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103625f75 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`osl::Guard::~Guard(this=0x000070000fee8450) + 21 at mutex.hxx:136 133 ~Guard() 134 { 135 pT->release(); -> 136 } 137 }; 138 139 /** A helper class for mutex objects and interfaces. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010364667c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 572 at static_types.cxx:329, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010364667c libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::typelib_static_sequence_type_init(ppRef=0x0000000146c98fc0, pElementType=0x0000608000284a10) + 572 at static_types.cxx:329 326 // another static ref: 327 ++((*ppRef)->nStaticRefCount); 328 } -> 329 } 330 } 331 332 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb8a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 58 at Sequence.hxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb8a libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 58 at Sequence.hxx:216 213 SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T > const *) 214 { 215 if (::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType == 0) { -> 216 ::typelib_static_sequence_type_init( 217 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType, 218 (::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( 219 static_cast< (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb91 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 65 at Sequence.hxx:224, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb91 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 65 at Sequence.hxx:224 221 0)). 222 getTypeLibType())); 223 } -> 224 return detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 225 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType); 226 } 227 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41a88 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference(tdr=0x0000000146c98fc0) + 8 at unotype.hxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41a88 libucppkg1.dylib`cppu::detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference(tdr=0x0000000146c98fc0) + 8 at unotype.hxx:104 101 inline css::uno::Type const & getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 102 ::typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * const * tdr) 103 { -> 104 return *reinterpret_cast< css::uno::Type const * >(tdr); 105 } 106 107 inline css::uno::Type const & (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5fb96 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 70 at Sequence.hxx:224, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5fb96 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type const& cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned((null)=0x000070000fee86e0) + 70 at Sequence.hxx:224 221 0)). 222 getTypeLibType())); 223 } -> 224 return detail::getTypeFromTypeDescriptionReference( 225 &::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< T >::s_pType); 226 } 227 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62af9 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 25 at Sequence.hxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62af9 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 25 at Sequence.hxx:51 48 template< class E > 49 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence() 50 { -> 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62afd libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 29 at Sequence.hxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62afd libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 29 at Sequence.hxx:53 50 { 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( -> 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); 55 // no bad_alloc, because empty sequence is statically allocated in cppu 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c426ac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type::getTypeLibType(this=0x0000000146c98fc0) const + 12 at Type.h:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c426ac libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Type::getTypeLibType(this=0x0000000146c98fc0) const + 12 at Type.h:155 152 @return UNacquired type description reference 153 */ 154 inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * SAL_CALL getTypeLibType() const -> 155 { return _pType; } 156 157 /** Tests if values of this reflected type can be assigned by values of given type. 158 This includes widening conversion (e.g., long assignable from short), as long as there (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b06 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 38 at Sequence.hxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b06 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 38 at Sequence.hxx:53 50 { 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( -> 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); 55 // no bad_alloc, because empty sequence is statically allocated in cppu 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b13 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 51 at Sequence.hxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b13 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 51 at Sequence.hxx:52 49 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence() 50 { 51 const Type & rType = ::cppu::getTypeFavourUnsigned( this ); -> 52 ::uno_type_sequence_construct( 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); 55 // no bad_alloc, because empty sequence is statically allocated in cppu (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103699099 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 41 at sequence.cxx:670, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103699099 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 41 at sequence.cxx:670 667 uno_AcquireFunc acquire ) 668 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 669 { -> 670 assert( len >= 0 ); 671 bool ret; 672 if (len) 673 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036990ef libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 127 at sequence.cxx:672, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036990ef libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 127 at sequence.cxx:672 669 { 670 assert( len >= 0 ); 671 bool ret; -> 672 if (len) 673 { 674 typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr = nullptr; 675 TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTypeDescr, pType ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036991a6 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 310 at sequence.cxx:700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036991a6 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 310 at sequence.cxx:700 697 } 698 else 699 { -> 700 *ppSequence = createEmptySequence(); 701 ret = true; 702 } 703 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x000000010366081b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`cppu::createEmptySequence() + 11 at prim.hxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x000000010366081b libuno_cppu.dylib.3`cppu::createEmptySequence() + 11 at prim.hxx:113 110 111 inline uno_Sequence * createEmptySequence() 112 { -> 113 osl_atomic_increment( &g_emptySeq.nRefCount ); 114 return &g_emptySeq; 115 } 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103660825 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`cppu::createEmptySequence() + 21 at prim.hxx:114, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103660825 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`cppu::createEmptySequence() + 21 at prim.hxx:114 111 inline uno_Sequence * createEmptySequence() 112 { 113 osl_atomic_increment( &g_emptySeq.nRefCount ); -> 114 return &g_emptySeq; 115 } 116 117 inline typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * _getVoidType() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036991ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 315 at sequence.cxx:700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036991ab libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 315 at sequence.cxx:700 697 } 698 else 699 { -> 700 *ppSequence = createEmptySequence(); 701 ret = true; 702 } 703 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036991bf libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 335 at sequence.cxx:701, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036991bf libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 335 at sequence.cxx:701 698 else 699 { 700 *ppSequence = createEmptySequence(); -> 701 ret = true; 702 } 703 704 OSL_ASSERT( (*ppSequence != nullptr) == ret ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x00000001036991c3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 339 at sequence.cxx:704, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x00000001036991c3 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 339 at sequence.cxx:704 701 ret = true; 702 } 703 -> 704 OSL_ASSERT( (*ppSequence != nullptr) == ret ); 705 return ret; 706 } 707 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000103699239 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 457 at sequence.cxx:705, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000103699239 libuno_cppu.dylib.3`::uno_type_sequence_construct(ppSequence=0x000070000fee86e0, pType=0x00006080000abdc0, pElements=0x0000000000000000, len=0, acquire=(libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::cpp_acquire(void*) at genfunc.hxx:42)) + 457 at sequence.cxx:705 702 } 703 704 OSL_ASSERT( (*ppSequence != nullptr) == ret ); -> 705 return ret; 706 } 707 708 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b1f libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 63 at Sequence.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b1f libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 63 at Sequence.hxx:56 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); 55 // no bad_alloc, because empty sequence is statically allocated in cppu -> 56 } 57 58 template< class E > 59 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence( const Sequence & rSeq ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445d5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 21 at Sequence.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445d5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence(this=0x000070000fee86e0) + 21 at Sequence.hxx:56 53 &_pSequence, rType.getTypeLibType(), 54 0, 0, cpp_acquire ); 55 // no bad_alloc, because empty sequence is statically allocated in cppu -> 56 } 57 58 template< class E > 59 inline Sequence< E >::Sequence( const Sequence & rSeq ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d5bd libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 109 at pkgcontent.hxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d5bd libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 109 at pkgcontent.hxx:74 71 bool bEncrypted; // Encrypted 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 -> 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d5c2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 114 at pkgcontent.hxx:75, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d5c2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 114 at pkgcontent.hxx:75 72 bool bHasEncryptedEntries; // HasEncryptedEntries 73 74 ContentProperties() -> 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d5ce libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 126 at pkgcontent.hxx:76, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d5ce libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 126 at pkgcontent.hxx:76 73 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), -> 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 79 explicit ContentProperties( const OUString& rContentType ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d5d6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 134 at pkgcontent.hxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d5d6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 134 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), -> 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 79 explicit ContentProperties( const OUString& rContentType ); 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c456c5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at pkgcontent.hxx:77, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c456c5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties(this=0x000070000fee86c0) + 21 at pkgcontent.hxx:77 74 ContentProperties() 75 : bIsDocument( true ), bIsFolder( false ), nSize( 0 ), 76 bCompressed( true ), bEncrypted( false ), -> 77 bHasEncryptedEntries( false ) {} 78 79 explicit ContentProperties( const OUString& rContentType ); 80 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f51 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 113 at pkgcontent.cxx:147, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f51 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 113 at pkgcontent.cxx:147 144 { 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); -> 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 150 if ( loadData( pProvider, aURI, aProps, xPackage ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f56 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 118 at pkgcontent.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f56 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 118 at pkgcontent.cxx:148 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; -> 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 150 if ( loadData( pProvider, aURI, aProps, xPackage ) ) 151 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c456e0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 16 at Reference.hxx:115, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c456e0 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 16 at Reference.hxx:115 112 113 template< class interface_type > 114 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference() -> 115 { 116 _pInterface = NULL; 117 } 118 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62e4c libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 12 at Reference.hxx:116, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62e4c libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 12 at Reference.hxx:116 113 template< class interface_type > 114 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference() 115 { -> 116 _pInterface = NULL; 117 } 118 119 template< class interface_type > (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62e53 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 19 at Reference.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62e53 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 19 at Reference.hxx:117 114 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference() 115 { 116 _pInterface = NULL; -> 117 } 118 119 template< class interface_type > 120 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( const Reference< interface_type > & rRef ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c456e5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 21 at Reference.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c456e5 libucppkg1.dylib`com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference(this=0x000070000fee86b0) + 21 at Reference.hxx:117 114 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference() 115 { 116 _pInterface = NULL; -> 117 } 118 119 template< class interface_type > 120 inline Reference< interface_type >::Reference( const Reference< interface_type > & rRef ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f62 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 130 at pkgcontent.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f62 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 130 at pkgcontent.cxx:148 145 OUString aURL = Identifier->getContentIdentifier(); 146 PackageUri aURI( aURL ); 147 ContentProperties aProps; -> 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 150 if ( loadData( pProvider, aURI, aProps, xPackage ) ) 151 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44f67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 135 at pkgcontent.cxx:150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44f67 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 135 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 147 ContentProperties aProps; 148 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > xPackage; 149 -> 150 if ( loadData( pProvider, aURI, aProps, xPackage ) ) 151 { 152 // resource exists 153 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c45725 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 53 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c45725 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 53 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 2236 ContentProperties& rProps, 2237 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > & rxPackage ) 2238 { -> 2239 rxPackage = pProvider->createPackage( rURI ); 2240 2241 if ( rURI.isRootFolder() ) 2242 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c74172 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 50 at pkgprovider.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c74172 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 50 at pkgprovider.cxx:210 207 uno::Reference< container::XHierarchicalNameAccess > 208 ContentProvider::createPackage( const PackageUri & rURI ) 209 { -> 210 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 211 212 OUString rURL = rURI.getPackage() + rURI.getParam(); 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40124 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40124 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:128 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) -> 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42514 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42514 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 20 at mutex.hxx:127 124 125 /** Acquires the object specified as parameter. 126 */ -> 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4251b libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4251b libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 27 at mutex.hxx:129 126 */ 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { -> 129 pT->acquire(); 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42540 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42540 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 16 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc02f0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 32 at mutex.cxx:93 90 91 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_acquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 92 { -> 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0344 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 116 at mutex.cxx:95 92 { 93 SAL_WARN_IF(!pMutex, "sal.osl.mutex", "null pMutex"); 94 -> 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0352 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 130 at mutex.cxx:97 94 95 if ( pMutex != nullptr ) 96 { -> 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc035c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 140 at mutex.cxx:99 96 { 97 int nRet=0; 98 -> 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc036e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 158 at mutex.cxx:100 97 int nRet=0; 98 99 nRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pMutex->mutex)); -> 100 if ( nRet != 0 ) 101 { 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc0886 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1462 at mutex.cxx:105 102 SAL_WARN("sal.osl.mutex", "pthread_mutex_lock failed: " << strerror(nRet)); 103 return false; 104 } -> 105 return true; 106 } 107 108 /* not initialized */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102bc08a0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acquireMutex(pMutex=0x0000608000266640) + 1488 at mutex.cxx:110 107 108 /* not initialized */ 109 return false; -> 110 } 111 112 sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_tryToAcquireMutex(oslMutexImpl *pMutex) 113 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42548 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42548 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Mutex::acquire(this=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 24 at mutex.hxx:56 53 */ 54 bool acquire() 55 { -> 56 return osl_acquireMutex(mutex); 57 } 58 59 /** Try to acquire the mutex without blocking. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42523 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42523 libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 35 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4012d libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4012d libucppkg1.dylib`osl::Guard::Guard(this=0x000070000fee81d0, t=0x0000000144a0f2f0) + 29 at mutex.hxx:130 127 Guard(T & t) : pT(&t) 128 { 129 pT->acquire(); -> 130 } 131 132 /** Releases the mutex or interface. */ 133 ~Guard() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7419d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 93 at pkgprovider.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7419d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 93 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 209 { 210 osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); 211 -> 212 OUString rURL = rURI.getPackage() + rURI.getParam(); 213 214 if ( m_pPackages ) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5c9f0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 16 at pkguri.hxx:64, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5c9f0 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 16 at pkguri.hxx:64 61 { init(); return m_aParentUri; } 62 63 const OUString & getPackage() const -> 64 { init(); return m_aPackage; } 65 66 const OUString & getPath() const 67 { init(); return m_aPath; } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bbd7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 39 at pkguri.cxx:64, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bbd7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 39 at pkguri.cxx:64 61 void PackageUri::init() const 62 { 63 // Already inited? -> 64 if ( !m_aUri.isEmpty() && m_aPath.isEmpty() ) 65 { 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! 67 m_aPackage.clear(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618 615 */ 616 bool isEmpty() const 617 { -> 618 return pData->length == 0; 619 } 620 621 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bbe6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 54 at pkguri.cxx:64, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bbe6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 54 at pkguri.cxx:64 61 void PackageUri::init() const 62 { 63 // Already inited? -> 64 if ( !m_aUri.isEmpty() && m_aPath.isEmpty() ) 65 { 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! 67 m_aPackage.clear(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee8710) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee8710) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618 615 */ 616 bool isEmpty() const 617 { -> 618 return pData->length == 0; 619 } 620 621 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc01 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 81 at pkguri.cxx:64, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc01 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 81 at pkguri.cxx:64 61 void PackageUri::init() const 62 { 63 // Already inited? -> 64 if ( !m_aUri.isEmpty() && m_aPath.isEmpty() ) 65 { 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! 67 m_aPackage.clear(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc0e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 94 at pkguri.cxx:67, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc0e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 94 at pkguri.cxx:67 64 if ( !m_aUri.isEmpty() && m_aPath.isEmpty() ) 65 { 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! -> 67 m_aPackage.clear(); 68 m_aParentUri.clear(); 69 m_aName.clear(); 70 m_aParam.clear(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 592 */ 593 void clear() 594 { -> 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 596 } 597 598 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8708) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8708) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596 593 void clear() 594 { 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 596 } 597 598 /** 599 Returns the length of this string. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc21 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 113 at pkguri.cxx:68, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc21 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 113 at pkguri.cxx:68 65 { 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! 67 m_aPackage.clear(); -> 68 m_aParentUri.clear(); 69 m_aName.clear(); 70 m_aParam.clear(); 71 m_aScheme.clear(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 592 */ 593 void clear() 594 { -> 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 596 } 597 598 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8700) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8700) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596 593 void clear() 594 { 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 596 } 597 598 /** 599 Returns the length of this string. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc34 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 132 at pkguri.cxx:69, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc34 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 132 at pkguri.cxx:69 66 // Note: Maybe it's a re-init, setUri only resets m_aPath! 67 m_aPackage.clear(); 68 m_aParentUri.clear(); -> 69 m_aName.clear(); 70 m_aParam.clear(); 71 m_aScheme.clear(); 72 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 592 */ 593 void clear() 594 { -> 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 596 } 597 598 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8718) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8718) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596 593 void clear() 594 { 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 596 } 597 598 /** 599 Returns the length of this string. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc47 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 151 at pkguri.cxx:70, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc47 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 151 at pkguri.cxx:70 67 m_aPackage.clear(); 68 m_aParentUri.clear(); 69 m_aName.clear(); -> 70 m_aParam.clear(); 71 m_aScheme.clear(); 72 73 // URI must match at least: :// (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 592 */ 593 void clear() 594 { -> 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 596 } 597 598 /** (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 frame #1: 0x0000000146c7bc5a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 170 at pkguri.cxx:70 frame #2: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #3: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #4: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #5: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8720) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596 593 void clear() 594 { 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 596 } 597 598 /** 599 Returns the length of this string. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc5a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 170 at pkguri.cxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc5a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 170 at pkguri.cxx:71 68 m_aParentUri.clear(); 69 m_aName.clear(); 70 m_aParam.clear(); -> 71 m_aScheme.clear(); 72 73 // URI must match at least: :// 74 if ( ( m_aUri.getLength() < PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 4 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58210 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 16 at ustring.hxx:595 592 */ 593 void clear() 594 { -> 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 596 } 597 598 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9176c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91778 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 120 at strtmpl.cxx:1244 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) -> 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee8728) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c58215 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::clear(this=0x000070000fee8728) + 21 at ustring.hxx:596 593 void clear() 594 { 595 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 596 } 597 598 /** 599 Returns the length of this string. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc6d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 189 at pkguri.cxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc6d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 189 at pkguri.cxx:74 71 m_aScheme.clear(); 72 73 // URI must match at least: :// -> 74 if ( ( m_aUri.getLength() < PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 4 ) ) 75 { 76 // error, but remember that we did a init(). 77 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bc79 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 201 at pkguri.cxx:74, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bc79 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 201 at pkguri.cxx:74 71 m_aScheme.clear(); 72 73 // URI must match at least: :// -> 74 if ( ( m_aUri.getLength() < PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 4 ) ) 75 { 76 // error, but remember that we did a init(). 77 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcad libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 253 at pkguri.cxx:82, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcad libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 253 at pkguri.cxx:82 79 } 80 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' -> 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628 625 626 @return a pointer to the Unicode characters buffer for this object. 627 */ -> 628 const sal_Unicode * getStr() const { return pData->buffer; } 629 630 /** 631 Access to individual characters. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=16) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642 frame #1: 0x0000000146c7bcb9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 265 at pkguri.cxx:82 frame #2: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #3: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #4: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #5: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcb9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 265 at pkguri.cxx:82, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcb9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 265 at pkguri.cxx:82 79 } 80 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' -> 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcbf libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 271 at pkguri.cxx:83, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcbf libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 271 at pkguri.cxx:83 80 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) -> 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcca libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 282 at pkguri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcca libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 282 at pkguri.cxx:84 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || -> 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) 87 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628 625 626 @return a pointer to the Unicode characters buffer for this object. 627 */ -> 628 const sal_Unicode * getStr() const { return pData->buffer; } 629 630 /** 631 Access to individual characters. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=17) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcd6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 294 at pkguri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcd6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 294 at pkguri.cxx:84 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || -> 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) 87 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcdc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 300 at pkguri.cxx:85, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcdc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 300 at pkguri.cxx:85 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) -> 85 || 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) 87 { 88 // error, but remember that we did a init(). (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bce7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 311 at pkguri.cxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bce7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 311 at pkguri.cxx:86 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || -> 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) 87 { 88 // error, but remember that we did a init(). 89 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628 625 626 @return a pointer to the Unicode characters buffer for this object. 627 */ -> 628 const sal_Unicode * getStr() const { return pData->buffer; } 629 630 /** 631 Access to individual characters. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee86f8, index=18) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcf3 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 323 at pkguri.cxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcf3 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 323 at pkguri.cxx:86 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || -> 86 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 2 ] != '/' ) ) 87 { 88 // error, but remember that we did a init(). 89 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bcf9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 329 at pkguri.cxx:82, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bcf9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 329 at pkguri.cxx:82 79 } 80 81 // Scheme must be followed by '://' -> 82 if ( ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ] != ':' ) 83 || 84 ( m_aUri[ PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 1 ] != '/' ) 85 || (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bd29 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 377 at pkguri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bd29 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 377 at pkguri.cxx:93 90 return; 91 } 92 -> 93 OUString aPureUri; 94 sal_Int32 nParam = m_aUri.indexOf( '?' ); 95 if( nParam >= 0 ) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bd2e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 382 at pkguri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bd2e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 382 at pkguri.cxx:94 91 } 92 93 OUString aPureUri; -> 94 sal_Int32 nParam = m_aUri.indexOf( '?' ); 95 if( nParam >= 0 ) 96 { 97 m_aParam = m_aUri.copy( nParam ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=80, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=79, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=78, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=77, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=76, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=75, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=74, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=73, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=72, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=71, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=70, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=69, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=68, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=67, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=66, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=65, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=64, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=63, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=62, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=61, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=60, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=59, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=58, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=57, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=56, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=55, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=54, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=53, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=52, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=51, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=50, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=49, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=48, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=47, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=46, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=45, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=44, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=43, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=42, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=41, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=40, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=39, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=38, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=37, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=36, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=35, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=34, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=33, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=32, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=31, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=30, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=29, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=28, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=27, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=26, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=25, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=24, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=23, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=22, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=21, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=20, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=19, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=18, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=17, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=16, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=15, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=14, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=13, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=12, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=11, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=10, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=9, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=8, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=7, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=6, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=5, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=4, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=3, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=2, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=1, c=U+003f u'?') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 -> 404 return -1; 405 #endif 406 } 407 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=0, c=U+003f u'?') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee86f8, ch=U+003f u'?', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bd41 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 401 at pkguri.cxx:94 91 } 92 93 OUString aPureUri; -> 94 sal_Int32 nParam = m_aUri.indexOf( '?' ); 95 if( nParam >= 0 ) 96 { 97 m_aParam = m_aUri.copy( nParam ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bd58 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 424 at pkguri.cxx:95, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bd58 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 424 at pkguri.cxx:95 92 93 OUString aPureUri; 94 sal_Int32 nParam = m_aUri.indexOf( '?' ); -> 95 if( nParam >= 0 ) 96 { 97 m_aParam = m_aUri.copy( nParam ); 98 aPureUri = m_aUri.copy( 0, nParam ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7be49 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 665 at pkguri.cxx:101, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7be49 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 665 at pkguri.cxx:101 98 aPureUri = m_aUri.copy( 0, nParam ); 99 } 100 else -> 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c567f4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee86f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:423, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c567f4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee86f8) + 20 at ustring.hxx:423 420 */ 421 OUString & operator=( const OUString & str ) 422 { -> 423 rtl_uString_assign( &pData, str.pData ); 424 return *this; 425 } 426 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91fb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1457, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91fb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1457 1454 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1455 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1456 { -> 1457 assert(ppThis); 1458 /* must be done at first, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1459 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1460 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92002 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1459, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92002 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1459 1456 { 1457 assert(ppThis); 1458 /* must be done at first, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1459 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1460 1461 if ( *ppThis ) 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9200b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1459, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9200b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1459 1456 { 1457 assert(ppThis); 1458 /* must be done at first, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1459 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1460 1461 if ( *ppThis ) 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92010 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 112 at strtmpl.cxx:1461, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92010 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 112 at strtmpl.cxx:1461 1458 /* must be done at first, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1459 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1460 -> 1461 if ( *ppThis ) 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1463 1464 *ppThis = pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9201e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 126 at strtmpl.cxx:1462, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9201e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 126 at strtmpl.cxx:1462 1459 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1460 1461 if ( *ppThis ) -> 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1463 1464 *ppThis = pStr; 1465 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9202a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 138 at strtmpl.cxx:1464, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9202a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 138 at strtmpl.cxx:1464 1461 if ( *ppThis ) 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1463 -> 1464 *ppThis = pStr; 1465 } 1466 1467 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92035 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 149 at strtmpl.cxx:1465, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92035 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_assign(ppThis=0x000070000fee7ea0, pStr=0x00000001182193c0) + 149 at strtmpl.cxx:1465 1462 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1463 1464 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1465 } 1466 1467 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1468 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c56812 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee86f8) + 50 at ustring.hxx:424, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c56812 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee86f8) + 50 at ustring.hxx:424 421 OUString & operator=( const OUString & str ) 422 { 423 rtl_uString_assign( &pData, str.pData ); -> 424 return *this; 425 } 426 427 #ifndef _MSC_VER // TODO? (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7be59 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 681 at pkguri.cxx:101, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7be59 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 681 at pkguri.cxx:101 98 aPureUri = m_aUri.copy( 0, nParam ); 99 } 100 else -> 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7be6a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 698 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7be6a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 698 at pkguri.cxx:104 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. -> 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=16) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=16) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294b000) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=44) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=44) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=16) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"BRAND_BASE_DIR", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"BRAND_BASE_DIR", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7be90 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 736 at pkguri.cxx:104 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=16) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7be90 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 736 at pkguri.cxx:104 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x00000001182193c0, beginIndex=0, count=16) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=16) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7be90 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 736 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7be90 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 736 at pkguri.cxx:104 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. -> 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d025 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d025 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2611 2608 */ 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { -> 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d02d libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d02d libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2612 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92d80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1693, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92d80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1693 1690 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1691 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1692 { -> 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92dd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1694, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92dd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1694 1691 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1692 { 1693 assert(ppThis); -> 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e12 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1695, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e12 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1695 1692 { 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); -> 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e1d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1696, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e1d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1696 1693 assert(ppThis); 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1697, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1697 1694 assert(pStr); 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; -> 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e2e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1698, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e2e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1698 1695 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1696 int bChanged = 0; 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e3a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e3a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=118) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=118) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=118) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=117) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=117) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=117) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=110) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=110) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=116) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=116) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=116) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=97) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=97) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=97) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=46) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=46) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=122) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=122) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=122) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e44 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 11 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 11 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=112) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=112) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 19 at character.hxx:86, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e53 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 19 at character.hxx:86 83 */ 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { -> 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 74 at character.hxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b88e8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(code=112) + 74 at character.hxx:87 84 inline bool isAsciiUpperCase(sal_uInt32 code) 85 { 86 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 87 return code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z'; 88 } 89 90 /** Check for ASCII alphabetic character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92e50 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1702 1699 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { -> 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { 1704 /* Copy String */ 1705 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f51 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1729 1726 break; 1727 } 1728 -> 1729 pCharStr++; 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f5d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1730 1727 } 1728 1729 pCharStr++; -> 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1700 1697 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1698 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1699 -> 1700 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1701 { 1702 if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1703 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1733, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1733 1730 nLen--; 1731 } 1732 -> 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f75 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1735, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f75 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1735 1732 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { -> 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1736, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f80 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1736 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f89 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1736, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f89 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1736 1733 if ( !bChanged ) 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1737, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1737 1734 { 1735 *ppThis = pStr; 1736 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1737 } 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92f93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1741, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92f93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1741 1738 1739 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1741 if ( pOrg ) 1742 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1743 } 1744 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fa7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1743, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fa7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1743 1740 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1741 if ( pOrg ) 1742 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1743 } 1744 1745 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1746 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d040 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d040 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2612 2609 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiLowerCase() const 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d042 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d042 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2613 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 2616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88, str=0x000000011821bb00, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d04f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d04f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase(this=0x000070000fee7e80) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2613 2610 { 2611 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2612 rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2613 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2614 } 2615 2616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bea2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 754 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bea2 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 754 at pkguri.cxx:104 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. -> 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e88) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee8728, str=0x000070000fee7e88) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7beb7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 775 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7beb7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 775 at pkguri.cxx:104 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. -> 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7beb7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 775 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c7beb7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 775 at pkguri.cxx:104 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #2: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #3: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #4: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #5: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #6: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #7: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #8: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #9: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #10: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #11: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #12: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #13: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #14: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #15: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #16: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #17: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #18: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #19: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #21: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #22: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #23: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e88) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7becc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 796 at pkguri.cxx:104, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7becc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 796 at pkguri.cxx:104 101 aPureUri = m_aUri; 102 103 // Scheme is case insensitive. -> 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x000000011821bb00) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e80) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bed5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 805 at pkguri.cxx:107, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bed5 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 805 at pkguri.cxx:107 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 -> 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169 166 static const std::size_t length = N - 1; 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) -> 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } -> 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 173 template (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067 1064 */ 1065 bool equalsAsciiL( const sal_Char* asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const 1066 { -> 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( -> 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 1074 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342 339 sal_Int32 nStrLen ) 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { -> 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); -> 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; -> 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a85 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 341 at ustring.cxx:353, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a85 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 341 at ustring.cxx:353 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) -> 353 return false; 354 } 355 356 return true; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357 354 } 355 356 return true; -> 357 } 358 359 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 360 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); -> 1072 } 1073 1074 /** 1075 Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7beec libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 828 at pkguri.cxx:107, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7beec libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 828 at pkguri.cxx:107 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 -> 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169 166 static const std::size_t length = N - 1; 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) -> 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } -> 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 173 template (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067 1064 */ 1065 bool equalsAsciiL( const sal_Char* asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const 1066 { -> 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( -> 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 1074 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342 339 sal_Int32 nStrLen ) 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { -> 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); -> 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; -> 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 355 at ustring.cxx:356, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 355 at ustring.cxx:356 353 return false; 354 } 355 -> 356 return true; 357 } 358 359 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357 354 } 355 356 return true; -> 357 } 358 359 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 360 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); -> 1072 } 1073 1074 /** 1075 Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf24 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 884 at pkguri.cxx:107, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf24 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 884 at pkguri.cxx:107 104 m_aScheme = aPureUri.copy( 105 0, PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH ).toAsciiLowerCase(); 106 -> 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf42 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 914 at pkguri.cxx:109, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf42 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 914 at pkguri.cxx:109 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 108 { -> 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53540 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 16 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4232c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [17]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169 166 static const std::size_t length = N - 1; 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) -> 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53549 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 25 at ustring.hxx:1610 1607 template< typename T > 1608 friend inline typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, bool >::Type operator==( const OUString& rString, T& literal ) 1609 { -> 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5357c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 76 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53580 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 80 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42358 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [17]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } -> 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 173 template (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53590 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 96 at ustring.hxx:1613 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( -> 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } 1616 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c53595 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 101 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1067 1064 */ 1065 bool equalsAsciiL( const sal_Char* asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const 1066 { -> 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62b93 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:1071 1068 return false; 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( -> 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 1074 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62ba5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 69 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93951 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 33 at ustring.cxx:342 339 sal_Int32 nStrLen ) 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { -> 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 116 at ustring.cxx:343 340 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); -> 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 135 at ustring.cxx:344 341 { 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; -> 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939c6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 150 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b939d4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 164 at ustring.cxx:348 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ -> 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a4c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 284 at ustring.cxx:350 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); -> 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a58 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 296 at ustring.cxx:351 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; -> 351 pStr2Run--; 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a66 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 310 at ustring.cxx:352 349 "rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength - Found char > 127" ); 350 pStr1Run--; 351 pStr2Run--; -> 352 if( *pStr1Run != (sal_Unicode)*pStr2Run ) 353 return false; 354 } 355 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 350 at ustring.cxx:345 342 assert(nStrLen >= 0); 343 const sal_Unicode* pStr1Run = pStr1+nStrLen; 344 const sal_Char* pStr2Run = pStr2+nStrLen; -> 345 while ( pStr1 < pStr1Run ) 346 { 347 /* Check ASCII range */ 348 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pStr2) > 127, "rtl.string", (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 355 at ustring.cxx:356, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 355 at ustring.cxx:356 353 return false; 354 } 355 -> 356 return true; 357 } 358 359 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93a9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength(pStr1=u"", pStr2="", nStrLen=16) + 366 at ustring.cxx:357 354 } 355 356 return true; -> 357 } 358 359 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 360 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bad libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 77 at ustring.hxx:1070 1067 if ( pData->length != asciiStrLength ) 1068 return false; 1069 -> 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); 1072 } 1073 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c62bb7 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::equalsAsciiL(this=0x000070000fee8728, asciiStr="", asciiStrLength=16) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:1072 1069 1070 return rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseEquals_WithLength( 1071 pData->buffer, asciiStr, asciiStrLength ); -> 1072 } 1073 1074 /** 1075 Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c535a1 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type rtl::operator==(rString=0x000070000fee8728, literal=) [17]) + 113 at ustring.hxx:1612 1609 { 1610 assert( 1611 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 1612 return rString.equalsAsciiL( 1613 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal), 1614 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length); 1615 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf5c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 940 at pkguri.cxx:109, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf5c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 940 at pkguri.cxx:109 106 107 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME || m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 108 { -> 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf7a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 970 at pkguri.cxx:111, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf7a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 970 at pkguri.cxx:111 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { -> 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf85 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 981 at pkguri.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf85 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 981 at pkguri.cxx:112 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { 111 m_aParam += -> 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee8720) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c473cc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::isEmpty(this=0x000070000fee8720) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:618 615 */ 616 bool isEmpty() const 617 { -> 618 return pData->length == 0; 619 } 620 621 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bf94 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 996 at pkguri.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bf94 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 996 at pkguri.cxx:112 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { 111 m_aParam += -> 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bfcc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1052 at pkguri.cxx:114, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bfcc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1052 at pkguri.cxx:114 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) -> 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40294 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b78) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 20 at ustring.hxx:236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40294 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b78) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 20 at ustring.hxx:236 233 */ 234 template< typename T > 235 OUString( T& literal, typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, libreoffice_internal::Dummy >::Type = libreoffice_internal::Dummy() ) -> 236 { 237 assert( 238 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 239 pData = NULL; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42104 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 20 at ustring.hxx:237, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42104 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 20 at ustring.hxx:237 234 template< typename T > 235 OUString( T& literal, typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, libreoffice_internal::Dummy >::Type = libreoffice_internal::Dummy() ) 236 { -> 237 assert( 238 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 239 pData = NULL; 240 if (libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length == 0) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4218c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [9]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4218c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal=) [9]) + 12 at stringutils.hxx:169 166 static const std::size_t length = N - 1; 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) -> 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42111 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 33 at ustring.hxx:237, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42111 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 33 at ustring.hxx:237 234 template< typename T > 235 OUString( T& literal, typename libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector< T, libreoffice_internal::Dummy >::Type = libreoffice_internal::Dummy() ) 236 { -> 237 assert( 238 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); 239 pData = NULL; 240 if (libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length == 0) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42144 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 84 at ustring.hxx:239, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42144 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 84 at ustring.hxx:239 236 { 237 assert( 238 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::isValid(literal)); -> 239 pData = NULL; 240 if (libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length == 0) { 241 rtl_uString_new(&pData); 242 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4214f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 95 at ustring.hxx:246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4214f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 95 at ustring.hxx:246 243 rtl_uString_newFromLiteral( 244 &pData, 245 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer( -> 246 literal), 247 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length, 0); 248 } 249 #ifdef RTL_STRING_UNITTEST (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42153 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 99 at ustring.hxx:245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42153 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 99 at ustring.hxx:245 242 } else { 243 rtl_uString_newFromLiteral( 244 &pData, -> 245 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer( 246 literal), 247 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length, 0); 248 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c421b8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [9]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c421b8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer(literal=) [9]) + 8 at stringutils.hxx:170 167 static const bool ok = true; 168 static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N]) 169 { return std::strlen(literal) == length; } -> 170 static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; } 171 }; 172 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 173 template (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c42158 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 104 at ustring.hxx:245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c42158 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 104 at ustring.hxx:245 242 } else { 243 rtl_uString_newFromLiteral( 244 &pData, -> 245 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer( 246 literal), 247 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length, 0); 248 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4215f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 111 at ustring.hxx:243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4215f libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 111 at ustring.hxx:243 240 if (libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::length == 0) { 241 rtl_uString_new(&pData); 242 } else { -> 243 rtl_uString_newFromLiteral( 244 &pData, 245 libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::toPointer( 246 literal), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1416, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1416 1413 sal_Int32 allocExtra ) 1414 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1415 { -> 1416 assert(ppThis); 1417 assert(nLen >= 0); 1418 assert(allocExtra >= 0); 1419 if ( nLen + allocExtra == 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b920bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 123 at strtmpl.cxx:1417, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b920bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 123 at strtmpl.cxx:1417 1414 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1415 { 1416 assert(ppThis); -> 1417 assert(nLen >= 0); 1418 assert(allocExtra >= 0); 1419 if ( nLen + allocExtra == 0 ) 1420 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b920fa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 186 at strtmpl.cxx:1418, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b920fa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 186 at strtmpl.cxx:1418 1415 { 1416 assert(ppThis); 1417 assert(nLen >= 0); -> 1418 assert(allocExtra >= 0); 1419 if ( nLen + allocExtra == 0 ) 1420 { 1421 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92139 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 249 at strtmpl.cxx:1419, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92139 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 249 at strtmpl.cxx:1419 1416 assert(ppThis); 1417 assert(nLen >= 0); 1418 assert(allocExtra >= 0); -> 1419 if ( nLen + allocExtra == 0 ) 1420 { 1421 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1422 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92156 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 278 at strtmpl.cxx:1425, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92156 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 278 at strtmpl.cxx:1425 1422 return; 1423 } 1424 -> 1425 if ( *ppThis ) 1426 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1427 1428 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen + allocExtra ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92170 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 304 at strtmpl.cxx:1428, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92170 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 304 at strtmpl.cxx:1428 1425 if ( *ppThis ) 1426 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1427 -> 1428 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen + allocExtra ); 1429 assert( *ppThis != nullptr ); 1430 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=8) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=8) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a780) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=28) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=28) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=8) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9217f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 319 at strtmpl.cxx:1428, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9217f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 319 at strtmpl.cxx:1428 1425 if ( *ppThis ) 1426 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1427 -> 1428 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen + allocExtra ); 1429 assert( *ppThis != nullptr ); 1430 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92193 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 339 at strtmpl.cxx:1429, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92193 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 339 at strtmpl.cxx:1429 1426 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1427 1428 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen + allocExtra ); -> 1429 assert( *ppThis != nullptr ); 1430 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b921d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 408 at strtmpl.cxx:1431, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b921d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 408 at strtmpl.cxx:1431 1428 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen + allocExtra ); 1429 assert( *ppThis != nullptr ); 1430 -> 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b921e5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 421 at strtmpl.cxx:1432, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b921e5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 421 at strtmpl.cxx:1432 1429 assert( *ppThis != nullptr ); 1430 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 -> 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b921f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 439 at strtmpl.cxx:1433, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b921f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 439 at strtmpl.cxx:1433 1430 1431 (*ppThis)->length = nLen; // fix after possible allocExtra != 0 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; -> 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92206 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 454 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92206 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 454 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="?purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="purezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="urezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="rezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ezip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="zip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 frame #1: 0x0000000146c4216b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 123 at ustring.hxx:243 frame #2: 0x0000000146c4029d libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b78) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 29 at ustring.hxx:236 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7bfdc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1068 at pkguri.cxx:114 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="ip", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92216 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1438 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92260 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 544 at strtmpl.cxx:1440 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range 1439 #endif -> 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922d8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 664 at strtmpl.cxx:1443 1440 SAL_WARN_IF( ((unsigned char)*pCharStr) == '\0', "rtl.string", 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 -> 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 683 at strtmpl.cxx:1444 1441 "rtl_uString_newFromLiteral - Found embedded \\0 character" ); 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; -> 1444 pBuffer++; 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b922f7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="p", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 695 at strtmpl.cxx:1445 1442 1443 *pBuffer = *pCharStr; 1444 pBuffer++; -> 1445 pCharStr++; 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92303 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 707 at strtmpl.cxx:1435 1432 (*ppThis)->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1433 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1434 sal_Int32 nCount; -> 1435 for( nCount = nLen; nCount > 0; --nCount ) 1436 { 1437 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING 1438 assert(static_cast(*pCharStr) < 0x80); // ASCII range (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92325 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 741 at strtmpl.cxx:1449, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92325 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromLiteral(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e78, pCharStr="", nLen=8, allocExtra=0) + 741 at strtmpl.cxx:1449 1446 } 1447 1448 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); -> 1449 } 1450 1451 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1452 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4216b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 123 at ustring.hxx:252, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4216b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b48) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 123 at ustring.hxx:252 249 #ifdef RTL_STRING_UNITTEST 250 rtl_string_unittest_const_literal = true; 251 #endif -> 252 } 253 254 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 255 /** @overload @since LibreOffice 5.3 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4029d libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b78) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 29 at ustring.hxx:252, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4029d libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78, literal=, (null)=rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type @ 0x000070000fee7b78) [9], rtl::libreoffice_internal::ConstCharArrayDetector::Type) + 29 at ustring.hxx:252 249 #ifdef RTL_STRING_UNITTEST 250 rtl_string_unittest_const_literal = true; 251 #endif -> 252 } 253 254 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY 255 /** @overload @since LibreOffice 5.3 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bfdc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1068 at pkguri.cxx:114, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bfdc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1068 at pkguri.cxx:114 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) -> 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bfe1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1073 at pkguri.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bfe1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1073 at pkguri.cxx:112 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { 111 m_aParam += -> 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bfe6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1078 at pkguri.cxx:111, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bfe6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1078 at pkguri.cxx:111 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { -> 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c57114 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator+=(this=0x000070000fee8720, str=0x000070000fee7e78) & + 20 at ustring.hxx:504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c57114 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator+=(this=0x000070000fee8720, str=0x000070000fee7e78) & + 20 at ustring.hxx:504 501 & 502 #endif 503 { -> 504 rtl_uString_newConcat( &pData, pData, str.pData ); 505 return *this; 506 } 507 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY && HAVE_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIER (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92424 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 20 at strtmpl.cxx:1492, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92424 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 20 at strtmpl.cxx:1492 1489 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pRight ) 1490 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1491 { -> 1492 assert(ppThis); 1493 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1494 1495 /* Test for 0-Pointer - if not, change newReplaceStrAt! */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92476 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 102 at strtmpl.cxx:1493, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92476 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 102 at strtmpl.cxx:1493 1490 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1491 { 1492 assert(ppThis); -> 1493 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1494 1495 /* Test for 0-Pointer - if not, change newReplaceStrAt! */ 1496 if ( !pRight || !pRight->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92481 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:1496, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92481 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:1496 1493 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1494 1495 /* Test for 0-Pointer - if not, change newReplaceStrAt! */ -> 1496 if ( !pRight || !pRight->length ) 1497 { 1498 *ppThis = pLeft; 1499 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pLeft ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b924b8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 168 at strtmpl.cxx:1501, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b924b8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 168 at strtmpl.cxx:1501 1498 *ppThis = pLeft; 1499 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pLeft ); 1500 } -> 1501 else if ( !pLeft || !pLeft->length ) 1502 { 1503 *ppThis = pRight; 1504 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pRight ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b924d1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 193 at strtmpl.cxx:1503, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b924d1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 193 at strtmpl.cxx:1503 1500 } 1501 else if ( !pLeft || !pLeft->length ) 1502 { -> 1503 *ppThis = pRight; 1504 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pRight ); 1505 } 1506 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b924dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 204 at strtmpl.cxx:1504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b924dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 204 at strtmpl.cxx:1504 1501 else if ( !pLeft || !pLeft->length ) 1502 { 1503 *ppThis = pRight; -> 1504 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pRight ); 1505 } 1506 else 1507 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b924e5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 213 at strtmpl.cxx:1504, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b924e5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 213 at strtmpl.cxx:1504 1501 else if ( !pLeft || !pLeft->length ) 1502 { 1503 *ppThis = pRight; -> 1504 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pRight ); 1505 } 1506 else 1507 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b924ea libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 218 at strtmpl.cxx:1505, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b924ea libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 218 at strtmpl.cxx:1505 1502 { 1503 *ppThis = pRight; 1504 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pRight ); -> 1505 } 1506 else 1507 { 1508 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pTempStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( pLeft->length + pRight->length ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b925d2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 450 at strtmpl.cxx:1518, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b925d2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 450 at strtmpl.cxx:1518 1515 } 1516 1517 /* must be done last, if left or right == *ppThis */ -> 1518 if ( pOrg ) 1519 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1520 } 1521 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b925dd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 461 at strtmpl.cxx:1519, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b925dd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 461 at strtmpl.cxx:1519 1516 1517 /* must be done last, if left or right == *ppThis */ 1518 if ( pOrg ) -> 1519 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1520 } 1521 1522 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b925e6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1520, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b925e6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newConcat(ppThis=0x000070000fee8720, pLeft=0x0000000102bf85a8, pRight=0x00000001449f6170) + 470 at strtmpl.cxx:1520 1517 /* must be done last, if left or right == *ppThis */ 1518 if ( pOrg ) 1519 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1520 } 1521 1522 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1523 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c57135 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator+=(this=0x000070000fee8720, str=0x000070000fee7e78) & + 53 at ustring.hxx:505, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c57135 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator+=(this=0x000070000fee8720, str=0x000070000fee7e78) & + 53 at ustring.hxx:505 502 #endif 503 { 504 rtl_uString_newConcat( &pData, pData, str.pData ); -> 505 return *this; 506 } 507 #if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY && HAVE_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIER 508 void operator+=(OUString const &) && = delete; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7bff6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1094 at pkguri.cxx:111, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7bff6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1094 at pkguri.cxx:111 108 { 109 if ( m_aScheme == PACKAGE_ZIP_URL_SCHEME ) 110 { -> 111 m_aParam += 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001449f6170) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e78) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c00b libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1115 at pkguri.cxx:115, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c00b libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1115 at pkguri.cxx:115 112 ( !m_aParam.isEmpty() 113 ? OUString( "&purezip" ) 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); -> 115 } 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c067 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1207 at pkguri.cxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c067 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1207 at pkguri.cxx:118 115 } 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, -> 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8728) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee8728) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c07a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1226 at pkguri.cxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c07a libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1226 at pkguri.cxx:118 115 } 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, -> 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c085 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1237 at pkguri.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c085 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1237 at pkguri.cxx:119 116 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), -> 119 m_aScheme ); 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; 122 sal_Int32 nEnd = aPureUri.lastIndexOf( '/' ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c090 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1248 at pkguri.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c090 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1248 at pkguri.cxx:117 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } 116 -> 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=82) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=82) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=176) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=176) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=82) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=16) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _nCount=66) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _nCount=66) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _nCount=66) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _pSrc=u"://file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt/", _nCount=66) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x00000001182193c0, nIndex=0, nCount=16, pNewSubStr=0x000000011821bb00) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=0, count=16, newStr=0x000070000fee8728) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0a8 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1272 at pkguri.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0a8 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1272 at pkguri.cxx:117 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } 116 -> 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001182193c0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e70) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e70) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0ba libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1290 at pkguri.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0ba libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1290 at pkguri.cxx:117 114 : OUString( "?purezip" ) ); 115 } 116 -> 117 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 0, 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0cf libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1311 at pkguri.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0cf libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1311 at pkguri.cxx:121 118 m_aScheme.getLength(), 119 m_aScheme ); 120 -> 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; 122 sal_Int32 nEnd = aPureUri.lastIndexOf( '/' ); 123 if ( nEnd == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3 ) 124 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0d9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1321 at pkguri.cxx:122, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0d9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1321 at pkguri.cxx:122 119 m_aScheme ); 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; -> 122 sal_Int32 nEnd = aPureUri.lastIndexOf( '/' ); 123 if ( nEnd == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3 ) 124 { 125 // Only :/// - Empty authority (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c46c97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/') const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1841, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c46c97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/') const + 23 at ustring.hxx:1841 1838 */ 1839 sal_Int32 lastIndexOf( sal_Unicode ch ) const 1840 { -> 1841 return rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer, pData->length, ch ); 1842 } 1843 1844 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f496 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f496 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:440 437 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE c ) 438 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 439 { -> 440 assert(nLen >= 0); 441 pStr += nLen; 442 while ( nLen > 0 ) 443 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f4e9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 105 at strtmpl.cxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f4e9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 105 at strtmpl.cxx:441 438 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 439 { 440 assert(nLen >= 0); -> 441 pStr += nLen; 442 while ( nLen > 0 ) 443 { 444 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f4fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 126 at strtmpl.cxx:442, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f4fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 126 at strtmpl.cxx:442 439 { 440 assert(nLen >= 0); 441 pStr += nLen; -> 442 while ( nLen > 0 ) 443 { 444 nLen--; 445 pStr--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:444, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=82, c=U+002f u'/') + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:444 441 pStr += nLen; 442 while ( nLen > 0 ) 443 { -> 444 nLen--; 445 pStr--; 446 447 if ( *pStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f511 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 145 at strtmpl.cxx:445, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f511 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 145 at strtmpl.cxx:445 442 while ( nLen > 0 ) 443 { 444 nLen--; -> 445 pStr--; 446 447 if ( *pStr == c ) 448 return nLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f51d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 157 at strtmpl.cxx:447, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f51d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 157 at strtmpl.cxx:447 444 nLen--; 445 pStr--; 446 -> 447 if ( *pStr == c ) 448 return nLen; 449 } 450 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f530 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 176 at strtmpl.cxx:448, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f530 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 176 at strtmpl.cxx:448 445 pStr--; 446 447 if ( *pStr == c ) -> 448 return nLen; 449 } 450 451 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f547 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 199 at strtmpl.cxx:452, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f547 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"/", nLen=81, c=U+002f u'/') + 199 at strtmpl.cxx:452 449 } 450 451 return -1; -> 452 } 453 454 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 455 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c46cb0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/') const + 48 at ustring.hxx:1841, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c46cb0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/') const + 48 at ustring.hxx:1841 1838 */ 1839 sal_Int32 lastIndexOf( sal_Unicode ch ) const 1840 { -> 1841 return rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer, pData->length, ch ); 1842 } 1843 1844 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0e7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1335 at pkguri.cxx:122, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0e7 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1335 at pkguri.cxx:122 119 m_aScheme ); 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; -> 122 sal_Int32 nEnd = aPureUri.lastIndexOf( '/' ); 123 if ( nEnd == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3 ) 124 { 125 // Only :/// - Empty authority (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c0fe libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1358 at pkguri.cxx:123, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c0fe libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1358 at pkguri.cxx:123 120 121 sal_Int32 nStart = PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3; 122 sal_Int32 nEnd = aPureUri.lastIndexOf( '/' ); -> 123 if ( nEnd == PACKAGE_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH + 3 ) 124 { 125 // Only :/// - Empty authority 126 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c15d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1453 at pkguri.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c15d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1453 at pkguri.cxx:131 128 m_aPath = "/"; 129 return; 130 } -> 131 else if ( nEnd == ( aPureUri.getLength() - 1 ) ) 132 { 133 if ( aPureUri[ aPureUri.getLength() - 2 ] == '/' ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c172 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1474 at pkguri.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c172 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1474 at pkguri.cxx:131 128 m_aPath = "/"; 129 return; 130 } -> 131 else if ( nEnd == ( aPureUri.getLength() - 1 ) ) 132 { 133 if ( aPureUri[ aPureUri.getLength() - 2 ] == '/' ) 134 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c194 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1508 at pkguri.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c194 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1508 at pkguri.cxx:133 130 } 131 else if ( nEnd == ( aPureUri.getLength() - 1 ) ) 132 { -> 133 if ( aPureUri[ aPureUri.getLength() - 2 ] == '/' ) 134 { 135 // Only ://// or :// 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c19d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1517 at pkguri.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c19d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1517 at pkguri.cxx:133 130 } 131 else if ( nEnd == ( aPureUri.getLength() - 1 ) ) 132 { -> 133 if ( aPureUri[ aPureUri.getLength() - 2 ] == '/' ) 134 { 135 // Only ://// or :// 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf77 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 23 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cf97 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:641 638 */ 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 -> 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfd8 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 120 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c4181c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getStr(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:628 625 626 @return a pointer to the Unicode characters buffer for this object. 627 */ -> 628 const sal_Unicode * getStr() const { return pData->buffer; } 629 630 /** 631 Access to individual characters. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7cfe9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator[](this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=80) const + 137 at ustring.hxx:642 639 sal_Unicode operator [](sal_Int32 index) const { 640 // silence spurious -Werror=strict-overflow warnings from GCC 4.8.2 641 assert(index >= 0 && static_cast(index) < static_cast(getLength())); -> 642 return getStr()[index]; 643 } 644 645 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c1bc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1548 at pkguri.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c1bc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1548 at pkguri.cxx:133 130 } 131 else if ( nEnd == ( aPureUri.getLength() - 1 ) ) 132 { -> 133 if ( aPureUri[ aPureUri.getLength() - 2 ] == '/' ) 134 { 135 // Only ://// or :// 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c210 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1632 at pkguri.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c210 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1632 at pkguri.cxx:143 140 } 141 142 // Remove trailing slash. -> 143 aPureUri = aPureUri.copy( 0, nEnd ); 144 } 145 146 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=81) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=81) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"", nLen=81) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225488, beginIndex=0, count=81) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68, str=0x0000000118225608, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 frame #1: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7c225 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1653 at pkguri.cxx:143 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=0, count=81) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c225 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1653 at pkguri.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c225 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1653 at pkguri.cxx:143 140 } 141 142 // Remove trailing slash. -> 143 aPureUri = aPureUri.copy( 0, nEnd ); 144 } 145 146 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225480) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225488) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225488) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225488) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c237 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1671 at pkguri.cxx:143, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c237 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1671 at pkguri.cxx:143 140 } 141 142 // Remove trailing slash. -> 143 aPureUri = aPureUri.copy( 0, nEnd ); 144 } 145 146 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c24c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1692 at pkguri.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c24c libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1692 at pkguri.cxx:144 141 142 // Remove trailing slash. 143 aPureUri = aPureUri.copy( 0, nEnd ); -> 144 } 145 146 147 nEnd = aPureUri.indexOf( '/', nStart ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c273 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1731 at pkguri.cxx:147, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c273 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1731 at pkguri.cxx:147 144 } 145 146 -> 147 nEnd = aPureUri.indexOf( '/', nStart ); 148 if ( nEnd == -1 ) 149 { 150 // root folder. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7c287 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1751 at pkguri.cxx:147 frame #3: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #4: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #5: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #6: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #7: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #8: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #9: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #10: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #11: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #12: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #13: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #14: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #15: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #16: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #17: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #18: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #19: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #20: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #23: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #24: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+002f u'/') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 -> 404 return -1; 405 #endif 406 } 407 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+002f u'/') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, ch=U+002f u'/', fromIndex=19) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c287 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1751 at pkguri.cxx:147, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c287 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1751 at pkguri.cxx:147 144 } 145 146 -> 147 nEnd = aPureUri.indexOf( '/', nStart ); 148 if ( nEnd == -1 ) 149 { 150 // root folder. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c29e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1774 at pkguri.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c29e libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1774 at pkguri.cxx:148 145 146 147 nEnd = aPureUri.indexOf( '/', nStart ); -> 148 if ( nEnd == -1 ) 149 { 150 // root folder. 151 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2ab libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1787 at pkguri.cxx:152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2ab libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1787 at pkguri.cxx:152 149 { 150 // root folder. 151 -> 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f584 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 36 at ustring.hxx:2064, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f584 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 36 at ustring.hxx:2064 2061 */ 2062 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex ) const 2063 { -> 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f58c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 44 at ustring.hxx:2065, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f58c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 44 at ustring.hxx:2065 2062 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex ) const 2063 { 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } 2068 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f5a9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 73 at ustring.hxx:2065, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f5a9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 73 at ustring.hxx:2065 2062 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex ) const 2063 { 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } 2068 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pCharStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pFrom=0x0000000118225608, beginIndex=19, count=62) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f5be libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 94 at ustring.hxx:2065, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f5be libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 94 at ustring.hxx:2065 2062 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex ) const 2063 { 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } 2068 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f5c0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 96 at ustring.hxx:2066, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f5c0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 96 at ustring.hxx:2066 2063 { 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); -> 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } 2068 2069 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f5cd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 109 at ustring.hxx:2066, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f5cd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, beginIndex=19) const + 109 at ustring.hxx:2066 2063 { 2064 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2065 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, getLength() - beginIndex ); -> 2066 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2067 } 2068 2069 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2be libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1806 at pkguri.cxx:152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2be libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1806 at pkguri.cxx:152 149 { 150 // root folder. 151 -> 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2c3 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1811 at pkguri.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2c3 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1811 at pkguri.cxx:153 150 // root folder. 151 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); -> 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d09a libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 26 at pkguri.cxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d09a libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 26 at pkguri.cxx:43 40 41 static void normalize( OUString& rURL ) 42 { -> 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=62, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=61, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=60, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=59, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=58, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=57, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=0) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=6, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=6, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=6) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"/Applications/", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=6) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%cations/", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=6) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%cations/", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=6) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"cations/", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"cations/", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Ftions/", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Ftions/", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"tions/", _pSrc=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=54) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"tions/", _pSrc=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=54) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=54) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=54) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=6, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=6, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=56, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=55, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=54, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=6) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 frame #2: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:51 frame #5: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #6: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #7: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #8: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #9: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #10: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #11: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #12: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #13: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #14: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #15: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #16: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #17: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #18: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #19: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #20: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #21: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #22: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #23: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #26: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #27: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=9, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=9, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=9) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=9) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=9) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=9) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=51) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=51) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=51) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=51) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=9, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=9, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 frame #1: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:344 frame #2: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 frame #3: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:437 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 frame #5: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #6: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #7: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #8: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #9: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #10: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #11: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #12: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #13: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #14: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #15: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #16: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #17: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #18: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #19: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #20: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #21: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #22: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #23: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #26: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #27: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=53, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=52, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=51, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=9) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 frame #2: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:51 frame #5: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #6: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #7: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #8: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #9: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #10: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #11: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #12: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #13: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #14: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #15: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #16: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #17: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #18: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #19: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #20: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #21: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #22: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #23: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #26: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #27: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=12, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=12, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=12) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=12) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=12) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=12) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=48) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=48) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=48) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Users%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=48) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=12, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=12, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=50, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=49, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=48, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=47, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=46, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=45, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=44, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=43, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=12) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 frame #1: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 frame #2: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 frame #3: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #4: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 frame #5: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #6: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #7: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:51 frame #8: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #9: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #10: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #11: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #12: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #13: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #14: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #15: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #16: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #17: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #18: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #19: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #20: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #21: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #22: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #23: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #24: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #25: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #26: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #27: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #28: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #29: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #30: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #32: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #33: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=20, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=20, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=20) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=20) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=20) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=20) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=40) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=40) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=40) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"demo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=40) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=20, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=20, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=42, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=41, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=40, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=39, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=38, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=37, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=36, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=20) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 frame #1: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:51 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #5: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #6: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #7: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #8: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #9: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #10: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #11: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #12: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #13: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #14: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #15: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #16: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #17: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #18: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #19: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #20: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #21: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #22: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #25: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #26: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x00000001466140d8, beginIndex=27, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=27, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=27) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=27) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=27) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=27) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=33) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=33) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=33) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"Downloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=33) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001466140d8, nIndex=27, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x0000000146614218, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=27, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x00000001466140d0) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001466140d8) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001466140d8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=35, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 frame #1: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=34, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=33, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=32, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=31, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=30, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=29, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=28, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=27, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=26, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=25, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3a7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 55 at strtmpl.cxx:398 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) -> 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=24, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=27) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0bf libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 63 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0ce libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 78 at pkguri.cxx:49 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { -> 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0dc libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 92 at pkguri.cxx:51 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { -> 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7110b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 43 at ustring.hxx:2083 2080 */ 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { -> 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c71113 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 51 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ea6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 22 at strtmpl.cxx:1391 1388 sal_Int32 count ) 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { -> 1391 assert(ppThis); 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91ef8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 104 at strtmpl.cxx:1392 1389 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1390 { 1391 assert(ppThis); -> 1392 if ( beginIndex == 0 && count == pFrom->length ) 1393 { 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f24 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 148 at strtmpl.cxx:1397 1394 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, const_cast< IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * >( pFrom ) ); 1395 return; 1396 } -> 1397 if ( count < 0 || beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex + count > pFrom->length ) 1398 { 1399 assert(false); // fail fast at least in debug builds 1400 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromLiteral )( ppThis, "!!br0ken!!", 10, 0 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 223 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 1401 return; 1402 } 1403 -> 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91d63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1362 1359 sal_Int32 nLen ) 1360 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1361 { -> 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91db5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:1365 1362 assert(ppThis); 1363 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg; 1364 -> 1365 if ( !pCharStr || (nLen <= 0) ) 1366 { 1367 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1368 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dd8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 136 at strtmpl.cxx:1371 1368 return; 1369 } 1370 -> 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91de3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=2) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 frame #1: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 frame #2: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 frame #3: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 frame #4: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 frame #5: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1404 frame #6: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 frame #7: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:51 frame #8: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #9: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #10: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #11: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #12: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #13: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #14: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #15: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #16: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #17: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #18: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #19: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #20: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #21: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #22: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #23: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #24: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #25: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #26: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #27: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #28: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #29: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #30: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #32: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #33: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294a280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=16) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=16) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=2) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91deb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1372 1369 } 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91dff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1373 1370 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e55 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 261 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2F", _pSrc=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 287 at strtmpl.cxx:1374 1371 pOrg = *ppThis; 1372 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1373 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1374 rtl_str_ImplCopy( (*ppThis)->buffer, pCharStr, nLen ); 1375 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e74 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1379 1376 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1377 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ -> 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1381 } 1382 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91e88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pCharStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2) + 312 at strtmpl.cxx:1381 1378 /* must be done last, if pCharStr == *ppThis */ 1379 if ( pOrg ) 1380 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1381 } 1382 1383 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1384 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91f91 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newFromSubString(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pFrom=0x0000000146614218, beginIndex=39, count=2) + 257 at strtmpl.cxx:1405 1402 } 1403 1404 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newFromStr_WithLength )( ppThis, pFrom->buffer + beginIndex, count ); -> 1405 } 1406 1407 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1408 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 76 at ustring.hxx:2084 2081 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; -> 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7112e libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 78 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7113b libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::copy(this=0x000070000fee7e60, beginIndex=39, count=2) const + 91 at ustring.hxx:2085 2082 { 2083 rtl_uString *pNew = NULL; 2084 rtl_uString_newFromSubString( &pNew, pData, beginIndex, count ); -> 2085 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2086 } 2087 2088 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d104 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 132 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dac5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 37 at ustring.hxx:2628 2625 */ 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { -> 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dacd libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 45 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92fc0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 16 at strtmpl.cxx:1751 1748 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pStr ) 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { -> 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93012 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 98 at strtmpl.cxx:1752 1749 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); -> 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93052 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 162 at strtmpl.cxx:1753 1750 { 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); -> 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9305d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 173 at strtmpl.cxx:1754 1751 assert(ppThis); 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; -> 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93064 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 180 at strtmpl.cxx:1755 1752 assert(pStr); 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; -> 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9306e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 190 at strtmpl.cxx:1756 1753 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1754 int bChanged = 0; 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; -> 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9307a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 202 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=50) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=50) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93084 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 212 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 11 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=70) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b890f3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 19 at character.hxx:71 68 */ 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { -> 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8912a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(code=70) + 74 at character.hxx:72 69 inline bool isAsciiLowerCase(sal_uInt32 code) 70 { 71 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 72 return code >= 'a' && code <= 'z'; 73 } 74 75 /** Check for ASCII upper case character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93090 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 224 at strtmpl.cxx:1760 1757 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { -> 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { 1762 /* Copy String */ 1763 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pNewCharStr = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplNewCopy )( ppThis, pStr, pCharStr-pStr->buffer ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b93191 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 481 at strtmpl.cxx:1787 1784 break; 1785 } 1786 -> 1787 pCharStr++; 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9319d libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 493 at strtmpl.cxx:1788 1785 } 1786 1787 pCharStr++; -> 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931a6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 502 at strtmpl.cxx:1758 1755 sal_Int32 nLen = pStr->length; 1756 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pCharStr = pStr->buffer; 1757 -> 1758 while ( nLen > 0 ) 1759 { 1760 if ( rtl::isAsciiLowerCase(IMPL_RTL_USTRCODE(*pCharStr)) ) 1761 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ab libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 507 at strtmpl.cxx:1791 1788 nLen--; 1789 } 1790 -> 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931b5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 517 at strtmpl.cxx:1793 1790 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { -> 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 528 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91568 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 8 at strtmpl.cxx:1199 1196 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { -> 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9157c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 28 at strtmpl.cxx:1200 1197 void IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pThis) 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) -> 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); 1201 } 1202 1203 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91583 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at strtmpl.cxx:1201 1198 { 1199 if (!SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis)) 1200 osl_atomic_increment( &((pThis)->refCount) ); -> 1201 } 1202 1203 } 1204 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931c9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 537 at strtmpl.cxx:1794 1791 if ( !bChanged ) 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; -> 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931ce libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 542 at strtmpl.cxx:1795 1792 { 1793 *ppThis = pStr; 1794 IMPL_RTL_ACQUIRE( pStr ); -> 1795 } 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931d3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 547 at strtmpl.cxx:1799 1796 1797 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ -> 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1801 } 1802 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b931e7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 567 at strtmpl.cxx:1801 1798 /* must be done last, if pStr == *ppThis */ 1799 if ( pOrg ) 1800 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1801 } 1802 1803 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1804 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 64 at ustring.hxx:2629 2626 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString toAsciiUpperCase() const 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7dae2 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 66 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60, str=0x00000001445322d0, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7daef libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::toAsciiUpperCase(this=0x000070000fee7b70) const + 79 at ustring.hxx:2630 2627 { 2628 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2629 rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase( &pNew, pData ); -> 2630 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2631 } 2632 2633 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d12e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 174 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=39) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=39) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=39) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=39) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"2F", _nCount=2) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=21) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=21) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=21) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"copyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=21) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7af0, pStr=0x0000000146614218, nIndex=39, nCount=2, pNewSubStr=0x00000001445322d0) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68, str=0x00000001466140d8, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7e60, index=39, count=2, newStr=0x000070000fee7b60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d14c libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 204 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c280, obj=0x0000000146614210) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000146614218) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000146614218) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000146614218) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b68) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7e60, str=0x000070000fee7b68) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d15e libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 222 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b68) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d170 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 240 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b60) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d179 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 249 at pkguri.cxx:52 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); -> 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d17d libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 253 at pkguri.cxx:53 50 { 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); -> 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } 56 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d186 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 262 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294a280, obj=0x00000001445322c8) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x00000001445322d0) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x00000001445322d0) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7b70) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d18b libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 267 at pkguri.cxx:54 51 OUString aTmp = rURL.copy( nPos + 1, 2 ); 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; -> 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1d5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 341 at pkguri.cxx:55 52 rURL = rURL.replaceAt( nPos + 1, 2, aTmp.toAsciiUpperCase() ); 53 nPos++; 54 } -> 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0a6 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf0a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 26 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f382 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 18 at strtmpl.cxx:394 391 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* p = static_cast(std::memchr(const_cast(pStr), c, nLen)); 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else -> 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f38a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=23, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=22, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=21, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=20, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=19, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=18, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=17, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=16, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=15, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=14, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=13, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=12, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=11, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=10, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=9, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=8, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=7, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=6, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=5, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=4, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=3, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=2, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f394 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:397 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { -> 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 80 at strtmpl.cxx:400 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 -> 400 pTempStr++; 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=1, c=U+0025 u'%') + 92 at strtmpl.cxx:401 398 return pTempStr-pStr; 399 400 pTempStr++; -> 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 404 return -1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3d5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 101 at strtmpl.cxx:395 392 return p ? p - pStr : -1; 393 #else 394 const IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = pStr; -> 395 while ( nLen > 0 ) 396 { 397 if ( *pTempStr == c ) 398 return pTempStr-pStr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3da libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 106 at strtmpl.cxx:404 401 nLen--; 402 } 403 -> 404 return -1; 405 #endif 406 } 407 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8f3e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pStr=u"2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", nLen=0, c=U+0025 u'%') + 113 at strtmpl.cxx:406 403 404 return -1; 405 #endif -> 406 } 407 408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 409 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf33 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 67 at ustring.hxx:1826 1823 */ 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { -> 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bf36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::indexOf(this=0x000070000fee7e60, ch=U+0025 u'%', fromIndex=39) const + 70 at ustring.hxx:1827 1824 sal_Int32 indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const 1825 { 1826 sal_Int32 ret = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pData->buffer+fromIndex, pData->length-fromIndex, ch ); -> 1827 return (ret < 0 ? ret : ret+fromIndex); 1828 } 1829 1830 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b2 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 50 at pkguri.cxx:46 43 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; 44 do 45 { -> 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 44 do 45 { 46 nPos = rURL.indexOf( '%', nPos ); -> 47 if ( nPos != -1 ) 48 { 49 if ( nPos < ( rURL.getLength() - 2 ) ) 50 { (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d0b5 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 53 at pkguri.cxx:47 frame #1: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 frame #2: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #3: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #4: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #5: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #6: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #7: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #8: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #9: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #10: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #11: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #12: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #13: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #14: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #15: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #16: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #17: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #18: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #19: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #20: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #21: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #22: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #23: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #24: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #25: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1da libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 346 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1df libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 351 at pkguri.cxx:57 54 } 55 } 56 } -> 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 60 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1e3 libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 355 at pkguri.cxx:56 53 nPos++; 54 } 55 } -> 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); 58 } 59 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d1fd libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 381 at pkguri.cxx:58, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d1fd libucppkg1.dylib`normalize(rURL=0x000070000fee7e60) + 381 at pkguri.cxx:58 55 } 56 } 57 while ( nPos != -1 ); -> 58 } 59 60 61 void PackageUri::init() const (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2cc libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1820 at pkguri.cxx:153 150 // root folder. 151 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); -> 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2d1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1825 at pkguri.cxx:156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2d1 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1825 at pkguri.cxx:156 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( -> 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); 159 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c417fc libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::getLength(this=0x000070000fee7ea0) const + 12 at ustring.hxx:606 603 @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this 604 object. 605 */ -> 606 sal_Int32 getLength() const { return pData->length; } 607 608 /** 609 Checks if a string is empty. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2e6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1846 at pkguri.cxx:156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2e6 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1846 at pkguri.cxx:156 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( -> 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); 159 m_aPath = "/"; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c2ff libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1871 at pkguri.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c2ff libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1871 at pkguri.cxx:155 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 -> 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5bdff libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 47 at ustring.hxx:2125 2122 */ 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { -> 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be07 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 55 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9276a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 26 at strtmpl.cxx:1553 1550 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pNewSubStr ) 1551 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1552 { -> 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927bc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 108 at strtmpl.cxx:1556 1553 assert(ppThis); 1554 // assert(nCount >= 0); 1555 /* Append? */ -> 1556 if ( nIndex >= pStr->length ) 1557 { 1558 /* newConcat test, if pNewSubStr is 0 */ 1559 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( newConcat )( ppThis, pStr, pNewSubStr ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927e2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 146 at strtmpl.cxx:1564 1561 } 1562 1563 /* negativ index? */ -> 1564 if ( nIndex < 0 ) 1565 { 1566 nCount -= nIndex; 1567 nIndex = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b927fe libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 174 at strtmpl.cxx:1571 1568 } 1569 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ -> 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92813 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 195 at strtmpl.cxx:1573, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92813 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 195 at strtmpl.cxx:1573 1570 /* not more than the String length could be deleted */ 1571 if ( nCount >= pStr->length-nIndex ) 1572 { -> 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 1575 /* Assign of NewSubStr? */ 1576 if ( !nIndex && (nCount >= pStr->length) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 208 at strtmpl.cxx:1576, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 208 at strtmpl.cxx:1576 1573 nCount = pStr->length-nIndex; 1574 1575 /* Assign of NewSubStr? */ -> 1576 if ( !nIndex && (nCount >= pStr->length) ) 1577 { 1578 if ( !pNewSubStr ) 1579 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1584, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1584 1581 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pNewSubStr ); 1582 return; 1583 } -> 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9286a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 282 at strtmpl.cxx:1587 1584 } 1585 1586 /* Assign of Str? */ -> 1587 if ( !nCount && (!pNewSubStr || !pNewSubStr->length) ) 1588 { 1589 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( assign )( ppThis, pStr ); 1590 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9289f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 335 at strtmpl.cxx:1593 1590 return; 1591 } 1592 -> 1593 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pOrg = *ppThis; 1594 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pBuffer; 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928aa libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 346 at strtmpl.cxx:1598 1595 sal_Int32 nNewLen; 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ -> 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928b7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 359 at strtmpl.cxx:1599 1596 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; -> 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928c2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 370 at strtmpl.cxx:1600 1597 /* Calculate length of the new string */ 1598 nNewLen = pStr->length-nCount; 1599 if ( pNewSubStr ) -> 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928cf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 383 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=81) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c500) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=174) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=174) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 frame #1: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 frame #2: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7c316 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1894 at pkguri.cxx:155 frame #4: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #5: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #6: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #7: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #8: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #9: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #10: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #11: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #12: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #13: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #14: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #15: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #16: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #17: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #18: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #19: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #20: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #21: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #22: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #24: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #25: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #26: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=81) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 391 at strtmpl.cxx:1603 1600 nNewLen += pNewSubStr->length; 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ -> 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b928eb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 411 at strtmpl.cxx:1604 1601 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); -> 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92941 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 497 at strtmpl.cxx:1605 1602 /* Alloc New Buffer */ 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92950 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 512 at strtmpl.cxx:1606 1603 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nNewLen ); 1604 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9295a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 522 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=19) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=19) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=19) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=19) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92971 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 545 at strtmpl.cxx:1608 1605 pBuffer = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { -> 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92976 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 550 at strtmpl.cxx:1609 1606 if ( nIndex ) 1607 { 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); -> 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9298b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 571 at strtmpl.cxx:1611 1608 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer, nIndex ); 1609 pBuffer += nIndex; 1610 } -> 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 596 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _pSrc=u"file:%2F%2F%2FUsers%2Fdemo%2FDownloads%2Fcopyvisicells-1-2.oxt", _nCount=62) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 622 at strtmpl.cxx:1613 1610 } 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { -> 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929c3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 627 at strtmpl.cxx:1614 1611 if ( pNewSubStr && pNewSubStr->length ) 1612 { 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); -> 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b929dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 652 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=0) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b73 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=0) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:54 51 sal_Int32 _nCount ) 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations -> 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=0) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91b96 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_str_ImplCopy(_pDest=u"", _pSrc=u"", _nCount=0) + 54 at strtmpl.cxx:55 52 { 53 // take advantage of builtin optimisations 54 memcpy( _pDest, _pSrc, _nCount * sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); -> 55 } 56 57 /* ======================================================================= */ 58 /* C-String functions which could be used without the String-Class */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 703 at strtmpl.cxx:1616 1613 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pNewSubStr->buffer, pNewSubStr->length ); 1614 pBuffer += pNewSubStr->length; 1615 } -> 1616 rtl_str_ImplCopy( pBuffer, pStr->buffer+nIndex+nCount, pStr->length-nIndex-nCount ); 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a14 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 708 at strtmpl.cxx:1620 1617 1618 RTL_LOG_STRING_NEW( *ppThis ); 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ -> 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); 1622 } 1623 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b92a28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(ppThis=0x000070000fee7b70, pStr=0x0000000118225608, nIndex=19, nCount=62, pNewSubStr=0x00000001466140d8) + 728 at strtmpl.cxx:1622 1619 /* must be done last, if pStr or pNewSubStr == *ppThis */ 1620 if ( pOrg ) 1621 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( pOrg ); -> 1622 } 1623 1624 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1625 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be27 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 87 at ustring.hxx:2126 2123 SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OUString replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString& newStr ) const 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; -> 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be29 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 89 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f117 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 23 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f143 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 19 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5f123 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58, str=0x0000000118225488, (null)=SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) + 35 at ustring.hxx:170 167 OUString data 168 */ 169 inline OUString( rtl_uString * str, __sal_NoAcquire ) -> 170 { pData = str; } 171 172 /** 173 New string from a single Unicode character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5be36 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::replaceAt(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, index=19, count=62, newStr=0x000070000fee7e60) const + 102 at ustring.hxx:2127 2124 { 2125 rtl_uString* pNew = NULL; 2126 rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt( &pNew, pData, index, count, newStr.pData ); -> 2127 return OUString( pNew, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE ); 2128 } 2129 2130 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c316 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1894 at pkguri.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c316 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1894 at pkguri.cxx:155 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 -> 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cd4 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 20 at ustring.hxx:437 434 */ 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { -> 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915dc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 76 at strtmpl.cxx:1223 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING -> 1223 if (SAL_STRING_IS_INTERN (pThis)) 1224 { 1225 internRelease (pThis); 1226 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91616 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1230 1227 } 1228 #endif 1229 -> 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9162f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 159 at strtmpl.cxx:1233 1230 if ( !osl_atomic_decrement( &(pThis->refCount) ) ) 1231 { 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); -> 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } 1235 } 1236 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6146c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:340 337 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 338 { 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 340 while (true) 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61471 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 17 at alloc_global.cxx:342 339 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 340 while (true) 341 { -> 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b6147e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 30 at alloc_global.cxx:344 341 { 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { -> 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cdc libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 12 at alloc_global.cxx:139 136 137 void SAL_CALL rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM (void * p) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 138 { -> 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ce7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 23 at alloc_global.cxx:141 138 { 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { -> 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 35 at alloc_global.cxx:142 139 if (p != nullptr) 140 { 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60cfe libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 46 at alloc_global.cxx:144 141 char * addr = static_cast(p) - RTL_MEMALIGN; 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 -> 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d13 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 67 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6b0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 16 at alloc_cache.cxx:1221 1218 void * obj 1219 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1220 { -> 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e6cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 45 at alloc_cache.cxx:1223 1220 { 1221 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache != nullptr)) 1222 { -> 1223 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1224 { 1225 if (cache->m_destructor != nullptr) 1226 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e721 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 129 at alloc_cache.cxx:1234 1231 return; 1232 } 1233 -> 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 1236 for (;;) 1237 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e73b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 155 at alloc_cache.cxx:1236 1233 1234 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1235 -> 1236 for (;;) 1237 { 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e740 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 160 at alloc_cache.cxx:1241 1238 /* return object to magazine layer */ 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 -> 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e74f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 175 at alloc_cache.cxx:1242 1239 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1240 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e770 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 208 at alloc_cache.cxx:1244 1241 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { -> 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e78f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 239 at alloc_cache.cxx:1245 1242 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used < curr->m_mag_size)) 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; -> 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 260 at alloc_cache.cxx:1246 1243 { 1244 curr->m_objects[curr->m_mag_used++] = obj; 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; -> 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 1248 return; 1249 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e7be libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 286 at alloc_cache.cxx:1248 1245 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_free += 1; 1246 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1247 -> 1248 return; 1249 } 1250 1251 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5e8ff libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_free(cache=0x000000011294c500, obj=0x0000000118225600) + 607 at alloc_cache.cxx:1291 1288 /* return buffer to slab layer */ 1289 rtl_cache_slab_free (cache, obj); 1290 } -> 1291 } 1292 1293 #if defined(SAL_UNX) 1294 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d2c libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 92 at alloc_global.cxx:145 142 sal_Size size = reinterpret_cast(addr)[0]; 143 144 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d45 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 117 at alloc_global.cxx:148 145 rtl_cache_free(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT], addr); 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); -> 148 } 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60d4a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p=0x0000000118225608) + 122 at alloc_global.cxx:149 146 else 147 rtl_arena_free (gp_alloc_arena, addr, size); 148 } -> 149 } 150 151 /* ================================================================= */ 152 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61487 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 39 at alloc_global.cxx:345 342 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 343 { 344 rtl_freeMemory_CUSTOM(p); -> 345 return; 346 } 347 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 348 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b614cd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_freeMemory(p=0x0000000118225608) + 109 at alloc_global.cxx:357 354 #else 355 rtl_freeMemory_SYSTEM(p); 356 #endif -> 357 } 358 359 /* ================================================================= * 360 * (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000118225608) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44ce0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 32 at ustring.hxx:438 435 OUString & operator=( OUString && str ) 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cee libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 46 at ustring.hxx:439 436 { 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; -> 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44cf9 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 57 at ustring.hxx:440 437 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; -> 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e58) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c44d02 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::operator=(this=0x000070000fee7ea0, str=0x000070000fee7e58) + 66 at ustring.hxx:441 438 pData = str.pData; 439 str.pData = nullptr; 440 rtl_uString_new( &str.pData ); -> 441 return *this; 442 } 443 #endif 444 #endif (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c328 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1912 at pkguri.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c328 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1912 at pkguri.cxx:155 152 OUString aNormPackage = aPureUri.copy( nStart ); 153 normalize( aNormPackage ); 154 -> 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 16 at ustring.hxx:398 395 Release the string data. 396 */ 397 ~OUString() -> 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41990 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 16 at ustring.hxx:399 396 */ 397 ~OUString() 398 { -> 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c41998 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 24 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c40395 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::~OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e58) + 21 at ustring.hxx:400 397 ~OUString() 398 { 399 rtl_uString_release( pData ); -> 400 } 401 402 /** Provides an OUString const & passing a storage pointer of an 403 rtl_uString * handle. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c33d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1933 at pkguri.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c33d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1933 at pkguri.cxx:157 154 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); -> 157 m_aPackage 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); 159 m_aPath = "/"; 160 m_aUri = m_aUri.replaceAt( 0, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7c348 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1944 at pkguri.cxx:158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7c348 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1944 at pkguri.cxx:158 155 aPureUri = aPureUri.replaceAt( 156 nStart, aPureUri.getLength() - nStart, aNormPackage ); 157 m_aPackage -> 158 = ::ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment( aNormPackage ); 159 m_aPath = "/"; 160 m_aUri = m_aUri.replaceAt( 0, 161 ( nParam >= 0 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7d239 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 25 at urihelper.hxx:40, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7d239 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 25 at urihelper.hxx:40 37 38 inline OUString decodeSegment( const OUString& rSegment ) 39 { -> 40 return rtl::Uri::decode( rSegment, 41 rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, 42 RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); 43 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7db39 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 25 at uri.hxx:109, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7db39 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 25 at uri.hxx:109 106 rtl_UriDecodeMechanism eMechanism, 107 rtl_TextEncoding eCharset) 108 { -> 109 rtl::OUString aResult; 110 rtl_uriDecode(const_cast< rtl::OUString & >(rText).pData, 111 eMechanism, 112 eCharset, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b0 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 16 at ustring.hxx:117 114 New string containing no characters. 115 */ 116 OUString() -> 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d390 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 16 at ustring.hxx:118 115 */ 116 OUString() 117 { -> 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d397 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 23 at ustring.hxx:119 116 OUString() 117 { 118 pData = NULL; -> 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); 120 } 121 122 /** (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9170c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1242 1239 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis ) 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { -> 1242 assert(ppThis); 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9175e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 94 at strtmpl.cxx:1243 1240 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1241 { 1242 assert(ppThis); -> 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9177f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 127 at strtmpl.cxx:1246 1243 if ( *ppThis) 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 -> 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91786 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50) + 134 at strtmpl.cxx:1247 1244 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1245 1246 *ppThis = const_cast(&IMPL_RTL_EMPTYSTRING); -> 1247 } 1248 1249 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1250 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c5d39c libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 28 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c445b5 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::OUString::OUString(this=0x000070000fee7e50) + 21 at ustring.hxx:120 117 { 118 pData = NULL; 119 rtl_uString_new( &pData ); -> 120 } 121 122 /** 123 New string from OUString. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7db4a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 42 at uri.hxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7db4a libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 42 at uri.hxx:110 107 rtl_TextEncoding eCharset) 108 { 109 rtl::OUString aResult; -> 110 rtl_uriDecode(const_cast< rtl::OUString & >(rText).pData, 111 eMechanism, 112 eCharset, 113 &aResult.pData); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7db51 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 49 at uri.hxx:111, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7db51 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 49 at uri.hxx:111 108 { 109 rtl::OUString aResult; 110 rtl_uriDecode(const_cast< rtl::OUString & >(rText).pData, -> 111 eMechanism, 112 eCharset, 113 &aResult.pData); 114 return aResult; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7db54 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 52 at uri.hxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7db54 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 52 at uri.hxx:112 109 rtl::OUString aResult; 110 rtl_uriDecode(const_cast< rtl::OUString & >(rText).pData, 111 eMechanism, -> 112 eCharset, 113 &aResult.pData); 114 return aResult; 115 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000146c7db58 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 56 at uri.hxx:110, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000146c7db58 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 56 at uri.hxx:110 107 rtl_TextEncoding eCharset) 108 { 109 rtl::OUString aResult; -> 110 rtl_uriDecode(const_cast< rtl::OUString & >(rText).pData, 111 eMechanism, 112 eCharset, 113 &aResult.pData); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bb88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 40 at uri.cxx:656, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bb88 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 40 at uri.cxx:656 653 rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, rtl_uString ** pResult) 654 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 655 { -> 656 switch (eMechanism) 657 { 658 case rtl_UriDecodeNone: 659 rtl_uString_assign(pResult, pText); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bbc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 103 at uri.cxx:667, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bbc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 103 at uri.cxx:667 664 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 665 default: // rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, rtl_UriDecodeStrict 666 { -> 667 sal_Unicode const * p = pText->buffer; 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bbd3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 115 at uri.cxx:668, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bbd3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 115 at uri.cxx:668 665 default: // rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, rtl_UriDecodeStrict 666 { 667 sal_Unicode const * p = pText->buffer; -> 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); 671 while (p < pEnd) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bbea libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 138 at uri.cxx:669, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bbea libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 138 at uri.cxx:669 666 { 667 sal_Unicode const * p = pText->buffer; 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; -> 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bbf4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 148 at uri.cxx:670, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bbf4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 148 at uri.cxx:670 667 sal_Unicode const * p = pText->buffer; 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; -> 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9188f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 15 at strtmpl.cxx:1265, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9188f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 15 at strtmpl.cxx:1265 1262 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new_WithLength )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA** ppThis, sal_Int32 nLen ) 1263 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1264 { -> 1265 assert(ppThis); 1266 if ( nLen <= 0 ) 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b918e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1266, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b918e1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1266 1263 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1264 { 1265 assert(ppThis); -> 1266 if ( nLen <= 0 ) 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else 1269 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b918f9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 121 at strtmpl.cxx:1270, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b918f9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 121 at strtmpl.cxx:1270 1267 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( new )( ppThis ); 1268 else 1269 { -> 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91907 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 135 at strtmpl.cxx:1271, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91907 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 135 at strtmpl.cxx:1271 1268 else 1269 { 1270 if ( *ppThis) -> 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9159c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 12 at strtmpl.cxx:1218 1215 void SAL_CALL IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* pThis ) 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { -> 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b915d7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 71 at strtmpl.cxx:1219 1216 SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1217 { 1218 if (SAL_UNLIKELY(SAL_STRING_IS_STATIC (pThis))) -> 1219 return; 1220 1221 /* OString doesn't have an 'intern' */ 1222 #if IMPL_RTL_IS_USTRING (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9163b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_release(pThis=0x0000000102bf85a8) + 171 at strtmpl.cxx:1235 1232 RTL_LOG_STRING_DELETE( pThis ); 1233 rtl_freeMemory( pThis ); 1234 } -> 1235 } 1236 1237 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1238 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91913 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1273, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91913 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 147 at strtmpl.cxx:1273 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 -> 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b917fb libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 11 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5c667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`unsigned int sal::static_int_cast(n=62) + 7 at types.h:474 471 Both template arguments T1 and T2 must be integral types. 472 */ 473 template< typename T1, typename T2 > inline T1 static_int_cast(T2 n) { -> 474 return static_cast< T1 >(n); 475 } 476 477 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91803 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 19 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91807 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 23 at strtmpl.cxx:1150 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) -> 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9180e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 30 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91814 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 36 at strtmpl.cxx:1153 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( -> 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91820 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 48 at strtmpl.cxx:1152 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) -> 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60e60 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 32 at alloc_global.cxx:293 290 291 void* SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 292 { -> 293 SAL_WARN_IF( 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613a9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1385 at alloc_global.cxx:297 294 n >= SAL_MAX_INT32, "sal.rtl", 295 "suspicious massive alloc " << n); 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) -> 297 while (true) 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { (lldb) (lldb) error: invalid thread Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613b3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1395 at alloc_global.cxx:299 296 #if !defined(FORCE_SYSALLOC) 297 while (true) 298 { -> 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613c0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1408 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60b9a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 26 at alloc_global.cxx:98 95 void * 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { -> 98 void * p = nullptr; 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ba2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 34 at alloc_global.cxx:99 96 SAL_CALL rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM (sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 97 { 98 void * p = nullptr; -> 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bad libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 45 at alloc_global.cxx:102 99 if (n > 0) 100 { 101 char * addr; -> 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 65 at alloc_global.cxx:105 102 sal_Size size = RTL_MEMORY_ALIGN(n + RTL_MEMALIGN, RTL_MEMALIGN); 103 104 assert(RTL_MEMALIGN >= sizeof(sal_Size)); -> 105 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE - (RTL_MEMALIGN + RTL_MEMALIGN - 1)) 106 { 107 /* requested size too large for roundup alignment */ 108 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bde libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 94 at alloc_global.cxx:112 109 } 110 111 try_alloc: -> 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60bf3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 115 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcbf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 15 at alloc_cache.cxx:1135 1132 rtl_cache_type * cache 1133 ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 1134 { -> 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dcc7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 23 at alloc_cache.cxx:1137 1134 { 1135 void * obj = nullptr; 1136 -> 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dce6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 54 at alloc_cache.cxx:1140 1137 if (cache == nullptr) 1138 return nullptr; 1139 -> 1140 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 1141 { 1142 obj = rtl_allocateMemory(cache->m_type_size); 1143 if ((obj != nullptr) && (cache->m_constructor != nullptr)) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd7a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 202 at alloc_cache.cxx:1155 1152 return obj; 1153 } 1154 -> 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dd94 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 228 at alloc_cache.cxx:1156 1153 } 1154 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); -> 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { 1158 for (;;) 1159 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 285 at alloc_cache.cxx:1158 1155 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_ACQUIRE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1156 if (SAL_LIKELY(cache->m_cpu_curr != nullptr)) 1157 { -> 1158 for (;;) 1159 { 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddd2 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 290 at alloc_cache.cxx:1163 1160 /* take object from magazine layer */ 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 -> 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dde1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 305 at alloc_cache.cxx:1164 1161 rtl_cache_magazine_type *curr, *prev, *temp; 1162 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; -> 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5ddfb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 331 at alloc_cache.cxx:1166 1163 curr = cache->m_cpu_curr; 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { -> 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de1a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 362 at alloc_cache.cxx:1167 1164 if ((curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_mag_used > 0)) 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; -> 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de2f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 383 at alloc_cache.cxx:1168 1165 { 1166 obj = curr->m_objects[--curr->m_mag_used]; 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; -> 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 1170 return (obj); 1171 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5de49 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 409 at alloc_cache.cxx:1170 1167 cache->m_cpu_stats.m_alloc += 1; 1168 RTL_MEMORY_LOCK_RELEASE(&(cache->m_depot_lock)); 1169 -> 1170 return (obj); 1171 } 1172 1173 prev = cache->m_cpu_prev; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b5dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_cache_alloc(cache=0x000000011294c280) + 768 at alloc_cache.cxx:1211 1208 } 1209 } 1210 return (obj); -> 1211 } 1212 1213 /** rtl_cache_free() 1214 */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c08 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 136 at alloc_global.cxx:113 110 111 try_alloc: 112 if (size <= RTL_MEMORY_CACHED_LIMIT) -> 113 addr = static_cast(rtl_cache_alloc(g_alloc_table[(size - 1) >> RTL_MEMALIGN_SHIFT])); 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c25 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 165 at alloc_global.cxx:117 114 else 115 addr = static_cast(rtl_arena_alloc (gp_alloc_arena, &size)); 116 -> 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c30 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 176 at alloc_global.cxx:119 116 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { -> 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c3b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 187 at alloc_global.cxx:120 117 if (addr != nullptr) 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; -> 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c47 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 199 at alloc_global.cxx:121 118 { 119 reinterpret_cast(addr)[0] = size; 120 p = addr + RTL_MEMALIGN; -> 121 } 122 else if (gp_alloc_arena == nullptr) 123 { 124 ensureMemorySingleton(); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c93 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 275 at alloc_global.cxx:131 128 goto try_alloc; 129 } 130 } -> 131 } 132 return p; 133 } 134 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60c98 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 280 at alloc_global.cxx:132 129 } 130 } 131 } -> 132 return p; 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b60ca7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n=136) + 295 at alloc_global.cxx:133 130 } 131 } 132 return p; -> 133 } 134 135 /* ================================================================= */ 136 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b613cc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1420 at alloc_global.cxx:301 298 { 299 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::CUSTOM) 300 { -> 301 return rtl_allocateMemory_CUSTOM(n); 302 } 303 if (alloc_mode == AllocMode::SYSTEM) 304 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b61426 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_allocateMemory(n=136) + 1510 at alloc_global.cxx:312 309 #else 310 return rtl_allocateMemory_SYSTEM(n); 311 #endif -> 312 } 313 314 void* SAL_CALL rtl_reallocateMemory (void * p, sal_Size n) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() 315 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91828 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 56 at strtmpl.cxx:1149 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData -> 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91842 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 82 at strtmpl.cxx:1148 1145 1146 static IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA* IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( sal_Int32 nLen ) 1147 { -> 1148 IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA * pData 1149 = (sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nLen) 1150 <= ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA)) 1151 / sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91846 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 86 at strtmpl.cxx:1155 1152 ? static_cast(rtl_allocateMemory( 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; -> 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91851 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 97 at strtmpl.cxx:1156 1153 sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRINGDATA) + nLen * sizeof (IMPL_RTL_STRCODE))) 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { -> 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9185b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 107 at strtmpl.cxx:1157 1154 : nullptr; 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; -> 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91865 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 117 at strtmpl.cxx:1158 1155 if (pData != nullptr) { 1156 pData->refCount = 1; 1157 pData->length = nLen; -> 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } 1160 return pData; 1161 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91874 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_uString_ImplAlloc(nLen=62) + 132 at strtmpl.cxx:1160 1157 pData->length = nLen; 1158 pData->buffer[nLen] = 0; 1159 } -> 1160 return pData; 1161 } 1162 1163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9191b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1273, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9191b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 155 at strtmpl.cxx:1273 1270 if ( *ppThis) 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 -> 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b9192f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1274, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b9192f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 175 at strtmpl.cxx:1274 1271 IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( release )( *ppThis ); 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); -> 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91987 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 263 at strtmpl.cxx:1275, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91987 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 263 at strtmpl.cxx:1275 1272 1273 *ppThis = IMPL_RTL_STRINGNAME( ImplAlloc )( nLen ); 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); -> 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b91995 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1277, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b91995 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 277 at strtmpl.cxx:1277 1274 OSL_ASSERT(*ppThis != nullptr); 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 -> 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } 1280 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278 1275 (*ppThis)->length = 0; 1276 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; -> 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } 1280 } 1281 (lldb) debugreport unwind error: 'debugreport' is not a valid command. error: Unrecognized command 'debugreport'. (lldb) bugreport unwind (lldb) thread backtrace * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 292 at strtmpl.cxx:1278 frame #1: 0x0000000102b8bc00 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 160 at uri.cxx:670 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 68 at uri.hxx:110 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at urihelper.hxx:40 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1967 at pkguri.cxx:158 frame #5: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #6: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #7: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #8: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #9: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #10: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #11: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #12: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #13: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #14: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #15: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #16: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #17: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #18: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #19: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #20: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #21: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #22: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #25: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #26: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x102b919a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(rtl_uString **, sal_Int32): 0x102b91880 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x102b91881 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x102b91884 <+4>: 48 83 ec 40 subq $0x40, %rsp 0x102b91888 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x102b9188c <+12>: 89 75 f4 movl %esi, -0xc(%rbp) 0x102b9188f <+15>: 48 83 7d f8 00 cmpq $0x0, -0x8(%rbp) 0x102b91894 <+20>: 0f 95 c0 setne %al 0x102b91897 <+23>: 34 ff xorb $-0x1, %al 0x102b91899 <+25>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x102b9189b <+27>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x102b918a6 ; <+38> at strtmpl.cxx:1265 0x102b918a1 <+33>: e9 36 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b918dc ; <+92> at strtmpl.cxx:1265 0x102b918a6 <+38>: 48 8d 3d 5f 62 05 00 leaq 0x5625f(%rip), %rdi ; "rtl_uString_new_WithLength" 0x102b918ad <+45>: 48 8d 35 a4 4c 05 00 leaq 0x54ca4(%rip), %rsi ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/sal/rtl/strtmpl.cxx" 0x102b918b4 <+52>: 48 8d 0d 78 50 05 00 leaq 0x55078(%rip), %rcx ; "ppThis" 0x102b918bb <+59>: ba f1 04 00 00 movl $0x4f1, %edx ; imm = 0x4F1 0x102b918c0 <+64>: e8 97 1f 05 00 callq 0x102be385c ; symbol stub for: __assert_rtn 0x102b918c5 <+69>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b918ca ; <+74> at strtmpl.cxx:1280 0x102b918ca <+74>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x102b918cc <+76>: 48 89 45 e8 movq %rax, -0x18(%rbp) 0x102b918d0 <+80>: 89 4d e4 movl %ecx, -0x1c(%rbp) 0x102b918d3 <+83>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b918d7 <+87>: e8 ae 24 05 00 callq 0x102be3d8a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x102b918dc <+92>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b918e1 ; <+97> at strtmpl.cxx:1266 0x102b918e1 <+97>: 83 7d f4 00 cmpl $0x0, -0xc(%rbp) 0x102b918e5 <+101>: 0f 8f 0e 00 00 00 jg 0x102b918f9 ; <+121> at strtmpl.cxx:1270 0x102b918eb <+107>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b918ef <+111>: e8 0c fe ff ff callq 0x102b91700 ; ::rtl_uString_new(rtl_uString **) at strtmpl.cxx:1241 0x102b918f4 <+116>: e9 c2 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b919bb ; <+315> at strtmpl.cxx:1280 0x102b918f9 <+121>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b918fd <+125>: 48 83 38 00 cmpq $0x0, (%rax) 0x102b91901 <+129>: 0f 84 0c 00 00 00 je 0x102b91913 ; <+147> at strtmpl.cxx:1273 0x102b91907 <+135>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b9190b <+139>: 48 8b 38 movq (%rax), %rdi 0x102b9190e <+142>: e8 7d fc ff ff callq 0x102b91590 ; ::rtl_uString_release(rtl_uString *) at strtmpl.cxx:1217 0x102b91913 <+147>: 8b 7d f4 movl -0xc(%rbp), %edi 0x102b91916 <+150>: e8 d5 fe ff ff callq 0x102b917f0 ; rtl_uString_ImplAlloc at strtmpl.cxx:1147 0x102b9191b <+155>: 48 89 45 d0 movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp) 0x102b9191f <+159>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b91924 ; <+164> at strtmpl.cxx:1273 0x102b91924 <+164>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b91928 <+168>: 48 8b 4d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rcx 0x102b9192c <+172>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x102b9192f <+175>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b91933 <+179>: 48 83 38 00 cmpq $0x0, (%rax) 0x102b91937 <+183>: 0f 85 3e 00 00 00 jne 0x102b9197b ; <+251> at strtmpl.cxx:1274 0x102b9193d <+189>: 48 8d 35 e1 30 05 00 leaq 0x530e1(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x102b91944 <+196>: 48 8d 15 09 50 05 00 leaq 0x55009(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/sal/rtl/strtmpl.cxx:1274: " 0x102b9194b <+203>: 48 8d 0d 1a 31 05 00 leaq 0x5311a(%rip), %rcx ; "OSL_ASSERT: %s" 0x102b91952 <+210>: 4c 8d 05 30 50 05 00 leaq 0x55030(%rip), %r8 ; "*ppThis != nullptr" 0x102b91959 <+217>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x102b9195b <+219>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x102b9195e <+222>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x102b91963 <+227>: 40 88 7d cf movb %dil, -0x31(%rbp) 0x102b91967 <+231>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x102b91969 <+233>: 8a 45 cf movb -0x31(%rbp), %al 0x102b9196c <+236>: e8 af 66 fc ff callq 0x102b58020 ; ::sal_detail_logFormat(sal_detail_LogLevel, const char *, const char *, const char *, ...) at log.cxx:362 0x102b91971 <+241>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b91976 ; <+246> at strtmpl.cxx:1274 0x102b91976 <+246>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b9197b ; <+251> at strtmpl.cxx:1274 0x102b9197b <+251>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b91980 ; <+256> at strtmpl.cxx:1274 0x102b91980 <+256>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b91985 ; <+261> at strtmpl.cxx:1274 0x102b91985 <+261>: 31 f6 xorl %esi, %esi 0x102b91987 <+263>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b9198b <+267>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x102b9198e <+270>: c7 40 04 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, 0x4(%rax) 0x102b91995 <+277>: 48 8b 45 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b91999 <+281>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x102b9199c <+284>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x102b919a0 <+288>: 48 89 45 d8 movq %rax, -0x28(%rbp) -> 0x102b919a4 <+292>: 48 8b 45 d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rax 0x102b919a8 <+296>: 48 63 4d f4 movslq -0xc(%rbp), %rcx 0x102b919ac <+300>: 48 c1 e1 01 shlq $0x1, %rcx 0x102b919b0 <+304>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x102b919b3 <+307>: 48 89 ca movq %rcx, %rdx 0x102b919b6 <+310>: e8 8d 20 05 00 callq 0x102be3a48 ; symbol stub for: memset 0x102b919bb <+315>: 48 83 c4 40 addq $0x40, %rsp 0x102b919bf <+319>: 5d popq %rbp 0x102b919c0 <+320>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x102b919a4 UNWIND PLANS for libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(rtl_uString **, sal_Int32) (start addr 0x102b91880) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 291472-0x00000000000473d1) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 320: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x102bf2b04, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 291472-0x00000000000473d1) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x102bf2b04, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 291472-0x00000000000473d1) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 320: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x102bf2b04, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 291472-0x00000000000473e0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x102b8bc00 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(rtl_uString *, rtl_UriDecodeMechanism, rtl_TextEncoding, rtl_uString **): 0x102b8bb60 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x102b8bb61 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x102b8bb64 <+4>: 48 83 ec 70 subq $0x70, %rsp 0x102b8bb68 <+8>: 66 89 d0 movw %dx, %ax 0x102b8bb6b <+11>: 4c 8b 05 36 05 08 00 movq 0x80536(%rip), %r8 ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x102b8bb72 <+18>: 4d 8b 00 movq (%r8), %r8 0x102b8bb75 <+21>: 4c 89 45 f8 movq %r8, -0x8(%rbp) 0x102b8bb79 <+25>: 48 89 7d e0 movq %rdi, -0x20(%rbp) 0x102b8bb7d <+29>: 89 75 dc movl %esi, -0x24(%rbp) 0x102b8bb80 <+32>: 66 89 45 da movw %ax, -0x26(%rbp) 0x102b8bb84 <+36>: 48 89 4d d0 movq %rcx, -0x30(%rbp) 0x102b8bb88 <+40>: 8b 55 dc movl -0x24(%rbp), %edx 0x102b8bb8b <+43>: 85 d2 testl %edx, %edx 0x102b8bb8d <+45>: 89 55 b0 movl %edx, -0x50(%rbp) 0x102b8bb90 <+48>: 0f 84 19 00 00 00 je 0x102b8bbaf ; <+79> at uri.cxx:659 0x102b8bb96 <+54>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bb9b ; <+59> at uri.cxx:656 0x102b8bb9b <+59>: 8b 45 b0 movl -0x50(%rbp), %eax 0x102b8bb9e <+62>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x102b8bba1 <+65>: 89 45 ac movl %eax, -0x54(%rbp) 0x102b8bba4 <+68>: 0f 84 17 00 00 00 je 0x102b8bbc1 ; <+97> at uri.cxx:663 0x102b8bbaa <+74>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bbc7 ; <+103> at uri.cxx:667 0x102b8bbaf <+79>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bbb3 <+83>: 48 8b 75 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bbb7 <+87>: e8 e4 63 00 00 callq 0x102b91fa0 ; ::rtl_uString_assign(rtl_uString **, rtl_uString *) at strtmpl.cxx:1456 0x102b8bbbc <+92>: e9 67 01 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd28 ; <+456> at uri.cxx:697 0x102b8bbc1 <+97>: 66 c7 45 da 4c 00 movw $0x4c, -0x26(%rbp) 0x102b8bbc7 <+103>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bbcb <+107>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x102b8bbcf <+111>: 48 89 45 f0 movq %rax, -0x10(%rbp) 0x102b8bbd3 <+115>: 48 8b 45 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bbd7 <+119>: 48 8b 4d e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rcx 0x102b8bbdb <+123>: 48 63 49 04 movslq 0x4(%rcx), %rcx 0x102b8bbdf <+127>: 48 c1 e1 01 shlq $0x1, %rcx 0x102b8bbe3 <+131>: 48 01 c8 addq %rcx, %rax 0x102b8bbe6 <+134>: 48 89 45 c8 movq %rax, -0x38(%rbp) 0x102b8bbea <+138>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bbee <+142>: 8b 50 04 movl 0x4(%rax), %edx 0x102b8bbf1 <+145>: 89 55 ec movl %edx, -0x14(%rbp) 0x102b8bbf4 <+148>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bbf8 <+152>: 8b 75 ec movl -0x14(%rbp), %esi 0x102b8bbfb <+155>: e8 80 5c 00 00 callq 0x102b91880 ; ::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(rtl_uString **, sal_Int32) at strtmpl.cxx:1264 0x102b8bc00 <+160>: 48 8b 45 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bc04 <+164>: 48 3b 45 c8 cmpq -0x38(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bc08 <+168>: 0f 83 f9 00 00 00 jae 0x102b8bd07 ; <+423> at uri.cxx:697 0x102b8bc0e <+174>: 48 8b 75 c8 movq -0x38(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bc12 <+178>: 0f b7 4d da movzwl -0x26(%rbp), %ecx 0x102b8bc16 <+182>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bc1a <+186>: ba 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %edx 0x102b8bc1f <+191>: 4c 8d 45 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %r8 0x102b8bc23 <+195>: e8 18 f1 ff ff callq 0x102b8ad40 ; (anonymous namespace)::readUcs4 at uri.cxx:83 0x102b8bc28 <+200>: 89 45 a8 movl %eax, -0x58(%rbp) 0x102b8bc2b <+203>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bc30 ; <+208> at uri.cxx:674 0x102b8bc30 <+208>: 8b 45 a8 movl -0x58(%rbp), %eax 0x102b8bc33 <+211>: 89 45 c4 movl %eax, -0x3c(%rbp) 0x102b8bc36 <+214>: 8b 4d e8 movl -0x18(%rbp), %ecx 0x102b8bc39 <+217>: 85 c9 testl %ecx, %ecx 0x102b8bc3b <+219>: 89 4d a4 movl %ecx, -0x5c(%rbp) 0x102b8bc3e <+222>: 0f 84 72 00 00 00 je 0x102b8bcb6 ; <+342> at uri.cxx:685 0x102b8bc44 <+228>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bc49 ; <+233> at uri.cxx:675 0x102b8bc49 <+233>: 8b 45 a4 movl -0x5c(%rbp), %eax 0x102b8bc4c <+236>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x102b8bc4f <+239>: 89 45 a0 movl %eax, -0x60(%rbp) 0x102b8bc52 <+242>: 0f 84 2b 00 00 00 je 0x102b8bc83 ; <+291> at uri.cxx:678 0x102b8bc58 <+248>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bc5d ; <+253> at uri.cxx:675 0x102b8bc5d <+253>: 8b 45 a4 movl -0x5c(%rbp), %eax 0x102b8bc60 <+256>: 83 e8 02 subl $0x2, %eax 0x102b8bc63 <+259>: 89 45 9c movl %eax, -0x64(%rbp) 0x102b8bc66 <+262>: 0f 84 64 00 00 00 je 0x102b8bcd0 ; <+368> at uri.cxx:689 0x102b8bc6c <+268>: e9 91 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd02 ; <+418> at uri.cxx:671 0x102b8bc71 <+273>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x102b8bc73 <+275>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x102b8bc77 <+279>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x102b8bc7a <+282>: 48 8b 7d b8 movq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bc7e <+286>: e8 07 81 05 00 callq 0x102be3d8a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x102b8bc83 <+291>: 83 7d c4 7f cmpl $0x7f, -0x3c(%rbp) 0x102b8bc87 <+295>: 0f 87 24 00 00 00 ja 0x102b8bcb1 ; <+337> at uri.cxx:678 0x102b8bc8d <+301>: 83 7d dc 01 cmpl $0x1, -0x24(%rbp) 0x102b8bc91 <+305>: 0f 85 1a 00 00 00 jne 0x102b8bcb1 ; <+337> at uri.cxx:678 0x102b8bc97 <+311>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bc9b <+315>: 8b 55 c4 movl -0x3c(%rbp), %edx 0x102b8bc9e <+318>: 48 8d 75 ec leaq -0x14(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bca2 <+322>: e8 f9 fd ff ff callq 0x102b8baa0 ; (anonymous namespace)::writeEscapeOctet at uri.cxx:233 0x102b8bca7 <+327>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bcac ; <+332> at uri.cxx:681 0x102b8bcac <+332>: e9 51 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd02 ; <+418> at uri.cxx:671 0x102b8bcb1 <+337>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bcb6 ; <+342> at uri.cxx:685 0x102b8bcb6 <+342>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bcba <+346>: 8b 55 c4 movl -0x3c(%rbp), %edx 0x102b8bcbd <+349>: 48 8d 75 ec leaq -0x14(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bcc1 <+353>: e8 8a 00 00 00 callq 0x102b8bd50 ; (anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4 at uri.cxx:215 0x102b8bcc6 <+358>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bccb ; <+363> at uri.cxx:686 0x102b8bccb <+363>: e9 32 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd02 ; <+418> at uri.cxx:671 0x102b8bcd0 <+368>: 83 7d dc 03 cmpl $0x3, -0x24(%rbp) 0x102b8bcd4 <+372>: 0f 85 0e 00 00 00 jne 0x102b8bce8 ; <+392> at uri.cxx:693 0x102b8bcda <+378>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bcde <+382>: e8 1d 5a 00 00 callq 0x102b91700 ; ::rtl_uString_new(rtl_uString **) at strtmpl.cxx:1241 0x102b8bce3 <+387>: e9 40 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd28 ; <+456> at uri.cxx:697 0x102b8bce8 <+392>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bcec <+396>: 8b 55 c4 movl -0x3c(%rbp), %edx 0x102b8bcef <+399>: 48 8d 75 ec leaq -0x14(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bcf3 <+403>: e8 a8 fd ff ff callq 0x102b8baa0 ; (anonymous namespace)::writeEscapeOctet at uri.cxx:233 0x102b8bcf8 <+408>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bcfd ; <+413> at uri.cxx:694 0x102b8bcfd <+413>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd02 ; <+418> at uri.cxx:671 0x102b8bd02 <+418>: e9 f9 fe ff ff jmp 0x102b8bc00 ; <+160> at uri.cxx:671 0x102b8bd07 <+423>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x102b8bd0b <+427>: 48 8d 75 ec leaq -0x14(%rbp), %rsi 0x102b8bd0f <+431>: e8 3c 1d 00 00 callq 0x102b8da50 ; ::rtl_uStringBuffer_makeStringAndClear(rtl_uString **, sal_Int32 *) at ustrbuf.cxx:60 0x102b8bd14 <+436>: 48 89 45 90 movq %rax, -0x70(%rbp) 0x102b8bd18 <+440>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102b8bd1d ; <+445> at uri.cxx:697 0x102b8bd1d <+445>: 48 8b 45 d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bd21 <+449>: 48 8b 4d 90 movq -0x70(%rbp), %rcx 0x102b8bd25 <+453>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x102b8bd28 <+456>: 48 8b 05 79 03 08 00 movq 0x80379(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x102b8bd2f <+463>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x102b8bd32 <+466>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x102b8bd36 <+470>: 0f 85 06 00 00 00 jne 0x102b8bd42 ; <+482> at uri.cxx:701 0x102b8bd3c <+476>: 48 83 c4 70 addq $0x70, %rsp 0x102b8bd40 <+480>: 5d popq %rbp 0x102b8bd41 <+481>: c3 retq 0x102b8bd42 <+482>: e8 2d 7b 05 00 callq 0x102be3874 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x102b8bc00 UNWIND PLANS for libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(rtl_uString *, rtl_UriDecodeMechanism, rtl_TextEncoding, rtl_uString **) (start addr 0x102b8bb60) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 267632-0x0000000000041757) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 481: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 482: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x102bf23bc, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 267632-0x0000000000041757) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x102bf23bc, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 267632-0x0000000000041757) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 481: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 482: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x102bf23bc, personality routine is at address 0x102c0c0a0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 267632-0x0000000000041760) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode: 0x146c7db20 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c7db21 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c7db24 <+4>: 48 83 ec 20 subq $0x20, %rsp 0x146c7db28 <+8>: 66 89 c8 movw %cx, %ax 0x146c7db2b <+11>: 49 89 f8 movq %rdi, %r8 0x146c7db2e <+14>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c7db32 <+18>: 89 55 f4 movl %edx, -0xc(%rbp) 0x146c7db35 <+21>: 66 89 45 f2 movw %ax, -0xe(%rbp) 0x146c7db39 <+25>: c6 45 f1 00 movb $0x0, -0xf(%rbp) 0x146c7db3d <+29>: 48 89 7d e8 movq %rdi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x146c7db41 <+33>: 4c 89 45 e0 movq %r8, -0x20(%rbp) 0x146c7db45 <+37>: e8 56 6a fc ff callq 0x146c445a0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146c7db4a <+42>: 48 8b 75 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7db4e <+46>: 48 8b 3e movq (%rsi), %rdi 0x146c7db51 <+49>: 8b 75 f4 movl -0xc(%rbp), %esi 0x146c7db54 <+52>: 66 8b 45 f2 movw -0xe(%rbp), %ax 0x146c7db58 <+56>: 0f b7 d0 movzwl %ax, %edx 0x146c7db5b <+59>: 48 8b 4d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c7db5f <+63>: e8 32 06 00 00 callq 0x146c7e196 ; symbol stub for: rtl_uriDecode 0x146c7db64 <+68>: c6 45 f1 01 movb $0x1, -0xf(%rbp) 0x146c7db68 <+72>: f6 45 f1 01 testb $0x1, -0xf(%rbp) 0x146c7db6c <+76>: 0f 85 09 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7db7b ; <+91> at uri.hxx:115 0x146c7db72 <+82>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7db76 <+86>: e8 05 28 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7db7b <+91>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7db7f <+95>: 48 83 c4 20 addq $0x20, %rsp 0x146c7db83 <+99>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c7db84 <+100>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c7db64 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rtl::OUString const&, rtl_UriDecodeMechanism, unsigned short) (start addr 0x146c7db20) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 256784-0x000000000003eb75) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 256784-0x000000000003eb75) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 256784-0x000000000003eb75) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 256656-0x000000000003f012) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment: 0x146c7d220 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c7d221 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c7d224 <+4>: 48 83 ec 10 subq $0x10, %rsp 0x146c7d228 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146c7d22b <+11>: ba 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %edx 0x146c7d230 <+16>: b9 4c 00 00 00 movl $0x4c, %ecx 0x146c7d235 <+21>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c7d239 <+25>: 48 8b 75 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7d23d <+29>: 48 89 45 f0 movq %rax, -0x10(%rbp) 0x146c7d241 <+33>: e8 da 08 00 00 callq 0x146c7db20 ; rtl::Uri::decode at uri.hxx:108 0x146c7d246 <+38>: 48 8b 45 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7d24a <+42>: 48 83 c4 10 addq $0x10, %rsp 0x146c7d24e <+46>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c7d24f <+47>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c7d246 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rtl::OUString const&) (start addr 0x146c7d220) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 254480-0x000000000003e240) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 47: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 254480-0x000000000003e240) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 254480-0x000000000003e240) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 47: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 254480-0x000000000003e440) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init: 0x146c7bbb0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c7bbb1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c7bbb4 <+4>: 48 81 ec 20 03 00 00 subq $0x320, %rsp ; imm = 0x320 0x146c7bbbb <+11>: 48 8b 05 16 c5 01 00 movq 0x1c516(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c7bbc2 <+18>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c7bbc5 <+21>: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c7bbc9 <+25>: 48 89 bd 10 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c7bbd0 <+32>: 48 8b 85 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bbd7 <+39>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bbda <+42>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146c7bbe1 <+49>: e8 da b7 fc ff callq 0x146c473c0 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x146c7bbe6 <+54>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7bbe8 <+56>: 0f 85 bd 12 00 00 jne 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7bbee <+62>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bbf5 <+69>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7bbf9 <+73>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bbfc <+76>: e8 bf b7 fc ff callq 0x146c473c0 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x146c7bc01 <+81>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7bc03 <+83>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bc0e ; <+94> at pkguri.cxx:67 0x146c7bc09 <+89>: e9 9d 12 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7bc0e <+94>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc15 <+101>: 48 83 c0 10 addq $0x10, %rax 0x146c7bc19 <+105>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc1c <+108>: e8 df c5 fd ff callq 0x146c58200 ; rtl::OUString::clear at ustring.hxx:594 0x146c7bc21 <+113>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc28 <+120>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x146c7bc2c <+124>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc2f <+127>: e8 cc c5 fd ff callq 0x146c58200 ; rtl::OUString::clear at ustring.hxx:594 0x146c7bc34 <+132>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc3b <+139>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x146c7bc3f <+143>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc42 <+146>: e8 b9 c5 fd ff callq 0x146c58200 ; rtl::OUString::clear at ustring.hxx:594 0x146c7bc47 <+151>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc4e <+158>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c7bc52 <+162>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc55 <+165>: e8 a6 c5 fd ff callq 0x146c58200 ; rtl::OUString::clear at ustring.hxx:594 0x146c7bc5a <+170>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc61 <+177>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7bc65 <+181>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc68 <+184>: e8 93 c5 fd ff callq 0x146c58200 ; rtl::OUString::clear at ustring.hxx:594 0x146c7bc6d <+189>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bc74 <+196>: e8 77 5b fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7bc79 <+201>: 83 f8 14 cmpl $0x14, %eax 0x146c7bc7c <+204>: 0f 8d 26 00 00 00 jge 0x146c7bca8 ; <+248> at pkguri.cxx:78 0x146c7bc82 <+210>: 48 8d 35 a9 8e 00 00 leaq 0x8ea9(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7bc89 <+217>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bc90 <+224>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7bc94 <+228>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bc97 <+231>: e8 44 12 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7bc9c <+236>: 48 89 85 b8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146c7bca3 <+243>: e9 03 12 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7bca8 <+248>: be 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %esi 0x146c7bcad <+253>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bcb4 <+260>: e8 a7 12 00 00 callq 0x146c7cf60 ; rtl::OUString::operator[] at ustring.hxx:639 0x146c7bcb9 <+265>: 0f b7 f0 movzwl %ax, %esi 0x146c7bcbc <+268>: 83 fe 3a cmpl $0x3a, %esi 0x146c7bcbf <+271>: 0f 85 3a 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bcff ; <+335> at pkguri.cxx:82 0x146c7bcc5 <+277>: be 11 00 00 00 movl $0x11, %esi 0x146c7bcca <+282>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bcd1 <+289>: e8 8a 12 00 00 callq 0x146c7cf60 ; rtl::OUString::operator[] at ustring.hxx:639 0x146c7bcd6 <+294>: 0f b7 f0 movzwl %ax, %esi 0x146c7bcd9 <+297>: 83 fe 2f cmpl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7bcdc <+300>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bcff ; <+335> at pkguri.cxx:82 0x146c7bce2 <+306>: be 12 00 00 00 movl $0x12, %esi 0x146c7bce7 <+311>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bcee <+318>: e8 6d 12 00 00 callq 0x146c7cf60 ; rtl::OUString::operator[] at ustring.hxx:639 0x146c7bcf3 <+323>: 0f b7 f0 movzwl %ax, %esi 0x146c7bcf6 <+326>: 83 fe 2f cmpl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7bcf9 <+329>: 0f 84 26 00 00 00 je 0x146c7bd25 ; <+373> at pkguri.cxx:90 0x146c7bcff <+335>: 48 8d 35 2c 8e 00 00 leaq 0x8e2c(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7bd06 <+342>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bd0d <+349>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7bd11 <+353>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bd14 <+356>: e8 c7 11 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7bd19 <+361>: 48 89 85 b0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x150(%rbp) 0x146c7bd20 <+368>: e9 86 11 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7bd25 <+373>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bd29 <+377>: e8 72 88 fc ff callq 0x146c445a0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146c7bd2e <+382>: be 3f 00 00 00 movl $0x3f, %esi 0x146c7bd33 <+387>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7bd35 <+389>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bd3c <+396>: e8 af 01 fe ff callq 0x146c5bef0 ; rtl::OUString::indexOf at ustring.hxx:1825 0x146c7bd41 <+401>: 89 85 ac fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x154(%rbp) 0x146c7bd47 <+407>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bd4c ; <+412> at pkguri.cxx:94 0x146c7bd4c <+412>: 8b 85 ac fe ff ff movl -0x154(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7bd52 <+418>: 89 85 0c ff ff ff movl %eax, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c7bd58 <+424>: 83 bd 0c ff ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c7bd5f <+431>: 0f 8c e4 00 00 00 jl 0x146c7be49 ; <+665> at pkguri.cxx:101 0x146c7bd65 <+437>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bd6c <+444>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c7bd70 <+448>: 8b 95 0c ff ff ff movl -0xf4(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7bd76 <+454>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bd7a <+458>: 48 8b b5 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7bd81 <+465>: 48 89 85 a0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x160(%rbp) 0x146c7bd88 <+472>: e8 d3 37 fe ff callq 0x146c5f560 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x146c7bd8d <+477>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bd92 ; <+482> at pkguri.cxx:97 0x146c7bd92 <+482>: 48 8d 75 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7bd96 <+486>: 48 8b bd a0 fe ff ff movq -0x160(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bd9d <+493>: e8 1e 8f fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7bda2 <+498>: 48 89 85 98 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x168(%rbp) 0x146c7bda9 <+505>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bdae ; <+510> at pkguri.cxx:97 0x146c7bdae <+510>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bdb2 <+514>: e8 c9 45 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7bdb7 <+519>: 8b 8d 0c ff ff ff movl -0xf4(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7bdbd <+525>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bdc1 <+529>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7bdc3 <+531>: 48 8b b5 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7bdca <+538>: e8 11 53 ff ff callq 0x146c710e0 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2082 0x146c7bdcf <+543>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bdd4 ; <+548> at pkguri.cxx:98 0x146c7bdd4 <+548>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bdd8 <+552>: 48 8d 75 e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7bddc <+556>: e8 df 8e fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7bde1 <+561>: 48 89 85 90 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146c7bde8 <+568>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bded ; <+573> at pkguri.cxx:98 0x146c7bded <+573>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bdf1 <+577>: e8 8a 45 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7bdf6 <+582>: e9 6f 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7be6a ; <+698> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7bdfb <+587>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7bdfd <+589>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7be04 <+596>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7be0a <+602>: e9 8e 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7be0f <+607>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7be13 <+611>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7be15 <+613>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7be1c <+620>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7be22 <+626>: e8 59 45 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7be27 <+631>: e9 71 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7be2c <+636>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7be30 <+640>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7be32 <+642>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7be39 <+649>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7be3f <+655>: e8 3c 45 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7be44 <+660>: e9 54 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7be49 <+665>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7be4d <+669>: 48 8b b5 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7be54 <+676>: e8 87 a9 fd ff callq 0x146c567e0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x146c7be59 <+681>: 48 89 85 88 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x178(%rbp) 0x146c7be60 <+688>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7be65 ; <+693> at pkguri.cxx:101 0x146c7be65 <+693>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7be6a ; <+698> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7be6a <+698>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7be71 <+705>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7be75 <+709>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7be79 <+713>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7be7d <+717>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7be7f <+719>: b9 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %ecx 0x146c7be84 <+724>: 48 89 85 80 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146c7be8b <+731>: e8 50 52 ff ff callq 0x146c710e0 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2082 0x146c7be90 <+736>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7be95 ; <+741> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7be95 <+741>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7be99 <+745>: 48 8d 75 d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7be9d <+749>: e8 5e 11 00 00 callq 0x146c7d000 ; rtl::OUString::toAsciiLowerCase at ustring.hxx:2610 0x146c7bea2 <+754>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bea7 ; <+759> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7bea7 <+759>: 48 8d 75 d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7beab <+763>: 48 8b bd 80 fe ff ff movq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7beb2 <+770>: e8 09 8e fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7beb7 <+775>: 48 89 85 78 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x188(%rbp) 0x146c7bebe <+782>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bec3 ; <+787> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7bec3 <+787>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bec7 <+791>: e8 b4 44 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7becc <+796>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bed0 <+800>: e8 ab 44 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7bed5 <+805>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bedc <+812>: 48 83 c7 30 addq $0x30, %rdi 0x146c7bee0 <+816>: 48 8d 35 a1 b3 00 00 leaq 0xb3a1(%rip), %rsi ; "" 0x146c7bee7 <+823>: e8 44 76 fd ff callq 0x146c53530 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [17])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146c7beec <+828>: 88 85 77 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x189(%rbp) 0x146c7bef2 <+834>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bef7 ; <+839> at pkguri.cxx:107 0x146c7bef7 <+839>: 8a 85 77 fe ff ff movb -0x189(%rbp), %al 0x146c7befd <+845>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7beff <+847>: 0f 85 3d 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bf42 ; <+914> at pkguri.cxx:109 0x146c7bf05 <+853>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bf0a ; <+858> at pkguri.cxx:107 0x146c7bf0a <+858>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bf11 <+865>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7bf15 <+869>: 48 8d 35 7d b3 00 00 leaq 0xb37d(%rip), %rsi ; "" 0x146c7bf1c <+876>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bf1f <+879>: e8 0c 76 fd ff callq 0x146c53530 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [17])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146c7bf24 <+884>: 88 85 76 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x18a(%rbp) 0x146c7bf2a <+890>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bf2f ; <+895> at pkguri.cxx:107 0x146c7bf2f <+895>: 8a 85 76 fe ff ff movb -0x18a(%rbp), %al 0x146c7bf35 <+901>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7bf37 <+903>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bf42 ; <+914> at pkguri.cxx:109 0x146c7bf3d <+909>: e9 e5 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce27 ; <+4727> at pkguri.cxx:226 0x146c7bf42 <+914>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bf49 <+921>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7bf4d <+925>: 48 8d 35 45 b3 00 00 leaq 0xb345(%rip), %rsi ; "" 0x146c7bf54 <+932>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bf57 <+935>: e8 d4 75 fd ff callq 0x146c53530 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [17])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146c7bf5c <+940>: 88 85 75 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x18b(%rbp) 0x146c7bf62 <+946>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bf67 ; <+951> at pkguri.cxx:109 0x146c7bf67 <+951>: 8a 85 75 fe ff ff movb -0x18b(%rbp), %al 0x146c7bf6d <+957>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7bf6f <+959>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bf7a ; <+970> at pkguri.cxx:111 0x146c7bf75 <+965>: e9 ed 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c067 ; <+1207> at pkguri.cxx:118 0x146c7bf7a <+970>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7bf81 <+977>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c7bf85 <+981>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7bf88 <+984>: 48 89 85 68 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x198(%rbp) 0x146c7bf8f <+991>: e8 2c b4 fc ff callq 0x146c473c0 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x146c7bf94 <+996>: 88 85 67 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x199(%rbp) 0x146c7bf9a <+1002>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bf9f ; <+1007> at pkguri.cxx:112 0x146c7bf9f <+1007>: 8a 85 67 fe ff ff movb -0x199(%rbp), %al 0x146c7bfa5 <+1013>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7bfa7 <+1015>: 0f 85 1f 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7bfcc ; <+1052> at pkguri.cxx:114 0x146c7bfad <+1021>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bfb2 ; <+1026> at pkguri.cxx:113 0x146c7bfb2 <+1026>: 48 8d 35 f1 b2 00 00 leaq 0xb2f1(%rip), %rsi ; "&purezip" 0x146c7bfb9 <+1033>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bfbd <+1037>: e8 be 42 fc ff callq 0x146c40280 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c7bfc2 <+1042>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bfc7 ; <+1047> at pkguri.cxx:112 0x146c7bfc7 <+1047>: e9 1a 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bfe6 ; <+1078> at pkguri.cxx:111 0x146c7bfcc <+1052>: 48 8d 35 e0 b2 00 00 leaq 0xb2e0(%rip), %rsi ; "?purezip" 0x146c7bfd3 <+1059>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bfd7 <+1063>: e8 a4 42 fc ff callq 0x146c40280 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c7bfdc <+1068>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bfe1 ; <+1073> at pkguri.cxx:112 0x146c7bfe1 <+1073>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7bfe6 ; <+1078> at pkguri.cxx:111 0x146c7bfe6 <+1078>: 48 8d 75 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7bfea <+1082>: 48 8b bd 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7bff1 <+1089>: e8 0a b1 fd ff callq 0x146c57100 ; rtl::OUString::operator+= at ustring.hxx:503 0x146c7bff6 <+1094>: 48 89 85 58 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a8(%rbp) 0x146c7bffd <+1101>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c002 ; <+1106> at pkguri.cxx:111 0x146c7c002 <+1106>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c006 <+1110>: e8 75 43 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c00b <+1115>: e9 57 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c067 ; <+1207> at pkguri.cxx:118 0x146c7c010 <+1120>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c012 <+1122>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c019 <+1129>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c01f <+1135>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c03c ; <+1164> at pkguri.cxx:104 0x146c7c024 <+1140>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c028 <+1144>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c02a <+1146>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c031 <+1153>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c037 <+1159>: e8 44 43 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c03c <+1164>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c040 <+1168>: e8 3b 43 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c045 <+1173>: e9 53 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c04a <+1178>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c04e <+1182>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c050 <+1184>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c057 <+1191>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c05d <+1197>: e8 1e 43 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c062 <+1202>: e9 36 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c067 <+1207>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c06e <+1214>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7c072 <+1218>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c075 <+1221>: e8 76 57 fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c07a <+1226>: 89 85 54 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1ac(%rbp) 0x146c7c080 <+1232>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c085 ; <+1237> at pkguri.cxx:119 0x146c7c085 <+1237>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c08c <+1244>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146c7c090 <+1248>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c094 <+1252>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c098 <+1256>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c09a <+1258>: 8b 8d 54 fe ff ff movl -0x1ac(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c0a0 <+1264>: 49 89 c0 movq %rax, %r8 0x146c7c0a3 <+1267>: e8 28 fd fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7c0a8 <+1272>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c0ad ; <+1277> at pkguri.cxx:117 0x146c7c0ad <+1277>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c0b1 <+1281>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c0b5 <+1285>: e8 06 8c fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c0ba <+1290>: 48 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x146c7c0c1 <+1297>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c0c6 ; <+1302> at pkguri.cxx:117 0x146c7c0c6 <+1302>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c0ca <+1306>: e8 b1 42 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c0cf <+1311>: c7 85 ec fe ff ff 13 00 00 00 movl $0x13, -0x114(%rbp) 0x146c7c0d9 <+1321>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c0dd <+1325>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7c0e2 <+1330>: e8 99 ab fc ff callq 0x146c46c80 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146c7c0e7 <+1335>: 89 85 44 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1bc(%rbp) 0x146c7c0ed <+1341>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c0f2 ; <+1346> at pkguri.cxx:122 0x146c7c0f2 <+1346>: 8b 85 44 fe ff ff movl -0x1bc(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c0f8 <+1352>: 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c7c0fe <+1358>: 83 bd e8 fe ff ff 13 cmpl $0x13, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c7c105 <+1365>: 0f 85 52 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c15d ; <+1453> at pkguri.cxx:131 0x146c7c10b <+1371>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c112 <+1378>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c116 <+1382>: 48 8d 35 15 8a 00 00 leaq 0x8a15(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7c11d <+1389>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c120 <+1392>: e8 bb 0d 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7c125 <+1397>: 48 89 85 38 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x146c7c12c <+1404>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c131 ; <+1409> at pkguri.cxx:128 0x146c7c131 <+1409>: c7 85 e4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x11c(%rbp) 0x146c7c13b <+1419>: e9 1c 0d 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce5c ; <+4780> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c140 <+1424>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c144 <+1428>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c146 <+1430>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c14d <+1437>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c153 <+1443>: e8 28 42 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c158 <+1448>: e9 40 0d 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c15d <+1453>: 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c163 <+1459>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c167 <+1463>: 89 85 34 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1cc(%rbp) 0x146c7c16d <+1469>: e8 7e 56 fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c172 <+1474>: 89 85 30 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x146c7c178 <+1480>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c17d ; <+1485> at pkguri.cxx:131 0x146c7c17d <+1485>: 8b 85 30 fe ff ff movl -0x1d0(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c183 <+1491>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x146c7c186 <+1494>: 8b 8d 34 fe ff ff movl -0x1cc(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c18c <+1500>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c18e <+1502>: 0f 85 da 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c26e ; <+1726> at pkguri.cxx:143 0x146c7c194 <+1508>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c198 <+1512>: e8 53 56 fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c19d <+1517>: 89 85 2c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1d4(%rbp) 0x146c7c1a3 <+1523>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c1a8 ; <+1528> at pkguri.cxx:133 0x146c7c1a8 <+1528>: 8b 85 2c fe ff ff movl -0x1d4(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c1ae <+1534>: 83 c0 fe addl $-0x2, %eax 0x146c7c1b1 <+1537>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c1b5 <+1541>: 89 c6 movl %eax, %esi 0x146c7c1b7 <+1543>: e8 a4 0d 00 00 callq 0x146c7cf60 ; rtl::OUString::operator[] at ustring.hxx:639 0x146c7c1bc <+1548>: 66 89 85 2a fe ff ff movw %ax, -0x1d6(%rbp) 0x146c7c1c3 <+1555>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c1c8 ; <+1560> at pkguri.cxx:133 0x146c7c1c8 <+1560>: 66 8b 85 2a fe ff ff movw -0x1d6(%rbp), %ax 0x146c7c1cf <+1567>: 0f b7 c8 movzwl %ax, %ecx 0x146c7c1d2 <+1570>: 83 f9 2f cmpl $0x2f, %ecx 0x146c7c1d5 <+1573>: 0f 85 35 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c210 ; <+1632> at pkguri.cxx:143 0x146c7c1db <+1579>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c1e2 <+1586>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c1e6 <+1590>: 48 8d 35 45 89 00 00 leaq 0x8945(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7c1ed <+1597>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c1f0 <+1600>: e8 eb 0c 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7c1f5 <+1605>: 48 89 85 20 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1e0(%rbp) 0x146c7c1fc <+1612>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c201 ; <+1617> at pkguri.cxx:138 0x146c7c201 <+1617>: c7 85 e4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x11c(%rbp) 0x146c7c20b <+1627>: e9 4c 0c 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce5c ; <+4780> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c210 <+1632>: 8b 8d e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c216 <+1638>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c21a <+1642>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c21e <+1646>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c220 <+1648>: e8 bb 4e ff ff callq 0x146c710e0 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2082 0x146c7c225 <+1653>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c22a ; <+1658> at pkguri.cxx:143 0x146c7c22a <+1658>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c22e <+1662>: 48 8d 75 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c232 <+1666>: e8 89 8a fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c237 <+1671>: 48 89 85 18 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146c7c23e <+1678>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c243 ; <+1683> at pkguri.cxx:143 0x146c7c243 <+1683>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c247 <+1687>: e8 34 41 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c24c <+1692>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c26e ; <+1726> at pkguri.cxx:143 0x146c7c251 <+1697>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c255 <+1701>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c257 <+1703>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c25e <+1710>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c264 <+1716>: e8 17 41 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c269 <+1721>: e9 2f 0c 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c26e <+1726>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c273 ; <+1731> at pkguri.cxx:147 0x146c7c273 <+1731>: 8b 95 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7c279 <+1737>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c27d <+1741>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7c282 <+1746>: e8 69 fc fd ff callq 0x146c5bef0 ; rtl::OUString::indexOf at ustring.hxx:1825 0x146c7c287 <+1751>: 89 85 14 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1ec(%rbp) 0x146c7c28d <+1757>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c292 ; <+1762> at pkguri.cxx:147 0x146c7c292 <+1762>: 8b 85 14 fe ff ff movl -0x1ec(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c298 <+1768>: 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c7c29e <+1774>: 83 bd e8 fe ff ff ff cmpl $-0x1, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c7c2a5 <+1781>: 0f 85 79 03 00 00 jne 0x146c7c624 ; <+2676> at pkguri.cxx:175 0x146c7c2ab <+1787>: 8b 95 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7c2b1 <+1793>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c2b5 <+1797>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c2b9 <+1801>: e8 a2 32 fe ff callq 0x146c5f560 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x146c7c2be <+1806>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c2c3 ; <+1811> at pkguri.cxx:153 0x146c7c2c3 <+1811>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c2c7 <+1815>: e8 b4 0d 00 00 callq 0x146c7d080 ; normalize at pkguri.cxx:42 0x146c7c2cc <+1820>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c2d1 ; <+1825> at pkguri.cxx:156 0x146c7c2d1 <+1825>: 8b 95 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7c2d7 <+1831>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c2db <+1835>: 89 95 10 fe ff ff movl %edx, -0x1f0(%rbp) 0x146c7c2e1 <+1841>: e8 0a 55 fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c2e6 <+1846>: 89 85 0c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1f4(%rbp) 0x146c7c2ec <+1852>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c2f1 ; <+1857> at pkguri.cxx:156 0x146c7c2f1 <+1857>: 8b 85 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c2f7 <+1863>: 8b 8d 0c fe ff ff movl -0x1f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c2fd <+1869>: 29 c1 subl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c2ff <+1871>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c303 <+1875>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c307 <+1879>: 4c 8d 45 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7c30b <+1883>: 8b 95 10 fe ff ff movl -0x1f0(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7c311 <+1889>: e8 ba fa fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7c316 <+1894>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c31b ; <+1899> at pkguri.cxx:155 0x146c7c31b <+1899>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c31f <+1903>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c323 <+1907>: e8 98 89 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c328 <+1912>: 48 89 85 00 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x200(%rbp) 0x146c7c32f <+1919>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c334 ; <+1924> at pkguri.cxx:155 0x146c7c334 <+1924>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c338 <+1928>: e8 43 40 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c33d <+1933>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c344 <+1940>: 48 83 c7 10 addq $0x10, %rdi 0x146c7c348 <+1944>: 48 8d 45 a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c34c <+1948>: 48 8d 75 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c350 <+1952>: 48 89 bd f8 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x208(%rbp) 0x146c7c357 <+1959>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c35a <+1962>: e8 c1 0e 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7c35f <+1967>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c364 ; <+1972> at pkguri.cxx:158 0x146c7c364 <+1972>: 48 8d 75 a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c368 <+1976>: 48 8b bd f8 fd ff ff movq -0x208(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c36f <+1983>: e8 4c 89 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c374 <+1988>: 48 89 85 f0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x210(%rbp) 0x146c7c37b <+1995>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c380 ; <+2000> at pkguri.cxx:158 0x146c7c380 <+2000>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c384 <+2004>: e8 f7 3f fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c389 <+2009>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c390 <+2016>: 48 83 c7 18 addq $0x18, %rdi 0x146c7c394 <+2020>: 48 8d 35 97 87 00 00 leaq 0x8797(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7c39b <+2027>: e8 40 0b 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7c3a0 <+2032>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c7c3a7 <+2039>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c3ac ; <+2044> at pkguri.cxx:161 0x146c7c3ac <+2044>: 83 bd 0c ff ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c7c3b3 <+2051>: 0f 8c 11 00 00 00 jl 0x146c7c3ca ; <+2074> at pkguri.cxx:163 0x146c7c3b9 <+2057>: 8b 85 0c ff ff ff movl -0xf4(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c3bf <+2063>: 89 85 e4 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7c3c5 <+2069>: e9 28 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c3f2 ; <+2114> at pkguri.cxx:161 0x146c7c3ca <+2074>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c3d1 <+2081>: e8 1a 54 fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c3d6 <+2086>: 89 85 e0 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x220(%rbp) 0x146c7c3dc <+2092>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c3e1 ; <+2097> at pkguri.cxx:161 0x146c7c3e1 <+2097>: 8b 85 e0 fd ff ff movl -0x220(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c3e7 <+2103>: 89 85 e4 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7c3ed <+2109>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c3f2 ; <+2114> at pkguri.cxx:161 0x146c7c3f2 <+2114>: 8b 85 e4 fd ff ff movl -0x21c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c3f8 <+2120>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c3fc <+2124>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c3fe <+2126>: 4c 8d 45 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7c402 <+2130>: 48 8b b5 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c409 <+2137>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c40b <+2139>: e8 c0 f9 fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7c410 <+2144>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c415 ; <+2149> at pkguri.cxx:160 0x146c7c415 <+2149>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c419 <+2153>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c420 <+2160>: e8 9b 88 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c425 <+2165>: 48 89 85 d8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x228(%rbp) 0x146c7c42c <+2172>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c431 ; <+2177> at pkguri.cxx:160 0x146c7c431 <+2177>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c435 <+2181>: e8 46 3f fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c43a <+2186>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c441 <+2193>: 48 83 c7 10 addq $0x10, %rdi 0x146c7c445 <+2197>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7c44a <+2202>: e8 31 a8 fc ff callq 0x146c46c80 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146c7c44f <+2207>: 89 85 d4 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x22c(%rbp) 0x146c7c455 <+2213>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c45a ; <+2218> at pkguri.cxx:165 0x146c7c45a <+2218>: 8b 85 d4 fd ff ff movl -0x22c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c460 <+2224>: 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c7c466 <+2230>: 83 bd e0 fe ff ff ff cmpl $-0x1, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c7c46d <+2237>: 0f 84 20 01 00 00 je 0x146c7c593 ; <+2531> at pkguri.cxx:170 0x146c7c473 <+2243>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c47a <+2250>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x146c7c47e <+2254>: 48 8b 8d c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c7c485 <+2261>: 48 83 c1 10 addq $0x10, %rcx 0x146c7c489 <+2265>: 8b 95 e0 fe ff ff movl -0x120(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7c48f <+2271>: ff c2 incl %edx 0x146c7c491 <+2273>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c495 <+2277>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x146c7c498 <+2280>: 48 89 85 c8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x238(%rbp) 0x146c7c49f <+2287>: e8 bc 30 fe ff callq 0x146c5f560 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x146c7c4a4 <+2292>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c4a9 ; <+2297> at pkguri.cxx:167 0x146c7c4a9 <+2297>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c4ad <+2301>: 48 8d 75 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c4b1 <+2305>: e8 6a 0d 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7c4b6 <+2310>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c4bb ; <+2315> at pkguri.cxx:167 0x146c7c4bb <+2315>: 48 8d 75 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c4bf <+2319>: 48 8b bd c8 fd ff ff movq -0x238(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c4c6 <+2326>: e8 f5 87 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c4cb <+2331>: 48 89 85 c0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x240(%rbp) 0x146c7c4d2 <+2338>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c4d7 ; <+2343> at pkguri.cxx:167 0x146c7c4d7 <+2343>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c4db <+2347>: e8 a0 3e fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c4e0 <+2352>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c4e4 <+2356>: e8 97 3e fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c4e9 <+2361>: e9 1a 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c608 ; <+2648> at pkguri.cxx:170 0x146c7c4ee <+2366>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c4f0 <+2368>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c4f7 <+2375>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c4fd <+2381>: e9 14 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c502 <+2386>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c506 <+2390>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c508 <+2392>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c50f <+2399>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c515 <+2405>: e8 66 3e fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c51a <+2410>: e9 f7 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c51f <+2415>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c523 <+2419>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c525 <+2421>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c52c <+2428>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c532 <+2434>: e8 49 3e fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c537 <+2439>: e9 da 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c53c <+2444>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c540 <+2448>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c542 <+2450>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c549 <+2457>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c54f <+2463>: e8 2c 3e fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c554 <+2468>: e9 bd 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c559 <+2473>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c55b <+2475>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c562 <+2482>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c568 <+2488>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c585 ; <+2517> at pkguri.cxx:167 0x146c7c56d <+2493>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c571 <+2497>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c573 <+2499>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c57a <+2506>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c580 <+2512>: e8 fb 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c585 <+2517>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c589 <+2521>: e8 f2 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c58e <+2526>: e9 83 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c593 <+2531>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c59a <+2538>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x146c7c59e <+2542>: 48 8b 8d c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c7c5a5 <+2549>: 48 83 c1 10 addq $0x10, %rcx 0x146c7c5a9 <+2553>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c5ad <+2557>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x146c7c5b0 <+2560>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146c7c5b7 <+2567>: e8 64 0c 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7c5bc <+2572>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c5c1 ; <+2577> at pkguri.cxx:171 0x146c7c5c1 <+2577>: 48 8d 75 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c5c5 <+2581>: 48 8b bd b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c5cc <+2588>: e8 ef 86 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c5d1 <+2593>: 48 89 85 b0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x250(%rbp) 0x146c7c5d8 <+2600>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c5dd ; <+2605> at pkguri.cxx:171 0x146c7c5dd <+2605>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c5e1 <+2609>: e8 9a 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c5e6 <+2614>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c608 ; <+2648> at pkguri.cxx:170 0x146c7c5eb <+2619>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c5ef <+2623>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c5f1 <+2625>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c5f8 <+2632>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c5fe <+2638>: e8 7d 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c603 <+2643>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c616 ; <+2662> at pkguri.cxx:172 0x146c7c608 <+2648>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c60c <+2652>: e8 6f 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c611 <+2657>: e9 01 08 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce17 ; <+4711> at pkguri.cxx:221 0x146c7c616 <+2662>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c61a <+2666>: e8 61 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c61f <+2671>: e9 79 08 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c624 <+2676>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c62b <+2683>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c62f <+2687>: 8b 8d e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c635 <+2693>: ff c1 incl %ecx 0x146c7c637 <+2695>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c63e <+2702>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c642 <+2706>: 89 ca movl %ecx, %edx 0x146c7c644 <+2708>: 48 89 85 a8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x258(%rbp) 0x146c7c64b <+2715>: e8 10 2f fe ff callq 0x146c5f560 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x146c7c650 <+2720>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c655 ; <+2725> at pkguri.cxx:175 0x146c7c655 <+2725>: 48 8d b5 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c65c <+2732>: 48 8b bd a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c663 <+2739>: e8 58 86 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c668 <+2744>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146c7c66f <+2751>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c674 ; <+2756> at pkguri.cxx:175 0x146c7c674 <+2756>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c67b <+2763>: e8 00 3d fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c680 <+2768>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c687 <+2775>: 48 83 c7 18 addq $0x18, %rdi 0x146c7c68b <+2779>: c6 85 d7 fe ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x129(%rbp) 0x146c7c692 <+2786>: c6 85 cf fe ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x131(%rbp) 0x146c7c699 <+2793>: 48 8d 35 1c ac 00 00 leaq 0xac1c(%rip), %rsi ; "//" 0x146c7c6a0 <+2800>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c6a2 <+2802>: e8 a9 0b 00 00 callq 0x146c7d250 ; rtl::OUString::indexOf(char const (&) [3], int) const::indexOf at ustring.hxx:1890 0x146c7c6a7 <+2807>: 89 85 9c fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146c7c6ad <+2813>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c6b2 ; <+2818> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c6b2 <+2818>: b0 01 movb $0x1, %al 0x146c7c6b4 <+2820>: 8b 8d 9c fd ff ff movl -0x264(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c6ba <+2826>: 83 f9 ff cmpl $-0x1, %ecx 0x146c7c6bd <+2829>: 88 85 9b fd ff ff movb %al, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146c7c6c3 <+2835>: 0f 85 47 01 00 00 jne 0x146c7c810 ; <+3168> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c6c9 <+2841>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c6d0 <+2848>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c6d4 <+2852>: 48 8d 35 e4 ab 00 00 leaq 0xabe4(%rip), %rsi ; "%2F" 0x146c7c6db <+2859>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c6dd <+2861>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c6e0 <+2864>: e8 3b 0c 00 00 callq 0x146c7d320 ; rtl::OUString::indexOf(char const (&) [4], int) const::indexOf at ustring.hxx:1890 0x146c7c6e5 <+2869>: 89 85 94 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x26c(%rbp) 0x146c7c6eb <+2875>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c6f0 ; <+2880> at pkguri.cxx:183 0x146c7c6f0 <+2880>: b0 01 movb $0x1, %al 0x146c7c6f2 <+2882>: 8b 8d 94 fd ff ff movl -0x26c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c6f8 <+2888>: 83 f9 ff cmpl $-0x1, %ecx 0x146c7c6fb <+2891>: 88 85 9b fd ff ff movb %al, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146c7c701 <+2897>: 0f 85 09 01 00 00 jne 0x146c7c810 ; <+3168> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c707 <+2903>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c70e <+2910>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c712 <+2914>: 48 8d 35 aa ab 00 00 leaq 0xabaa(%rip), %rsi ; "%2f" 0x146c7c719 <+2921>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7c71b <+2923>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c71e <+2926>: e8 fd 0b 00 00 callq 0x146c7d320 ; rtl::OUString::indexOf(char const (&) [4], int) const::indexOf at ustring.hxx:1890 0x146c7c723 <+2931>: 89 85 90 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x270(%rbp) 0x146c7c729 <+2937>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c72e ; <+2942> at pkguri.cxx:184 0x146c7c72e <+2942>: b0 01 movb $0x1, %al 0x146c7c730 <+2944>: 8b 8d 90 fd ff ff movl -0x270(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c736 <+2950>: 83 f9 ff cmpl $-0x1, %ecx 0x146c7c739 <+2953>: 88 85 9b fd ff ff movb %al, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146c7c73f <+2959>: 0f 85 cb 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c810 ; <+3168> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c745 <+2965>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c74c <+2972>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c750 <+2976>: 48 8d 35 70 ab 00 00 leaq 0xab70(%rip), %rsi ; ".." 0x146c7c757 <+2983>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c75e <+2990>: 48 89 85 88 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x278(%rbp) 0x146c7c765 <+2997>: e8 86 0c 00 00 callq 0x146c7d3f0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c7c76a <+3002>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c76f ; <+3007> at pkguri.cxx:185 0x146c7c76f <+3007>: c6 85 d7 fe ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x129(%rbp) 0x146c7c776 <+3014>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c77d <+3021>: 48 8b bd 88 fd ff ff movq -0x278(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c784 <+3028>: e8 99 18 00 00 callq 0x146c7e022 ; symbol stub for: comphelper::OStorageHelper::PathHasSegment(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x146c7c789 <+3033>: 88 85 87 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x279(%rbp) 0x146c7c78f <+3039>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c794 ; <+3044> at pkguri.cxx:185 0x146c7c794 <+3044>: b0 01 movb $0x1, %al 0x146c7c796 <+3046>: 8a 8d 87 fd ff ff movb -0x279(%rbp), %cl 0x146c7c79c <+3052>: f6 c1 01 testb $0x1, %cl 0x146c7c79f <+3055>: 88 85 9b fd ff ff movb %al, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146c7c7a5 <+3061>: 0f 85 65 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c810 ; <+3168> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c7ab <+3067>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c7b0 ; <+3072> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c7b0 <+3072>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c7b7 <+3079>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c7bb <+3083>: 48 8d 35 08 ab 00 00 leaq 0xab08(%rip), %rsi ; "'.'" 0x146c7c7c2 <+3090>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c7c9 <+3097>: 48 89 85 78 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x288(%rbp) 0x146c7c7d0 <+3104>: e8 4b 0c 00 00 callq 0x146c7d420 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c7c7d5 <+3109>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c7da ; <+3114> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c7da <+3114>: c6 85 cf fe ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x131(%rbp) 0x146c7c7e1 <+3121>: 48 8d b5 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c7e8 <+3128>: 48 8b bd 78 fd ff ff movq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c7ef <+3135>: e8 2e 18 00 00 callq 0x146c7e022 ; symbol stub for: comphelper::OStorageHelper::PathHasSegment(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x146c7c7f4 <+3140>: 88 85 77 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x289(%rbp) 0x146c7c7fa <+3146>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c7ff ; <+3151> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c7ff <+3151>: 8a 85 77 fd ff ff movb -0x289(%rbp), %al 0x146c7c805 <+3157>: 88 85 9b fd ff ff movb %al, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146c7c80b <+3163>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c810 ; <+3168> at pkguri.cxx:186 0x146c7c810 <+3168>: 8a 85 9b fd ff ff movb -0x265(%rbp), %al 0x146c7c816 <+3174>: f6 85 cf fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x131(%rbp) 0x146c7c81d <+3181>: 88 85 76 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x28a(%rbp) 0x146c7c823 <+3187>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c82e ; <+3198> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c829 <+3193>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c83a ; <+3210> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c82e <+3198>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c835 <+3205>: e8 46 3b fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c83a <+3210>: f6 85 d7 fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x129(%rbp) 0x146c7c841 <+3217>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c84c ; <+3228> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c847 <+3223>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c858 ; <+3240> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c84c <+3228>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c853 <+3235>: e8 28 3b fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c858 <+3240>: 8a 85 76 fd ff ff movb -0x28a(%rbp), %al 0x146c7c85e <+3246>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c7c860 <+3248>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c86b ; <+3259> at pkguri.cxx:189 0x146c7c866 <+3254>: e9 be 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c929 ; <+3449> at pkguri.cxx:193 0x146c7c86b <+3259>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7c872 <+3266>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7c876 <+3270>: 48 8d 35 b5 82 00 00 leaq 0x82b5(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7c87d <+3277>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7c880 <+3280>: e8 5b 06 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7c885 <+3285>: 48 89 85 68 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x298(%rbp) 0x146c7c88c <+3292>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c891 ; <+3297> at pkguri.cxx:189 0x146c7c891 <+3297>: c7 85 e4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x11c(%rbp) 0x146c7c89b <+3307>: e9 bc 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce5c ; <+4780> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c8a0 <+3312>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c8a7 <+3319>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c8a9 <+3321>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c8b0 <+3328>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c8b6 <+3334>: e8 c5 3a fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c8bb <+3339>: e9 dd 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c8c0 <+3344>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c8c2 <+3346>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c8c9 <+3353>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c8cf <+3359>: e9 32 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c906 ; <+3414> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c8d4 <+3364>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7c8d6 <+3366>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7c8dd <+3373>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7c8e3 <+3379>: f6 85 cf fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x131(%rbp) 0x146c7c8ea <+3386>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c8f5 ; <+3397> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c8f0 <+3392>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c901 ; <+3409> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c8f5 <+3397>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c8fc <+3404>: e8 7f 3a fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c901 <+3409>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c906 ; <+3414> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c906 <+3414>: f6 85 d7 fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x129(%rbp) 0x146c7c90d <+3421>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7c918 ; <+3432> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c913 <+3427>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c924 ; <+3444> at pkguri.cxx:182 0x146c7c918 <+3432>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c91f <+3439>: e8 5c 3a fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c924 <+3444>: e9 74 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7c929 <+3449>: 8b 85 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c92f <+3455>: 8b 8d e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c935 <+3461>: 29 c1 subl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c937 <+3463>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c93e <+3470>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c942 <+3474>: 89 c2 movl %eax, %edx 0x146c7c944 <+3476>: e8 97 47 ff ff callq 0x146c710e0 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2082 0x146c7c949 <+3481>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c94e ; <+3486> at pkguri.cxx:194 0x146c7c94e <+3486>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c955 <+3493>: e8 26 07 00 00 callq 0x146c7d080 ; normalize at pkguri.cxx:42 0x146c7c95a <+3498>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c95f ; <+3503> at pkguri.cxx:197 0x146c7c95f <+3503>: 8b 85 ec fe ff ff movl -0x114(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c965 <+3509>: 8b 8d e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c96b <+3515>: 29 c1 subl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c96d <+3517>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c974 <+3524>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c978 <+3528>: 4c 8d 85 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7c97f <+3535>: 89 c2 movl %eax, %edx 0x146c7c981 <+3537>: e8 4a f4 fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7c986 <+3542>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c98b ; <+3547> at pkguri.cxx:196 0x146c7c98b <+3547>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c98f <+3551>: 48 8d b5 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7c996 <+3558>: e8 25 83 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7c99b <+3563>: 48 89 85 60 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2a0(%rbp) 0x146c7c9a2 <+3570>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c9a7 ; <+3575> at pkguri.cxx:196 0x146c7c9a7 <+3575>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c9ae <+3582>: e8 cd 39 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7c9b3 <+3587>: 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c9b9 <+3593>: ff c0 incl %eax 0x146c7c9bb <+3595>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c9bf <+3599>: 89 85 5c fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2a4(%rbp) 0x146c7c9c5 <+3605>: e8 26 4e fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7c9ca <+3610>: 89 85 58 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2a8(%rbp) 0x146c7c9d0 <+3616>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7c9d5 ; <+3621> at pkguri.cxx:200 0x146c7c9d5 <+3621>: 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7c9db <+3627>: 8b 8d 58 fd ff ff movl -0x2a8(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7c9e1 <+3633>: 29 c1 subl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7c9e3 <+3635>: ff c9 decl %ecx 0x146c7c9e5 <+3637>: 48 8b 95 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7c9ec <+3644>: 48 83 c2 18 addq $0x18, %rdx 0x146c7c9f0 <+3648>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7c9f7 <+3655>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146c7c9fa <+3658>: 89 8d 54 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x2ac(%rbp) 0x146c7ca00 <+3664>: e8 4b 0a 00 00 callq 0x146c7d450 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::encodeURI at urihelper.hxx:46 0x146c7ca05 <+3669>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ca0a ; <+3674> at pkguri.cxx:198 0x146c7ca0a <+3674>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ca11 <+3681>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7ca15 <+3685>: 4c 8d 85 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7ca1c <+3692>: 8b 95 5c fd ff ff movl -0x2a4(%rbp), %edx 0x146c7ca22 <+3698>: 8b 8d 54 fd ff ff movl -0x2ac(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7ca28 <+3704>: e8 a3 f3 fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7ca2d <+3709>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ca32 ; <+3714> at pkguri.cxx:198 0x146c7ca32 <+3714>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ca36 <+3718>: 48 8d b5 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7ca3d <+3725>: e8 7e 82 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7ca42 <+3730>: 48 89 85 48 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2b8(%rbp) 0x146c7ca49 <+3737>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ca4e ; <+3742> at pkguri.cxx:198 0x146c7ca4e <+3742>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ca55 <+3749>: e8 26 39 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ca5a <+3754>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ca61 <+3761>: e8 1a 39 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ca66 <+3766>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ca6d <+3773>: 48 83 c7 10 addq $0x10, %rdi 0x146c7ca71 <+3777>: 48 8d 85 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7ca78 <+3784>: 48 8d b5 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7ca7f <+3791>: 48 89 bd 40 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2c0(%rbp) 0x146c7ca86 <+3798>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7ca89 <+3801>: e8 92 07 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7ca8e <+3806>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ca93 ; <+3811> at pkguri.cxx:204 0x146c7ca93 <+3811>: 48 8d b5 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7ca9a <+3818>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7caa1 <+3825>: e8 1a 82 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7caa6 <+3830>: 48 89 85 38 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c8(%rbp) 0x146c7caad <+3837>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cab2 ; <+3842> at pkguri.cxx:204 0x146c7cab2 <+3842>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cab9 <+3849>: e8 c2 38 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cabe <+3854>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cac5 <+3861>: 48 83 c7 18 addq $0x18, %rdi 0x146c7cac9 <+3865>: 48 8d 85 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7cad0 <+3872>: 48 89 bd 30 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2d0(%rbp) 0x146c7cad7 <+3879>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7cada <+3882>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cae1 <+3889>: e8 3a 07 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7cae6 <+3894>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7caeb ; <+3899> at pkguri.cxx:205 0x146c7caeb <+3899>: 48 8d b5 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7caf2 <+3906>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7caf9 <+3913>: e8 c2 81 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7cafe <+3918>: 48 89 85 28 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2d8(%rbp) 0x146c7cb05 <+3925>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cb0a ; <+3930> at pkguri.cxx:205 0x146c7cb0a <+3930>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cb11 <+3937>: e8 6a 38 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cb16 <+3942>: 83 bd 0c ff ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c7cb1d <+3949>: 0f 8c 11 00 00 00 jl 0x146c7cb34 ; <+3972> at pkguri.cxx:209 0x146c7cb23 <+3955>: 8b 85 0c ff ff ff movl -0xf4(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7cb29 <+3961>: 89 85 24 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2dc(%rbp) 0x146c7cb2f <+3967>: e9 28 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cb5c ; <+4012> at pkguri.cxx:207 0x146c7cb34 <+3972>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cb3b <+3979>: e8 b0 4c fc ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c7cb40 <+3984>: 89 85 20 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2e0(%rbp) 0x146c7cb46 <+3990>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cb4b ; <+3995> at pkguri.cxx:207 0x146c7cb4b <+3995>: 8b 85 20 fd ff ff movl -0x2e0(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7cb51 <+4001>: 89 85 24 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2dc(%rbp) 0x146c7cb57 <+4007>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cb5c ; <+4012> at pkguri.cxx:207 0x146c7cb5c <+4012>: 8b 85 24 fd ff ff movl -0x2dc(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7cb62 <+4018>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cb69 <+4025>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7cb6b <+4027>: 4c 8d 45 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7cb6f <+4031>: 48 8b b5 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cb76 <+4038>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c7cb78 <+4040>: e8 53 f2 fd ff callq 0x146c5bdd0 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAt at ustring.hxx:2124 0x146c7cb7d <+4045>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cb82 ; <+4050> at pkguri.cxx:206 0x146c7cb82 <+4050>: 48 8d b5 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cb89 <+4057>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cb90 <+4064>: e8 2b 81 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7cb95 <+4069>: 48 89 85 18 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2e8(%rbp) 0x146c7cb9c <+4076>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cba1 ; <+4081> at pkguri.cxx:206 0x146c7cba1 <+4081>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cba8 <+4088>: e8 d3 37 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cbad <+4093>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cbb1 <+4097>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c7cbb6 <+4102>: e8 c5 a0 fc ff callq 0x146c46c80 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146c7cbbb <+4107>: 89 85 14 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2ec(%rbp) 0x146c7cbc1 <+4113>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cbc6 ; <+4118> at pkguri.cxx:211 0x146c7cbc6 <+4118>: 8b 85 14 fd ff ff movl -0x2ec(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7cbcc <+4124>: 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c7cbd2 <+4130>: 83 bd c8 fe ff ff ff cmpl $-0x1, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c7cbd9 <+4137>: 0f 84 16 02 00 00 je 0x146c7cdf5 ; <+4677> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7cbdf <+4143>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7cbe6 <+4150>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x146c7cbea <+4154>: 8b 8d c8 fe ff ff movl -0x138(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c7cbf0 <+4160>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cbf7 <+4167>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cbfb <+4171>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c7cbfd <+4173>: 48 89 85 08 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2f8(%rbp) 0x146c7cc04 <+4180>: e8 d7 44 ff ff callq 0x146c710e0 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2082 0x146c7cc09 <+4185>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cc0e ; <+4190> at pkguri.cxx:214 0x146c7cc0e <+4190>: 48 8d b5 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cc15 <+4197>: 48 8b bd 08 fd ff ff movq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cc1c <+4204>: e8 9f 80 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7cc21 <+4209>: 48 89 85 00 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x300(%rbp) 0x146c7cc28 <+4216>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cc2d ; <+4221> at pkguri.cxx:214 0x146c7cc2d <+4221>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cc34 <+4228>: e8 47 37 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cc39 <+4233>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cc40 <+4240>: 48 83 c7 20 addq $0x20, %rdi 0x146c7cc44 <+4244>: 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movl -0x138(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7cc4a <+4250>: ff c0 incl %eax 0x146c7cc4c <+4252>: 48 8d 8d 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c7cc53 <+4259>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cc57 <+4263>: 48 89 bd f8 fc ff ff movq %rdi, -0x308(%rbp) 0x146c7cc5e <+4270>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146c7cc61 <+4273>: 89 c2 movl %eax, %edx 0x146c7cc63 <+4275>: e8 f8 28 fe ff callq 0x146c5f560 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x146c7cc68 <+4280>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cc6d ; <+4285> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7cc6d <+4285>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cc74 <+4292>: 48 8d b5 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cc7b <+4299>: e8 a0 05 00 00 callq 0x146c7d220 ; ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment at urihelper.hxx:39 0x146c7cc80 <+4304>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cc85 ; <+4309> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7cc85 <+4309>: 48 8d b5 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7cc8c <+4316>: 48 8b bd f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cc93 <+4323>: e8 28 80 fc ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c7cc98 <+4328>: 48 89 85 f0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146c7cc9f <+4335>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cca4 ; <+4340> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7cca4 <+4340>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ccab <+4347>: e8 d0 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ccb0 <+4352>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ccb7 <+4359>: e8 c4 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ccbc <+4364>: e9 34 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cdf5 ; <+4677> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7ccc1 <+4369>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7ccc3 <+4371>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7ccca <+4378>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7ccd0 <+4384>: e9 31 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7ccd5 <+4389>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ccdc <+4396>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7ccde <+4398>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cce5 <+4405>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cceb <+4411>: e8 90 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ccf0 <+4416>: e9 11 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7ccf5 <+4421>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7ccf7 <+4423>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7ccfe <+4430>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cd04 <+4436>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cd24 ; <+4468> at pkguri.cxx:198 0x146c7cd09 <+4441>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd10 <+4448>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cd12 <+4450>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cd19 <+4457>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cd1f <+4463>: e8 5c 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cd24 <+4468>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd2b <+4475>: e8 50 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cd30 <+4480>: e9 d1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cd35 <+4485>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd3c <+4492>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cd3e <+4494>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cd45 <+4501>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cd4b <+4507>: e8 30 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cd50 <+4512>: e9 b1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cd55 <+4517>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd5c <+4524>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cd5e <+4526>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cd65 <+4533>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cd6b <+4539>: e8 10 36 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cd70 <+4544>: e9 91 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cd75 <+4549>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd7c <+4556>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cd7e <+4558>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cd85 <+4565>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cd8b <+4571>: e8 f0 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cd90 <+4576>: e9 71 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cd95 <+4581>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cd9c <+4588>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cd9e <+4590>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cda5 <+4597>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cdab <+4603>: e8 d0 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cdb0 <+4608>: e9 51 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cdb5 <+4613>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cdb7 <+4615>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cdbe <+4622>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cdc4 <+4628>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cde4 ; <+4660> at pkguri.cxx:215 0x146c7cdc9 <+4633>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cdd0 <+4640>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7cdd2 <+4642>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c7cdd9 <+4649>: 89 8d fc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c7cddf <+4655>: e8 9c 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cde4 <+4660>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cdeb <+4667>: e8 90 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cdf0 <+4672>: e9 11 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce06 ; <+4694> at pkguri.cxx:218 0x146c7cdf5 <+4677>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cdfc <+4684>: e8 7f 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ce01 <+4689>: e9 11 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce17 ; <+4711> at pkguri.cxx:221 0x146c7ce06 <+4694>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ce0d <+4701>: e8 6e 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ce12 <+4706>: e9 86 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce9d ; <+4845> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce17 <+4711>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7ce1e <+4718>: c6 40 38 01 movb $0x1, 0x38(%rax) 0x146c7ce22 <+4722>: e9 2b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce52 ; <+4770> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce27 <+4727>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7ce2e <+4734>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146c7ce32 <+4738>: 48 8d 35 f9 7c 00 00 leaq 0x7cf9(%rip), %rsi ; "'/'" 0x146c7ce39 <+4745>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7ce3c <+4748>: e8 9f 00 00 00 callq 0x146c7cee0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [2])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146c7ce41 <+4753>: 48 89 85 e8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146c7ce48 <+4760>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce4d ; <+4765> at pkguri.cxx:226 0x146c7ce4d <+4765>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce52 ; <+4770> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce52 <+4770>: c7 85 e4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x11c(%rbp) 0x146c7ce5c <+4780>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7ce60 <+4784>: e8 1b 35 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7ce65 <+4789>: 8b 85 e4 fe ff ff movl -0x11c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7ce6b <+4795>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c7ce6d <+4797>: 89 85 e4 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x31c(%rbp) 0x146c7ce73 <+4803>: 0f 84 1f 00 00 00 je 0x146c7ce98 ; <+4840> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce79 <+4809>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ce7e ; <+4814> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce7e <+4814>: 8b 85 e4 fc ff ff movl -0x31c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c7ce84 <+4820>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x146c7ce87 <+4823>: 89 85 e0 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x320(%rbp) 0x146c7ce8d <+4829>: 0f 84 18 00 00 00 je 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce93 <+4835>: e9 3c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ced4 ; <+4900> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce98 <+4840>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7ceab ; <+4859> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ce9d <+4845>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cea1 <+4849>: e8 da 34 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7cea6 <+4854>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7cec8 ; <+4888> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7ceab <+4859>: 48 8b 05 26 b2 01 00 movq 0x1b226(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c7ceb2 <+4866>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c7ceb5 <+4869>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7ceb9 <+4873>: 0f 85 15 00 00 00 jne 0x146c7ced4 ; <+4900> at pkguri.cxx:228 0x146c7cebf <+4879>: 48 81 c4 20 03 00 00 addq $0x320, %rsp ; imm = 0x320 0x146c7cec6 <+4886>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c7cec7 <+4887>: c3 retq 0x146c7cec8 <+4888>: 48 8b bd 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7cecf <+4895>: e8 54 14 00 00 callq 0x146c7e328 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146c7ced4 <+4900>: e8 61 14 00 00 callq 0x146c7e33a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c7c35f UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init() const (start addr 0x146c7bbb0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 248736-0x000000000003dec9) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 4887: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 4888: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146c84254, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 248736-0x000000000003dec9) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146c84254, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 248736-0x000000000003dec9) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 4887: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 4888: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146c84254, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 248736-0x000000000003ded0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage: 0x146c5c9e0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c5c9e1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c5c9e4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 10 subq $0x10, %rsp 0x146c5c9e8 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c5c9ec <+12>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c5c9f0 <+16>: 48 89 7d f0 movq %rdi, -0x10(%rbp) 0x146c5c9f4 <+20>: e8 b7 f1 01 00 callq 0x146c7bbb0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::init at pkguri.cxx:62 0x146c5c9f9 <+25>: 48 8b 7d f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c5c9fd <+29>: 48 83 c7 10 addq $0x10, %rdi 0x146c5ca01 <+33>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146c5ca04 <+36>: 48 83 c4 10 addq $0x10, %rsp 0x146c5ca08 <+40>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c5ca09 <+41>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c5c9f9 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage() const (start addr 0x146c5c9e0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 121296-0x000000000001d9fa) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 41: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 121296-0x000000000001d9fa) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 121296-0x000000000001d9fa) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 41: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 121248-0x000000000001da40) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage: 0x146c74140 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c74141 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c74144 <+4>: 53 pushq %rbx 0x146c74145 <+5>: 48 81 ec 38 03 00 00 subq $0x338, %rsp ; imm = 0x338 0x146c7414c <+12>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146c7414f <+15>: 48 8b 0d 82 3f 02 00 movq 0x23f82(%rip), %rcx ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c74156 <+22>: 48 8b 09 movq (%rcx), %rcx 0x146c74159 <+25>: 48 89 4d f0 movq %rcx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x146c7415d <+29>: 48 89 b5 f8 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x208(%rbp) 0x146c74164 <+36>: 48 89 95 f0 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x210(%rbp) 0x146c7416b <+43>: 48 8b 8d f8 fd ff ff movq -0x208(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74172 <+50>: 48 89 ca movq %rcx, %rdx 0x146c74175 <+53>: 48 83 c2 40 addq $0x40, %rdx 0x146c74179 <+57>: 48 8d 75 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7417d <+61>: 48 89 bd a8 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x258(%rbp) 0x146c74184 <+68>: 48 89 f7 movq %rsi, %rdi 0x146c74187 <+71>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146c7418a <+74>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146c74191 <+81>: 48 89 8d 98 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x268(%rbp) 0x146c74198 <+88>: e8 73 bf fc ff callq 0x146c40110 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146c7419d <+93>: 48 8b bd f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c741a4 <+100>: e8 37 88 fe ff callq 0x146c5c9e0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage at pkguri.hxx:64 0x146c741a9 <+105>: 48 89 85 90 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x270(%rbp) 0x146c741b0 <+112>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c741b5 ; <+117> at pkgprovider.cxx:212 0x146c741b5 <+117>: 48 8b bd f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c741bc <+124>: e8 ff 09 00 00 callq 0x146c74bc0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getParam at pkguri.hxx:73 0x146c741c1 <+129>: 48 89 85 88 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x278(%rbp) 0x146c741c8 <+136>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c741cd ; <+141> at pkgprovider.cxx:212 0x146c741cd <+141>: 48 8b bd 90 fd ff ff movq -0x270(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c741d4 <+148>: 48 8b b5 88 fd ff ff movq -0x278(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c741db <+155>: e8 60 09 00 00 callq 0x146c74b40 ; rtl::operator+(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:264 0x146c741e0 <+160>: 48 89 95 80 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x280(%rbp) 0x146c741e7 <+167>: 48 89 85 78 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x288(%rbp) 0x146c741ee <+174>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c741f3 ; <+179> at pkgprovider.cxx:212 0x146c741f3 <+179>: 48 8b 85 78 fd ff ff movq -0x288(%rbp), %rax 0x146c741fa <+186>: 48 89 45 98 movq %rax, -0x68(%rbp) 0x146c741fe <+190>: 48 8b 8d 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74205 <+197>: 48 89 4d a0 movq %rcx, -0x60(%rbp) 0x146c74209 <+201>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7420d <+205>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74211 <+209>: e8 da 09 00 00 callq 0x146c74bf0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:381 0x146c74216 <+214>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7421b ; <+219> at pkgprovider.cxx:214 0x146c7421b <+219>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74222 <+226>: 48 83 78 50 00 cmpq $0x0, 0x50(%rax) 0x146c74227 <+231>: 0f 84 70 03 00 00 je 0x146c7459d ; <+1117> at pkgprovider.cxx:224 0x146c7422d <+237>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74234 <+244>: 48 8b 48 50 movq 0x50(%rax), %rcx 0x146c74238 <+248>: 48 89 8d 10 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1f0(%rbp) 0x146c7423f <+255>: 48 8d 4d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74243 <+259>: 48 89 8d 08 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1f8(%rbp) 0x146c7424a <+266>: 48 8b bd 10 fe ff ff movq -0x1f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74251 <+273>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x146c74254 <+276>: e8 37 3a 00 00 callq 0x146c77c90 ; >::find(rtl::OUString const&)::find at __hash_table:2193 0x146c74259 <+281>: 48 89 85 70 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x290(%rbp) 0x146c74260 <+288>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74265 ; <+293> [inlined] std::__1::unordered_map, std::__1::allocator > >::find(rtl::OUString const&) + 20 at pkgprovider.cxx:216 0x146c74265 <+293>: 48 8d 45 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74269 <+297>: 48 8b 8d 70 fd ff ff movq -0x290(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74270 <+304>: 48 89 8d 00 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x200(%rbp) 0x146c74277 <+311>: 48 8b 95 00 fe ff ff movq -0x200(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7427e <+318>: 48 89 95 20 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x1e0(%rbp) 0x146c74285 <+325>: 48 89 85 18 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146c7428c <+332>: 48 8b 85 18 fe ff ff movq -0x1e8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74293 <+339>: 48 8b 95 20 fe ff ff movq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7429a <+346>: 48 89 55 c0 movq %rdx, -0x40(%rbp) 0x146c7429e <+350>: 48 89 85 28 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d8(%rbp) 0x146c742a5 <+357>: 48 8b 85 28 fe ff ff movq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c742ac <+364>: 48 8b 55 c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c742b0 <+368>: 48 89 10 movq %rdx, (%rax) 0x146c742b3 <+371>: 48 8b 45 b8 movq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x146c742b7 <+375>: 48 89 85 68 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x298(%rbp) 0x146c742be <+382>: 48 8d 45 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rax 0x146c742c2 <+386>: 48 8d 4d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c742c6 <+390>: 48 8d 55 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c742ca <+394>: 48 8d 75 d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c742ce <+398>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c742d2 <+402>: 4c 8d 45 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %r8 0x146c742d6 <+406>: 4c 8b 8d 68 fd ff ff movq -0x298(%rbp), %r9 0x146c742dd <+413>: 4c 89 8d d8 fd ff ff movq %r9, -0x228(%rbp) 0x146c742e4 <+420>: 4c 8b 95 d8 fd ff ff movq -0x228(%rbp), %r10 0x146c742eb <+427>: 4c 89 95 38 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x146c742f2 <+434>: 48 89 8d 30 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x146c742f9 <+441>: 4c 8b 95 30 fe ff ff movq -0x1d0(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74300 <+448>: 4c 8b 9d 38 fe ff ff movq -0x1c8(%rbp), %r11 0x146c74307 <+455>: 4c 89 5d c8 movq %r11, -0x38(%rbp) 0x146c7430b <+459>: 4c 89 95 40 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x1c0(%rbp) 0x146c74312 <+466>: 4c 8b 95 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74319 <+473>: 4c 89 95 50 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x1b0(%rbp) 0x146c74320 <+480>: 4c 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %r8, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x146c74327 <+487>: 4c 8b 85 50 fe ff ff movq -0x1b0(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7432e <+494>: 4c 8b 95 48 fe ff ff movq -0x1b8(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74335 <+501>: 4c 89 85 60 fe ff ff movq %r8, -0x1a0(%rbp) 0x146c7433c <+508>: 4c 89 95 58 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x1a8(%rbp) 0x146c74343 <+515>: 4c 8b 85 60 fe ff ff movq -0x1a0(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7434a <+522>: 4c 8b 95 58 fe ff ff movq -0x1a8(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74351 <+529>: 4d 8b 12 movq (%r10), %r10 0x146c74354 <+532>: 4d 89 10 movq %r10, (%r8) 0x146c74357 <+535>: 4c 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %r8 0x146c7435e <+542>: 4d 8b 50 50 movq 0x50(%r8), %r10 0x146c74362 <+546>: 4c 89 95 70 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x190(%rbp) 0x146c74369 <+553>: 4c 8b 95 70 fe ff ff movq -0x190(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74370 <+560>: 4c 89 95 78 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x188(%rbp) 0x146c74377 <+567>: 48 89 bd 88 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x178(%rbp) 0x146c7437e <+574>: 48 c7 85 80 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146c74389 <+585>: 48 8b bd 88 fe ff ff movq -0x178(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74390 <+592>: 4c 8b 95 80 fe ff ff movq -0x180(%rbp), %r10 0x146c74397 <+599>: 48 89 bd 98 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x168(%rbp) 0x146c7439e <+606>: 4c 89 95 90 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146c743a5 <+613>: 48 8b bd 98 fe ff ff movq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c743ac <+620>: 4c 8b 95 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %r10 0x146c743b3 <+627>: 4c 89 17 movq %r10, (%rdi) 0x146c743b6 <+630>: 48 8b 7d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c743ba <+634>: 48 89 bd 68 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x198(%rbp) 0x146c743c1 <+641>: 48 8b bd 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c743c8 <+648>: 48 89 bd a8 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x158(%rbp) 0x146c743cf <+655>: 48 89 b5 a0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x160(%rbp) 0x146c743d6 <+662>: 48 8b b5 a0 fe ff ff movq -0x160(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c743dd <+669>: 48 8b bd a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c743e4 <+676>: 48 89 7d e0 movq %rdi, -0x20(%rbp) 0x146c743e8 <+680>: 48 89 b5 b0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x150(%rbp) 0x146c743ef <+687>: 48 8b b5 b0 fe ff ff movq -0x150(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c743f6 <+694>: 48 8b 7d e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c743fa <+698>: 48 89 3e movq %rdi, (%rsi) 0x146c743fd <+701>: 48 8b 75 d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74401 <+705>: 48 89 b5 d0 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x230(%rbp) 0x146c74408 <+712>: 48 8b b5 d0 fd ff ff movq -0x230(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7440f <+719>: 48 89 b5 c0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146c74416 <+726>: 48 89 85 b8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146c7441d <+733>: 48 8b b5 b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74424 <+740>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7442b <+747>: 48 89 7d e8 movq %rdi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x146c7442f <+751>: 48 89 b5 c8 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c74436 <+758>: 48 8b b5 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7443d <+765>: 48 89 b5 d8 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x128(%rbp) 0x146c74444 <+772>: 48 89 95 d0 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x130(%rbp) 0x146c7444b <+779>: 48 8b 95 d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c74452 <+786>: 48 8b b5 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74459 <+793>: 48 89 95 e8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c74460 <+800>: 48 89 b5 e0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c74467 <+807>: 48 8b 95 e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7446e <+814>: 48 8b b5 e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74475 <+821>: 48 8b 36 movq (%rsi), %rsi 0x146c74478 <+824>: 48 89 32 movq %rsi, (%rdx) 0x146c7447b <+827>: 48 89 8d f8 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x108(%rbp) 0x146c74482 <+834>: 48 89 85 f0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x110(%rbp) 0x146c74489 <+841>: 48 8b 85 f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74490 <+848>: 48 8b 8d f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74497 <+855>: 48 89 85 08 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146c7449e <+862>: 48 89 8d 00 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c744a5 <+869>: 48 8b 85 08 ff ff ff movq -0xf8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c744ac <+876>: 48 8b 8d 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c744b3 <+883>: 48 89 85 18 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe8(%rbp) 0x146c744ba <+890>: 48 89 8d 10 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c744c1 <+897>: 48 8b 85 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c744c8 <+904>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c744cb <+907>: 48 8b 8d 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c744d2 <+914>: 48 3b 01 cmpq (%rcx), %rax 0x146c744d5 <+917>: 0f 94 c3 sete %bl 0x146c744d8 <+920>: 80 f3 ff xorb $-0x1, %bl 0x146c744db <+923>: 88 9d 67 fd ff ff movb %bl, -0x299(%rbp) 0x146c744e1 <+929>: 8a 85 67 fd ff ff movb -0x299(%rbp), %al 0x146c744e7 <+935>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c744e9 <+937>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c744f4 ; <+948> at pkgprovider.cxx:217 0x146c744ef <+943>: e9 a4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74598 ; <+1112> at pkgprovider.cxx:222 0x146c744f4 <+948>: 48 8d 45 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rax 0x146c744f8 <+952>: 48 89 85 20 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe0(%rbp) 0x146c744ff <+959>: 48 8b 85 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74506 <+966>: 48 89 85 28 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd8(%rbp) 0x146c7450d <+973>: 48 8b 85 28 ff ff ff movq -0xd8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74514 <+980>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c74517 <+983>: 48 83 c0 10 addq $0x10, %rax 0x146c7451b <+987>: 48 89 85 30 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x146c74522 <+994>: 48 8b 85 30 ff ff ff movq -0xd0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74529 <+1001>: 48 89 85 38 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xc8(%rbp) 0x146c74530 <+1008>: 48 8b 85 38 ff ff ff movq -0xc8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74537 <+1015>: 48 89 85 58 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2a8(%rbp) 0x146c7453e <+1022>: 48 8b 85 58 fd ff ff movq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74545 <+1029>: 48 8b 48 08 movq 0x8(%rax), %rcx 0x146c74549 <+1033>: 48 83 c1 30 addq $0x30, %rcx 0x146c7454d <+1037>: 48 8b bd a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74554 <+1044>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x146c74557 <+1047>: e8 34 34 fd ff callq 0x146c47990 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:121 0x146c7455c <+1052>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74561 ; <+1057> at pkgprovider.cxx:220 0x146c74561 <+1057>: c7 85 cc fd ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x234(%rbp) 0x146c7456b <+1067>: e9 58 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c74ac8 ; <+2440> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74570 <+1072>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74572 <+1074>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74579 <+1081>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7457f <+1087>: e9 84 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c74b08 ; <+2504> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74584 <+1092>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74586 <+1094>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c7458d <+1101>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74593 <+1107>: e9 67 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aff ; <+2495> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74598 <+1112>: e9 40 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c745dd ; <+1181> at pkgprovider.cxx:227 0x146c7459d <+1117>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x146c745a2 <+1122>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c745a4 <+1124>: e8 4f 9d 00 00 callq 0x146c7e2f8 ; symbol stub for: operator new(unsigned long) 0x146c745a9 <+1129>: 48 89 85 50 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2b0(%rbp) 0x146c745b0 <+1136>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c745b5 ; <+1141> at pkgprovider.cxx:224 0x146c745b5 <+1141>: 48 8b 85 50 fd ff ff movq -0x2b0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c745bc <+1148>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c745bf <+1151>: 48 89 85 48 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2b8(%rbp) 0x146c745c6 <+1158>: e8 55 06 00 00 callq 0x146c74c20 ; package_ucp::Packages::Packages at pkgprovider.cxx:96 0x146c745cb <+1163>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c745d2 <+1170>: 48 8b bd 48 fd ff ff movq -0x2b8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c745d9 <+1177>: 48 89 78 50 movq %rdi, 0x50(%rax) 0x146c745dd <+1181>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c745e1 <+1185>: be 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %esi 0x146c745e6 <+1190>: e8 e5 1e fe ff callq 0x146c564d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence at Sequence.hxx:86 0x146c745eb <+1195>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c745f0 ; <+1200> at pkgprovider.cxx:228 0x146c745f0 <+1200>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c745f4 <+1204>: 31 f6 xorl %esi, %esi 0x146c745f6 <+1206>: e8 35 20 fe ff callq 0x146c56630 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::operator[] at Sequence.hxx:171 0x146c745fb <+1211>: 48 89 85 40 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c0(%rbp) 0x146c74602 <+1218>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74607 ; <+1223> at pkgprovider.cxx:228 0x146c74607 <+1223>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7460b <+1227>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74612 <+1234>: e8 b9 70 fe ff callq 0x146c5b6d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator<<= at Any.hxx:238 0x146c74617 <+1239>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7461c ; <+1244> at pkgprovider.cxx:229 0x146c7461c <+1244>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74623 <+1251>: e8 a8 10 fd ff callq 0x146c456d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146c74628 <+1256>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7462d ; <+1261> at pkgprovider.cxx:233 0x146c7462d <+1261>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74634 <+1268>: 48 83 c0 48 addq $0x48, %rax 0x146c74638 <+1272>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c7463b <+1275>: e8 50 06 00 00 callq 0x146c74c90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c74640 <+1280>: 48 89 85 38 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c8(%rbp) 0x146c74647 <+1287>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7464c ; <+1292> at pkgprovider.cxx:233 0x146c7464c <+1292>: 48 8b 85 38 fd ff ff movq -0x2c8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74653 <+1299>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c74656 <+1302>: 48 8b 49 20 movq 0x20(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c7465a <+1306>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74661 <+1313>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c74664 <+1316>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146c74666 <+1318>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7466b ; <+1323> at pkgprovider.cxx:233 0x146c7466b <+1323>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74672 <+1330>: e8 79 06 00 00 callq 0x146c74cf0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c74677 <+1335>: 48 89 85 30 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2d0(%rbp) 0x146c7467e <+1342>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74683 ; <+1347> at pkgprovider.cxx:233 0x146c74683 <+1347>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c7468a <+1354>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c7468d <+1357>: 48 8b 49 20 movq 0x20(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c74691 <+1361>: 48 8d 35 ad 2a 01 00 leaq 0x12aad(%rip), %rsi ; "" 0x146c74698 <+1368>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7469f <+1375>: 48 89 8d 28 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2d8(%rbp) 0x146c746a6 <+1382>: e8 45 23 fe ff callq 0x146c569f0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c746ab <+1387>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c746b0 ; <+1392> at pkgprovider.cxx:235 0x146c746b0 <+1392>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c746b7 <+1399>: 48 83 c0 48 addq $0x48, %rax 0x146c746bb <+1403>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c746c2 <+1410>: 48 8d 95 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c746c9 <+1417>: 48 8d 4d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c746cd <+1421>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c746d4 <+1428>: 49 89 c0 movq %rax, %r8 0x146c746d7 <+1431>: 48 8b 85 28 fd ff ff movq -0x2d8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c746de <+1438>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c746e0 <+1440>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c746e5 ; <+1445> at pkgprovider.cxx:232 0x146c746e5 <+1445>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c746ec <+1452>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c746f3 <+1459>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c746f5 <+1461>: e8 46 05 00 00 callq 0x146c74c40 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::set at Reference.hxx:306 0x146c746fa <+1466>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c746ff ; <+1471> at pkgprovider.cxx:232 0x146c746ff <+1471>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74706 <+1478>: e8 65 66 fd ff callq 0x146c4ad70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c7470b <+1483>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74712 <+1490>: e8 69 bc fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c74717 <+1495>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7471e <+1502>: e8 2d 06 00 00 callq 0x146c74d50 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c74723 <+1507>: e9 fc 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c74924 ; <+2020> at pkgprovider.cxx:248 0x146c74728 <+1512>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7472a <+1514>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74731 <+1521>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74737 <+1527>: e9 7e 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aba ; <+2426> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c7473c <+1532>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c7473e <+1534>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74745 <+1541>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7474b <+1547>: e9 5b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c747ab ; <+1643> at pkgprovider.cxx:237 0x146c74750 <+1552>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74752 <+1554>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74759 <+1561>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7475f <+1567>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7479f ; <+1631> at pkgprovider.cxx:232 0x146c74764 <+1572>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74766 <+1574>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c7476d <+1581>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74773 <+1587>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74793 ; <+1619> at pkgprovider.cxx:232 0x146c74778 <+1592>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7477f <+1599>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74781 <+1601>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74788 <+1608>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c7478e <+1614>: e8 dd 65 fd ff callq 0x146c4ad70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c74793 <+1619>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7479a <+1626>: e8 e1 bb fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c7479f <+1631>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c747a6 <+1638>: e8 a5 05 00 00 callq 0x146c74d50 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c747ab <+1643>: 8b 85 e4 fd ff ff movl -0x21c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c747b1 <+1649>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c747b6 <+1654>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c747b8 <+1656>: 89 85 24 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2dc(%rbp) 0x146c747be <+1662>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x146c747e1 ; <+1697> at pkgprovider.cxx:240 0x146c747c4 <+1668>: 48 8b bd e8 fd ff ff movq -0x218(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c747cb <+1675>: e8 34 9b 00 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c747d0 <+1680>: 48 89 85 b0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x250(%rbp) 0x146c747d7 <+1687>: e8 40 9b 00 00 callq 0x146c7e31c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x146c747dc <+1692>: e9 4c 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c74b2d ; <+2541> at pkgprovider.cxx:246 0x146c747e1 <+1697>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c747e6 <+1702>: 8b 8d 24 fd ff ff movl -0x2dc(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c747ec <+1708>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c747ee <+1710>: 0f 85 ba 02 00 00 jne 0x146c74aae ; <+2414> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c747f4 <+1716>: 48 8b bd e8 fd ff ff movq -0x218(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c747fb <+1723>: e8 04 9b 00 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c74800 <+1728>: 48 89 85 c0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x240(%rbp) 0x146c74807 <+1735>: b9 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %ecx 0x146c7480c <+1740>: 89 cf movl %ecx, %edi 0x146c7480e <+1742>: e8 eb 9a 00 00 callq 0x146c7e2fe ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146c74813 <+1747>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c74816 <+1750>: c6 85 bf fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x241(%rbp) 0x146c7481d <+1757>: 48 8b 95 c0 fd ff ff movq -0x240(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c74824 <+1764>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146c74827 <+1767>: 48 83 c6 08 addq $0x8, %rsi 0x146c7482b <+1771>: 4c 8d 85 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %r8 0x146c74832 <+1778>: 48 89 bd 18 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2e8(%rbp) 0x146c74839 <+1785>: 4c 89 c7 movq %r8, %rdi 0x146c7483c <+1788>: 48 89 b5 10 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x2f0(%rbp) 0x146c74843 <+1795>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146c74846 <+1798>: 48 89 95 08 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x2f8(%rbp) 0x146c7484d <+1805>: 48 89 85 00 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x300(%rbp) 0x146c74854 <+1812>: e8 17 05 00 00 callq 0x146c74d70 ; com::sun::star::uno::makeAny at Any.hxx:223 0x146c74859 <+1817>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7485e ; <+1822> at pkgprovider.cxx:244 0x146c7485e <+1822>: 48 8d 8d 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c74865 <+1829>: 48 8b bd 00 fd ff ff movq -0x300(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7486c <+1836>: 48 8b b5 08 fd ff ff movq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74873 <+1843>: 48 8b 95 10 fd ff ff movq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7487a <+1850>: e8 21 05 00 00 callq 0x146c74da0 ; com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException::WrappedTargetRuntimeException at WrappedTargetRuntimeException.hpp:26 0x146c7487f <+1855>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74884 ; <+1860> at pkgprovider.cxx:244 0x146c74884 <+1860>: c6 85 bf fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x241(%rbp) 0x146c7488b <+1867>: 48 8b 35 c6 37 02 00 movq 0x237c6(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x00000001032c9d60: typeinfo for com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException 0x146c74892 <+1874>: 48 8d 15 47 05 00 00 leaq 0x547(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException::~WrappedTargetRuntimeException at WrappedTargetRuntimeException.hdl:14 0x146c74899 <+1881>: 48 8b bd 18 fd ff ff movq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c748a0 <+1888>: e8 7d 9a 00 00 callq 0x146c7e322 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146c748a5 <+1893>: e9 83 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c74b2d ; <+2541> at pkgprovider.cxx:246 0x146c748aa <+1898>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c748ac <+1900>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c748b3 <+1907>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c748b9 <+1913>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c748d9 ; <+1945> at pkgprovider.cxx:244 0x146c748be <+1918>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c748c5 <+1925>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c748c7 <+1927>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c748ce <+1934>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c748d4 <+1940>: e8 97 3a fd ff callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c748d9 <+1945>: f6 85 bf fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x241(%rbp) 0x146c748e0 <+1952>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c748eb ; <+1963> at pkgprovider.cxx:244 0x146c748e6 <+1958>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c748f7 ; <+1975> at pkgprovider.cxx:246 0x146c748eb <+1963>: 48 8b bd 18 fd ff ff movq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c748f2 <+1970>: e8 1f 9a 00 00 callq 0x146c7e316 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146c748f7 <+1975>: e8 14 9a 00 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c748fc <+1980>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74901 ; <+1985> at pkgprovider.cxx:246 0x146c74901 <+1985>: e9 a8 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aae ; <+2414> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74906 <+1990>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74908 <+1992>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c7490f <+1999>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74915 <+2005>: e8 f6 99 00 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c7491a <+2010>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7491f ; <+2015> at pkgprovider.cxx:241 0x146c7491f <+2015>: e9 8a 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aae ; <+2414> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74924 <+2020>: b8 40 00 00 00 movl $0x40, %eax 0x146c74929 <+2025>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c7492b <+2027>: e8 90 23 fd ff callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c74930 <+2032>: 48 89 85 f8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x308(%rbp) 0x146c74937 <+2039>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7493c ; <+2044> at pkgprovider.cxx:248 0x146c7493c <+2044>: 48 8b 85 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74943 <+2051>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c74947 <+2055>: 48 8d 95 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7494e <+2062>: 48 8b bd f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74955 <+2069>: 48 8b 8d 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c7495c <+2076>: 48 89 85 f0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146c74963 <+2083>: e8 98 04 00 00 callq 0x146c74e00 ; package_ucp::Package::Package at pkgprovider.cxx:60 0x146c74968 <+2088>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7496d ; <+2093> at pkgprovider.cxx:248 0x146c7496d <+2093>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74974 <+2100>: 48 8b b5 f0 fc ff ff movq -0x310(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7497b <+2107>: e8 c0 04 00 00 callq 0x146c74e40 ; rtl::Reference::Reference at ref.hxx:61 0x146c74980 <+2112>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74985 ; <+2117> at pkgprovider.cxx:249 0x146c74985 <+2117>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c7498c <+2124>: e8 df 04 00 00 callq 0x146c74e70 ; rtl::Reference::get at ref.hxx:168 0x146c74991 <+2129>: 48 89 85 e8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146c74998 <+2136>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c7499d ; <+2141> at pkgprovider.cxx:249 0x146c7499d <+2141>: 48 8b 85 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rax 0x146c749a4 <+2148>: 48 8b 78 50 movq 0x50(%rax), %rdi 0x146c749a8 <+2152>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c749ac <+2156>: e8 df 04 00 00 callq 0x146c74e90 ; std::__1::unordered_map, std::__1::allocator > >::operator[] at unordered_map:1442 0x146c749b1 <+2161>: 48 89 85 e0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x320(%rbp) 0x146c749b8 <+2168>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c749bd ; <+2173> at pkgprovider.cxx:249 0x146c749bd <+2173>: 48 8b 85 e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %rax 0x146c749c4 <+2180>: 48 8b 8d e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c749cb <+2187>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146c749ce <+2190>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c749d5 <+2197>: e8 96 04 00 00 callq 0x146c74e70 ; rtl::Reference::get at ref.hxx:168 0x146c749da <+2202>: 48 89 85 d8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x328(%rbp) 0x146c749e1 <+2209>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c749e6 ; <+2214> at pkgprovider.cxx:250 0x146c749e6 <+2214>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c749e8 <+2216>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c749ea <+2218>: 48 8b 95 d8 fc ff ff movq -0x328(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c749f1 <+2225>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c749f5 <+2229>: 48 89 8d d0 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x330(%rbp) 0x146c749fc <+2236>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c74a14 ; <+2260> at pkgprovider.cxx:250 0x146c74a02 <+2242>: 48 8b 85 d8 fc ff ff movq -0x328(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74a09 <+2249>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x146c74a0d <+2253>: 48 89 85 d0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x330(%rbp) 0x146c74a14 <+2260>: 48 8b 85 d0 fc ff ff movq -0x330(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74a1b <+2267>: 48 8b bd a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a22 <+2274>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c74a25 <+2277>: e8 06 17 00 00 callq 0x146c76130 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146c74a2a <+2282>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74a2f ; <+2287> at pkgprovider.cxx:250 0x146c74a2f <+2287>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a36 <+2294>: c7 85 cc fd ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x234(%rbp) 0x146c74a40 <+2304>: e8 1b 17 00 00 callq 0x146c76160 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146c74a45 <+2309>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a4c <+2316>: e8 2f 24 fd ff callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c74a51 <+2321>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a55 <+2325>: e8 86 96 fd ff callq 0x146c4e0e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x146c74a5a <+2330>: e9 69 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74ac8 ; <+2440> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74a5f <+2335>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74a61 <+2337>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74a68 <+2344>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74a6e <+2350>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aae ; <+2414> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74a73 <+2355>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74a75 <+2357>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74a7c <+2364>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74a82 <+2370>: 48 8b bd f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a89 <+2377>: e8 82 22 fd ff callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c74a8e <+2382>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aae ; <+2414> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74a93 <+2387>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74a9a <+2394>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74a9c <+2396>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c74aa3 <+2403>: 89 8d e4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x21c(%rbp) 0x146c74aa9 <+2409>: e8 b2 16 00 00 callq 0x146c76160 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146c74aae <+2414>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74ab5 <+2421>: e8 c6 23 fd ff callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c74aba <+2426>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74abe <+2430>: e8 1d 96 fd ff callq 0x146c4e0e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x146c74ac3 <+2435>: e9 37 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c74aff ; <+2495> at pkgprovider.cxx:251 0x146c74ac8 <+2440>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74acc <+2444>: e8 af b8 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c74ad1 <+2449>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74ad5 <+2453>: e8 56 b9 fc ff callq 0x146c40430 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146c74ada <+2458>: 48 8b 3d f7 35 02 00 movq 0x235f7(%rip), %rdi ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c74ae1 <+2465>: 48 8b 3f movq (%rdi), %rdi 0x146c74ae4 <+2468>: 48 3b 7d f0 cmpq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74ae8 <+2472>: 0f 85 3f 00 00 00 jne 0x146c74b2d ; <+2541> at pkgprovider.cxx:246 0x146c74aee <+2478>: 48 8b 85 a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74af5 <+2485>: 48 81 c4 38 03 00 00 addq $0x338, %rsp ; imm = 0x338 0x146c74afc <+2492>: 5b popq %rbx 0x146c74afd <+2493>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c74afe <+2494>: c3 retq 0x146c74aff <+2495>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74b03 <+2499>: e8 78 b8 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c74b08 <+2504>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74b0c <+2508>: e8 1f b9 fc ff callq 0x146c40430 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146c74b11 <+2513>: 48 8b bd e8 fd ff ff movq -0x218(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c74b18 <+2520>: e8 0b 98 00 00 callq 0x146c7e328 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146c74b1d <+2525>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c74b1f <+2527>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c74b22 <+2530>: 89 8d cc fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x334(%rbp) 0x146c74b28 <+2536>: e8 e3 d4 fc ff callq 0x146c42010 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x146c74b2d <+2541>: e8 08 98 00 00 callq 0x146c7e33a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c741a9 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(package_ucp::PackageUri const&) (start addr 0x146c74140) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217392-0x0000000000035b22) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 2493: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[5]: 2494: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[6]: 2495: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146c83ba0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217392-0x0000000000035b22) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 12: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146c83ba0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217392-0x0000000000035b22) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 12: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 2494: CFA=rsp +8 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[5]: 2495: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146c83ba0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217392-0x0000000000035b30) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData: 0x146c456f0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c456f1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c456f4 <+4>: 48 81 ec 20 03 00 00 subq $0x320, %rsp ; imm = 0x320 0x146c456fb <+11>: 48 8b 05 d6 29 05 00 movq 0x529d6(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c45702 <+18>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c45705 <+21>: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c45709 <+25>: 48 89 bd 00 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c45710 <+32>: 48 89 b5 f8 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x108(%rbp) 0x146c45717 <+39>: 48 89 95 f0 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x110(%rbp) 0x146c4571e <+46>: 48 89 8d e8 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c45725 <+53>: 48 8b b5 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c4572c <+60>: 48 8b 95 f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c45733 <+67>: 48 8d 45 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45737 <+71>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c4573a <+74>: 48 89 8d 50 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1b0(%rbp) 0x146c45741 <+81>: 48 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x146c45748 <+88>: e8 f3 e9 02 00 callq 0x146c74140 ; package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage at pkgprovider.cxx:209 0x146c4574d <+93>: 48 8b bd 50 fe ff ff movq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45754 <+100>: 48 8b b5 48 fe ff ff movq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c4575b <+107>: e8 30 1d 00 00 callq 0x146c47490 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x146c45760 <+112>: 48 89 85 40 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c0(%rbp) 0x146c45767 <+119>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4576c ; <+124> at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 0x146c4576c <+124>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45770 <+128>: e8 0b 17 00 00 callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45775 <+133>: 48 8b bd f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4577c <+140>: e8 df a9 ff ff callq 0x146c40160 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::isRootFolder at pkguri.hxx:82 0x146c45781 <+145>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45783 <+147>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c4578e ; <+158> at pkgcontent.cxx:2241 0x146c45789 <+153>: e9 20 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c45bae ; <+1214> at pkgcontent.cxx:2280 0x146c4578e <+158>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45792 <+162>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c45794 <+164>: 48 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4579b <+171>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c4579e <+174>: e8 ad 0c 01 00 callq 0x146c56450 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:169 0x146c457a3 <+179>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c457a7 <+183>: e8 94 0b 01 00 callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c457ac <+188>: 88 85 3f fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1c1(%rbp) 0x146c457b2 <+194>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c457b7 ; <+199> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c457b7 <+199>: 8a 85 3f fe ff ff movb -0x1c1(%rbp), %al 0x146c457bd <+205>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c457bf <+207>: 0f 85 7a 00 00 00 jne 0x146c4583f ; <+335> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c457c5 <+213>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c457ca ; <+218> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c457ca <+218>: 48 8d 35 a3 f1 03 00 leaq 0x3f1a3(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c457d1 <+225>: 48 8d 15 3c f8 03 00 leaq 0x3f83c(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2249: " 0x146c457d8 <+232>: 48 8d 0d e5 f1 03 00 leaq 0x3f1e5(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c457df <+239>: 4c 8d 05 75 f8 03 00 leaq 0x3f875(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no XPropertySet interface from package!" 0x146c457e6 <+246>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c457e8 <+248>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c457eb <+251>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c457f0 <+256>: 40 88 bd 3e fe ff ff movb %dil, -0x1c2(%rbp) 0x146c457f7 <+263>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c457f9 <+265>: 8a 85 3e fe ff ff movb -0x1c2(%rbp), %al 0x146c457ff <+271>: e8 da 89 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45804 <+276>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45809 ; <+281> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c45809 <+281>: e9 31 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4583f ; <+335> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c4580e <+286>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45812 <+290>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45814 <+292>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4581b <+299>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45821 <+305>: e8 5a 16 00 00 callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45826 <+310>: e9 34 14 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c5f ; <+5487> at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 0x146c4582b <+315>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4582d <+317>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45834 <+324>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c4583a <+330>: e9 61 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ba0 ; <+1200> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c4583f <+335>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45844 ; <+340> at pkgcontent.cxx:2247 0x146c45844 <+340>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45849 ; <+345> at pkgcontent.cxx:2251 0x146c45849 <+345>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4584d <+349>: e8 ee 0a 01 00 callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c45852 <+354>: 88 85 3d fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1c3(%rbp) 0x146c45858 <+360>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4585d ; <+365> at pkgcontent.cxx:2251 0x146c4585d <+365>: 8a 85 3d fe ff ff movb -0x1c3(%rbp), %al 0x146c45863 <+371>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45865 <+373>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45870 ; <+384> at pkgcontent.cxx:2257 0x146c4586b <+379>: e9 e5 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b55 ; <+1125> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45870 <+384>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45874 <+388>: e8 47 73 01 00 callq 0x146c5cbc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c45879 <+393>: 48 89 85 30 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x146c45880 <+400>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45885 ; <+405> at pkgcontent.cxx:2257 0x146c45885 <+405>: 48 8b 85 30 fe ff ff movq -0x1d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4588c <+412>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c4588f <+415>: 48 8b 49 28 movq 0x28(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c45893 <+419>: 48 8d 35 dc ed 03 00 leaq 0x3eddc(%rip), %rsi ; "HasEncryptedEntries" 0x146c4589a <+426>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4589e <+430>: 48 89 8d 28 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1d8(%rbp) 0x146c458a5 <+437>: e8 a6 aa ff ff callq 0x146c40350 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c458aa <+442>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c458af ; <+447> at pkgcontent.cxx:2257 0x146c458af <+447>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c458b3 <+451>: 48 8d 55 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c458b7 <+455>: 48 8b b5 30 fe ff ff movq -0x1d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c458be <+462>: 48 8b 85 28 fe ff ff movq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c458c5 <+469>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c458c7 <+471>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c458cc ; <+476> at pkgcontent.cxx:2257 0x146c458cc <+476>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c458d0 <+480>: e8 ab aa ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c458d5 <+485>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c458dc <+492>: 48 83 c7 32 addq $0x32, %rdi 0x146c458e0 <+496>: 48 8d 45 d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rax 0x146c458e4 <+500>: 48 89 bd 20 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x1e0(%rbp) 0x146c458eb <+507>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c458ee <+510>: 48 8b b5 20 fe ff ff movq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c458f5 <+517>: e8 c6 ac 00 00 callq 0x146c505c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:303 0x146c458fa <+522>: 88 85 1f fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1e1(%rbp) 0x146c45900 <+528>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45905 ; <+533> at pkgcontent.cxx:2258 0x146c45905 <+533>: 8a 85 1f fe ff ff movb -0x1e1(%rbp), %al 0x146c4590b <+539>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c4590d <+541>: 0f 85 cc 01 00 00 jne 0x146c45adf ; <+1007> at pkgcontent.cxx:2264 0x146c45913 <+547>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45918 ; <+552> at pkgcontent.cxx:2260 0x146c45918 <+552>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4591d ; <+557> at pkgcontent.cxx:2260 0x146c4591d <+557>: 48 8d 35 50 f0 03 00 leaq 0x3f050(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45924 <+564>: 48 8d 15 70 f7 03 00 leaq 0x3f770(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2261: " 0x146c4592b <+571>: 48 8d 0d 92 f0 03 00 leaq 0x3f092(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45932 <+578>: 4c 8d 05 a9 f7 03 00 leaq 0x3f7a9(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no HasEncryptedEntries value!" 0x146c45939 <+585>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c4593b <+587>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c4593e <+590>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45943 <+595>: 40 88 bd 1e fe ff ff movb %dil, -0x1e2(%rbp) 0x146c4594a <+602>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4594c <+604>: 8a 85 1e fe ff ff movb -0x1e2(%rbp), %al 0x146c45952 <+610>: e8 87 88 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45957 <+615>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4595c ; <+620> at pkgcontent.cxx:2260 0x146c4595c <+620>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45961 ; <+625> at pkgcontent.cxx:2260 0x146c45961 <+625>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45966 ; <+630> at pkgcontent.cxx:2262 0x146c45966 <+630>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c4596d <+637>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45977 <+647>: e9 6d 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ae9 ; <+1017> at pkgcontent.cxx:2264 0x146c4597c <+652>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4597e <+654>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45985 <+661>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c4598b <+667>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c459c5 ; <+725> at pkgcontent.cxx:2264 0x146c45990 <+672>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45994 <+676>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45996 <+678>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4599d <+685>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c459a3 <+691>: e8 d8 a9 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c459a8 <+696>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c459c5 ; <+725> at pkgcontent.cxx:2264 0x146c459ad <+701>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c459b1 <+705>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c459b3 <+707>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c459ba <+714>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c459c0 <+720>: e8 ab 29 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c459c5 <+725>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c459cb <+731>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c459d0 <+736>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c459d2 <+738>: 89 85 18 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146c459d8 <+744>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45a55 ; <+869> at pkgcontent.cxx:2270 0x146c459de <+750>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c459e5 <+757>: e8 1a 89 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c459ea <+762>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146c459f1 <+769>: 48 8d 35 7c ef 03 00 leaq 0x3ef7c(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c459f8 <+776>: 48 8d 15 60 f7 03 00 leaq 0x3f760(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2268: " 0x146c459ff <+783>: 48 8d 0d be ef 03 00 leaq 0x3efbe(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45a06 <+790>: 4c 8d 05 d5 f6 03 00 leaq 0x3f6d5(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no HasEncryptedEntries value!" 0x146c45a0d <+797>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45a0f <+799>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45a12 <+802>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45a17 <+807>: 40 88 bd 17 fe ff ff movb %dil, -0x1e9(%rbp) 0x146c45a1e <+814>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45a20 <+816>: 8a 85 17 fe ff ff movb -0x1e9(%rbp), %al 0x146c45a26 <+822>: e8 b3 87 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45a2b <+827>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45a30 ; <+832> at pkgcontent.cxx:2267 0x146c45a30 <+832>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45a35 ; <+837> at pkgcontent.cxx:2267 0x146c45a35 <+837>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45a3a ; <+842> at pkgcontent.cxx:2269 0x146c45a3a <+842>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45a41 <+849>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45a4b <+859>: e8 c0 88 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c45a50 <+864>: e9 f1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b46 ; <+1110> at pkgcontent.cxx:2270 0x146c45a55 <+869>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45a5a <+874>: 8b 8d 18 fe ff ff movl -0x1e8(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c45a60 <+880>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c45a62 <+882>: 0f 85 38 01 00 00 jne 0x146c45ba0 ; <+1200> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45a68 <+888>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45a6f <+895>: e8 90 88 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c45a74 <+900>: 48 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c45a7b <+907>: 48 8d 35 f2 ee 03 00 leaq 0x3eef2(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45a82 <+914>: 48 8d 15 8f f6 03 00 leaq 0x3f68f(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2274: " 0x146c45a89 <+921>: 48 8d 0d 34 ef 03 00 leaq 0x3ef34(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45a90 <+928>: 4c 8d 05 4b f6 03 00 leaq 0x3f64b(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no HasEncryptedEntries value!" 0x146c45a97 <+935>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45a99 <+937>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45a9c <+940>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45aa1 <+945>: 40 88 bd 16 fe ff ff movb %dil, -0x1ea(%rbp) 0x146c45aa8 <+952>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45aaa <+954>: 8a 85 16 fe ff ff movb -0x1ea(%rbp), %al 0x146c45ab0 <+960>: e8 29 87 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45ab5 <+965>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45aba ; <+970> at pkgcontent.cxx:2273 0x146c45aba <+970>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45abf ; <+975> at pkgcontent.cxx:2273 0x146c45abf <+975>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ac4 ; <+980> at pkgcontent.cxx:2275 0x146c45ac4 <+980>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45acb <+987>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45ad5 <+997>: e8 36 88 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c45ada <+1002>: e9 44 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b23 ; <+1075> at pkgcontent.cxx:2276 0x146c45adf <+1007>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45ae9 <+1017>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45aed <+1021>: e8 7e 28 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c45af2 <+1026>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c45af8 <+1032>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c45afa <+1034>: 0f 85 5f 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45b5f ; <+1135> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b00 <+1040>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b05 ; <+1045> at pkgcontent.cxx:2264 0x146c45b05 <+1045>: e9 46 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b50 ; <+1120> at pkgcontent.cxx:2277 0x146c45b0a <+1050>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45b0c <+1052>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45b13 <+1059>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45b19 <+1065>: e8 f2 87 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c45b1e <+1070>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b28 ; <+1080> at pkgcontent.cxx:2276 0x146c45b23 <+1075>: e9 37 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b5f ; <+1135> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b28 <+1080>: e9 73 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ba0 ; <+1200> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b2d <+1085>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45b2f <+1087>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45b36 <+1094>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45b3c <+1100>: e8 cf 87 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c45b41 <+1105>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b4b ; <+1115> at pkgcontent.cxx:2270 0x146c45b46 <+1110>: e9 14 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b5f ; <+1135> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b4b <+1115>: e9 50 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ba0 ; <+1200> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b50 <+1120>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b55 ; <+1125> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b55 <+1125>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45b5f <+1135>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45b63 <+1139>: e8 c8 08 01 00 callq 0x146c56430 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45b68 <+1144>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c45b6e <+1150>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c45b70 <+1152>: 89 85 10 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1f0(%rbp) 0x146c45b76 <+1158>: 0f 84 1f 00 00 00 je 0x146c45b9b ; <+1195> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b7c <+1164>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45b81 ; <+1169> at pkgcontent.cxx:2278 0x146c45b81 <+1169>: 8b 85 10 fe ff ff movl -0x1f0(%rbp), %eax 0x146c45b87 <+1175>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45b8a <+1178>: 89 85 0c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x1f4(%rbp) 0x146c45b90 <+1184>: 0f 84 95 10 00 00 je 0x146c46c2b ; <+5435> at pkgcontent.cxx:2413 0x146c45b96 <+1190>: e9 e0 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c7b ; <+5515> at pkgcontent.cxx:2276 0x146c45b9b <+1195>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45bae ; <+1214> at pkgcontent.cxx:2280 0x146c45ba0 <+1200>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45ba4 <+1204>: e8 87 08 01 00 callq 0x146c56430 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45ba9 <+1209>: e9 b1 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c5f ; <+5487> at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 0x146c45bae <+1214>: 48 8b bd e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45bb5 <+1221>: e8 76 6f 01 00 callq 0x146c5cb30 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c45bba <+1226>: 48 8b 38 movq (%rax), %rdi 0x146c45bbd <+1229>: 48 8b 7f 20 movq 0x20(%rdi), %rdi 0x146c45bc1 <+1233>: 48 8b 8d f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c45bc8 <+1240>: 48 89 bd 00 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x200(%rbp) 0x146c45bcf <+1247>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146c45bd2 <+1250>: 48 89 85 f8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x208(%rbp) 0x146c45bd9 <+1257>: e8 b2 6f 01 00 callq 0x146c5cb90 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getPath at pkguri.hxx:67 0x146c45bde <+1262>: 48 8b bd f8 fd ff ff movq -0x208(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45be5 <+1269>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c45be8 <+1272>: 48 8b 85 00 fe ff ff movq -0x200(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45bef <+1279>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c45bf1 <+1281>: 3c 00 cmpb $0x0, %al 0x146c45bf3 <+1283>: 0f 85 0c 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45c05 ; <+1301> at pkgcontent.cxx:2285 0x146c45bf9 <+1289>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45c00 <+1296>: e9 26 10 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c2b ; <+5435> at pkgcontent.cxx:2413 0x146c45c05 <+1301>: 48 8b bd e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45c0c <+1308>: e8 1f 6f 01 00 callq 0x146c5cb30 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c45c11 <+1313>: 48 89 85 f0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x210(%rbp) 0x146c45c18 <+1320>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45c1d ; <+1325> at pkgcontent.cxx:2285 0x146c45c1d <+1325>: 48 8b 85 f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45c24 <+1332>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c45c27 <+1335>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c45c2b <+1339>: 48 8b bd f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45c32 <+1346>: 48 89 8d e8 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146c45c39 <+1353>: e8 52 6f 01 00 callq 0x146c5cb90 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getPath at pkguri.hxx:67 0x146c45c3e <+1358>: 48 89 85 e0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x220(%rbp) 0x146c45c45 <+1365>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45c4a ; <+1370> at pkgcontent.cxx:2285 0x146c45c4a <+1370>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45c4e <+1374>: 48 8b b5 f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45c55 <+1381>: 48 8b 95 e0 fd ff ff movq -0x220(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c45c5c <+1388>: 48 8b 85 e8 fd ff ff movq -0x218(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45c63 <+1395>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c45c65 <+1397>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45c6a ; <+1402> at pkgcontent.cxx:2286 0x146c45c6a <+1402>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45c6e <+1406>: e8 1d 27 00 00 callq 0x146c48390 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::hasValue at Any.h:182 0x146c45c73 <+1411>: 88 85 df fd ff ff movb %al, -0x221(%rbp) 0x146c45c79 <+1417>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45c7e ; <+1422> at pkgcontent.cxx:2286 0x146c45c7e <+1422>: 8a 85 df fd ff ff movb -0x221(%rbp), %al 0x146c45c84 <+1428>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45c86 <+1430>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45c91 ; <+1441> at pkgcontent.cxx:2288 0x146c45c8c <+1436>: e9 14 0f 00 00 jmp 0x146c46ba5 ; <+5301> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c45c91 <+1441>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45c95 <+1445>: e8 06 03 01 00 callq 0x146c55fa0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146c45c9a <+1450>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45c9f ; <+1455> at pkgcontent.cxx:2289 0x146c45c9f <+1455>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45ca3 <+1459>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45ca7 <+1463>: e8 74 6f 01 00 callq 0x146c5cc20 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= > at Any.hxx:271 0x146c45cac <+1468>: 88 85 de fd ff ff movb %al, -0x222(%rbp) 0x146c45cb2 <+1474>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45cb7 ; <+1479> at pkgcontent.cxx:2291 0x146c45cb7 <+1479>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45cbb <+1483>: e8 80 06 01 00 callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c45cc0 <+1488>: 88 85 dd fd ff ff movb %al, -0x223(%rbp) 0x146c45cc6 <+1494>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ccb ; <+1499> at pkgcontent.cxx:2291 0x146c45ccb <+1499>: 8a 85 dd fd ff ff movb -0x223(%rbp), %al 0x146c45cd1 <+1505>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45cd3 <+1507>: 0f 85 a5 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45d7e ; <+1678> at pkgcontent.cxx:2298 0x146c45cd9 <+1513>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45cde ; <+1518> at pkgcontent.cxx:2293 0x146c45cde <+1518>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ce3 ; <+1523> at pkgcontent.cxx:2293 0x146c45ce3 <+1523>: 48 8d 35 8a ec 03 00 leaq 0x3ec8a(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45cea <+1530>: 48 8d 15 b5 f4 03 00 leaq 0x3f4b5(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2293: " 0x146c45cf1 <+1537>: 48 8d 0d cc ec 03 00 leaq 0x3eccc(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45cf8 <+1544>: 4c 8d 05 ee f4 03 00 leaq 0x3f4ee(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no XPropertySet interface!" 0x146c45cff <+1551>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45d01 <+1553>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45d04 <+1556>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45d09 <+1561>: 40 88 bd dc fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x224(%rbp) 0x146c45d10 <+1568>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45d12 <+1570>: 8a 85 dc fd ff ff movb -0x224(%rbp), %al 0x146c45d18 <+1576>: e8 c1 84 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45d1d <+1581>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45d22 ; <+1586> at pkgcontent.cxx:2293 0x146c45d22 <+1586>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45d27 ; <+1591> at pkgcontent.cxx:2293 0x146c45d27 <+1591>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45d2c ; <+1596> at pkgcontent.cxx:2294 0x146c45d2c <+1596>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45d33 <+1603>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45d3d <+1613>: e9 47 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b89 ; <+5273> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c45d42 <+1618>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45d44 <+1620>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45d4b <+1627>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45d51 <+1633>: e9 a3 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c46bf9 ; <+5385> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c45d56 <+1638>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45d58 <+1640>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45d5f <+1647>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45d65 <+1653>: e9 86 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c46bf0 ; <+5376> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c45d6a <+1658>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45d6c <+1660>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45d73 <+1667>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45d79 <+1673>: e9 19 0e 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b97 ; <+5287> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c45d7e <+1678>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45d85 <+1685>: 48 8b 85 f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45d8c <+1692>: 48 89 bd d0 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x230(%rbp) 0x146c45d93 <+1699>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c45d96 <+1702>: e8 f5 46 01 00 callq 0x146c5a490 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getName at pkguri.hxx:70 0x146c45d9b <+1707>: 48 89 85 c8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x238(%rbp) 0x146c45da2 <+1714>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45da7 ; <+1719> at pkgcontent.cxx:2298 0x146c45da7 <+1719>: 48 8b bd d0 fd ff ff movq -0x230(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45dae <+1726>: 48 8b b5 c8 fd ff ff movq -0x238(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45db5 <+1733>: e8 26 0a 01 00 callq 0x146c567e0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x146c45dba <+1738>: 48 89 85 c0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x240(%rbp) 0x146c45dc1 <+1745>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45dc6 ; <+1750> at pkgcontent.cxx:2303 0x146c45dc6 <+1750>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45dca <+1754>: e8 f1 6d 01 00 callq 0x146c5cbc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c45dcf <+1759>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146c45dd6 <+1766>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ddb ; <+1771> at pkgcontent.cxx:2303 0x146c45ddb <+1771>: 48 8b 85 b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45de2 <+1778>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c45de5 <+1781>: 48 8b 49 28 movq 0x28(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c45de9 <+1785>: 48 8d 35 66 e8 03 00 leaq 0x3e866(%rip), %rsi ; "MediaType" 0x146c45df0 <+1792>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45df4 <+1796>: 48 89 8d b0 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x250(%rbp) 0x146c45dfb <+1803>: e8 e0 a4 ff ff callq 0x146c402e0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c45e00 <+1808>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45e05 ; <+1813> at pkgcontent.cxx:2303 0x146c45e05 <+1813>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45e09 <+1817>: 48 8d 55 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c45e0d <+1821>: 48 8b b5 b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45e14 <+1828>: 48 8b 85 b0 fd ff ff movq -0x250(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45e1b <+1835>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c45e1d <+1837>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45e22 ; <+1842> at pkgcontent.cxx:2303 0x146c45e22 <+1842>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45e26 <+1846>: e8 55 a5 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c45e2b <+1851>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45e32 <+1858>: 48 83 c7 18 addq $0x18, %rdi 0x146c45e36 <+1862>: 48 8d 45 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45e3a <+1866>: 48 89 bd a8 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x258(%rbp) 0x146c45e41 <+1873>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c45e44 <+1876>: 48 8b b5 a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45e4b <+1883>: e8 00 09 01 00 callq 0x146c56750 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:533 0x146c45e50 <+1888>: 88 85 a7 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x259(%rbp) 0x146c45e56 <+1894>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45e5b ; <+1899> at pkgcontent.cxx:2304 0x146c45e5b <+1899>: 8a 85 a7 fd ff ff movb -0x259(%rbp), %al 0x146c45e61 <+1905>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45e63 <+1907>: 0f 85 cc 01 00 00 jne 0x146c46035 ; <+2373> at pkgcontent.cxx:2309 0x146c45e69 <+1913>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45e6e ; <+1918> at pkgcontent.cxx:2306 0x146c45e6e <+1918>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45e73 ; <+1923> at pkgcontent.cxx:2306 0x146c45e73 <+1923>: 48 8d 35 fa ea 03 00 leaq 0x3eafa(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45e7a <+1930>: 48 8d 15 9f f3 03 00 leaq 0x3f39f(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2306: " 0x146c45e81 <+1937>: 48 8d 0d 3c eb 03 00 leaq 0x3eb3c(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45e88 <+1944>: 4c 8d 05 d8 f3 03 00 leaq 0x3f3d8(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no MediaType value!" 0x146c45e8f <+1951>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45e91 <+1953>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45e94 <+1956>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45e99 <+1961>: 40 88 bd a6 fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x25a(%rbp) 0x146c45ea0 <+1968>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45ea2 <+1970>: 8a 85 a6 fd ff ff movb -0x25a(%rbp), %al 0x146c45ea8 <+1976>: e8 31 83 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45ead <+1981>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45eb2 ; <+1986> at pkgcontent.cxx:2306 0x146c45eb2 <+1986>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45eb7 ; <+1991> at pkgcontent.cxx:2306 0x146c45eb7 <+1991>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45ebc ; <+1996> at pkgcontent.cxx:2307 0x146c45ebc <+1996>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45ec3 <+2003>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45ecd <+2013>: e9 6d 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c4603f ; <+2383> at pkgcontent.cxx:2309 0x146c45ed2 <+2018>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45ed4 <+2020>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45edb <+2027>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45ee1 <+2033>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45f1b ; <+2091> at pkgcontent.cxx:2309 0x146c45ee6 <+2038>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45eea <+2042>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45eec <+2044>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45ef3 <+2051>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45ef9 <+2057>: e8 82 a4 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c45efe <+2062>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45f1b ; <+2091> at pkgcontent.cxx:2309 0x146c45f03 <+2067>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45f07 <+2071>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45f09 <+2073>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c45f10 <+2080>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c45f16 <+2086>: e8 55 24 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c45f1b <+2091>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c45f21 <+2097>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c45f26 <+2102>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c45f28 <+2104>: 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146c45f2e <+2110>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45fab ; <+2235> at pkgcontent.cxx:2314 0x146c45f34 <+2116>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45f3b <+2123>: e8 c4 83 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c45f40 <+2128>: 48 89 85 a8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x158(%rbp) 0x146c45f47 <+2135>: 48 8d 35 26 ea 03 00 leaq 0x3ea26(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45f4e <+2142>: 48 8d 15 85 f3 03 00 leaq 0x3f385(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2312: " 0x146c45f55 <+2149>: 48 8d 0d 68 ea 03 00 leaq 0x3ea68(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45f5c <+2156>: 4c 8d 05 04 f3 03 00 leaq 0x3f304(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no MediaType value!" 0x146c45f63 <+2163>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45f65 <+2165>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45f68 <+2168>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45f6d <+2173>: 40 88 bd 9f fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x261(%rbp) 0x146c45f74 <+2180>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45f76 <+2182>: 8a 85 9f fd ff ff movb -0x261(%rbp), %al 0x146c45f7c <+2188>: e8 5d 82 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c45f81 <+2193>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45f86 ; <+2198> at pkgcontent.cxx:2312 0x146c45f86 <+2198>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45f8b ; <+2203> at pkgcontent.cxx:2312 0x146c45f8b <+2203>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45f90 ; <+2208> at pkgcontent.cxx:2313 0x146c45f90 <+2208>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c45f97 <+2215>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c45fa1 <+2225>: e8 6a 83 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c45fa6 <+2230>: e9 f1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4609c ; <+2476> at pkgcontent.cxx:2314 0x146c45fab <+2235>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45fb0 <+2240>: 8b 8d a0 fd ff ff movl -0x260(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c45fb6 <+2246>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c45fb8 <+2248>: 0f 85 d9 0b 00 00 jne 0x146c46b97 ; <+5287> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c45fbe <+2254>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45fc5 <+2261>: e8 3a 83 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c45fca <+2266>: 48 89 85 b0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x150(%rbp) 0x146c45fd1 <+2273>: 48 8d 35 9c e9 03 00 leaq 0x3e99c(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c45fd8 <+2280>: 48 8d 15 b4 f2 03 00 leaq 0x3f2b4(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2317: " 0x146c45fdf <+2287>: 48 8d 0d de e9 03 00 leaq 0x3e9de(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c45fe6 <+2294>: 4c 8d 05 7a f2 03 00 leaq 0x3f27a(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no MediaType value!" 0x146c45fed <+2301>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c45fef <+2303>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c45ff2 <+2306>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c45ff7 <+2311>: 40 88 bd 9e fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x262(%rbp) 0x146c45ffe <+2318>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c46000 <+2320>: 8a 85 9e fd ff ff movb -0x262(%rbp), %al 0x146c46006 <+2326>: e8 d3 81 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c4600b <+2331>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46010 ; <+2336> at pkgcontent.cxx:2317 0x146c46010 <+2336>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46015 ; <+2341> at pkgcontent.cxx:2317 0x146c46015 <+2341>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4601a ; <+2346> at pkgcontent.cxx:2318 0x146c4601a <+2346>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46021 <+2353>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c4602b <+2363>: e8 e0 82 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46030 <+2368>: e9 44 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46079 ; <+2441> at pkgcontent.cxx:2319 0x146c46035 <+2373>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c4603f <+2383>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46043 <+2387>: e8 28 23 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46048 <+2392>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c4604e <+2398>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c46050 <+2400>: 0f 85 33 0b 00 00 jne 0x146c46b89 ; <+5273> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46056 <+2406>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4605b ; <+2411> at pkgcontent.cxx:2309 0x146c4605b <+2411>: e9 46 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c460a6 ; <+2486> at pkgcontent.cxx:2321 0x146c46060 <+2416>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46062 <+2418>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46069 <+2425>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c4606f <+2431>: e8 9c 82 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46074 <+2436>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4607e ; <+2446> at pkgcontent.cxx:2319 0x146c46079 <+2441>: e9 0b 0b 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b89 ; <+5273> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c4607e <+2446>: e9 14 0b 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b97 ; <+5287> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46083 <+2451>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46085 <+2453>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4608c <+2460>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46092 <+2466>: e8 79 82 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46097 <+2471>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c460a1 ; <+2481> at pkgcontent.cxx:2314 0x146c4609c <+2476>: e9 e8 0a 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b89 ; <+5273> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c460a1 <+2481>: e9 f1 0a 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b97 ; <+5287> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c460a6 <+2486>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c460aa <+2490>: e8 f1 6b 01 00 callq 0x146c5cca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146c460af <+2495>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c460b4 ; <+2500> at pkgcontent.cxx:2322 0x146c460b4 <+2500>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c460b8 <+2504>: 48 8d 75 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c460bc <+2508>: e8 ff 6b 01 00 callq 0x146c5ccc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= > at Any.hxx:271 0x146c460c1 <+2513>: 88 85 9d fd ff ff movb %al, -0x263(%rbp) 0x146c460c7 <+2519>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c460cc ; <+2524> at pkgcontent.cxx:2325 0x146c460cc <+2524>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c460d0 <+2528>: e8 6b 02 01 00 callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c460d5 <+2533>: 88 85 9c fd ff ff movb %al, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146c460db <+2539>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c460e0 ; <+2544> at pkgcontent.cxx:2325 0x146c460e0 <+2544>: 8a 85 9c fd ff ff movb -0x264(%rbp), %al 0x146c460e6 <+2550>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c460e8 <+2552>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c460f3 ; <+2563> at pkgcontent.cxx:2328 0x146c460ee <+2558>: e9 c1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c461b4 ; <+2756> at pkgcontent.cxx:2335 0x146c460f3 <+2563>: 48 8b 85 f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rax 0x146c460fa <+2570>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x146c460fe <+2574>: 48 8b bd f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46105 <+2581>: 48 89 85 90 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x270(%rbp) 0x146c4610c <+2588>: e8 ff ec ff ff callq 0x146c44e10 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getScheme at pkguri.hxx:76 0x146c46111 <+2593>: 48 89 85 88 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x278(%rbp) 0x146c46118 <+2600>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4611d ; <+2605> at pkgcontent.cxx:2328 0x146c4611d <+2605>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46124 <+2612>: ba 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %edx 0x146c46129 <+2617>: 48 8b b5 88 fd ff ff movq -0x278(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c46130 <+2624>: e8 db eb ff ff callq 0x146c44d10 ; package_ucp::Content::getContentType at pkgcontent.cxx:222 0x146c46135 <+2629>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4613a ; <+2634> at pkgcontent.cxx:2328 0x146c4613a <+2634>: 48 8d b5 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c46141 <+2641>: 48 8b bd 90 fd ff ff movq -0x270(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46148 <+2648>: e8 73 eb ff ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c4614d <+2653>: 48 89 85 80 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x280(%rbp) 0x146c46154 <+2660>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46159 ; <+2665> at pkgcontent.cxx:2328 0x146c46159 <+2665>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46160 <+2672>: e8 1b a2 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c46165 <+2677>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4616c <+2684>: c6 47 10 00 movb $0x0, 0x10(%rdi) 0x146c46170 <+2688>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46177 <+2695>: c6 47 11 01 movb $0x1, 0x11(%rdi) 0x146c4617b <+2699>: e9 de 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4625e ; <+2926> at pkgcontent.cxx:2340 0x146c46180 <+2704>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46182 <+2706>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46189 <+2713>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c4618f <+2719>: e9 e7 09 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46194 <+2724>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4619b <+2731>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4619d <+2733>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c461a4 <+2740>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c461aa <+2746>: e8 d1 a1 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c461af <+2751>: e9 c7 09 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c461b4 <+2756>: 48 8b 85 f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rax 0x146c461bb <+2763>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x146c461bf <+2767>: 48 8b bd f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c461c6 <+2774>: 48 89 85 78 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x288(%rbp) 0x146c461cd <+2781>: e8 3e ec ff ff callq 0x146c44e10 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getScheme at pkguri.hxx:76 0x146c461d2 <+2786>: 48 89 85 70 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x290(%rbp) 0x146c461d9 <+2793>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c461de ; <+2798> at pkgcontent.cxx:2335 0x146c461de <+2798>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c461e5 <+2805>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c461e7 <+2807>: 48 8b b5 70 fd ff ff movq -0x290(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c461ee <+2814>: e8 1d eb ff ff callq 0x146c44d10 ; package_ucp::Content::getContentType at pkgcontent.cxx:222 0x146c461f3 <+2819>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c461f8 ; <+2824> at pkgcontent.cxx:2335 0x146c461f8 <+2824>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c461ff <+2831>: 48 8b bd 78 fd ff ff movq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46206 <+2838>: e8 b5 ea ff ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c4620b <+2843>: 48 89 85 68 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x298(%rbp) 0x146c46212 <+2850>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46217 ; <+2855> at pkgcontent.cxx:2335 0x146c46217 <+2855>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4621e <+2862>: e8 5d a1 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c46223 <+2867>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4622a <+2874>: c6 47 10 01 movb $0x1, 0x10(%rdi) 0x146c4622e <+2878>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46235 <+2885>: c6 47 11 00 movb $0x0, 0x11(%rdi) 0x146c46239 <+2889>: e9 20 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4625e ; <+2926> at pkgcontent.cxx:2340 0x146c4623e <+2894>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46245 <+2901>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46247 <+2903>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4624e <+2910>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46254 <+2916>: e8 27 a1 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c46259 <+2921>: e9 1d 09 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c4625e <+2926>: 48 8b 85 f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rax 0x146c46265 <+2933>: f6 40 10 01 testb $0x1, 0x10(%rax) 0x146c46269 <+2937>: 0f 84 ed 08 00 00 je 0x146c46b5c ; <+5228> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c4626f <+2943>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46273 <+2947>: e8 48 69 01 00 callq 0x146c5cbc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c46278 <+2952>: 48 89 85 60 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2a0(%rbp) 0x146c4627f <+2959>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46284 ; <+2964> at pkgcontent.cxx:2345 0x146c46284 <+2964>: 48 8b 85 60 fd ff ff movq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4628b <+2971>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c4628e <+2974>: 48 8b 49 28 movq 0x28(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c46292 <+2978>: 48 8d 35 f1 e3 03 00 leaq 0x3e3f1(%rip), %rsi ; "Size" 0x146c46299 <+2985>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c462a0 <+2992>: 48 89 8d 58 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2a8(%rbp) 0x146c462a7 <+2999>: e8 44 a1 ff ff callq 0x146c403f0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c462ac <+3004>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c462b1 ; <+3009> at pkgcontent.cxx:2345 0x146c462b1 <+3009>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c462b8 <+3016>: 48 8d 95 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c462bf <+3023>: 48 8b b5 60 fd ff ff movq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c462c6 <+3030>: 48 8b 85 58 fd ff ff movq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c462cd <+3037>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c462cf <+3039>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c462d4 ; <+3044> at pkgcontent.cxx:2345 0x146c462d4 <+3044>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c462db <+3051>: e8 a0 a0 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c462e0 <+3056>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c462e7 <+3063>: 48 83 c7 28 addq $0x28, %rdi 0x146c462eb <+3067>: 48 8d 85 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c462f2 <+3074>: 48 89 bd 50 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2b0(%rbp) 0x146c462f9 <+3081>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c462fc <+3084>: 48 8b b5 50 fd ff ff movq -0x2b0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c46303 <+3091>: e8 38 6a 01 00 callq 0x146c5cd40 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:419 0x146c46308 <+3096>: 88 85 4f fd ff ff movb %al, -0x2b1(%rbp) 0x146c4630e <+3102>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46313 ; <+3107> at pkgcontent.cxx:2346 0x146c46313 <+3107>: 8a 85 4f fd ff ff movb -0x2b1(%rbp), %al 0x146c46319 <+3113>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c4631b <+3115>: 0f 85 d2 01 00 00 jne 0x146c464f3 ; <+3587> at pkgcontent.cxx:2351 0x146c46321 <+3121>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46326 ; <+3126> at pkgcontent.cxx:2348 0x146c46326 <+3126>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4632b ; <+3131> at pkgcontent.cxx:2348 0x146c4632b <+3131>: 48 8d 35 42 e6 03 00 leaq 0x3e642(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c46332 <+3138>: 48 8d 15 e8 ef 03 00 leaq 0x3efe8(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2348: " 0x146c46339 <+3145>: 48 8d 0d 84 e6 03 00 leaq 0x3e684(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46340 <+3152>: 4c 8d 05 21 f0 03 00 leaq 0x3f021(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Size value!" 0x146c46347 <+3159>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46349 <+3161>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c4634c <+3164>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46351 <+3169>: 40 88 bd 4e fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2b2(%rbp) 0x146c46358 <+3176>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4635a <+3178>: 8a 85 4e fd ff ff movb -0x2b2(%rbp), %al 0x146c46360 <+3184>: e8 79 7e 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c46365 <+3189>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4636a ; <+3194> at pkgcontent.cxx:2348 0x146c4636a <+3194>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4636f ; <+3199> at pkgcontent.cxx:2348 0x146c4636f <+3199>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46374 ; <+3204> at pkgcontent.cxx:2349 0x146c46374 <+3204>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c4637b <+3211>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46385 <+3221>: e9 73 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c464fd ; <+3597> at pkgcontent.cxx:2351 0x146c4638a <+3226>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4638c <+3228>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46393 <+3235>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46399 <+3241>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c463d9 ; <+3305> at pkgcontent.cxx:2351 0x146c4639e <+3246>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c463a5 <+3253>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c463a7 <+3255>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c463ae <+3262>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c463b4 <+3268>: e8 c7 9f ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c463b9 <+3273>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c463d9 ; <+3305> at pkgcontent.cxx:2351 0x146c463be <+3278>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c463c5 <+3285>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c463c7 <+3287>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c463ce <+3294>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c463d4 <+3300>: e8 97 1f 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c463d9 <+3305>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c463df <+3311>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c463e4 <+3316>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c463e6 <+3318>: 89 85 48 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2b8(%rbp) 0x146c463ec <+3324>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46469 ; <+3449> at pkgcontent.cxx:2356 0x146c463f2 <+3330>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c463f9 <+3337>: e8 06 7f 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c463fe <+3342>: 48 89 85 90 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146c46405 <+3349>: 48 8d 35 68 e5 03 00 leaq 0x3e568(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c4640c <+3356>: 48 8d 15 c3 ef 03 00 leaq 0x3efc3(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2354: " 0x146c46413 <+3363>: 48 8d 0d aa e5 03 00 leaq 0x3e5aa(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c4641a <+3370>: 4c 8d 05 47 ef 03 00 leaq 0x3ef47(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Size value!" 0x146c46421 <+3377>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46423 <+3379>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c46426 <+3382>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c4642b <+3387>: 40 88 bd 47 fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2b9(%rbp) 0x146c46432 <+3394>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c46434 <+3396>: 8a 85 47 fd ff ff movb -0x2b9(%rbp), %al 0x146c4643a <+3402>: e8 9f 7d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c4643f <+3407>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46444 ; <+3412> at pkgcontent.cxx:2354 0x146c46444 <+3412>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46449 ; <+3417> at pkgcontent.cxx:2354 0x146c46449 <+3417>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4644e ; <+3422> at pkgcontent.cxx:2355 0x146c4644e <+3422>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46455 <+3429>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c4645f <+3439>: e8 ac 7e 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46464 <+3444>: e9 f4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4655d ; <+3693> at pkgcontent.cxx:2356 0x146c46469 <+3449>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c4646e <+3454>: 8b 8d 48 fd ff ff movl -0x2b8(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c46474 <+3460>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c46476 <+3462>: 0f 85 ff 06 00 00 jne 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c4647c <+3468>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46483 <+3475>: e8 7c 7e 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c46488 <+3480>: 48 89 85 98 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x168(%rbp) 0x146c4648f <+3487>: 48 8d 35 de e4 03 00 leaq 0x3e4de(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c46496 <+3494>: 48 8d 15 f2 ee 03 00 leaq 0x3eef2(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2359: " 0x146c4649d <+3501>: 48 8d 0d 20 e5 03 00 leaq 0x3e520(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c464a4 <+3508>: 4c 8d 05 bd ee 03 00 leaq 0x3eebd(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Size value!" 0x146c464ab <+3515>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c464ad <+3517>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c464b0 <+3520>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c464b5 <+3525>: 40 88 bd 46 fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2ba(%rbp) 0x146c464bc <+3532>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c464be <+3534>: 8a 85 46 fd ff ff movb -0x2ba(%rbp), %al 0x146c464c4 <+3540>: e8 15 7d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c464c9 <+3545>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c464ce ; <+3550> at pkgcontent.cxx:2359 0x146c464ce <+3550>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c464d3 ; <+3555> at pkgcontent.cxx:2359 0x146c464d3 <+3555>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c464d8 ; <+3560> at pkgcontent.cxx:2360 0x146c464d8 <+3560>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c464df <+3567>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c464e9 <+3577>: e8 22 7e 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c464ee <+3582>: e9 47 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4653a ; <+3658> at pkgcontent.cxx:2361 0x146c464f3 <+3587>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c464fd <+3597>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46504 <+3604>: e8 67 1e 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46509 <+3609>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c4650f <+3615>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c46511 <+3617>: 0f 85 56 06 00 00 jne 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46517 <+3623>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4651c ; <+3628> at pkgcontent.cxx:2351 0x146c4651c <+3628>: e9 46 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46567 ; <+3703> at pkgcontent.cxx:2366 0x146c46521 <+3633>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46523 <+3635>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4652a <+3642>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46530 <+3648>: e8 db 7d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46535 <+3653>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4653f ; <+3663> at pkgcontent.cxx:2361 0x146c4653a <+3658>: e9 2e 06 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c4653f <+3663>: e9 37 06 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46544 <+3668>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46546 <+3670>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4654d <+3677>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46553 <+3683>: e8 b8 7d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46558 <+3688>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46562 ; <+3698> at pkgcontent.cxx:2356 0x146c4655d <+3693>: e9 0b 06 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46562 <+3698>: e9 14 06 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46567 <+3703>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4656b <+3707>: e8 50 66 01 00 callq 0x146c5cbc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c46570 <+3712>: 48 89 85 38 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c8(%rbp) 0x146c46577 <+3719>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4657c ; <+3724> at pkgcontent.cxx:2366 0x146c4657c <+3724>: 48 8b 85 38 fd ff ff movq -0x2c8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c46583 <+3731>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c46586 <+3734>: 48 8b 49 28 movq 0x28(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c4658a <+3738>: 48 8d 35 fe e0 03 00 leaq 0x3e0fe(%rip), %rsi ; "Compressed" 0x146c46591 <+3745>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46598 <+3752>: 48 89 8d 30 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2d0(%rbp) 0x146c4659f <+3759>: e8 9c 9c ff ff callq 0x146c40240 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c465a4 <+3764>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c465a9 ; <+3769> at pkgcontent.cxx:2366 0x146c465a9 <+3769>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c465b0 <+3776>: 48 8d 95 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c465b7 <+3783>: 48 8b b5 38 fd ff ff movq -0x2c8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c465be <+3790>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c465c5 <+3797>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c465c7 <+3799>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c465cc ; <+3804> at pkgcontent.cxx:2366 0x146c465cc <+3804>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c465d3 <+3811>: e8 a8 9d ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c465d8 <+3816>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c465df <+3823>: 48 83 c7 30 addq $0x30, %rdi 0x146c465e3 <+3827>: 48 8d 85 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c465ea <+3834>: 48 89 bd 28 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2d8(%rbp) 0x146c465f1 <+3841>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c465f4 <+3844>: 48 8b b5 28 fd ff ff movq -0x2d8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c465fb <+3851>: e8 c0 9f 00 00 callq 0x146c505c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:303 0x146c46600 <+3856>: 88 85 27 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x2d9(%rbp) 0x146c46606 <+3862>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4660b ; <+3867> at pkgcontent.cxx:2367 0x146c4660b <+3867>: 8a 85 27 fd ff ff movb -0x2d9(%rbp), %al 0x146c46611 <+3873>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c46613 <+3875>: 0f 85 d2 01 00 00 jne 0x146c467eb ; <+4347> at pkgcontent.cxx:2372 0x146c46619 <+3881>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4661e ; <+3886> at pkgcontent.cxx:2369 0x146c4661e <+3886>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46623 ; <+3891> at pkgcontent.cxx:2369 0x146c46623 <+3891>: 48 8d 35 4a e3 03 00 leaq 0x3e34a(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c4662a <+3898>: 48 8d 15 ec ed 03 00 leaq 0x3edec(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2369: " 0x146c46631 <+3905>: 48 8d 0d 8c e3 03 00 leaq 0x3e38c(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46638 <+3912>: 4c 8d 05 25 ee 03 00 leaq 0x3ee25(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Compressed value!" 0x146c4663f <+3919>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46641 <+3921>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c46644 <+3924>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46649 <+3929>: 40 88 bd 26 fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2da(%rbp) 0x146c46650 <+3936>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c46652 <+3938>: 8a 85 26 fd ff ff movb -0x2da(%rbp), %al 0x146c46658 <+3944>: e8 81 7b 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c4665d <+3949>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46662 ; <+3954> at pkgcontent.cxx:2369 0x146c46662 <+3954>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46667 ; <+3959> at pkgcontent.cxx:2369 0x146c46667 <+3959>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4666c ; <+3964> at pkgcontent.cxx:2370 0x146c4666c <+3964>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46673 <+3971>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c4667d <+3981>: e9 73 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c467f5 ; <+4357> at pkgcontent.cxx:2372 0x146c46682 <+3986>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46684 <+3988>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4668b <+3995>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46691 <+4001>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c466d1 ; <+4065> at pkgcontent.cxx:2372 0x146c46696 <+4006>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4669d <+4013>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4669f <+4015>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c466a6 <+4022>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c466ac <+4028>: e8 cf 9c ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c466b1 <+4033>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c466d1 ; <+4065> at pkgcontent.cxx:2372 0x146c466b6 <+4038>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c466bd <+4045>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c466bf <+4047>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c466c6 <+4054>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c466cc <+4060>: e8 9f 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c466d1 <+4065>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c466d7 <+4071>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c466dc <+4076>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c466de <+4078>: 89 85 20 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2e0(%rbp) 0x146c466e4 <+4084>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46761 ; <+4209> at pkgcontent.cxx:2377 0x146c466ea <+4090>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c466f1 <+4097>: e8 0e 7c 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c466f6 <+4102>: 48 89 85 78 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x188(%rbp) 0x146c466fd <+4109>: 48 8d 35 70 e2 03 00 leaq 0x3e270(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c46704 <+4116>: 48 8d 15 cd ed 03 00 leaq 0x3edcd(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2375: " 0x146c4670b <+4123>: 48 8d 0d b2 e2 03 00 leaq 0x3e2b2(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46712 <+4130>: 4c 8d 05 4b ed 03 00 leaq 0x3ed4b(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Compressed value!" 0x146c46719 <+4137>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c4671b <+4139>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c4671e <+4142>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46723 <+4147>: 40 88 bd 1f fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2e1(%rbp) 0x146c4672a <+4154>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4672c <+4156>: 8a 85 1f fd ff ff movb -0x2e1(%rbp), %al 0x146c46732 <+4162>: e8 a7 7a 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c46737 <+4167>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4673c ; <+4172> at pkgcontent.cxx:2375 0x146c4673c <+4172>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46741 ; <+4177> at pkgcontent.cxx:2375 0x146c46741 <+4177>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46746 ; <+4182> at pkgcontent.cxx:2376 0x146c46746 <+4182>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c4674d <+4189>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46757 <+4199>: e8 b4 7b 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c4675c <+4204>: e9 f4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46855 ; <+4453> at pkgcontent.cxx:2377 0x146c46761 <+4209>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46766 <+4214>: 8b 8d 20 fd ff ff movl -0x2e0(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c4676c <+4220>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c4676e <+4222>: 0f 85 07 04 00 00 jne 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46774 <+4228>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4677b <+4235>: e8 84 7b 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c46780 <+4240>: 48 89 85 80 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146c46787 <+4247>: 48 8d 35 e6 e1 03 00 leaq 0x3e1e6(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c4678e <+4254>: 48 8d 15 fc ec 03 00 leaq 0x3ecfc(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2380: " 0x146c46795 <+4261>: 48 8d 0d 28 e2 03 00 leaq 0x3e228(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c4679c <+4268>: 4c 8d 05 c1 ec 03 00 leaq 0x3ecc1(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Compressed value!" 0x146c467a3 <+4275>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c467a5 <+4277>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c467a8 <+4280>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c467ad <+4285>: 40 88 bd 1e fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x2e2(%rbp) 0x146c467b4 <+4292>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c467b6 <+4294>: 8a 85 1e fd ff ff movb -0x2e2(%rbp), %al 0x146c467bc <+4300>: e8 1d 7a 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c467c1 <+4305>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c467c6 ; <+4310> at pkgcontent.cxx:2380 0x146c467c6 <+4310>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c467cb ; <+4315> at pkgcontent.cxx:2380 0x146c467cb <+4315>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c467d0 ; <+4320> at pkgcontent.cxx:2381 0x146c467d0 <+4320>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c467d7 <+4327>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c467e1 <+4337>: e8 2a 7b 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c467e6 <+4342>: e9 47 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46832 ; <+4418> at pkgcontent.cxx:2382 0x146c467eb <+4347>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c467f5 <+4357>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c467fc <+4364>: e8 6f 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46801 <+4369>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c46807 <+4375>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c46809 <+4377>: 0f 85 5e 03 00 00 jne 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c4680f <+4383>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46814 ; <+4388> at pkgcontent.cxx:2372 0x146c46814 <+4388>: e9 46 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4685f ; <+4463> at pkgcontent.cxx:2387 0x146c46819 <+4393>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4681b <+4395>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46822 <+4402>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46828 <+4408>: e8 e3 7a 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c4682d <+4413>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46837 ; <+4423> at pkgcontent.cxx:2382 0x146c46832 <+4418>: e9 36 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46837 <+4423>: e9 3f 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c4683c <+4428>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4683e <+4430>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46845 <+4437>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c4684b <+4443>: e8 c0 7a 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46850 <+4448>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4685a ; <+4458> at pkgcontent.cxx:2377 0x146c46855 <+4453>: e9 13 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c4685a <+4458>: e9 1c 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c4685f <+4463>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46863 <+4467>: e8 58 63 01 00 callq 0x146c5cbc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c46868 <+4472>: 48 89 85 10 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2f0(%rbp) 0x146c4686f <+4479>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46874 ; <+4484> at pkgcontent.cxx:2387 0x146c46874 <+4484>: 48 8b 85 10 fd ff ff movq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4687b <+4491>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c4687e <+4494>: 48 8b 49 28 movq 0x28(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c46882 <+4498>: 48 8d 35 11 de 03 00 leaq 0x3de11(%rip), %rsi ; "Encrypted" 0x146c46889 <+4505>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46890 <+4512>: 48 89 8d 08 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2f8(%rbp) 0x146c46897 <+4519>: e8 44 9a ff ff callq 0x146c402e0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146c4689c <+4524>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c468a1 ; <+4529> at pkgcontent.cxx:2387 0x146c468a1 <+4529>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c468a8 <+4536>: 48 8d 95 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c468af <+4543>: 48 8b b5 10 fd ff ff movq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c468b6 <+4550>: 48 8b 85 08 fd ff ff movq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c468bd <+4557>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146c468bf <+4559>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c468c4 ; <+4564> at pkgcontent.cxx:2387 0x146c468c4 <+4564>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c468cb <+4571>: e8 b0 9a ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c468d0 <+4576>: 48 8b bd f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c468d7 <+4583>: 48 83 c7 31 addq $0x31, %rdi 0x146c468db <+4587>: 48 8d 85 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c468e2 <+4594>: 48 89 bd 00 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x300(%rbp) 0x146c468e9 <+4601>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c468ec <+4604>: 48 8b b5 00 fd ff ff movq -0x300(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c468f3 <+4611>: e8 c8 9c 00 00 callq 0x146c505c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:303 0x146c468f8 <+4616>: 88 85 ff fc ff ff movb %al, -0x301(%rbp) 0x146c468fe <+4622>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46903 ; <+4627> at pkgcontent.cxx:2388 0x146c46903 <+4627>: 8a 85 ff fc ff ff movb -0x301(%rbp), %al 0x146c46909 <+4633>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c4690b <+4635>: 0f 85 d2 01 00 00 jne 0x146c46ae3 ; <+5107> at pkgcontent.cxx:2393 0x146c46911 <+4641>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46916 ; <+4646> at pkgcontent.cxx:2390 0x146c46916 <+4646>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4691b ; <+4651> at pkgcontent.cxx:2390 0x146c4691b <+4651>: 48 8d 35 52 e0 03 00 leaq 0x3e052(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c46922 <+4658>: 48 8d 15 f6 eb 03 00 leaq 0x3ebf6(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2390: " 0x146c46929 <+4665>: 48 8d 0d 94 e0 03 00 leaq 0x3e094(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46930 <+4672>: 4c 8d 05 2f ec 03 00 leaq 0x3ec2f(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Encrypted value!" 0x146c46937 <+4679>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46939 <+4681>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c4693c <+4684>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46941 <+4689>: 40 88 bd fe fc ff ff movb %dil, -0x302(%rbp) 0x146c46948 <+4696>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4694a <+4698>: 8a 85 fe fc ff ff movb -0x302(%rbp), %al 0x146c46950 <+4704>: e8 89 78 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c46955 <+4709>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4695a ; <+4714> at pkgcontent.cxx:2390 0x146c4695a <+4714>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4695f ; <+4719> at pkgcontent.cxx:2390 0x146c4695f <+4719>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46964 ; <+4724> at pkgcontent.cxx:2391 0x146c46964 <+4724>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c4696b <+4731>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46975 <+4741>: e9 73 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c46aed ; <+5117> at pkgcontent.cxx:2393 0x146c4697a <+4746>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4697c <+4748>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46983 <+4755>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46989 <+4761>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c469c9 ; <+4825> at pkgcontent.cxx:2393 0x146c4698e <+4766>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46995 <+4773>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46997 <+4775>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c4699e <+4782>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c469a4 <+4788>: e8 d7 99 ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c469a9 <+4793>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c469c9 ; <+4825> at pkgcontent.cxx:2393 0x146c469ae <+4798>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c469b5 <+4805>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c469b7 <+4807>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c469be <+4814>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c469c4 <+4820>: e8 a7 19 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c469c9 <+4825>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c469cf <+4831>: b9 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %ecx 0x146c469d4 <+4836>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c469d6 <+4838>: 89 85 f8 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x308(%rbp) 0x146c469dc <+4844>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46a59 ; <+4969> at pkgcontent.cxx:2398 0x146c469e2 <+4850>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c469e9 <+4857>: e8 16 79 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c469ee <+4862>: 48 89 85 60 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a0(%rbp) 0x146c469f5 <+4869>: 48 8d 35 78 df 03 00 leaq 0x3df78(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c469fc <+4876>: 48 8d 15 d6 eb 03 00 leaq 0x3ebd6(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2396: " 0x146c46a03 <+4883>: 48 8d 0d ba df 03 00 leaq 0x3dfba(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46a0a <+4890>: 4c 8d 05 55 eb 03 00 leaq 0x3eb55(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Encrypted value!" 0x146c46a11 <+4897>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46a13 <+4899>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c46a16 <+4902>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46a1b <+4907>: 40 88 bd f7 fc ff ff movb %dil, -0x309(%rbp) 0x146c46a22 <+4914>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c46a24 <+4916>: 8a 85 f7 fc ff ff movb -0x309(%rbp), %al 0x146c46a2a <+4922>: e8 af 77 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c46a2f <+4927>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46a34 ; <+4932> at pkgcontent.cxx:2396 0x146c46a34 <+4932>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46a39 ; <+4937> at pkgcontent.cxx:2396 0x146c46a39 <+4937>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46a3e ; <+4942> at pkgcontent.cxx:2397 0x146c46a3e <+4942>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46a45 <+4949>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46a4f <+4959>: e8 bc 78 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46a54 <+4964>: e9 f4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b4d ; <+5213> at pkgcontent.cxx:2398 0x146c46a59 <+4969>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46a5e <+4974>: 8b 8d f8 fc ff ff movl -0x308(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c46a64 <+4980>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146c46a66 <+4982>: 0f 85 0f 01 00 00 jne 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46a6c <+4988>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46a73 <+4995>: e8 8c 78 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c46a78 <+5000>: 48 89 85 68 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x198(%rbp) 0x146c46a7f <+5007>: 48 8d 35 ee de 03 00 leaq 0x3deee(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146c46a86 <+5014>: 48 8d 15 05 eb 03 00 leaq 0x3eb05(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgcontent.cxx:2401: " 0x146c46a8d <+5021>: 48 8d 0d 30 df 03 00 leaq 0x3df30(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146c46a94 <+5028>: 4c 8d 05 cb ea 03 00 leaq 0x3eacb(%rip), %r8 ; "Content::loadData - Got no Encrypted value!" 0x146c46a9b <+5035>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c46a9d <+5037>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146c46aa0 <+5040>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46aa5 <+5045>: 40 88 bd f6 fc ff ff movb %dil, -0x30a(%rbp) 0x146c46aac <+5052>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c46aae <+5054>: 8a 85 f6 fc ff ff movb -0x30a(%rbp), %al 0x146c46ab4 <+5060>: e8 25 77 03 00 callq 0x146c7e1de ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146c46ab9 <+5065>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46abe ; <+5070> at pkgcontent.cxx:2401 0x146c46abe <+5070>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46ac3 ; <+5075> at pkgcontent.cxx:2401 0x146c46ac3 <+5075>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46ac8 ; <+5080> at pkgcontent.cxx:2402 0x146c46ac8 <+5080>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46acf <+5087>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46ad9 <+5097>: e8 32 78 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46ade <+5102>: e9 47 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b2a ; <+5178> at pkgcontent.cxx:2403 0x146c46ae3 <+5107>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46aed <+5117>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46af4 <+5124>: e8 77 18 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46af9 <+5129>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c46aff <+5135>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c46b01 <+5137>: 0f 85 66 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46b07 <+5143>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b0c ; <+5148> at pkgcontent.cxx:2393 0x146c46b0c <+5148>: e9 46 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b57 ; <+5223> at pkgcontent.cxx:2404 0x146c46b11 <+5153>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46b13 <+5155>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46b1a <+5162>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46b20 <+5168>: e8 eb 77 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46b25 <+5173>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b2f ; <+5183> at pkgcontent.cxx:2403 0x146c46b2a <+5178>: e9 3e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46b2f <+5183>: e9 47 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46b34 <+5188>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46b36 <+5190>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c46b3d <+5197>: 89 8d dc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x124(%rbp) 0x146c46b43 <+5203>: e8 c8 77 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46b48 <+5208>: e9 05 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b52 ; <+5218> at pkgcontent.cxx:2398 0x146c46b4d <+5213>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b6d ; <+5245> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46b52 <+5218>: e9 24 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b7b ; <+5259> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46b57 <+5223>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b5c ; <+5228> at pkgcontent.cxx:2405 0x146c46b5c <+5228>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46b63 <+5235>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46b6d <+5245>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46b71 <+5249>: e8 da 62 01 00 callq 0x146c5ce50 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c46b76 <+5254>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b89 ; <+5273> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46b7b <+5259>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46b7f <+5263>: e8 cc 62 01 00 callq 0x146c5ce50 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c46b84 <+5268>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46b97 ; <+5287> at pkgcontent.cxx:2406 0x146c46b89 <+5273>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46b8d <+5277>: e8 9e f8 00 00 callq 0x146c56430 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c46b92 <+5282>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46baf ; <+5311> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c46b97 <+5287>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46b9b <+5291>: e8 90 f8 00 00 callq 0x146c56430 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c46ba0 <+5296>: e9 4b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46bf0 ; <+5376> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c46ba5 <+5301>: c7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0x12c(%rbp) 0x146c46baf <+5311>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46bb3 <+5315>: e8 b8 17 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46bb8 <+5320>: 8b 85 d4 fe ff ff movl -0x12c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c46bbe <+5326>: 85 c0 testl %eax, %eax 0x146c46bc0 <+5328>: 89 85 f0 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146c46bc6 <+5334>: 0f 84 1f 00 00 00 je 0x146c46beb ; <+5371> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c46bcc <+5340>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46bd1 ; <+5345> at pkgcontent.cxx:2407 0x146c46bd1 <+5345>: 8b 85 f0 fc ff ff movl -0x310(%rbp), %eax 0x146c46bd7 <+5351>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x146c46bda <+5354>: 89 85 ec fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x314(%rbp) 0x146c46be0 <+5360>: 0f 84 45 00 00 00 je 0x146c46c2b ; <+5435> at pkgcontent.cxx:2413 0x146c46be6 <+5366>: e9 90 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c7b ; <+5515> at pkgcontent.cxx:2276 0x146c46beb <+5371>: e9 34 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c46c24 ; <+5428> at pkgcontent.cxx:2413 0x146c46bf0 <+5376>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46bf4 <+5380>: e8 77 17 00 00 callq 0x146c48370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146c46bf9 <+5385>: 8b 85 dc fe ff ff movl -0x124(%rbp), %eax 0x146c46bff <+5391>: b9 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %ecx 0x146c46c04 <+5396>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c46c06 <+5398>: 0f 85 53 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46c5f ; <+5487> at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 0x146c46c0c <+5404>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46c13 <+5411>: e8 ec 76 03 00 callq 0x146c7e304 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146c46c18 <+5416>: 48 89 85 58 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a8(%rbp) 0x146c46c1f <+5423>: e8 ec 76 03 00 callq 0x146c7e310 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146c46c24 <+5428>: c6 85 0f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xf1(%rbp) 0x146c46c2b <+5435>: 48 8b 05 a6 14 05 00 movq 0x514a6(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c46c32 <+5442>: 8a 8d 0f ff ff ff movb -0xf1(%rbp), %cl 0x146c46c38 <+5448>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c46c3b <+5451>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c46c3f <+5455>: 88 8d eb fc ff ff movb %cl, -0x315(%rbp) 0x146c46c45 <+5461>: 0f 85 30 00 00 00 jne 0x146c46c7b ; <+5515> at pkgcontent.cxx:2276 0x146c46c4b <+5467>: 8a 85 eb fc ff ff movb -0x315(%rbp), %al 0x146c46c51 <+5473>: 24 01 andb $0x1, %al 0x146c46c53 <+5475>: 0f b6 c0 movzbl %al, %eax 0x146c46c56 <+5478>: 48 81 c4 20 03 00 00 addq $0x320, %rsp ; imm = 0x320 0x146c46c5d <+5485>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c46c5e <+5486>: c3 retq 0x146c46c5f <+5487>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c46c66 <+5494>: e8 bd 76 03 00 callq 0x146c7e328 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146c46c6b <+5499>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c46c6d <+5501>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c46c70 <+5504>: 89 8d e4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x31c(%rbp) 0x146c46c76 <+5510>: e8 95 b3 ff ff callq 0x146c42010 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x146c46c7b <+5515>: e8 ba 76 03 00 callq 0x146c7e33a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c4574d UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(package_ucp::ContentProvider*, package_ucp::PackageUri const&, package_ucp::ContentProperties&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference&) (start addr 0x146c456f0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 26336-0x0000000000007c70) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5486: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 5487: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146c7f0c0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 26336-0x0000000000007c70) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146c7f0c0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 26336-0x0000000000007c70) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5486: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 5487: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146c7f0c0, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 26336-0x0000000000007c70) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create: 0x146c44ee0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c44ee1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c44ee4 <+4>: 48 81 ec e0 01 00 00 subq $0x1e0, %rsp ; imm = 0x1E0 0x146c44eeb <+11>: 48 8b 05 e6 31 05 00 movq 0x531e6(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c44ef2 <+18>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c44ef5 <+21>: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c44ef9 <+25>: 48 89 bd 28 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xd8(%rbp) 0x146c44f00 <+32>: 48 89 b5 20 ff ff ff movq %rsi, -0xe0(%rbp) 0x146c44f07 <+39>: 48 89 95 18 ff ff ff movq %rdx, -0xe8(%rbp) 0x146c44f0e <+46>: 48 89 d7 movq %rdx, %rdi 0x146c44f11 <+49>: e8 0a 07 00 00 callq 0x146c45620 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c44f16 <+54>: 48 8b 10 movq (%rax), %rdx 0x146c44f19 <+57>: 48 8b 52 18 movq 0x18(%rdx), %rdx 0x146c44f1d <+61>: 48 8d b5 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c44f24 <+68>: 48 89 f7 movq %rsi, %rdi 0x146c44f27 <+71>: 48 89 b5 f0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x110(%rbp) 0x146c44f2e <+78>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c44f31 <+81>: ff d2 callq *%rdx 0x146c44f33 <+83>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44f37 <+87>: 48 8b b5 f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c44f3e <+94>: e8 3d 07 00 00 callq 0x146c45680 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:49 0x146c44f43 <+99>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44f48 ; <+104> at pkgcontent.cxx:147 0x146c44f48 <+104>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44f4c <+108>: e8 5f 07 00 00 callq 0x146c456b0 ; package_ucp::ContentProperties::ContentProperties at pkgcontent.hxx:77 0x146c44f51 <+113>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44f56 ; <+118> at pkgcontent.cxx:148 0x146c44f56 <+118>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44f5d <+125>: e8 6e 07 00 00 callq 0x146c456d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146c44f62 <+130>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44f67 ; <+135> at pkgcontent.cxx:150 0x146c44f67 <+135>: 48 8b bd 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44f6e <+142>: 48 8d 75 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c44f72 <+146>: 48 8d 55 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c44f76 <+150>: 48 8d 8d 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c44f7d <+157>: e8 6e 07 00 00 callq 0x146c456f0 ; package_ucp::Content::loadData at pkgcontent.cxx:2238 0x146c44f82 <+162>: 88 85 ef fe ff ff movb %al, -0x111(%rbp) 0x146c44f88 <+168>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44f8d ; <+173> at pkgcontent.cxx:150 0x146c44f8d <+173>: 8a 85 ef fe ff ff movb -0x111(%rbp), %al 0x146c44f93 <+179>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c44f95 <+181>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c44fa0 ; <+192> at pkgcontent.cxx:154 0x146c44f9b <+187>: e9 5a 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c451fa ; <+794> at pkgcontent.cxx:170 0x146c44fa0 <+192>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44fa7 <+199>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c44fac <+204>: e8 cf 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c46c80 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146c44fb1 <+209>: 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c44fb7 <+215>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44fbc ; <+220> at pkgcontent.cxx:154 0x146c44fbc <+220>: 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movl -0x118(%rbp), %eax 0x146c44fc2 <+226>: 89 85 08 ff ff ff movl %eax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146c44fc8 <+232>: ff c0 incl %eax 0x146c44fca <+234>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c44fd1 <+241>: 89 85 e4 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x11c(%rbp) 0x146c44fd7 <+247>: e8 14 c8 ff ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c44fdc <+252>: 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c44fe2 <+258>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c44fe7 ; <+263> at pkgcontent.cxx:155 0x146c44fe7 <+263>: 8b 85 e4 fe ff ff movl -0x11c(%rbp), %eax 0x146c44fed <+269>: 8b 8d e0 fe ff ff movl -0x120(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c44ff3 <+275>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c44ff5 <+277>: 0f 85 79 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45074 ; <+404> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c44ffb <+283>: f6 45 91 01 testb $0x1, -0x6f(%rbp) 0x146c44fff <+287>: 0f 85 6a 00 00 00 jne 0x146c4506f ; <+399> at pkgcontent.cxx:160 0x146c45005 <+293>: 48 c7 85 30 ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x146c45010 <+304>: c7 85 04 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0xfc(%rbp) 0x146c4501a <+314>: e9 61 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c45580 ; <+1696> at pkgcontent.cxx:187 0x146c4501f <+319>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45021 <+321>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c45028 <+328>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c4502e <+334>: e9 c7 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c455fa ; <+1818> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c45033 <+339>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45035 <+341>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c4503c <+348>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c45042 <+354>: e9 aa 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c455f1 ; <+1809> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c45047 <+359>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45049 <+361>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c45050 <+368>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c45056 <+374>: e9 8d 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c455e8 ; <+1800> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c4505b <+379>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4505d <+381>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c45064 <+388>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c4506a <+394>: e9 6d 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c455dc ; <+1788> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c4506f <+399>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45074 ; <+404> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c45074 <+404>: b8 38 00 00 00 movl $0x38, %eax 0x146c45079 <+409>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4507b <+411>: e8 40 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c45080 <+416>: 48 89 85 d8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x128(%rbp) 0x146c45087 <+423>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4508c ; <+428> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c4508c <+428>: 48 8b 85 d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45093 <+435>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45097 <+439>: 48 89 85 d0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x130(%rbp) 0x146c4509e <+446>: e8 3d 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c46ce0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getUri at pkguri.hxx:55 0x146c450a3 <+451>: 48 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c450aa <+458>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c450af ; <+463> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c450af <+463>: 48 8b bd d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c450b6 <+470>: 48 8b b5 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c450bd <+477>: e8 64 91 03 00 callq 0x146c7e226 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(rtl::OUString const&) 0x146c450c2 <+482>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c450c7 ; <+487> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c450c7 <+487>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c450c9 <+489>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c450cb <+491>: 48 8b 95 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c450d2 <+498>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c450d6 <+502>: 48 89 8d c0 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146c450dd <+509>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c450f5 ; <+533> at pkgcontent.cxx:163 0x146c450e3 <+515>: 48 8b 85 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rax 0x146c450ea <+522>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c450ee <+526>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146c450f5 <+533>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146c450fc <+540>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45103 <+547>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c45106 <+550>: e8 25 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c46d30 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146c4510b <+555>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45110 ; <+560> at pkgcontent.cxx:164 0x146c45110 <+560>: b8 40 01 00 00 movl $0x140, %eax ; imm = 0x140 0x146c45115 <+565>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c45117 <+567>: e8 a4 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c4511c <+572>: 48 89 85 b8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146c45123 <+579>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45128 ; <+584> at pkgcontent.cxx:164 0x146c45128 <+584>: 48 8b 85 b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4512f <+591>: 48 8b b5 28 ff ff ff movq -0xd8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45136 <+598>: 48 8b 95 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c4513d <+605>: 48 89 e1 movq %rsp, %rcx 0x146c45140 <+608>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45144 <+612>: 48 89 39 movq %rdi, (%rcx) 0x146c45147 <+615>: 48 8d 8d 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c4514e <+622>: 4c 8d 85 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %r8 0x146c45155 <+629>: 4c 8d 4d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %r9 0x146c45159 <+633>: 48 8b bd b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45160 <+640>: 48 89 85 b0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x150(%rbp) 0x146c45167 <+647>: e8 f4 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c46d60 ; package_ucp::Content::Content at pkgcontent.cxx:245 0x146c4516c <+652>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45171 ; <+657> at pkgcontent.cxx:164 0x146c45171 <+657>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45178 <+664>: 48 8b 85 b0 fe ff ff movq -0x150(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4517f <+671>: 48 89 85 30 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x146c45186 <+678>: c7 85 04 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0xfc(%rbp) 0x146c45190 <+688>: e8 2b 1c 00 00 callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45195 <+693>: e9 e6 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c45580 ; <+1696> at pkgcontent.cxx:187 0x146c4519a <+698>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4519c <+700>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c451a3 <+707>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c451a9 <+713>: 48 8b bd d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c451b0 <+720>: e8 5b 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c451b5 <+725>: e9 22 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c455dc ; <+1788> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c451ba <+730>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c451bc <+732>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c451c3 <+739>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c451c9 <+745>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c451e9 ; <+777> at pkgcontent.cxx:164 0x146c451ce <+750>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c451d0 <+752>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c451d7 <+759>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c451dd <+765>: 48 8b bd b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c451e4 <+772>: e8 27 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c451e9 <+777>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c451f0 <+784>: e8 cb 1b 00 00 callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c451f5 <+789>: e9 e2 03 00 00 jmp 0x146c455dc ; <+1788> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c451fa <+794>: c6 85 03 ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xfd(%rbp) 0x146c45201 <+801>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45208 <+808>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146c4520d <+813>: e8 6e 1a 00 00 callq 0x146c46c80 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146c45212 <+818>: 89 85 ac fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x154(%rbp) 0x146c45218 <+824>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4521d ; <+829> at pkgcontent.cxx:173 0x146c4521d <+829>: 8b 85 ac fe ff ff movl -0x154(%rbp), %eax 0x146c45223 <+835>: 89 85 fc fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x104(%rbp) 0x146c45229 <+841>: ff c0 incl %eax 0x146c4522b <+843>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45232 <+850>: 89 85 a8 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x158(%rbp) 0x146c45238 <+856>: e8 b3 c5 ff ff callq 0x146c417f0 ; rtl::OUString::getLength at ustring.hxx:606 0x146c4523d <+861>: 89 85 a4 fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x15c(%rbp) 0x146c45243 <+867>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45248 ; <+872> at pkgcontent.cxx:174 0x146c45248 <+872>: 8b 85 a8 fe ff ff movl -0x158(%rbp), %eax 0x146c4524e <+878>: 8b 8d a4 fe ff ff movl -0x15c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146c45254 <+884>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146c45256 <+886>: 0f 85 07 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45263 ; <+899> at pkgcontent.cxx:178 0x146c4525c <+892>: c6 85 03 ff ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0xfd(%rbp) 0x146c45263 <+899>: b8 38 00 00 00 movl $0x38, %eax 0x146c45268 <+904>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c4526a <+906>: e8 51 1a 00 00 callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c4526f <+911>: 48 89 85 98 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x168(%rbp) 0x146c45276 <+918>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4527b ; <+923> at pkgcontent.cxx:178 0x146c4527b <+923>: 48 8b 85 98 fe ff ff movq -0x168(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45282 <+930>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45286 <+934>: 48 89 85 90 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146c4528d <+941>: e8 4e 1a 00 00 callq 0x146c46ce0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getUri at pkguri.hxx:55 0x146c45292 <+946>: 48 89 85 88 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x178(%rbp) 0x146c45299 <+953>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4529e ; <+958> at pkgcontent.cxx:178 0x146c4529e <+958>: 48 8b bd 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c452a5 <+965>: 48 8b b5 88 fe ff ff movq -0x178(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c452ac <+972>: e8 75 8f 03 00 callq 0x146c7e226 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(rtl::OUString const&) 0x146c452b1 <+977>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c452b6 ; <+982> at pkgcontent.cxx:178 0x146c452b6 <+982>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c452b8 <+984>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c452ba <+986>: 48 8b 95 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c452c1 <+993>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c452c5 <+997>: 48 89 8d 80 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146c452cc <+1004>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c452e4 ; <+1028> at pkgcontent.cxx:178 0x146c452d2 <+1010>: 48 8b 85 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rax 0x146c452d9 <+1017>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c452dd <+1021>: 48 89 85 80 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146c452e4 <+1028>: 48 8b 85 80 fe ff ff movq -0x180(%rbp), %rax 0x146c452eb <+1035>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c452f2 <+1042>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c452f5 <+1045>: e8 36 1a 00 00 callq 0x146c46d30 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146c452fa <+1050>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c452ff ; <+1055> at pkgcontent.cxx:180 0x146c452ff <+1055>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45306 <+1062>: e8 d5 1a 00 00 callq 0x146c46de0 ; com::sun::star::ucb::ContentInfo::ContentInfo at ContentInfo.hpp:23 0x146c4530b <+1067>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45310 ; <+1072> at pkgcontent.cxx:181 0x146c45310 <+1072>: f6 85 03 ff ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0xfd(%rbp) 0x146c45317 <+1079>: 0f 85 27 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45344 ; <+1124> at pkgcontent.cxx:181 0x146c4531d <+1085>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45321 <+1089>: e8 3a ae ff ff callq 0x146c40160 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::isRootFolder at pkguri.hxx:82 0x146c45326 <+1094>: 88 85 7f fe ff ff movb %al, -0x181(%rbp) 0x146c4532c <+1100>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45331 ; <+1105> at pkgcontent.cxx:181 0x146c45331 <+1105>: 8a 85 7f fe ff ff movb -0x181(%rbp), %al 0x146c45337 <+1111>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c45339 <+1113>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45344 ; <+1124> at pkgcontent.cxx:181 0x146c4533f <+1119>: e9 db 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4541f ; <+1343> at pkgcontent.cxx:182 0x146c45344 <+1124>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4534b <+1131>: 48 8d 45 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4534f <+1135>: 48 89 bd 70 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x190(%rbp) 0x146c45356 <+1142>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c45359 <+1145>: e8 b2 fa ff ff callq 0x146c44e10 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getScheme at pkguri.hxx:76 0x146c4535e <+1150>: 48 89 85 68 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x198(%rbp) 0x146c45365 <+1157>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4536a ; <+1162> at pkgcontent.cxx:182 0x146c4536a <+1162>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45371 <+1169>: ba 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %edx 0x146c45376 <+1174>: 48 8b b5 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c4537d <+1181>: e8 8e f9 ff ff callq 0x146c44d10 ; package_ucp::Content::getContentType at pkgcontent.cxx:222 0x146c45382 <+1186>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45387 ; <+1191> at pkgcontent.cxx:182 0x146c45387 <+1191>: 48 8d b5 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c4538e <+1198>: 48 8b bd 70 fe ff ff movq -0x190(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45395 <+1205>: e8 26 f9 ff ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c4539a <+1210>: 48 89 85 60 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a0(%rbp) 0x146c453a1 <+1217>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c453a6 ; <+1222> at pkgcontent.cxx:182 0x146c453a6 <+1222>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c453ad <+1229>: e8 ce af ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c453b2 <+1234>: e9 f8 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c454af ; <+1487> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c453b7 <+1239>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c453b9 <+1241>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c453c0 <+1248>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c453c6 <+1254>: 48 8b bd 98 fe ff ff movq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c453cd <+1261>: e8 3e 19 00 00 callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c453d2 <+1266>: e9 05 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c455dc ; <+1788> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c453d7 <+1271>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c453d9 <+1273>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c453e0 <+1280>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c453e6 <+1286>: e9 84 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c4556f ; <+1679> at pkgcontent.cxx:187 0x146c453eb <+1291>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c453ed <+1293>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c453f4 <+1300>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c453fa <+1306>: e9 64 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c45563 ; <+1667> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c453ff <+1311>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45406 <+1318>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45408 <+1320>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c4540f <+1327>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c45415 <+1333>: e8 66 af ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c4541a <+1338>: e9 44 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c45563 ; <+1667> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c4541f <+1343>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45426 <+1350>: 48 8d 45 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x146c4542a <+1354>: 48 89 bd 58 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x1a8(%rbp) 0x146c45431 <+1361>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c45434 <+1364>: e8 d7 f9 ff ff callq 0x146c44e10 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getScheme at pkguri.hxx:76 0x146c45439 <+1369>: 48 89 85 50 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b0(%rbp) 0x146c45440 <+1376>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45445 ; <+1381> at pkgcontent.cxx:184 0x146c45445 <+1381>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4544c <+1388>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146c4544e <+1390>: 48 8b b5 50 fe ff ff movq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45455 <+1397>: e8 b6 f8 ff ff callq 0x146c44d10 ; package_ucp::Content::getContentType at pkgcontent.cxx:222 0x146c4545a <+1402>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4545f ; <+1407> at pkgcontent.cxx:184 0x146c4545f <+1407>: 48 8d b5 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c45466 <+1414>: 48 8b bd 58 fe ff ff movq -0x1a8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4546d <+1421>: e8 4e f8 ff ff callq 0x146c44cc0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146c45472 <+1426>: 48 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x146c45479 <+1433>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c4547e ; <+1438> at pkgcontent.cxx:184 0x146c4547e <+1438>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45485 <+1445>: e8 f6 ae ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c4548a <+1450>: e9 20 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c454af ; <+1487> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c4548f <+1455>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45496 <+1462>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c45498 <+1464>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c4549f <+1471>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c454a5 <+1477>: e8 d6 ae ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c454aa <+1482>: e9 b4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45563 ; <+1667> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c454af <+1487>: b8 40 01 00 00 movl $0x140, %eax ; imm = 0x140 0x146c454b4 <+1492>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c454b6 <+1494>: e8 05 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c454bb <+1499>: 48 89 85 40 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c0(%rbp) 0x146c454c2 <+1506>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c454c7 ; <+1511> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c454c7 <+1511>: 48 8b 85 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c454ce <+1518>: 48 8b b5 28 ff ff ff movq -0xd8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c454d5 <+1525>: 48 8b 95 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c454dc <+1532>: 48 89 e1 movq %rsp, %rcx 0x146c454df <+1535>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c454e6 <+1542>: 48 89 39 movq %rdi, (%rcx) 0x146c454e9 <+1545>: 48 8d 8d 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c454f0 <+1552>: 4c 8d 85 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %r8 0x146c454f7 <+1559>: 4c 8d 4d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %r9 0x146c454fb <+1563>: 48 8b bd 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45502 <+1570>: 48 89 85 38 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x146c45509 <+1577>: e8 f2 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46e00 ; package_ucp::Content::Content at pkgcontent.cxx:263 0x146c4550e <+1582>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45513 ; <+1587> at pkgcontent.cxx:186 0x146c45513 <+1587>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4551a <+1594>: 48 8b 85 38 fe ff ff movq -0x1c8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c45521 <+1601>: 48 89 85 30 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x146c45528 <+1608>: c7 85 04 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0xfc(%rbp) 0x146c45532 <+1618>: e8 29 19 00 00 callq 0x146c46e60 ; com::sun::star::ucb::ContentInfo::~ContentInfo at ContentInfo.hdl:20 0x146c45537 <+1623>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4553e <+1630>: e8 7d 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c45543 <+1635>: e9 38 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c45580 ; <+1696> at pkgcontent.cxx:187 0x146c45548 <+1640>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c4554a <+1642>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c45551 <+1649>: 89 8d 0c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xf4(%rbp) 0x146c45557 <+1655>: 48 8b bd 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4555e <+1662>: e8 ad 17 00 00 callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c45563 <+1667>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4556a <+1674>: e8 f1 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46e60 ; com::sun::star::ucb::ContentInfo::~ContentInfo at ContentInfo.hdl:20 0x146c4556f <+1679>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45576 <+1686>: e8 45 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c4557b <+1691>: e9 5c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c455dc ; <+1788> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c45580 <+1696>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45587 <+1703>: e8 f4 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c4558c <+1708>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45590 <+1712>: e8 0b 19 00 00 callq 0x146c46ea0 ; package_ucp::ContentProperties::~ContentProperties at pkgcontent.hxx:61 0x146c45595 <+1717>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45599 <+1721>: e8 22 19 00 00 callq 0x146c46ec0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::~PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:33 0x146c4559e <+1726>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c455a5 <+1733>: e8 d6 ad ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c455aa <+1738>: 48 8b 3d 27 2b 05 00 movq 0x52b27(%rip), %rdi ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c455b1 <+1745>: 48 8b 85 30 ff ff ff movq -0xd0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c455b8 <+1752>: 48 8b 3f movq (%rdi), %rdi 0x146c455bb <+1755>: 48 3b 7d f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c455bf <+1759>: 48 89 85 30 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x146c455c6 <+1766>: 0f 85 46 00 00 00 jne 0x146c45612 ; <+1842> at pkgcontent.cxx:188 0x146c455cc <+1772>: 48 8b 85 30 fe ff ff movq -0x1d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c455d3 <+1779>: 48 81 c4 e0 01 00 00 addq $0x1e0, %rsp ; imm = 0x1E0 0x146c455da <+1786>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c455db <+1787>: c3 retq 0x146c455dc <+1788>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c455e3 <+1795>: e8 98 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46e80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c455e8 <+1800>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c455ec <+1804>: e8 af 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46ea0 ; package_ucp::ContentProperties::~ContentProperties at pkgcontent.hxx:61 0x146c455f1 <+1809>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c455f5 <+1813>: e8 c6 18 00 00 callq 0x146c46ec0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::~PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:33 0x146c455fa <+1818>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c45601 <+1825>: e8 7a ad ff ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c45606 <+1830>: 48 8b bd 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c4560d <+1837>: e8 16 8d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e328 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146c45612 <+1842>: e8 23 8d 03 00 callq 0x146c7e33a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c44f82 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, package_ucp::ContentProvider*, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x146c44ee0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 24272-0x0000000000006607) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1787: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1788: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146c7efb4, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 24272-0x0000000000006607) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146c7efb4, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 24272-0x0000000000006607) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1787: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1788: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146c7efb4, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 24272-0x0000000000006610) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent: 0x146c73980 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c73981 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c73984 <+4>: 48 81 ec 50 01 00 00 subq $0x150, %rsp ; imm = 0x150 0x146c7398b <+11>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146c7398e <+14>: 48 8b 0d 43 47 02 00 movq 0x24743(%rip), %rcx ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c73995 <+21>: 48 8b 09 movq (%rcx), %rcx 0x146c73998 <+24>: 48 89 4d f8 movq %rcx, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c7399c <+28>: 48 89 75 80 movq %rsi, -0x80(%rbp) 0x146c739a0 <+32>: 48 89 95 78 ff ff ff movq %rdx, -0x88(%rbp) 0x146c739a7 <+39>: 48 8b 4d 80 movq -0x80(%rbp), %rcx 0x146c739ab <+43>: 48 89 bd 58 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xa8(%rbp) 0x146c739b2 <+50>: 48 89 d7 movq %rdx, %rdi 0x146c739b5 <+53>: 48 89 85 50 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb0(%rbp) 0x146c739bc <+60>: 48 89 8d 48 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146c739c3 <+67>: e8 78 29 fe ff callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c739c8 <+72>: 88 85 47 ff ff ff movb %al, -0xb9(%rbp) 0x146c739ce <+78>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c739d3 ; <+83> at pkgprovider.cxx:173 0x146c739d3 <+83>: 8a 85 47 ff ff ff movb -0xb9(%rbp), %al 0x146c739d9 <+89>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c739db <+91>: 0f 85 2f 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73a10 ; <+144> at pkgprovider.cxx:176 0x146c739e1 <+97>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c739e6 ; <+102> at pkgprovider.cxx:174 0x146c739e6 <+102>: 48 8b bd 58 ff ff ff movq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c739ed <+109>: e8 ce 06 fe ff callq 0x146c540c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146c739f2 <+114>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c739f7 ; <+119> at pkgprovider.cxx:174 0x146c739f7 <+119>: e9 85 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f81 ; <+1537> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c739fc <+124>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c739fe <+126>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73a05 <+133>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73a0b <+139>: e9 58 05 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f68 ; <+1512> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73a10 <+144>: 48 8b bd 78 ff ff ff movq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73a17 <+151>: e8 04 1c fd ff callq 0x146c45620 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c73a1c <+156>: 48 89 85 38 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xc8(%rbp) 0x146c73a23 <+163>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73a28 ; <+168> at pkgprovider.cxx:176 0x146c73a28 <+168>: 48 8b 85 38 ff ff ff movq -0xc8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73a2f <+175>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c73a32 <+178>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c73a36 <+182>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73a3a <+186>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73a3d <+189>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146c73a3f <+191>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73a44 ; <+196> at pkgprovider.cxx:176 0x146c73a44 <+196>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73a48 <+200>: 48 8d 75 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73a4c <+204>: e8 2f 1c fd ff callq 0x146c45680 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:49 0x146c73a51 <+209>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73a56 ; <+214> at pkgprovider.cxx:176 0x146c73a56 <+214>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73a5a <+218>: e8 21 c9 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c73a5f <+223>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73a63 <+227>: e8 58 05 00 00 callq 0x146c73fc0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::isValid at pkguri.hxx:52 0x146c73a68 <+232>: 88 85 37 ff ff ff movb %al, -0xc9(%rbp) 0x146c73a6e <+238>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73a73 ; <+243> at pkgprovider.cxx:177 0x146c73a73 <+243>: 8a 85 37 ff ff ff movb -0xc9(%rbp), %al 0x146c73a79 <+249>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c73a7b <+251>: 0f 85 98 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73b19 ; <+409> at pkgprovider.cxx:182 0x146c73a81 <+257>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73a86 ; <+262> at pkgprovider.cxx:178 0x146c73a86 <+262>: b8 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %eax 0x146c73a8b <+267>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c73a8d <+269>: e8 6c a8 00 00 callq 0x146c7e2fe ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146c73a92 <+274>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c73a95 <+277>: 48 89 bd 28 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xd8(%rbp) 0x146c73a9c <+284>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c73a9f <+287>: e8 4c 05 00 00 callq 0x146c73ff0 ; com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException::IllegalIdentifierException at IllegalIdentifierException.hpp:16 0x146c73aa4 <+292>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73aa9 ; <+297> at pkgprovider.cxx:178 0x146c73aa9 <+297>: 48 8b 35 80 45 02 00 movq 0x24580(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000105fb4c10: typeinfo for com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException 0x146c73ab0 <+304>: 48 8d 15 59 05 00 00 leaq 0x559(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException::~IllegalIdentifierException at IllegalIdentifierException.hdl:13 0x146c73ab7 <+311>: 48 8b bd 28 ff ff ff movq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73abe <+318>: e8 5f a8 00 00 callq 0x146c7e322 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146c73ac3 <+323>: e9 e9 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c73fb1 ; <+1585> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73ac8 <+328>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73acc <+332>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73ace <+334>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73ad5 <+341>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73adb <+347>: e8 a0 c8 fc ff callq 0x146c40380 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146c73ae0 <+352>: e9 83 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f68 ; <+1512> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73ae5 <+357>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73ae7 <+359>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73aee <+366>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73af4 <+372>: e9 66 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f5f ; <+1503> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73af9 <+377>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73afb <+379>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73b02 <+386>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73b08 <+392>: 48 8b bd 28 ff ff ff movq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73b0f <+399>: e8 02 a8 00 00 callq 0x146c7e316 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146c73b14 <+404>: e9 46 04 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f5f ; <+1503> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73b19 <+409>: b8 38 00 00 00 movl $0x38, %eax 0x146c73b1e <+414>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c73b20 <+416>: e8 9b 31 fd ff callq 0x146c46cc0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146c73b25 <+421>: 48 89 85 20 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe0(%rbp) 0x146c73b2c <+428>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73b31 ; <+433> at pkgprovider.cxx:182 0x146c73b31 <+433>: 48 8b 85 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73b38 <+440>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73b3c <+444>: 48 89 85 18 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe8(%rbp) 0x146c73b43 <+451>: e8 98 31 fd ff callq 0x146c46ce0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::getUri at pkguri.hxx:55 0x146c73b48 <+456>: 48 89 85 10 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x146c73b4f <+463>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73b54 ; <+468> at pkgprovider.cxx:182 0x146c73b54 <+468>: 48 8b bd 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73b5b <+475>: 48 8b b5 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73b62 <+482>: e8 bf a6 00 00 callq 0x146c7e226 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier::ContentIdentifier(rtl::OUString const&) 0x146c73b67 <+487>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73b6c ; <+492> at pkgprovider.cxx:182 0x146c73b6c <+492>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c73b6e <+494>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c73b70 <+496>: 48 8b 95 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c73b77 <+503>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c73b7b <+507>: 48 89 8d 08 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146c73b82 <+514>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c73b9a ; <+538> at pkgprovider.cxx:182 0x146c73b88 <+520>: 48 8b 85 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73b8f <+527>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146c73b93 <+531>: 48 89 85 08 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146c73b9a <+538>: 48 8b 85 08 ff ff ff movq -0xf8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73ba1 <+545>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ba5 <+549>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73ba8 <+552>: e8 83 31 fd ff callq 0x146c46d30 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146c73bad <+557>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73bb2 ; <+562> at pkgprovider.cxx:184 0x146c73bb2 <+562>: 48 8b 85 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73bb9 <+569>: 48 83 c0 40 addq $0x40, %rax 0x146c73bbd <+573>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73bc1 <+577>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73bc4 <+580>: e8 47 c5 fc ff callq 0x146c40110 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146c73bc9 <+585>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73bce ; <+590> at pkgprovider.cxx:188 0x146c73bce <+590>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73bd2 <+594>: 48 8d 55 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c73bd6 <+598>: 48 8b b5 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73bdd <+605>: e8 bc a6 00 00 callq 0x146c7e29e ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::queryExistingContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x146c73be2 <+610>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73be7 ; <+615> at pkgprovider.cxx:188 0x146c73be7 <+615>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73beb <+619>: e8 60 8b fe ff callq 0x146c5c750 ; rtl::Reference::get at ref.hxx:168 0x146c73bf0 <+624>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146c73bf7 <+631>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73bfc ; <+636> at pkgprovider.cxx:188 0x146c73bfc <+636>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c73bfe <+638>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c73c00 <+640>: 48 8b 95 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c73c07 <+647>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c73c0b <+651>: 48 89 8d f8 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x108(%rbp) 0x146c73c12 <+658>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c73c2a ; <+682> at pkgprovider.cxx:188 0x146c73c18 <+664>: 48 8b 85 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73c1f <+671>: 48 83 c0 38 addq $0x38, %rax 0x146c73c23 <+675>: 48 89 85 f8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x108(%rbp) 0x146c73c2a <+682>: 48 8b 85 f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73c31 <+689>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73c35 <+693>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73c38 <+696>: e8 c3 05 fe ff callq 0x146c54200 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146c73c3d <+701>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73c42 ; <+706> at pkgprovider.cxx:188 0x146c73c42 <+706>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73c46 <+710>: e8 25 8b fe ff callq 0x146c5c770 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146c73c4b <+715>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73c4f <+719>: e8 ec 26 fe ff callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c73c54 <+724>: 88 85 f7 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x109(%rbp) 0x146c73c5a <+730>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73c5f ; <+735> at pkgprovider.cxx:189 0x146c73c5f <+735>: 8a 85 f7 fe ff ff movb -0x109(%rbp), %al 0x146c73c65 <+741>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c73c67 <+743>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73c72 ; <+754> at pkgprovider.cxx:190 0x146c73c6d <+749>: e9 9d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73d0f ; <+911> at pkgprovider.cxx:194 0x146c73c72 <+754>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73c76 <+758>: 48 8b bd 58 ff ff ff movq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73c7d <+765>: e8 ae 03 00 00 callq 0x146c74030 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:130 0x146c73c82 <+770>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73c87 ; <+775> at pkgprovider.cxx:190 0x146c73c87 <+775>: c7 85 68 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x98(%rbp) 0x146c73c91 <+785>: e9 85 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f1b ; <+1435> at pkgprovider.cxx:200 0x146c73c96 <+790>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73c98 <+792>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73c9f <+799>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73ca5 <+805>: 48 8b bd 20 ff ff ff movq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73cac <+812>: e8 5f 30 fd ff callq 0x146c46d10 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146c73cb1 <+817>: e9 a9 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f5f ; <+1503> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73cb6 <+822>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73cb8 <+824>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73cbf <+831>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73cc5 <+837>: e9 8c 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f56 ; <+1494> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73cca <+842>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73ccc <+844>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73cd3 <+851>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73cd9 <+857>: e9 6f 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f4d ; <+1485> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73cde <+862>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ce2 <+866>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73ce4 <+868>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73ceb <+875>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73cf1 <+881>: e8 7a 8a fe ff callq 0x146c5c770 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146c73cf6 <+886>: e9 52 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f4d ; <+1485> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73cfb <+891>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73cfd <+893>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73d04 <+900>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73d0a <+906>: e9 35 02 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f44 ; <+1476> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73d0f <+911>: 48 8b 85 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73d16 <+918>: 48 83 c0 48 addq $0x48, %rax 0x146c73d1a <+922>: 48 8b 95 78 ff ff ff movq -0x88(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c73d21 <+929>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c73d24 <+932>: 48 8b b5 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73d2b <+939>: e8 b0 11 fd ff callq 0x146c44ee0 ; package_ucp::Content::create at pkgcontent.cxx:144 0x146c73d30 <+944>: 48 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x146c73d37 <+951>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73d3c ; <+956> at pkgprovider.cxx:194 0x146c73d3c <+956>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c73d3e <+958>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146c73d40 <+960>: 48 8b 95 e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c73d47 <+967>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146c73d4b <+971>: 48 89 8d e0 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c73d52 <+978>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146c73d6a ; <+1002> at pkgprovider.cxx:194 0x146c73d58 <+984>: 48 8b 85 e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73d5f <+991>: 48 83 c0 38 addq $0x38, %rax 0x146c73d63 <+995>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146c73d6a <+1002>: 48 8b 85 e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73d71 <+1009>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73d75 <+1013>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73d78 <+1016>: e8 e3 02 00 00 callq 0x146c74060 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:340 0x146c73d7d <+1021>: 48 89 85 d8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x128(%rbp) 0x146c73d84 <+1028>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73d89 ; <+1033> at pkgprovider.cxx:195 0x146c73d89 <+1033>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73d8d <+1037>: 48 8b bd 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73d94 <+1044>: e8 ff a4 00 00 callq 0x146c7e298 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper::registerNewContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x146c73d99 <+1049>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73d9e ; <+1054> at pkgprovider.cxx:195 0x146c73d9e <+1054>: c6 85 67 ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x99(%rbp) 0x146c73da5 <+1061>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73da9 <+1065>: e8 92 25 fe ff callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c73dae <+1070>: 88 85 d7 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x129(%rbp) 0x146c73db4 <+1076>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73db9 ; <+1081> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73db9 <+1081>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146c73dbb <+1083>: 88 c1 movb %al, %cl 0x146c73dbd <+1085>: 8a 95 d7 fe ff ff movb -0x129(%rbp), %dl 0x146c73dc3 <+1091>: f6 c2 01 testb $0x1, %dl 0x146c73dc6 <+1094>: 88 8d d6 fe ff ff movb %cl, -0x12a(%rbp) 0x146c73dcc <+1100>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73dd7 ; <+1111> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73dd2 <+1106>: e9 5a 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73e31 ; <+1201> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73dd7 <+1111>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ddb <+1115>: e8 c0 02 00 00 callq 0x146c740a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146c73de0 <+1120>: 48 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146c73de7 <+1127>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73dec ; <+1132> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73dec <+1132>: 48 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73df3 <+1139>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146c73df6 <+1142>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x146c73dfa <+1146>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73dfe <+1150>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146c73e01 <+1153>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146c73e03 <+1155>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73e08 ; <+1160> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73e08 <+1160>: c6 85 67 ff ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x99(%rbp) 0x146c73e0f <+1167>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73e13 <+1171>: e8 28 25 fe ff callq 0x146c56340 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146c73e18 <+1176>: 88 85 c7 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x139(%rbp) 0x146c73e1e <+1182>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73e23 ; <+1187> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73e23 <+1187>: 8a 85 c7 fe ff ff movb -0x139(%rbp), %al 0x146c73e29 <+1193>: 34 ff xorb $-0x1, %al 0x146c73e2b <+1195>: 88 85 d6 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x12a(%rbp) 0x146c73e31 <+1201>: 8a 85 d6 fe ff ff movb -0x12a(%rbp), %al 0x146c73e37 <+1207>: f6 85 67 ff ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x99(%rbp) 0x146c73e3e <+1214>: 88 85 c6 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x13a(%rbp) 0x146c73e44 <+1220>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73e4f ; <+1231> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73e4a <+1226>: e9 09 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73e58 ; <+1240> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73e4f <+1231>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73e53 <+1235>: e8 68 2f fd ff callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73e58 <+1240>: 8a 85 c6 fe ff ff movb -0x13a(%rbp), %al 0x146c73e5e <+1246>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146c73e60 <+1248>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73e6b ; <+1259> at pkgprovider.cxx:198 0x146c73e66 <+1254>: e9 91 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73efc ; <+1404> at pkgprovider.cxx:200 0x146c73e6b <+1259>: b8 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %eax 0x146c73e70 <+1264>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146c73e72 <+1266>: e8 87 a4 00 00 callq 0x146c7e2fe ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146c73e77 <+1271>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c73e7a <+1274>: 48 89 bd b8 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146c73e81 <+1281>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146c73e84 <+1284>: e8 67 01 00 00 callq 0x146c73ff0 ; com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException::IllegalIdentifierException at IllegalIdentifierException.hpp:16 0x146c73e89 <+1289>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73e8e ; <+1294> at pkgprovider.cxx:198 0x146c73e8e <+1294>: 48 8b 35 9b 41 02 00 movq 0x2419b(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000105fb4c10: typeinfo for com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException 0x146c73e95 <+1301>: 48 8d 15 74 01 00 00 leaq 0x174(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::ucb::IllegalIdentifierException::~IllegalIdentifierException at IllegalIdentifierException.hdl:13 0x146c73e9c <+1308>: 48 8b bd b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ea3 <+1315>: e8 7a a4 00 00 callq 0x146c7e322 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146c73ea8 <+1320>: e9 04 01 00 00 jmp 0x146c73fb1 ; <+1585> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73ead <+1325>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73eaf <+1327>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73eb6 <+1334>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73ebc <+1340>: f6 85 67 ff ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x99(%rbp) 0x146c73ec3 <+1347>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73ece ; <+1358> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73ec9 <+1353>: e9 09 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73ed7 ; <+1367> at pkgprovider.cxx:197 0x146c73ece <+1358>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ed2 <+1362>: e8 e9 2e fd ff callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73ed7 <+1367>: e9 68 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f44 ; <+1476> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73edc <+1372>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146c73ede <+1374>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x146c73ee5 <+1381>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73eeb <+1387>: 48 8b bd b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73ef2 <+1394>: e8 1f a4 00 00 callq 0x146c7e316 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146c73ef7 <+1399>: e9 48 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f44 ; <+1476> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73efc <+1404>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c73f00 <+1408>: 48 8b bd 58 ff ff ff movq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f07 <+1415>: e8 24 01 00 00 callq 0x146c74030 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:130 0x146c73f0c <+1420>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f11 ; <+1425> at pkgprovider.cxx:200 0x146c73f11 <+1425>: c7 85 68 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x98(%rbp) 0x146c73f1b <+1435>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f1f <+1439>: e8 6c f7 fd ff callq 0x146c53690 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73f24 <+1444>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f28 <+1448>: e8 03 c5 fc ff callq 0x146c40430 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146c73f2d <+1453>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f31 <+1457>: e8 8a 2e fd ff callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73f36 <+1462>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f3a <+1466>: e8 81 2f fd ff callq 0x146c46ec0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::~PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:33 0x146c73f3f <+1471>: e9 3d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146c73f81 ; <+1537> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73f44 <+1476>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f48 <+1480>: e8 43 f7 fd ff callq 0x146c53690 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73f4d <+1485>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f51 <+1489>: e8 da c4 fc ff callq 0x146c40430 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146c73f56 <+1494>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f5a <+1498>: e8 61 2e fd ff callq 0x146c46dc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146c73f5f <+1503>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f63 <+1507>: e8 58 2f fd ff callq 0x146c46ec0 ; package_ucp::PackageUri::~PackageUri at pkguri.hxx:33 0x146c73f68 <+1512>: 83 bd 6c ff ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x94(%rbp) 0x146c73f6f <+1519>: 0f 8d 30 00 00 00 jge 0x146c73fa5 ; <+1573> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73f75 <+1525>: 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73f7c <+1532>: e8 89 a3 00 00 callq 0x146c7e30a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x146c73f81 <+1537>: 48 8b 05 50 41 02 00 movq 0x24150(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146c73f88 <+1544>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146c73f8b <+1547>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73f8f <+1551>: 0f 85 1c 00 00 00 jne 0x146c73fb1 ; <+1585> at pkgprovider.cxx:201 0x146c73f95 <+1557>: 48 8b 85 50 ff ff ff movq -0xb0(%rbp), %rax 0x146c73f9c <+1564>: 48 81 c4 50 01 00 00 addq $0x150, %rsp ; imm = 0x150 0x146c73fa3 <+1571>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c73fa4 <+1572>: c3 retq 0x146c73fa5 <+1573>: 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146c73fac <+1580>: e8 77 a3 00 00 callq 0x146c7e328 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146c73fb1 <+1585>: e8 84 a3 00 00 callq 0x146c7e33a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c73d30 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x146c73980) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215408-0x0000000000034fa6) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1572: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1573: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146c83a70, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215408-0x0000000000034fa6) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146c83a70, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215408-0x0000000000034fa6) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1572: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1573: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146c83a70, personality routine is at address 0x146c980d0 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215408-0x0000000000034fb0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&): 0x146c74100 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146c74101 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146c74104 <+4>: 48 83 ec 20 subq $0x20, %rsp 0x146c74108 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146c7410b <+11>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146c7410f <+15>: 48 89 55 f0 movq %rdx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x146c74113 <+19>: 48 8b 55 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c74117 <+23>: 48 83 c2 d0 addq $-0x30, %rdx 0x146c7411b <+27>: 48 8b 75 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146c7411f <+31>: 48 89 75 e8 movq %rsi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x146c74123 <+35>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146c74126 <+38>: 48 8b 55 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x146c7412a <+42>: 48 89 45 e0 movq %rax, -0x20(%rbp) 0x146c7412e <+46>: e8 4d f8 ff ff callq 0x146c73980 ; package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent at pkgprovider.cxx:172 0x146c74133 <+51>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x146c74137 <+55>: 48 83 c4 20 addq $0x20, %rsp 0x146c7413b <+59>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146c7413c <+60>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146c74133 UNWIND PLANS for libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x146c74100) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217328-0x000000000003512d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 60: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217328-0x000000000003512d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217328-0x000000000003512d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 60: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucppkg1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 217008-0x0000000000035130) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent: 0x1430078d0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1430078d1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1430078d4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 70 subq $0x70, %rsp 0x1430078d8 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x1430078db <+11>: 48 8b 0d de 29 09 00 movq 0x929de(%rip), %rcx ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1430078e2 <+18>: 48 8b 09 movq (%rcx), %rcx 0x1430078e5 <+21>: 48 89 4d f8 movq %rcx, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1430078e9 <+25>: 48 89 75 e0 movq %rsi, -0x20(%rbp) 0x1430078ed <+29>: 48 89 55 d8 movq %rdx, -0x28(%rbp) 0x1430078f1 <+33>: 48 8b 75 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rsi 0x1430078f5 <+37>: 48 89 7d c0 movq %rdi, -0x40(%rbp) 0x1430078f9 <+41>: 48 89 d7 movq %rdx, %rdi 0x1430078fc <+44>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x143007900 <+48>: 48 89 75 b0 movq %rsi, -0x50(%rbp) 0x143007904 <+52>: e8 67 1d ff ff callq 0x142ff9670 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x143007909 <+57>: 88 45 af movb %al, -0x51(%rbp) 0x14300790c <+60>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007911 ; <+65> at ucb.cxx:525 0x143007911 <+65>: 8a 45 af movb -0x51(%rbp), %al 0x143007914 <+68>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x143007916 <+70>: 0f 85 26 00 00 00 jne 0x143007942 ; <+114> at ucb.cxx:529 0x14300791c <+76>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007921 ; <+81> at ucb.cxx:526 0x143007921 <+81>: 48 8b 7d c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007925 <+85>: e8 16 28 ff ff callq 0x142ffa140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14300792a <+90>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14300792f ; <+95> at ucb.cxx:526 0x14300792f <+95>: e9 13 01 00 00 jmp 0x143007a47 ; <+375> at ucb.cxx:534 0x143007934 <+100>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x143007936 <+102>: 48 89 45 d0 movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp) 0x14300793a <+106>: 89 4d cc movl %ecx, -0x34(%rbp) 0x14300793d <+109>: e9 d4 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007a16 ; <+326> at ucb.cxx:534 0x143007942 <+114>: 48 8b 7d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007946 <+118>: e8 35 01 00 00 callq 0x143007a80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14300794b <+123>: 48 89 45 a0 movq %rax, -0x60(%rbp) 0x14300794f <+127>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007954 ; <+132> at ucb.cxx:529 0x143007954 <+132>: 48 8b 45 a0 movq -0x60(%rbp), %rax 0x143007958 <+136>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14300795b <+139>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x14300795f <+143>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007963 <+147>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x143007966 <+150>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x143007968 <+152>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14300796d ; <+157> at ucb.cxx:529 0x14300796d <+157>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007971 <+161>: 48 8d 55 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x143007975 <+165>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x14300797a <+170>: 48 8b 75 b0 movq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x14300797e <+174>: e8 2d fd ff ff callq 0x1430076b0 ; UniversalContentBroker::queryContentProvider at ucb.cxx:783 0x143007983 <+179>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007988 ; <+184> at ucb.cxx:529 0x143007988 <+184>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x14300798c <+188>: e8 9f b3 fe ff callq 0x142ff2d30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x143007991 <+193>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007995 <+197>: e8 d6 1c ff ff callq 0x142ff9670 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x14300799a <+202>: 88 45 9f movb %al, -0x61(%rbp) 0x14300799d <+205>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1430079a2 ; <+210> at ucb.cxx:530 0x1430079a2 <+210>: 8a 45 9f movb -0x61(%rbp), %al 0x1430079a5 <+213>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x1430079a7 <+215>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x1430079b2 ; <+226> at ucb.cxx:531 0x1430079ad <+221>: e9 77 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007a29 ; <+345> at ucb.cxx:533 0x1430079b2 <+226>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1430079b6 <+230>: e8 d5 1c ff ff callq 0x142ff9690 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1430079bb <+235>: 48 89 45 90 movq %rax, -0x70(%rbp) 0x1430079bf <+239>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1430079c4 ; <+244> at ucb.cxx:531 0x1430079c4 <+244>: 48 8b 45 90 movq -0x70(%rbp), %rax 0x1430079c8 <+248>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1430079cb <+251>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x1430079cf <+255>: 48 8b 55 d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdx 0x1430079d3 <+259>: 48 8b 7d c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x1430079d7 <+263>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1430079da <+266>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1430079dc <+268>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1430079e1 ; <+273> at ucb.cxx:531 0x1430079e1 <+273>: c7 45 c8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x38(%rbp) 0x1430079e8 <+280>: e9 51 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007a3e ; <+366> at ucb.cxx:533 0x1430079ed <+285>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1430079f1 <+289>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1430079f3 <+291>: 48 89 45 d0 movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp) 0x1430079f7 <+295>: 89 4d cc movl %ecx, -0x34(%rbp) 0x1430079fa <+298>: e8 31 b3 fe ff callq 0x142ff2d30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1430079ff <+303>: e9 12 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007a16 ; <+326> at ucb.cxx:534 0x143007a04 <+308>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007a08 <+312>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x143007a0a <+314>: 48 89 45 d0 movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp) 0x143007a0e <+318>: 89 4d cc movl %ecx, -0x34(%rbp) 0x143007a11 <+321>: e8 6a 13 ff ff callq 0x142ff8d80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x143007a16 <+326>: 83 7d cc 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x34(%rbp) 0x143007a1a <+330>: 0f 8d 45 00 00 00 jge 0x143007a65 ; <+405> at ucb.cxx:534 0x143007a20 <+336>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007a24 <+340>: e8 19 ea 05 00 callq 0x143066442 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x143007a29 <+345>: 48 8b 7d c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007a2d <+349>: e8 0e 27 ff ff callq 0x142ffa140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x143007a32 <+354>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x143007a37 ; <+359> at ucb.cxx:533 0x143007a37 <+359>: c7 45 c8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x38(%rbp) 0x143007a3e <+366>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007a42 <+370>: e8 39 13 ff ff callq 0x142ff8d80 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x143007a47 <+375>: 48 8b 05 72 28 09 00 movq 0x92872(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x143007a4e <+382>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x143007a51 <+385>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x143007a55 <+389>: 0f 85 13 00 00 00 jne 0x143007a6e ; <+414> at ucb.cxx:534 0x143007a5b <+395>: 48 8b 45 b8 movq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x143007a5f <+399>: 48 83 c4 70 addq $0x70, %rsp 0x143007a63 <+403>: 5d popq %rbp 0x143007a64 <+404>: c3 retq 0x143007a65 <+405>: 48 8b 7d d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x143007a69 <+409>: e8 f2 e9 05 00 callq 0x143066460 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x143007a6e <+414>: e8 ff e9 05 00 callq 0x143066472 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1430079dc UNWIND PLANS for libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x1430078d0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 87648-0x0000000000015803) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 404: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 405: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x143068758, personality routine is at address 0x14309a2b8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 87648-0x0000000000015803) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x143068758, personality routine is at address 0x14309a2b8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 87648-0x0000000000015803) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 404: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 405: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x143068758, personality routine is at address 0x14309a2b8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 87648-0x0000000000015810) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&): 0x143007ae0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x143007ae1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x143007ae4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 20 subq $0x20, %rsp 0x143007ae8 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x143007aeb <+11>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x143007aef <+15>: 48 89 55 f0 movq %rdx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x143007af3 <+19>: 48 8b 55 f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdx 0x143007af7 <+23>: 48 83 c2 d8 addq $-0x28, %rdx 0x143007afb <+27>: 48 8b 75 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x143007aff <+31>: 48 89 75 e8 movq %rsi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x143007b03 <+35>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x143007b06 <+38>: 48 8b 55 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x143007b0a <+42>: 48 89 45 e0 movq %rax, -0x20(%rbp) 0x143007b0e <+46>: e8 bd fd ff ff callq 0x1430078d0 ; UniversalContentBroker::queryContent at ucb.cxx:519 0x143007b13 <+51>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x143007b17 <+55>: 48 83 c4 20 addq $0x20, %rsp 0x143007b1b <+59>: 5d popq %rbp 0x143007b1c <+60>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x143007b13 UNWIND PLANS for libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x143007ae0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 88176-0x00000000000158ad) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 60: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 88176-0x00000000000158ad) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 88176-0x00000000000158ad) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 60: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucb1.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 88080-0x00000000000158b0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow: 0x1093d0be0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1093d0be1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1093d0be4 <+4>: 48 81 ec 50 01 00 00 subq $0x150, %rsp ; imm = 0x150 0x1093d0beb <+11>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x1093d0bee <+14>: 48 8b 0d 13 67 0c 00 movq 0xc6713(%rip), %rcx ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1093d0bf5 <+21>: 48 8b 09 movq (%rcx), %rcx 0x1093d0bf8 <+24>: 48 89 4d f8 movq %rcx, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1093d0bfc <+28>: 48 89 75 88 movq %rsi, -0x78(%rbp) 0x1093d0c00 <+32>: 48 89 55 80 movq %rdx, -0x80(%rbp) 0x1093d0c04 <+36>: c6 85 7f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x81(%rbp) 0x1093d0c0b <+43>: 48 89 bd 50 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xb0(%rbp) 0x1093d0c12 <+50>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1093d0c19 <+57>: e8 42 84 00 00 callq 0x1093d9060 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x1093d0c1e <+62>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0c23 ; <+67> at content.cxx:256 0x1093d0c23 <+67>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0c27 <+71>: e8 94 97 00 00 callq 0x1093da3c0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x1093d0c2c <+76>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0c31 ; <+81> at content.cxx:259 0x1093d0c31 <+81>: 48 8b 7d 88 movq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0c35 <+85>: e8 46 8d 00 00 callq 0x1093d9980 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1093d0c3a <+90>: 48 89 85 40 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xc0(%rbp) 0x1093d0c41 <+97>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0c46 ; <+102> at content.cxx:259 0x1093d0c46 <+102>: 48 8b 85 40 ff ff ff movq -0xc0(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0c4d <+109>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x1093d0c51 <+113>: 48 8b 8d 40 ff ff ff movq -0xc0(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0c58 <+120>: 48 8b 51 08 movq 0x8(%rcx), %rdx 0x1093d0c5c <+124>: 48 8b 52 18 movq 0x18(%rdx), %rdx 0x1093d0c60 <+128>: 48 8b 75 80 movq -0x80(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0c64 <+132>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0c68 <+136>: 48 89 b5 38 ff ff ff movq %rsi, -0xc8(%rbp) 0x1093d0c6f <+143>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1093d0c72 <+146>: 48 8b 85 38 ff ff ff movq -0xc8(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0c79 <+153>: 48 89 95 30 ff ff ff movq %rdx, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x1093d0c80 <+160>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x1093d0c83 <+163>: 4c 8b 85 30 ff ff ff movq -0xd0(%rbp), %r8 0x1093d0c8a <+170>: 41 ff d0 callq *%r8 0x1093d0c8d <+173>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0c92 ; <+178> at content.cxx:259 0x1093d0c92 <+178>: 48 8d 75 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0c96 <+182>: 48 8b bd 50 ff ff ff movq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0c9d <+189>: e8 5e 84 00 00 callq 0x1093d9100 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x1093d0ca2 <+194>: 48 89 85 28 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd8(%rbp) 0x1093d0ca9 <+201>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0cae ; <+206> at content.cxx:259 0x1093d0cae <+206>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0cb2 <+210>: e8 89 04 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d0cb7 <+215>: e9 a1 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d5d ; <+381> at content.cxx:267 0x1093d0cbc <+220>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0cbe <+222>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0cc5 <+229>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0ccb <+235>: e9 c2 03 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1092 ; <+1202> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0cd0 <+240>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0cd2 <+242>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0cd9 <+249>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0cdf <+255>: e9 a2 03 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1086 ; <+1190> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0ce4 <+260>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0ce6 <+262>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0ced <+269>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0cf3 <+275>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d10 ; <+304> at content.cxx:260 0x1093d0cf8 <+280>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0cfc <+284>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0cfe <+286>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0d05 <+293>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0d0b <+299>: e8 30 04 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d0d10 <+304>: 8b 85 6c ff ff ff movl -0x94(%rbp), %eax 0x1093d0d16 <+310>: b9 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %ecx 0x1093d0d1b <+315>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x1093d0d1d <+317>: 0f 85 25 03 00 00 jne 0x1093d1048 ; <+1128> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0d23 <+323>: 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0d2a <+330>: e8 05 92 08 00 callq 0x109459f34 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x1093d0d2f <+335>: 48 89 85 60 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xa0(%rbp) 0x1093d0d36 <+342>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0d3a <+346>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1093d0d3d <+349>: e8 ee 36 00 00 callq 0x1093d4430 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x1093d0d42 <+354>: 48 89 85 20 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe0(%rbp) 0x1093d0d49 <+361>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d4e ; <+366> at content.cxx:265 0x1093d0d4e <+366>: e8 ed 91 08 00 callq 0x109459f40 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x1093d0d53 <+371>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d58 ; <+376> at content.cxx:265 0x1093d0d58 <+376>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d5d ; <+381> at content.cxx:267 0x1093d0d5d <+381>: 48 8b bd 50 ff ff ff movq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0d64 <+388>: e8 27 0a 00 00 callq 0x1093d1790 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x1093d0d69 <+393>: 88 85 1f ff ff ff movb %al, -0xe1(%rbp) 0x1093d0d6f <+399>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d74 ; <+404> at content.cxx:267 0x1093d0d74 <+404>: 8a 85 1f ff ff ff movb -0xe1(%rbp), %al 0x1093d0d7a <+410>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x1093d0d7c <+412>: 0f 85 a4 02 00 00 jne 0x1093d1026 ; <+1094> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d0d82 <+418>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0d87 ; <+423> at content.cxx:269 0x1093d0d87 <+423>: 48 8b 7d 88 movq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0d8b <+427>: 48 8b 45 80 movq -0x80(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0d8f <+431>: 48 89 bd 10 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x1093d0d96 <+438>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1093d0d99 <+441>: e8 82 a0 00 00 callq 0x1093dae20 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1093d0d9e <+446>: 48 89 85 08 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x1093d0da5 <+453>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0daa ; <+458> at content.cxx:269 0x1093d0daa <+458>: 48 8b 85 08 ff ff ff movq -0xf8(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0db1 <+465>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1093d0db4 <+468>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x1093d0db8 <+472>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0dbc <+476>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1093d0dbf <+479>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1093d0dc1 <+481>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0dc6 ; <+486> at content.cxx:269 0x1093d0dc6 <+486>: 48 8d 75 e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0dca <+490>: 48 8b bd 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0dd1 <+497>: e8 ba c8 00 00 callq 0x1093dd690 ; ucbhelper::ensureContentProviderForURL at content.cxx:208 0x1093d0dd6 <+502>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0ddb ; <+507> at content.cxx:269 0x1093d0ddb <+507>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0ddf <+511>: e8 5c c8 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d0de4 <+516>: b8 18 00 00 00 movl $0x18, %eax 0x1093d0de9 <+521>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x1093d0deb <+523>: e8 3e 91 08 00 callq 0x109459f2e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x1093d0df0 <+528>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1093d0df3 <+531>: c6 85 5f ff ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0xa1(%rbp) 0x1093d0dfa <+538>: 48 8b 4d 80 movq -0x80(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0dfe <+542>: 48 89 bd 00 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0x100(%rbp) 0x1093d0e05 <+549>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x1093d0e08 <+552>: 48 89 85 f8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x108(%rbp) 0x1093d0e0f <+559>: e8 0c a0 00 00 callq 0x1093dae20 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1093d0e14 <+564>: 48 89 85 f0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x110(%rbp) 0x1093d0e1b <+571>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0e20 ; <+576> at content.cxx:272 0x1093d0e20 <+576>: 48 8b 85 f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0e27 <+583>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1093d0e2a <+586>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x1093d0e2e <+590>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0e32 <+594>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1093d0e35 <+597>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1093d0e37 <+599>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0e3c ; <+604> at content.cxx:272 0x1093d0e3c <+604>: 48 8d 3d c3 84 09 00 leaq 0x984c3(%rip), %rdi ; "Unable to create Content for <" 0x1093d0e43 <+611>: 48 8d 75 a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0e47 <+615>: e8 d4 ce 00 00 callq 0x1093ddd20 ; rtl::operator+(char const (&) [31], rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:272 0x1093d0e4c <+620>: 48 89 95 e8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x118(%rbp) 0x1093d0e53 <+627>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x1093d0e5a <+634>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0e5f ; <+639> at content.cxx:272 0x1093d0e5f <+639>: 48 8b 85 e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0e66 <+646>: 48 89 45 a8 movq %rax, -0x58(%rbp) 0x1093d0e6a <+650>: 48 8b 8d e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0e71 <+657>: 48 89 4d b0 movq %rcx, -0x50(%rbp) 0x1093d0e75 <+661>: 48 8d 35 a9 84 09 00 leaq 0x984a9(%rip), %rsi ; ">: " 0x1093d0e7c <+668>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0e80 <+672>: e8 1b ce 00 00 callq 0x1093ddca0 ; rtl::operator+, char const [4]>(rtl::OUStringConcat const&, char const (&) [4])::operator+, char const [4]> at stringconcat.hxx:280 0x1093d0e85 <+677>: 48 89 95 d8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x128(%rbp) 0x1093d0e8c <+684>: 48 89 85 d0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x130(%rbp) 0x1093d0e93 <+691>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0e98 ; <+696> at content.cxx:272 0x1093d0e98 <+696>: 48 8b 85 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0e9f <+703>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d0ea3 <+707>: 48 8b 8d d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0eaa <+714>: 48 89 4d c0 movq %rcx, -0x40(%rbp) 0x1093d0eae <+718>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0eb2 <+722>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0eb6 <+726>: e8 65 cd 00 00 callq 0x1093ddc20 ; rtl::operator+, char const [4]>, rtl::OUString>(rtl::OUStringConcat, char const [4]> const&, rtl::OUString const&)::operator+, char const [4]>, rtl::OUString> at stringconcat.hxx:264 0x1093d0ebb <+731>: 48 89 95 c8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x138(%rbp) 0x1093d0ec2 <+738>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x1093d0ec9 <+745>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0ece ; <+750> at content.cxx:272 0x1093d0ece <+750>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0ed5 <+757>: 48 89 45 c8 movq %rax, -0x38(%rbp) 0x1093d0ed9 <+761>: 48 8b 8d c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0ee0 <+768>: 48 89 4d d0 movq %rcx, -0x30(%rbp) 0x1093d0ee4 <+772>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0ee8 <+776>: 48 8d 75 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0eec <+780>: e8 af ce 00 00 callq 0x1093ddda0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString, char const [4]>, rtl::OUString> at ustring.hxx:381 0x1093d0ef1 <+785>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0ef6 ; <+790> at content.cxx:273 0x1093d0ef6 <+790>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0efa <+794>: e8 a1 c9 00 00 callq 0x1093dd8a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x1093d0eff <+799>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0f04 ; <+804> at content.cxx:274 0x1093d0f04 <+804>: c7 45 94 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5, -0x6c(%rbp) 0x1093d0f0b <+811>: 48 8d 75 d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0f0f <+815>: 48 8d 55 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdx 0x1093d0f13 <+819>: 48 8d 4d 94 leaq -0x6c(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d0f17 <+823>: 48 8b bd f8 fe ff ff movq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0f1e <+830>: e8 9d c9 00 00 callq 0x1093dd8c0 ; com::sun::star::ucb::ContentCreationException::ContentCreationException at ContentCreationException.hpp:23 0x1093d0f23 <+835>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0f28 ; <+840> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d0f28 <+840>: c6 85 5f ff ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0xa1(%rbp) 0x1093d0f2f <+847>: 48 8b 35 02 61 0c 00 movq 0xc6102(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000103b49710: typeinfo for com::sun::star::ucb::ContentCreationException 0x1093d0f36 <+854>: 48 8d 15 c3 c9 00 00 leaq 0xc9c3(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::ucb::ContentCreationException::~ContentCreationException at ContentCreationException.hdl:14 0x1093d0f3d <+861>: 48 8b bd 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0f44 <+868>: e8 09 90 08 00 callq 0x109459f52 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x1093d0f49 <+873>: e9 79 01 00 00 jmp 0x1093d10c7 ; <+1255> at content.cxx:265 0x1093d0f4e <+878>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0f50 <+880>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0f57 <+887>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0f5d <+893>: e8 de 8f 08 00 callq 0x109459f40 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x1093d0f62 <+898>: e9 14 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0f7b ; <+923> at content.cxx:265 0x1093d0f67 <+903>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0f69 <+905>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0f70 <+912>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0f76 <+918>: e9 cd 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1048 ; <+1128> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0f7b <+923>: e9 c8 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1048 ; <+1128> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0f80 <+928>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0f84 <+932>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0f86 <+934>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0f8d <+941>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0f93 <+947>: e8 a8 c6 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d0f98 <+952>: e9 ab 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1048 ; <+1128> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d0f9d <+957>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0f9f <+959>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0fa6 <+966>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0fac <+972>: e9 52 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1003 ; <+1059> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d0fb1 <+977>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0fb3 <+979>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0fba <+986>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0fc0 <+992>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0ffa ; <+1050> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d0fc5 <+997>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0fc7 <+999>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0fce <+1006>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0fd4 <+1012>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0ff1 ; <+1041> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d0fd9 <+1017>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0fdd <+1021>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0fdf <+1023>: 48 89 85 70 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1093d0fe6 <+1030>: 89 8d 6c ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d0fec <+1036>: e8 2f ad 00 00 callq 0x1093dbd20 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d0ff1 <+1041>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0ff5 <+1045>: e8 46 c6 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d0ffa <+1050>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0ffe <+1054>: e8 3d c6 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d1003 <+1059>: f6 85 5f ff ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0xa1(%rbp) 0x1093d100a <+1066>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x1093d1015 ; <+1077> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d1010 <+1072>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1021 ; <+1089> at content.cxx:271 0x1093d1015 <+1077>: 48 8b bd 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d101c <+1084>: e8 25 8f 08 00 callq 0x109459f46 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x1093d1021 <+1089>: e9 22 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1048 ; <+1128> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d1026 <+1094>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d102a <+1098>: c6 85 7f ff ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x81(%rbp) 0x1093d1031 <+1105>: e8 0a c6 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d1036 <+1110>: f6 85 7f ff ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x81(%rbp) 0x1093d103d <+1117>: 0f 85 1f 00 00 00 jne 0x1093d1062 ; <+1154> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d1043 <+1123>: e9 0e 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1056 ; <+1142> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d1048 <+1128>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d104c <+1132>: e8 ef c5 ff ff callq 0x1093cd640 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1093d1051 <+1137>: e9 30 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1086 ; <+1190> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d1056 <+1142>: 48 8b bd 50 ff ff ff movq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d105d <+1149>: e8 de 00 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d1062 <+1154>: 48 8b 05 9f 62 0c 00 movq 0xc629f(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1093d1069 <+1161>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x1093d106c <+1164>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d1070 <+1168>: 0f 85 51 00 00 00 jne 0x1093d10c7 ; <+1255> at content.cxx:265 0x1093d1076 <+1174>: 48 8b 85 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d107d <+1181>: 48 81 c4 50 01 00 00 addq $0x150, %rsp ; imm = 0x150 0x1093d1084 <+1188>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1093d1085 <+1189>: c3 retq 0x1093d1086 <+1190>: 48 8b bd 50 ff ff ff movq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d108d <+1197>: e8 ae 00 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d1092 <+1202>: 83 bd 6c ff ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x94(%rbp) 0x1093d1099 <+1209>: 0f 8d 0c 00 00 00 jge 0x1093d10ab ; <+1227> at content.cxx:278 0x1093d109f <+1215>: 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d10a6 <+1222>: e8 8f 8e 08 00 callq 0x109459f3a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x1093d10ab <+1227>: 48 8b bd 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d10b2 <+1234>: e8 a1 8e 08 00 callq 0x109459f58 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x1093d10b7 <+1239>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d10b9 <+1241>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1093d10bc <+1244>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x1093d10c2 <+1250>: e8 19 d2 ff ff callq 0x1093ce2e0 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x1093d10c7 <+1255>: e8 9e 8e 08 00 callq 0x109459f6a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1093d0c8d UNWIND PLANS for libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x1093d0be0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 17200-0x000000000000481c) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1189: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1190: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x10945ad78, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 17200-0x000000000000481c) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x10945ad78, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 17200-0x000000000000481c) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1189: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1190: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x10945ad78, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 17200-0x0000000000004820) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content: 0x1093d0060 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1093d0061 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1093d0064 <+4>: 48 81 ec 80 00 00 00 subq $0x80, %rsp 0x1093d006b <+11>: 48 8b 05 96 72 0c 00 movq 0xc7296(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1093d0072 <+18>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x1093d0075 <+21>: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1093d0079 <+25>: 48 89 7d d8 movq %rdi, -0x28(%rbp) 0x1093d007d <+29>: 48 89 75 d0 movq %rsi, -0x30(%rbp) 0x1093d0081 <+33>: 48 89 55 c8 movq %rdx, -0x38(%rbp) 0x1093d0085 <+37>: 48 89 4d c0 movq %rcx, -0x40(%rbp) 0x1093d0089 <+41>: 48 8b 45 d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d008d <+45>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x1093d0090 <+48>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1093d0093 <+51>: 48 89 45 a8 movq %rax, -0x58(%rbp) 0x1093d0097 <+55>: 48 89 4d a0 movq %rcx, -0x60(%rbp) 0x1093d009b <+59>: e8 70 01 00 00 callq 0x1093d0210 ; rtl::Reference::Reference at ref.hxx:47 0x1093d00a0 <+64>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d00a5 ; <+69> at content.cxx:315 0x1093d00a5 <+69>: 48 8b 75 c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d00a9 <+73>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d00ad <+77>: e8 7e 01 00 00 callq 0x1093d0230 ; com::sun::star::ucb::UniversalContentBroker::create at UniversalContentBroker.hpp:33 0x1093d00b2 <+82>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d00b7 ; <+87> at content.cxx:318 0x1093d00b7 <+87>: 48 8b 55 d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %rdx 0x1093d00bb <+91>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d00bf <+95>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d00c3 <+99>: e8 f8 08 00 00 callq 0x1093d09c0 ; ucbhelper::getContentIdentifierThrow at content.cxx:225 0x1093d00c8 <+104>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d00cd ; <+109> at content.cxx:320 0x1093d00cd <+109>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d00d1 <+113>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d00d5 <+117>: 48 8d 55 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x1093d00d9 <+121>: e8 02 0b 00 00 callq 0x1093d0be0 ; ucbhelper::getContentThrow at content.cxx:254 0x1093d00de <+126>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d00e3 ; <+131> at content.cxx:322 0x1093d00e3 <+131>: 48 8b 45 a0 movq -0x60(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d00e7 <+135>: b9 48 00 00 00 movl $0x48, %ecx 0x1093d00ec <+140>: 89 cf movl %ecx, %edi 0x1093d00ee <+142>: 48 89 45 98 movq %rax, -0x68(%rbp) 0x1093d00f2 <+146>: e8 ad 9d 08 00 callq 0x109459ea4 ; symbol stub for: salhelper::SimpleReferenceObject::operator new(unsigned long) 0x1093d00f7 <+151>: 48 89 45 90 movq %rax, -0x70(%rbp) 0x1093d00fb <+155>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0100 ; <+160> at content.cxx:322 0x1093d0100 <+160>: 48 8b 45 90 movq -0x70(%rbp), %rax 0x1093d0104 <+164>: 48 8b 75 c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d0108 <+168>: 48 8b 4d c8 movq -0x38(%rbp), %rcx 0x1093d010c <+172>: 48 8d 55 e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdx 0x1093d0110 <+176>: 48 8b 7d 90 movq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0114 <+180>: 48 89 45 88 movq %rax, -0x78(%rbp) 0x1093d0118 <+184>: e8 e3 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d1100 ; ucbhelper::Content_Impl::Content_Impl at content.cxx:1125 0x1093d011d <+189>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0122 ; <+194> at content.cxx:322 0x1093d0122 <+194>: 48 8b 7d 98 movq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0126 <+198>: 48 8b 75 88 movq -0x78(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d012a <+202>: e8 a1 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d10d0 ; rtl::Reference::operator= at ref.hxx:140 0x1093d012f <+207>: 48 89 45 80 movq %rax, -0x80(%rbp) 0x1093d0133 <+211>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d0138 ; <+216> at content.cxx:322 0x1093d0138 <+216>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d013c <+220>: e8 ff 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d0141 <+225>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0145 <+229>: e8 16 10 00 00 callq 0x1093d1160 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d014a <+234>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d014e <+238>: e8 2d 10 00 00 callq 0x1093d1180 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d0153 <+243>: 48 8b 3d ae 71 0c 00 movq 0xc71ae(%rip), %rdi ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1093d015a <+250>: 48 8b 3f movq (%rdi), %rdi 0x1093d015d <+253>: 48 3b 7d f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0161 <+257>: 0f 85 a1 00 00 00 jne 0x1093d0208 ; <+424> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d0167 <+263>: 48 81 c4 80 00 00 00 addq $0x80, %rsp 0x1093d016e <+270>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1093d016f <+271>: c3 retq 0x1093d0170 <+272>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0172 <+274>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d0176 <+278>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d0179 <+281>: e9 6e 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d01ec ; <+396> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d017e <+286>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d0180 <+288>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d0184 <+292>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d0187 <+295>: e9 57 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d01e3 ; <+387> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d018c <+300>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d018e <+302>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d0192 <+306>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d0195 <+309>: e9 40 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d01da ; <+378> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d019a <+314>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d019c <+316>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d01a0 <+320>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d01a3 <+323>: e9 29 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d01d1 ; <+369> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d01a8 <+328>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d01aa <+330>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d01ae <+334>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d01b1 <+337>: e9 12 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d01c8 ; <+360> at content.cxx:322 0x1093d01b6 <+342>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d01b8 <+344>: 48 89 45 b8 movq %rax, -0x48(%rbp) 0x1093d01bc <+348>: 89 4d b4 movl %ecx, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d01bf <+351>: 48 8b 7d 90 movq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01c3 <+355>: e8 d6 9c 08 00 callq 0x109459e9e ; symbol stub for: salhelper::SimpleReferenceObject::operator delete(void*) 0x1093d01c8 <+360>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01cc <+364>: e8 6f 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d1140 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d01d1 <+369>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01d5 <+373>: e8 86 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d1160 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d01da <+378>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01de <+382>: e8 9d 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d1180 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1093d01e3 <+387>: 48 8b 7d a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01e7 <+391>: e8 b4 0f 00 00 callq 0x1093d11a0 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x1093d01ec <+396>: 83 7d b4 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x4c(%rbp) 0x1093d01f0 <+400>: 0f 8d 09 00 00 00 jge 0x1093d01ff ; <+415> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d01f6 <+406>: 48 8b 7d b8 movq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d01fa <+410>: e8 3b 9d 08 00 callq 0x109459f3a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x1093d01ff <+415>: 48 8b 7d b8 movq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d0203 <+419>: e8 50 9d 08 00 callq 0x109459f58 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x1093d0208 <+424>: e8 5d 9d 08 00 callq 0x109459f6a ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1093d00de UNWIND PLANS for libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x1093d0060) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 14256-0x000000000000395d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 271: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 272: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x10945ab58, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 14256-0x000000000000395d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x10945ab58, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 14256-0x000000000000395d) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 271: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 272: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x10945ab58, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 14256-0x0000000000003960) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content: 0x1093d11c0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1093d11c1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1093d11c4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 30 subq $0x30, %rsp 0x1093d11c8 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1093d11cc <+12>: 48 89 75 f0 movq %rsi, -0x10(%rbp) 0x1093d11d0 <+16>: 48 89 55 e8 movq %rdx, -0x18(%rbp) 0x1093d11d4 <+20>: 48 89 4d e0 movq %rcx, -0x20(%rbp) 0x1093d11d8 <+24>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d11dc <+28>: 48 8b 75 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x1093d11e0 <+32>: 48 8b 55 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x1093d11e4 <+36>: e8 77 ee ff ff callq 0x1093d0060 ; ucbhelper::Content::Content at content.cxx:313 0x1093d11e9 <+41>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d11ee ; <+46> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d11ee <+46>: 48 83 c4 30 addq $0x30, %rsp 0x1093d11f2 <+50>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1093d11f3 <+51>: c3 retq 0x1093d11f4 <+52>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1093d11f6 <+54>: 48 89 45 d8 movq %rax, -0x28(%rbp) 0x1093d11fa <+58>: 89 4d d4 movl %ecx, -0x2c(%rbp) 0x1093d11fd <+61>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1093d1202 ; <+66> at content.cxx:323 0x1093d1202 <+66>: 48 8b 7d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x1093d1206 <+70>: e8 2f 8d 08 00 callq 0x109459f3a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1093d11e9 UNWIND PLANS for libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x1093d11c0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 18704-0x000000000000495b) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 51: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 52: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x10945ae60, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 18704-0x000000000000495b) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x10945ae60, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 18704-0x000000000000495b) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 51: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 52: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x10945ae60, personality routine is at address 0x109497300 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libucbhelper.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 18704-0x0000000000004960) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer: 0x1460447e0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1460447e1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1460447e4 <+4>: 48 81 ec 60 02 00 00 subq $0x260, %rsp ; imm = 0x260 0x1460447eb <+11>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x1460447ee <+14>: 4c 8b 55 10 movq 0x10(%rbp), %r10 0x1460447f2 <+18>: 4c 8b 1d 5f ba 13 00 movq 0x13ba5f(%rip), %r11 ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1460447f9 <+25>: 4d 8b 1b movq (%r11), %r11 0x1460447fc <+28>: 4c 89 5d f8 movq %r11, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146044800 <+32>: 48 89 b5 f0 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x110(%rbp) 0x146044807 <+39>: 48 89 95 e8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x118(%rbp) 0x14604480e <+46>: 48 89 8d e0 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x120(%rbp) 0x146044815 <+53>: 4c 89 85 d8 fe ff ff movq %r8, -0x128(%rbp) 0x14604481c <+60>: 4c 89 8d d0 fe ff ff movq %r9, -0x130(%rbp) 0x146044823 <+67>: 4c 89 95 c8 fe ff ff movq %r10, -0x138(%rbp) 0x14604482a <+74>: 48 8b 8d f0 fe ff ff movq -0x110(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044831 <+81>: 48 8b b5 d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044838 <+88>: 48 8d 55 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604483c <+92>: 48 89 bd a8 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x158(%rbp) 0x146044843 <+99>: 48 89 d7 movq %rdx, %rdi 0x146044846 <+102>: 48 89 85 a0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x160(%rbp) 0x14604484d <+109>: 48 89 95 98 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x168(%rbp) 0x146044854 <+116>: 48 89 8d 90 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x170(%rbp) 0x14604485b <+123>: e8 ce 7b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c42e ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content(ucbhelper::Content const&) 0x146044860 <+128>: 48 8b bd 98 fe ff ff movq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044867 <+135>: e8 da 7b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c446 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::getCommandEnvironment() const 0x14604486c <+140>: 48 89 85 88 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x178(%rbp) 0x146044873 <+147>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044878 ; <+152> at dp_manager.cxx:581 0x146044878 <+152>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604487c <+156>: 48 8b b5 88 fe ff ff movq -0x178(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044883 <+163>: e8 78 40 fd ff callq 0x146018900 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:121 0x146044888 <+168>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604488d ; <+173> at dp_manager.cxx:584 0x14604488d <+173>: 48 8b 85 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rax 0x146044894 <+180>: 48 05 a0 00 00 00 addq $0xa0, %rax 0x14604489a <+186>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460448a1 <+193>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1460448a4 <+196>: e8 c7 29 fb ff callq 0x145ff7270 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:128 0x1460448a9 <+201>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460448ae ; <+206> at dp_manager.cxx:585 0x1460448ae <+206>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460448b2 <+210>: 48 8d b5 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460448b9 <+217>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x1460448bb <+219>: e8 b0 7b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c470 ; symbol stub for: utl::TempFile::TempFile(rtl::OUString const*, bool) 0x1460448c0 <+224>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460448c5 ; <+229> at dp_manager.cxx:586 0x1460448c5 <+229>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460448c9 <+233>: e8 9c 7b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c46a ; symbol stub for: utl::TempFile::GetURL() 0x1460448ce <+238>: 48 89 85 80 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x180(%rbp) 0x1460448d5 <+245>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460448da ; <+250> at dp_manager.cxx:586 0x1460448da <+250>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460448e1 <+257>: 48 8b b5 80 fe ff ff movq -0x180(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460448e8 <+264>: e8 83 29 fb ff callq 0x145ff7270 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:128 0x1460448ed <+269>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460448f2 ; <+274> at dp_manager.cxx:587 0x1460448f2 <+274>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460448f9 <+281>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x1460448fe <+286>: e8 8d 4b 00 00 callq 0x146049490 ; rtl::OUString::lastIndexOf at ustring.hxx:1840 0x146044903 <+291>: 89 85 7c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x184(%rbp) 0x146044909 <+297>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604490e ; <+302> at dp_manager.cxx:587 0x14604490e <+302>: 8b 85 7c fe ff ff movl -0x184(%rbp), %eax 0x146044914 <+308>: ff c0 incl %eax 0x146044916 <+310>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604491d <+317>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044924 <+324>: 89 c2 movl %eax, %edx 0x146044926 <+326>: e8 d5 4a 00 00 callq 0x146049400 ; rtl::OUString::copy at ustring.hxx:2063 0x14604492b <+331>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044930 ; <+336> at dp_manager.cxx:587 0x146044930 <+336>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044937 <+343>: 48 8d b5 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604493e <+350>: e8 ed 43 fc ff callq 0x146008d30 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146044943 <+355>: 48 89 85 70 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x190(%rbp) 0x14604494a <+362>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604494f ; <+367> at dp_manager.cxx:587 0x14604494f <+367>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044956 <+374>: e8 95 02 fb ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604495b <+379>: c6 85 bb fe ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x145(%rbp) 0x146044962 <+386>: 48 8b bd 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044969 <+393>: 48 81 c7 98 00 00 00 addq $0x98, %rdi 0x146044970 <+400>: 48 8d 95 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdx 0x146044977 <+407>: 48 8b 85 a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rax 0x14604497e <+414>: 48 89 bd 68 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x198(%rbp) 0x146044985 <+421>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146044988 <+424>: 48 8b b5 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604498f <+431>: e8 b2 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c146 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::makeURL(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x146044994 <+436>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044999 ; <+441> at dp_manager.cxx:589 0x146044999 <+441>: 48 8d 35 34 7b 0f 00 leaq 0xf7b34(%rip), %rsi ; "'_'" 0x1460449a0 <+448>: 48 8b bd a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460449a7 <+455>: e8 24 4b 00 00 callq 0x1460494d0 ; rtl::OUString::operator+=(char const (&) [2]) &::operator+= at ustring.hxx:523 0x1460449ac <+460>: 48 89 85 60 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a0(%rbp) 0x1460449b3 <+467>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460449b8 ; <+472> at dp_manager.cxx:592 0x1460449b8 <+472>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460449bf <+479>: e8 70 7a 0d 00 callq 0x14611c434 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content() 0x1460449c4 <+484>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460449c9 ; <+489> at dp_manager.cxx:593 0x1460449c9 <+489>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460449d0 <+496>: 48 8d 55 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdx 0x1460449d4 <+500>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x1460449d9 <+505>: 48 8b b5 a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460449e0 <+512>: e8 b3 76 0d 00 callq 0x14611c098 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::create_folder(ucbhelper::Content*, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, bool) 0x1460449e5 <+517>: 88 85 5f fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1a1(%rbp) 0x1460449eb <+523>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460449f0 ; <+528> at dp_manager.cxx:596 0x1460449f0 <+528>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460449f7 <+535>: 48 8d 35 b5 80 0f 00 leaq 0xf80b5(%rip), %rsi ; "application/" 0x1460449fe <+542>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146044a00 <+544>: e8 5b 4b 00 00 callq 0x146049560 ; rtl::OUString::matchIgnoreAsciiCase(char const (&) [40], int) const::matchIgnoreAsciiCase at ustring.hxx:922 0x146044a05 <+549>: 88 85 5e fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1a2(%rbp) 0x146044a0b <+555>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a10 ; <+560> at dp_manager.cxx:596 0x146044a10 <+560>: 8a 85 5e fe ff ff movb -0x1a2(%rbp), %al 0x146044a16 <+566>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146044a18 <+568>: 0f 85 38 00 00 00 jne 0x146044a56 ; <+630> at dp_manager.cxx:601 0x146044a1e <+574>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a23 ; <+579> at dp_manager.cxx:598 0x146044a23 <+579>: 48 8b bd e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044a2a <+586>: 48 8d 35 aa 80 0f 00 leaq 0xf80aa(%rip), %rsi ; "application/" 0x146044a31 <+593>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146044a33 <+595>: e8 d8 4b 00 00 callq 0x146049610 ; rtl::OUString::matchIgnoreAsciiCase(char const (&) [47], int) const::matchIgnoreAsciiCase at ustring.hxx:922 0x146044a38 <+600>: 88 85 5d fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1a3(%rbp) 0x146044a3e <+606>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a43 ; <+611> at dp_manager.cxx:596 0x146044a43 <+611>: 8a 85 5d fe ff ff movb -0x1a3(%rbp), %al 0x146044a49 <+617>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146044a4b <+619>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146044a56 ; <+630> at dp_manager.cxx:601 0x146044a51 <+625>: e9 b2 02 00 00 jmp 0x146044d08 ; <+1320> at dp_manager.cxx:621 0x146044a56 <+630>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044a5a <+634>: e8 51 06 fb ff callq 0x145ff50b0 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::OUStringBuffer at ustrbuf.hxx:66 0x146044a5f <+639>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a64 ; <+644> at dp_manager.cxx:602 0x146044a64 <+644>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044a68 <+648>: e8 af 79 0d 00 callq 0x14611c41c ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::isFolder() 0x146044a6d <+653>: 88 85 5c fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1a4(%rbp) 0x146044a73 <+659>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a78 ; <+664> at dp_manager.cxx:602 0x146044a78 <+664>: 8a 85 5c fe ff ff movb -0x1a4(%rbp), %al 0x146044a7e <+670>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146044a80 <+672>: 0f 85 68 01 00 00 jne 0x146044bee ; <+1038> at dp_manager.cxx:613 0x146044a86 <+678>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044a8b ; <+683> at dp_manager.cxx:604 0x146044a8b <+683>: 48 8d 35 78 80 0f 00 leaq 0xf8078(%rip), %rsi ; "" 0x146044a92 <+690>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044a96 <+694>: e8 25 4c 00 00 callq 0x1460496c0 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::append(char const (&) [20])::append at ustrbuf.hxx:571 0x146044a9b <+699>: 48 89 85 50 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b0(%rbp) 0x146044aa2 <+706>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044aa7 ; <+711> at dp_manager.cxx:605 0x146044aa7 <+711>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044aab <+715>: e8 a2 79 0d 00 callq 0x14611c452 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::getURL() const 0x146044ab0 <+720>: 48 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x146044ab7 <+727>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044abc ; <+732> at dp_manager.cxx:605 0x146044abc <+732>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044ac3 <+739>: ba 04 00 00 00 movl $0x4, %edx 0x146044ac8 <+744>: 31 c9 xorl %ecx, %ecx 0x146044aca <+746>: 41 b8 4c 00 00 00 movl $0x4c, %r8d 0x146044ad0 <+752>: 48 8b b5 48 fe ff ff movq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044ad7 <+759>: e8 d4 0b 00 00 callq 0x1460456b0 ; rtl::Uri::encode at uri.hxx:95 0x146044adc <+764>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044ae1 ; <+769> at dp_manager.cxx:605 0x146044ae1 <+769>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044ae5 <+773>: 48 8d b5 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044aec <+780>: e8 bf 06 fb ff callq 0x145ff51b0 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::append at ustrbuf.hxx:503 0x146044af1 <+785>: 48 89 85 40 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c0(%rbp) 0x146044af8 <+792>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044afd ; <+797> at dp_manager.cxx:605 0x146044afd <+797>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044b04 <+804>: e8 e7 00 fb ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044b09 <+809>: e9 16 01 00 00 jmp 0x146044c24 ; <+1092> at dp_manager.cxx:615 0x146044b0e <+814>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b10 <+816>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b17 <+823>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b1d <+829>: e9 7b 07 00 00 jmp 0x14604529d ; <+2749> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b22 <+834>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b24 <+836>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b2b <+843>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b31 <+849>: e9 5e 07 00 00 jmp 0x146045294 ; <+2740> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b36 <+854>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b38 <+856>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b3f <+863>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b45 <+869>: e9 3e 07 00 00 jmp 0x146045288 ; <+2728> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b4a <+874>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b4c <+876>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b53 <+883>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b59 <+889>: e9 21 07 00 00 jmp 0x14604527f ; <+2719> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b5e <+894>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b60 <+896>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b67 <+903>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b6d <+909>: e9 01 07 00 00 jmp 0x146045273 ; <+2707> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b72 <+914>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044b79 <+921>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b7b <+923>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b82 <+930>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044b88 <+936>: e8 63 00 fb ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044b8d <+941>: e9 e1 06 00 00 jmp 0x146045273 ; <+2707> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044b92 <+946>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044b94 <+948>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044b9b <+955>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044ba1 <+961>: e9 c1 06 00 00 jmp 0x146045267 ; <+2695> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044ba6 <+966>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044ba8 <+968>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044baf <+975>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044bb5 <+981>: e9 39 06 00 00 jmp 0x1460451f3 ; <+2579> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044bba <+986>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044bbc <+988>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044bc3 <+995>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044bc9 <+1001>: e9 2c 01 00 00 jmp 0x146044cfa ; <+1306> at dp_manager.cxx:616 0x146044bce <+1006>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044bd5 <+1013>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044bd7 <+1015>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044bde <+1022>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044be4 <+1028>: e8 07 00 fb ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044be9 <+1033>: e9 0c 01 00 00 jmp 0x146044cfa ; <+1306> at dp_manager.cxx:616 0x146044bee <+1038>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044bf2 <+1042>: e8 5b 78 0d 00 callq 0x14611c452 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::getURL() const 0x146044bf7 <+1047>: 48 89 85 38 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x146044bfe <+1054>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c03 ; <+1059> at dp_manager.cxx:613 0x146044c03 <+1059>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044c07 <+1063>: 48 8b b5 38 fe ff ff movq -0x1c8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044c0e <+1070>: e8 9d 05 fb ff callq 0x145ff51b0 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::append at ustrbuf.hxx:503 0x146044c13 <+1075>: 48 89 85 30 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x146044c1a <+1082>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c1f ; <+1087> at dp_manager.cxx:613 0x146044c1f <+1087>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c24 ; <+1092> at dp_manager.cxx:615 0x146044c24 <+1092>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044c28 <+1096>: be 2f 00 00 00 movl $0x2f, %esi 0x146044c2d <+1101>: e8 9e 04 fb ff callq 0x145ff50d0 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::append at ustrbuf.hxx:729 0x146044c32 <+1106>: 48 89 85 28 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d8(%rbp) 0x146044c39 <+1113>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c3e ; <+1118> at dp_manager.cxx:617 0x146044c3e <+1118>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044c45 <+1125>: 48 8d 75 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044c49 <+1129>: e8 f2 06 fb ff callq 0x145ff5340 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::makeStringAndClear at ustrbuf.hxx:318 0x146044c4e <+1134>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c53 ; <+1139> at dp_manager.cxx:617 0x146044c53 <+1139>: 48 8b 85 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rax 0x146044c5a <+1146>: 48 83 c0 68 addq $0x68, %rax 0x146044c5e <+1150>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044c65 <+1157>: 48 8d b5 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044c6c <+1164>: 48 8d 55 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdx 0x146044c70 <+1168>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x146044c73 <+1171>: e8 b0 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c428 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x146044c78 <+1176>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c7d ; <+1181> at dp_manager.cxx:616 0x146044c7d <+1181>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044c81 <+1185>: 48 8d b5 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044c88 <+1192>: e8 b3 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c440 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::operator=(ucbhelper::Content&&) 0x146044c8d <+1197>: 48 89 85 20 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1e0(%rbp) 0x146044c94 <+1204>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044c99 ; <+1209> at dp_manager.cxx:616 0x146044c99 <+1209>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044ca0 <+1216>: e8 95 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x146044ca5 <+1221>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044cac <+1228>: e8 3f ff fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044cb1 <+1233>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044cb5 <+1237>: e8 d6 06 fb ff callq 0x145ff5390 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer at ustrbuf.hxx:305 0x146044cba <+1242>: e9 49 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044d08 ; <+1320> at dp_manager.cxx:621 0x146044cbf <+1247>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044cc1 <+1249>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044cc8 <+1256>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044cce <+1262>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044cee ; <+1294> at dp_manager.cxx:616 0x146044cd3 <+1267>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044cda <+1274>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044cdc <+1276>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044ce3 <+1283>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044ce9 <+1289>: e8 4c 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x146044cee <+1294>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044cf5 <+1301>: e8 f6 fe fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044cfa <+1306>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044cfe <+1310>: e8 8d 06 fb ff callq 0x145ff5390 ; rtl::OUStringBuffer::~OUStringBuffer at ustrbuf.hxx:305 0x146044d03 <+1315>: e9 eb 04 00 00 jmp 0x1460451f3 ; <+2579> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044d08 <+1320>: 48 8b 8d d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044d0f <+1327>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044d16 <+1334>: 48 89 8d 18 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146044d1d <+1341>: e8 fe f0 fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146044d22 <+1346>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044d27 ; <+1351> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044d27 <+1351>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044d2e <+1358>: e8 ed f0 fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146044d33 <+1363>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044d38 ; <+1368> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044d38 <+1368>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044d3f <+1375>: e8 dc f0 fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146044d44 <+1380>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044d49 ; <+1385> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044d49 <+1385>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x146044d4c <+1388>: 48 8d 8d 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044d53 <+1395>: 48 89 48 18 movq %rcx, 0x18(%rax) 0x146044d57 <+1399>: 48 8d 8d 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044d5e <+1406>: 48 89 48 08 movq %rcx, 0x8(%rax) 0x146044d62 <+1410>: 48 c7 40 10 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, 0x10(%rax) 0x146044d6a <+1418>: c7 00 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, (%rax) 0x146044d70 <+1424>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044d77 <+1431>: 48 8d 75 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044d7b <+1435>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x146044d7d <+1437>: 41 b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %r8d 0x146044d83 <+1443>: 4c 8d 8d 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %r9 0x146044d8a <+1450>: 48 8b 8d 18 fe ff ff movq -0x1e8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044d91 <+1457>: e8 74 76 0d 00 callq 0x14611c40a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::transferContent(ucbhelper::Content const&, ucbhelper::InsertOperation, rtl::OUString const&, int, rtl::OUString const&, bool, rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString*, rtl::OUString const&) 0x146044d96 <+1462>: 88 85 17 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1e9(%rbp) 0x146044d9c <+1468>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044da1 ; <+1473> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044da1 <+1473>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044da8 <+1480>: 8a 85 17 fe ff ff movb -0x1e9(%rbp), %al 0x146044dae <+1486>: 34 ff xorb $-0x1, %al 0x146044db0 <+1488>: 88 85 16 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x1ea(%rbp) 0x146044db6 <+1494>: e8 35 fe fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044dbb <+1499>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044dc2 <+1506>: e8 29 fe fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044dc7 <+1511>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044dce <+1518>: e8 1d fe fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044dd3 <+1523>: 8a 85 16 fe ff ff movb -0x1ea(%rbp), %al 0x146044dd9 <+1529>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146044ddb <+1531>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146044de6 ; <+1542> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044de1 <+1537>: e9 6b 01 00 00 jmp 0x146044f51 ; <+1905> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044de6 <+1542>: b8 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %eax 0x146044deb <+1547>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146044ded <+1549>: e8 56 77 0d 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146044df2 <+1554>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146044df5 <+1557>: c6 85 b7 fe ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x149(%rbp) 0x146044dfc <+1564>: 48 8d 35 1b 7d 0f 00 leaq 0xf7d1b(%rip), %rsi ; "UCB transferContent() failed!" 0x146044e03 <+1571>: 48 8d 8d 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146044e0a <+1578>: 48 89 bd 08 fe ff ff movq %rdi, -0x1f8(%rbp) 0x146044e11 <+1585>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146044e14 <+1588>: 48 89 85 00 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x200(%rbp) 0x146044e1b <+1595>: e8 40 49 00 00 callq 0x146049760 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146044e20 <+1600>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044e25 ; <+1605> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044e25 <+1605>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146044e27 <+1607>: 89 c6 movl %eax, %esi 0x146044e29 <+1609>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044e30 <+1616>: e8 5b 51 fb ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146044e35 <+1621>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044e3a ; <+1626> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044e3a <+1626>: 48 8d b5 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146044e41 <+1633>: 48 8d 95 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146044e48 <+1640>: 48 8b bd 00 fe ff ff movq -0x200(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044e4f <+1647>: e8 6c 51 fb ff callq 0x145ff9fc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hpp:23 0x146044e54 <+1652>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044e59 ; <+1657> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044e59 <+1657>: c6 85 b7 fe ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x149(%rbp) 0x146044e60 <+1664>: 48 8b 35 f1 b1 13 00 movq 0x13b1f1(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18580: typeinfo for com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException 0x146044e67 <+1671>: 48 8d 15 82 51 fb ff leaq -0x4ae7e(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::~RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hdl:13 0x146044e6e <+1678>: 48 8b bd 08 fe ff ff movq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044e75 <+1685>: e8 f2 76 0d 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146044e7a <+1690>: e9 33 04 00 00 jmp 0x1460452b2 ; <+2770> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044e7f <+1695>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044e81 <+1697>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044e88 <+1704>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044e8e <+1710>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044ece ; <+1774> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044e93 <+1715>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044e95 <+1717>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044e9c <+1724>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044ea2 <+1730>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044ec2 ; <+1762> at dp_manager.cxx:619 0x146044ea7 <+1735>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044eae <+1742>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044eb0 <+1744>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044eb7 <+1751>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044ebd <+1757>: e8 2e fd fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044ec2 <+1762>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044ec9 <+1769>: e8 22 fd fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044ece <+1774>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044ed5 <+1781>: e8 16 fd fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044eda <+1786>: e9 14 03 00 00 jmp 0x1460451f3 ; <+2579> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044edf <+1791>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044ee1 <+1793>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044ee8 <+1800>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044eee <+1806>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044f2e ; <+1870> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044ef3 <+1811>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044ef5 <+1813>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044efc <+1820>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044f02 <+1826>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044f22 ; <+1858> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044f07 <+1831>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044f0e <+1838>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146044f10 <+1840>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146044f17 <+1847>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x146044f1d <+1853>: e8 3e 0f fb ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146044f22 <+1858>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044f29 <+1865>: e8 c2 fc fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146044f2e <+1870>: f6 85 b7 fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x149(%rbp) 0x146044f35 <+1877>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146044f40 ; <+1888> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044f3b <+1883>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044f4c ; <+1900> at dp_manager.cxx:622 0x146044f40 <+1888>: 48 8b bd 08 fe ff ff movq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044f47 <+1895>: e8 14 76 0d 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146044f4c <+1900>: e9 a2 02 00 00 jmp 0x1460451f3 ; <+2579> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146044f51 <+1905>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044f56 ; <+1910> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044f56 <+1910>: 48 8b 85 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rax 0x146044f5d <+1917>: 48 83 c0 70 addq $0x70, %rax 0x146044f61 <+1921>: 48 8d 35 93 5e 0f 00 leaq 0xf5e93(%rip), %rsi ; "bundled" 0x146044f68 <+1928>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146044f6b <+1931>: e8 e0 91 fc ff callq 0x14600e150 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [8])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146044f70 <+1936>: 88 85 ff fd ff ff movb %al, -0x201(%rbp) 0x146044f76 <+1942>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044f7b ; <+1947> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044f7b <+1947>: 8a 85 ff fd ff ff movb -0x201(%rbp), %al 0x146044f81 <+1953>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146044f83 <+1955>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146044f8e ; <+1966> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044f89 <+1961>: e9 44 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044fd2 ; <+2034> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044f8e <+1966>: 48 8d 35 8d 50 0f 00 leaq 0xf508d(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146044f95 <+1973>: 48 8d 15 a0 7b 0f 00 leaq 0xf7ba0(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/desktop/source/deployment/manager/dp_manager.cxx:628: " 0x146044f9c <+1980>: 48 8d 0d 9d 51 0f 00 leaq 0xf519d(%rip), %rcx ; "OSL_ASSERT: %s" 0x146044fa3 <+1987>: 4c 8d 05 e3 7b 0f 00 leaq 0xf7be3(%rip), %r8 ; "!(m_context == "bundled")" 0x146044faa <+1994>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146044fac <+1996>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x146044faf <+1999>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146044fb4 <+2004>: 40 88 bd fe fd ff ff movb %dil, -0x202(%rbp) 0x146044fbb <+2011>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146044fbd <+2013>: 8a 85 fe fd ff ff movb -0x202(%rbp), %al 0x146044fc3 <+2019>: e8 1e 74 0d 00 callq 0x14611c3e6 ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146044fc8 <+2024>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044fcd ; <+2029> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044fcd <+2029>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044fd2 ; <+2034> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044fd2 <+2034>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044fd7 ; <+2039> at dp_manager.cxx:628 0x146044fd7 <+2039>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044fdc ; <+2044> at dp_manager.cxx:629 0x146044fdc <+2044>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146044fe3 <+2051>: e8 6a 74 0d 00 callq 0x14611c452 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::getURL() const 0x146044fe8 <+2056>: 48 89 85 f0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x210(%rbp) 0x146044fef <+2063>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146044ff4 ; <+2068> at dp_manager.cxx:629 0x146044ff4 <+2068>: 48 8b 95 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rdx 0x146044ffb <+2075>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045002 <+2082>: 48 8b b5 f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rsi 0x146045009 <+2089>: e8 26 71 0d 00 callq 0x14611c134 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::makeURLAppendSysPathSegment(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x14604500e <+2094>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045013 ; <+2099> at dp_manager.cxx:631 0x146045013 <+2099>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604501a <+2106>: 48 8d b5 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146045021 <+2113>: e8 f6 70 0d 00 callq 0x14611c11c ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getDescriptionInfoset(rtl::OUString const&) 0x146045026 <+2118>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604502b ; <+2123> at dp_manager.cxx:632 0x14604502b <+2123>: 48 8b bd c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045032 <+2130>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x146045039 <+2137>: e8 b2 2e fb ff callq 0x145ff7ef0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x14604503e <+2142>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x146045045 <+2149>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604504a ; <+2154> at dp_manager.cxx:633 0x14604504a <+2154>: 48 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rax 0x146045051 <+2161>: 48 83 c0 08 addq $0x8, %rax 0x146045055 <+2165>: 48 8b b5 d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604505c <+2172>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14604505f <+2175>: e8 8c 2e fb ff callq 0x145ff7ef0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x146045064 <+2180>: 48 89 85 e0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x220(%rbp) 0x14604506b <+2187>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045070 ; <+2192> at dp_manager.cxx:634 0x146045070 <+2192>: 48 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rax 0x146045077 <+2199>: 48 83 c0 10 addq $0x10, %rax 0x14604507b <+2203>: 48 8b b5 e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rsi 0x146045082 <+2210>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146045085 <+2213>: e8 66 2e fb ff callq 0x145ff7ef0 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x14604508a <+2218>: 48 89 85 d8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x228(%rbp) 0x146045091 <+2225>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045096 ; <+2230> at dp_manager.cxx:635 0x146045096 <+2230>: 48 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rax 0x14604509d <+2237>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x1460450a1 <+2241>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460450a8 <+2248>: 48 8d b5 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460450af <+2255>: 48 89 85 d0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x230(%rbp) 0x1460450b6 <+2262>: e8 a3 70 0d 00 callq 0x14611c15e ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::DescriptionInfoset::getVersion() const 0x1460450bb <+2267>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460450c0 ; <+2272> at dp_manager.cxx:635 0x1460450c0 <+2272>: 48 8d b5 f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460450c7 <+2279>: 48 8b bd d0 fd ff ff movq -0x230(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460450ce <+2286>: e8 5d 3c fc ff callq 0x146008d30 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x1460450d3 <+2291>: 48 89 85 c8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x238(%rbp) 0x1460450da <+2298>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460450df ; <+2303> at dp_manager.cxx:635 0x1460450df <+2303>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460450e6 <+2310>: e8 05 fb fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460450eb <+2315>: 48 8b 95 e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdx 0x1460450f2 <+2322>: 48 8b bd 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460450f9 <+2329>: 48 83 c7 68 addq $0x68, %rdi 0x1460450fd <+2333>: 48 8d 45 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rax 0x146045101 <+2337>: 48 8d b5 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146045108 <+2344>: 48 8d 4d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604510c <+2348>: 48 89 bd c0 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x240(%rbp) 0x146045113 <+2355>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146045116 <+2358>: 4c 8b 85 c0 fd ff ff movq -0x240(%rbp), %r8 0x14604511d <+2365>: e8 3e 25 02 00 callq 0x146067660 ; dp_manager::ExtensionProperties::ExtensionProperties at dp_properties.cxx:74 0x146045122 <+2370>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045127 ; <+2375> at dp_manager.cxx:639 0x146045127 <+2375>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604512b <+2379>: e8 a0 25 02 00 callq 0x1460676d0 ; dp_manager::ExtensionProperties::write at dp_properties.cxx:107 0x146045130 <+2384>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045135 ; <+2389> at dp_manager.cxx:639 0x146045135 <+2389>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045139 <+2393>: c6 85 bb fe ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x145(%rbp) 0x146045140 <+2400>: e8 0b 39 fd ff callq 0x146018a50 ; dp_manager::ExtensionProperties::~ExtensionProperties at dp_properties.hxx:47 0x146045145 <+2405>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604514c <+2412>: e8 a1 6f 0d 00 callq 0x14611c0f2 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::DescriptionInfoset::~DescriptionInfoset() 0x146045151 <+2417>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045158 <+2424>: e8 93 fa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604515d <+2429>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045164 <+2436>: e8 d1 72 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x146045169 <+2441>: f6 85 bb fe ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x145(%rbp) 0x146045170 <+2448>: 0f 85 9a 00 00 00 jne 0x146045210 ; <+2608> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146045176 <+2454>: e9 89 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045204 ; <+2596> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x14604517b <+2459>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604517d <+2461>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146045184 <+2468>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x14604518a <+2474>: e9 58 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460451e7 ; <+2567> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x14604518f <+2479>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146045191 <+2481>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x146045198 <+2488>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x14604519e <+2494>: e9 38 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460451db ; <+2555> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x1460451a3 <+2499>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460451aa <+2506>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460451ac <+2508>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x1460451b3 <+2515>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x1460451b9 <+2521>: e8 32 fa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460451be <+2526>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460451db ; <+2555> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x1460451c3 <+2531>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460451c7 <+2535>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460451c9 <+2537>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x1460451d0 <+2544>: 89 8d bc fe ff ff movl %ecx, -0x144(%rbp) 0x1460451d6 <+2550>: e8 75 38 fd ff callq 0x146018a50 ; dp_manager::ExtensionProperties::~ExtensionProperties at dp_properties.hxx:47 0x1460451db <+2555>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460451e2 <+2562>: e8 0b 6f 0d 00 callq 0x14611c0f2 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::DescriptionInfoset::~DescriptionInfoset() 0x1460451e7 <+2567>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460451ee <+2574>: e8 fd f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460451f3 <+2579>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460451fa <+2586>: e8 3b 72 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x1460451ff <+2591>: e9 63 00 00 00 jmp 0x146045267 ; <+2695> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146045204 <+2596>: 48 8b bd a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604520b <+2603>: e8 e0 f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146045210 <+2608>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045217 <+2615>: e8 d4 f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604521c <+2620>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045220 <+2624>: e8 51 72 0d 00 callq 0x14611c476 ; symbol stub for: utl::TempFile::~TempFile() 0x146045225 <+2629>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604522c <+2636>: e8 bf f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146045231 <+2641>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045235 <+2645>: e8 86 f5 fc ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604523a <+2650>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604523e <+2654>: e8 f7 71 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x146045243 <+2659>: 48 8b 3d 0e b0 13 00 movq 0x13b00e(%rip), %rdi ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x14604524a <+2666>: 48 8b 3f movq (%rdi), %rdi 0x14604524d <+2669>: 48 3b 7d f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045251 <+2673>: 0f 85 5b 00 00 00 jne 0x1460452b2 ; <+2770> at dp_manager.cxx:641 0x146045257 <+2679>: 48 8b 85 a0 fe ff ff movq -0x160(%rbp), %rax 0x14604525e <+2686>: 48 81 c4 60 02 00 00 addq $0x260, %rsp ; imm = 0x260 0x146045265 <+2693>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146045266 <+2694>: c3 retq 0x146045267 <+2695>: 48 8b bd a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604526e <+2702>: e8 7d f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146045273 <+2707>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604527a <+2714>: e8 71 f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604527f <+2719>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045283 <+2723>: e8 ee 71 0d 00 callq 0x14611c476 ; symbol stub for: utl::TempFile::~TempFile() 0x146045288 <+2728>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604528f <+2735>: e8 5c f9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146045294 <+2740>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146045298 <+2744>: e8 23 f5 fc ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604529d <+2749>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460452a1 <+2753>: e8 94 71 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x1460452a6 <+2758>: 48 8b bd c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460452ad <+2765>: e8 c0 72 0d 00 callq 0x14611c572 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x1460452b2 <+2770>: e8 cd 72 0d 00 callq 0x14611c584 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146044c78 UNWIND PLANS for libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, ucbhelper::Content const&, rtl::OUString const&, dp_manager::ActivePackages::Data*) (start addr 0x1460447e0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 333136-0x0000000000052027) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 2694: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 2695: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x146123104, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 333136-0x0000000000052027) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x146123104, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 333136-0x0000000000052027) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 2694: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 2695: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x146123104, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 333136-0x0000000000052030) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x14604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage: 0x146049a80 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146049a81 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146049a84 <+4>: 48 81 ec e0 03 00 00 subq $0x3e0, %rsp ; imm = 0x3E0 0x146049a8b <+11>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146049a8e <+14>: 4c 8b 55 10 movq 0x10(%rbp), %r10 0x146049a92 <+18>: 4c 8b 1d bf 67 13 00 movq 0x1367bf(%rip), %r11 ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146049a99 <+25>: 4d 8b 1b movq (%r11), %r11 0x146049a9c <+28>: 4c 89 5d f8 movq %r11, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146049aa0 <+32>: 48 89 b5 d0 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x230(%rbp) 0x146049aa7 <+39>: 48 89 95 c8 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x238(%rbp) 0x146049aae <+46>: 48 89 8d c0 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x240(%rbp) 0x146049ab5 <+53>: 4c 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %r8, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146049abc <+60>: 4c 89 8d b0 fd ff ff movq %r9, -0x250(%rbp) 0x146049ac3 <+67>: 4c 89 95 a8 fd ff ff movq %r10, -0x258(%rbp) 0x146049aca <+74>: 48 8b 8d d0 fd ff ff movq -0x230(%rbp), %rcx 0x146049ad1 <+81>: 48 89 bd 40 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2c0(%rbp) 0x146049ad8 <+88>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146049adb <+91>: 48 89 85 38 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c8(%rbp) 0x146049ae2 <+98>: 48 89 8d 30 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2d0(%rbp) 0x146049ae9 <+105>: e8 52 f1 ff ff callq 0x146048c40 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::check at dp_manager.h:268 0x146049aee <+110>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049af3 ; <+115> at dp_manager.cxx:697 0x146049af3 <+115>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146049afa <+122>: f6 80 90 00 00 00 01 testb $0x1, 0x90(%rax) 0x146049b01 <+129>: 0f 84 b7 01 00 00 je 0x146049cbe ; <+574> at dp_manager.cxx:707 0x146049b07 <+135>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049b0b <+139>: e8 10 a3 fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146049b10 <+144>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049b15 ; <+149> at dp_manager.cxx:700 0x146049b15 <+149>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146049b1c <+156>: 48 83 c0 70 addq $0x70, %rax 0x146049b20 <+160>: 48 8d 35 ad 15 0f 00 leaq 0xf15ad(%rip), %rsi ; "shared" 0x146049b27 <+167>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146049b2a <+170>: e8 c1 88 fc ff callq 0x1460123f0 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [7])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146049b2f <+175>: 88 85 2f fd ff ff movb %al, -0x2d1(%rbp) 0x146049b35 <+181>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049b3a ; <+186> at dp_manager.cxx:700 0x146049b3a <+186>: 8a 85 2f fd ff ff movb -0x2d1(%rbp), %al 0x146049b40 <+192>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146049b42 <+194>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146049b4d ; <+205> at dp_manager.cxx:701 0x146049b48 <+200>: e9 49 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049b96 ; <+278> at dp_manager.cxx:703 0x146049b4d <+205>: 48 8d 35 53 30 0f 00 leaq 0xf3053(%rip), %rsi ; "You need write permissions to install a shared extension!" 0x146049b54 <+212>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049b58 <+216>: e8 43 cf ff ff callq 0x146046aa0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [58])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146049b5d <+221>: 48 89 85 20 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2e0(%rbp) 0x146049b64 <+228>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049b69 ; <+233> at dp_manager.cxx:701 0x146049b69 <+233>: e9 49 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049bb7 ; <+311> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049b6e <+238>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049b70 <+240>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049b77 <+247>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049b7d <+253>: e9 91 14 00 00 jmp 0x14604b013 ; <+5523> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x146049b82 <+258>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049b84 <+260>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049b8b <+267>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049b91 <+273>: e9 1a 01 00 00 jmp 0x146049cb0 ; <+560> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049b96 <+278>: 48 8d 35 44 30 0f 00 leaq 0xf3044(%rip), %rsi ; "You need write permissions to install this extension!" 0x146049b9d <+285>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049ba1 <+289>: e8 fa cf ff ff callq 0x146046ba0 ; rtl::OUString::operator=(char const (&) [54])::operator= at ustring.hxx:460 0x146049ba6 <+294>: 48 89 85 18 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2e8(%rbp) 0x146049bad <+301>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049bb2 ; <+306> at dp_manager.cxx:703 0x146049bb2 <+306>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049bb7 ; <+311> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049bb7 <+311>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x146049bbc <+316>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146049bbe <+318>: e8 85 29 0d 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146049bc3 <+323>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146049bc6 <+326>: c6 85 9b fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146049bcd <+333>: 48 8d 4d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rcx 0x146049bd1 <+337>: 48 89 bd 10 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x2f0(%rbp) 0x146049bd8 <+344>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146049bdb <+347>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049be2 <+354>: 48 89 85 08 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2f8(%rbp) 0x146049be9 <+361>: e8 a2 03 fb ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146049bee <+366>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049bf3 ; <+371> at dp_manager.cxx:705 0x146049bf3 <+371>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049bf7 <+375>: e8 04 4a fc ff callq 0x14600e600 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x146049bfc <+380>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049c01 ; <+385> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c01 <+385>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049c05 <+389>: 48 8d 55 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdx 0x146049c09 <+393>: 48 8d 4d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rcx 0x146049c0d <+397>: 48 8b bd 08 fd ff ff movq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049c14 <+404>: e8 37 c1 fc ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x146049c19 <+409>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049c1e ; <+414> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c1e <+414>: c6 85 9b fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146049c25 <+421>: 48 8b 35 e4 63 13 00 movq 0x1363e4(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f00: typeinfo for com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException 0x146049c2c <+428>: 48 8d 15 5d c1 fc ff leaq -0x33ea3(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x146049c33 <+435>: 48 8b bd 10 fd ff ff movq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049c3a <+442>: e8 2d 29 0d 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146049c3f <+447>: e9 04 14 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x146049c44 <+452>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049c46 <+454>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049c4d <+461>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049c53 <+467>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049c8d ; <+525> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c58 <+472>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049c5a <+474>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049c61 <+481>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049c67 <+487>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049c84 ; <+516> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c6c <+492>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049c70 <+496>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049c72 <+498>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049c79 <+505>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049c7f <+511>: e8 7c c8 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146049c84 <+516>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049c88 <+520>: e8 d3 c1 fa ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146049c8d <+525>: f6 85 9b fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x265(%rbp) 0x146049c94 <+532>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146049c9f ; <+543> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c9a <+538>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049cab ; <+555> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049c9f <+543>: 48 8b bd 10 fd ff ff movq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049ca6 <+550>: e8 b5 28 0d 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146049cab <+555>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049cb0 ; <+560> at dp_manager.cxx:704 0x146049cb0 <+560>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049cb4 <+564>: e8 37 af fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146049cb9 <+569>: e9 55 13 00 00 jmp 0x14604b013 ; <+5523> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x146049cbe <+574>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049cc2 <+578>: e8 d9 aa fc ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146049cc7 <+583>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049ccc ; <+588> at dp_manager.cxx:708 0x146049ccc <+588>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x146049cd3 <+595>: 48 05 b8 00 00 00 addq $0xb8, %rax 0x146049cd9 <+601>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146049cdc <+604>: e8 af 98 fa ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146049ce1 <+609>: 88 85 07 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x2f9(%rbp) 0x146049ce7 <+615>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049cec ; <+620> at dp_manager.cxx:708 0x146049cec <+620>: 8a 85 07 fd ff ff movb -0x2f9(%rbp), %al 0x146049cf2 <+626>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146049cf4 <+628>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146049cff ; <+639> at dp_manager.cxx:709 0x146049cfa <+634>: e9 d4 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049dd3 ; <+851> at dp_manager.cxx:711 0x146049cff <+639>: b8 50 00 00 00 movl $0x50, %eax 0x146049d04 <+644>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146049d06 <+646>: e8 d5 80 fc ff callq 0x146011de0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146049d0b <+651>: 48 89 85 f8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x308(%rbp) 0x146049d12 <+658>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049d17 ; <+663> at dp_manager.cxx:709 0x146049d17 <+663>: 48 8b 85 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rax 0x146049d1e <+670>: 48 8b b5 a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049d25 <+677>: 48 8b 8d 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146049d2c <+684>: 48 81 c1 b8 00 00 00 addq $0xb8, %rcx 0x146049d33 <+691>: 48 8b bd f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049d3a <+698>: 48 89 ca movq %rcx, %rdx 0x146049d3d <+701>: 48 89 85 f0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146049d44 <+708>: e8 47 df ff ff callq 0x146047c90 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl at dp_manager.cxx:1568 0x146049d49 <+713>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049d4e ; <+718> at dp_manager.cxx:709 0x146049d4e <+718>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146049d50 <+720>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146049d52 <+722>: 48 8b 95 f0 fc ff ff movq -0x310(%rbp), %rdx 0x146049d59 <+729>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146049d5d <+733>: 48 89 8d e8 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146049d64 <+740>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146049d7c ; <+764> at dp_manager.cxx:709 0x146049d6a <+746>: 48 8b 85 f0 fc ff ff movq -0x310(%rbp), %rax 0x146049d71 <+753>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146049d75 <+757>: 48 89 85 e8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146049d7c <+764>: 48 8b 85 e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rax 0x146049d83 <+771>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049d87 <+775>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146049d8a <+778>: e8 11 ec fc ff callq 0x1460189a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::set at Reference.hxx:232 0x146049d8f <+783>: 88 85 e7 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x319(%rbp) 0x146049d95 <+789>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049d9a ; <+794> at dp_manager.cxx:709 0x146049d9a <+794>: e9 54 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049df3 ; <+883> at dp_manager.cxx:714 0x146049d9f <+799>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049da1 <+801>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049da8 <+808>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049dae <+814>: e9 57 12 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x146049db3 <+819>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049db5 <+821>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049dbc <+828>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049dc2 <+834>: 48 8b bd f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049dc9 <+841>: e8 a2 31 fc ff callq 0x14600cf70 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146049dce <+846>: e9 37 12 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x146049dd3 <+851>: 48 8b b5 a8 fd ff ff movq -0x258(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049dda <+858>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049dde <+862>: e8 6d 12 00 00 callq 0x14604b050 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::set at Reference.hxx:264 0x146049de3 <+867>: 88 85 e6 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x31a(%rbp) 0x146049de9 <+873>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049dee ; <+878> at dp_manager.cxx:711 0x146049dee <+878>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049df3 ; <+883> at dp_manager.cxx:714 0x146049df3 <+883>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049df7 <+887>: e8 38 26 0d 00 callq 0x14611c434 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content() 0x146049dfc <+892>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e01 ; <+897> at dp_manager.cxx:715 0x146049e01 <+897>: 48 8b b5 c8 fd ff ff movq -0x238(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049e08 <+904>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e0c <+908>: 48 8d 55 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdx 0x146049e10 <+912>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x146049e15 <+917>: e8 de 22 0d 00 callq 0x14611c0f8 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::create_ucb_content(ucbhelper::Content*, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, bool) 0x146049e1a <+922>: 88 85 e5 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x31b(%rbp) 0x146049e20 <+928>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e25 ; <+933> at dp_manager.cxx:716 0x146049e25 <+933>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e29 <+937>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049e2d <+941>: e8 5e 12 00 00 callq 0x14604b090 ; dp_misc::StrTitle::getTitle at dp_ucb.h:47 0x146049e32 <+946>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e37 ; <+951> at dp_manager.cxx:717 0x146049e37 <+951>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e3b <+955>: 48 8d 75 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049e3f <+959>: ba 06 00 00 00 movl $0x6, %edx 0x146049e44 <+964>: 31 c9 xorl %ecx, %ecx 0x146049e46 <+966>: 41 b8 4c 00 00 00 movl $0x4c, %r8d 0x146049e4c <+972>: e8 5f b8 ff ff callq 0x1460456b0 ; rtl::Uri::encode at uri.hxx:95 0x146049e51 <+977>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e56 ; <+982> at dp_manager.cxx:721 0x146049e56 <+982>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e5a <+986>: e8 c1 9f fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146049e5f <+991>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e64 ; <+996> at dp_manager.cxx:723 0x146049e64 <+996>: 48 8b b5 b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049e6b <+1003>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e6f <+1007>: e8 fc d3 fa ff callq 0x145ff7270 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:128 0x146049e74 <+1012>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e79 ; <+1017> at dp_manager.cxx:724 0x146049e79 <+1017>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049e7d <+1021>: e8 de 67 fd ff callq 0x146020660 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x146049e82 <+1026>: 88 85 e4 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x31c(%rbp) 0x146049e88 <+1032>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049e8d ; <+1037> at dp_manager.cxx:724 0x146049e8d <+1037>: 8a 85 e4 fc ff ff movb -0x31c(%rbp), %al 0x146049e93 <+1043>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146049e95 <+1045>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146049ea0 ; <+1056> at dp_manager.cxx:725 0x146049e9b <+1051>: e9 da 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049f7a ; <+1274> at dp_manager.cxx:727 0x146049ea0 <+1056>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049ea4 <+1060>: 48 8d 55 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdx 0x146049ea8 <+1064>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x146049ead <+1069>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049eb4 <+1076>: e8 27 a2 ff ff callq 0x1460440e0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::detectMediaType at dp_manager.cxx:538 0x146049eb9 <+1081>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049ebe ; <+1086> at dp_manager.cxx:725 0x146049ebe <+1086>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049ec2 <+1090>: 48 8d 75 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049ec6 <+1094>: e8 65 ee fb ff callq 0x146008d30 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146049ecb <+1099>: 48 89 85 d8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x328(%rbp) 0x146049ed2 <+1106>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049ed7 ; <+1111> at dp_manager.cxx:725 0x146049ed7 <+1111>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049edb <+1115>: e8 10 ad fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146049ee0 <+1120>: e9 95 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049f7a ; <+1274> at dp_manager.cxx:727 0x146049ee5 <+1125>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049ee7 <+1127>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049eee <+1134>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049ef4 <+1140>: e9 65 0c 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab5e ; <+4318> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049ef9 <+1145>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049efb <+1147>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f02 <+1154>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f08 <+1160>: e9 48 0c 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab55 ; <+4309> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f0d <+1165>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049f0f <+1167>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f16 <+1174>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f1c <+1180>: e9 2b 0c 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab4c ; <+4300> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f21 <+1185>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049f23 <+1187>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f2a <+1194>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f30 <+1200>: e9 0e 0c 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab43 ; <+4291> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f35 <+1205>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049f37 <+1207>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f3e <+1214>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f44 <+1220>: e9 f1 0b 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab3a ; <+4282> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f49 <+1225>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049f4b <+1227>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f52 <+1234>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f58 <+1240>: e9 d4 0b 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab31 ; <+4273> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f5d <+1245>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049f61 <+1249>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146049f63 <+1251>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146049f6a <+1258>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x146049f70 <+1264>: e8 7b ac fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146049f75 <+1269>: e9 b7 0b 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab31 ; <+4273> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x146049f7a <+1274>: c6 85 9a fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x266(%rbp) 0x146049f81 <+1281>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049f88 <+1288>: e8 e3 51 fc ff callq 0x14600f170 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146049f8d <+1293>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049f92 ; <+1298> at dp_manager.cxx:730 0x146049f92 <+1298>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049f99 <+1305>: be bb 0b 00 00 movl $0xbbb, %esi ; imm = 0xBBB 0x146049f9e <+1310>: e8 3d 21 0d 00 callq 0x14611c0e0 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getResourceString(unsigned short) 0x146049fa3 <+1315>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049fa8 ; <+1320> at dp_manager.cxx:730 0x146049fa8 <+1320>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049faf <+1327>: 48 8d 75 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049fb3 <+1331>: e8 18 7b fd ff callq 0x146021ad0 ; rtl::operator+(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:264 0x146049fb8 <+1336>: 48 89 95 d0 fc ff ff movq %rdx, -0x330(%rbp) 0x146049fbf <+1343>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146049fc6 <+1350>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049fcb ; <+1355> at dp_manager.cxx:730 0x146049fcb <+1355>: 48 8b 85 c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rax 0x146049fd2 <+1362>: 48 89 45 80 movq %rax, -0x80(%rbp) 0x146049fd6 <+1366>: 48 8b 8d d0 fc ff ff movq -0x330(%rbp), %rcx 0x146049fdd <+1373>: 48 89 4d 88 movq %rcx, -0x78(%rbp) 0x146049fe1 <+1377>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049fe5 <+1381>: 48 8d 75 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049fe9 <+1385>: e8 62 7b fd ff callq 0x146021b50 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:381 0x146049fee <+1390>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146049ff3 ; <+1395> at dp_manager.cxx:729 0x146049ff3 <+1395>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146049ff7 <+1399>: 48 8d 75 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rsi 0x146049ffb <+1403>: e8 70 11 00 00 callq 0x14604b170 ; dp_misc::progressUpdate at dp_interact.h:36 0x14604a000 <+1408>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a005 ; <+1413> at dp_manager.cxx:729 0x14604a005 <+1413>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a009 <+1417>: e8 e2 ab fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a00e <+1422>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a015 <+1429>: e8 d6 ab fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a01a <+1434>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a021 <+1441>: 48 81 c7 98 00 00 00 addq $0x98, %rdi 0x14604a028 <+1448>: e8 33 66 fd ff callq 0x146020660 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x14604a02d <+1453>: 88 85 c7 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x339(%rbp) 0x14604a033 <+1459>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a038 ; <+1464> at dp_manager.cxx:731 0x14604a038 <+1464>: 8a 85 c7 fc ff ff movb -0x339(%rbp), %al 0x14604a03e <+1470>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14604a040 <+1472>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a04b ; <+1483> at dp_manager.cxx:733 0x14604a046 <+1478>: e9 96 05 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5e1 ; <+2913> at dp_manager.cxx:757 0x14604a04b <+1483>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a052 <+1490>: e8 dd 23 0d 00 callq 0x14611c434 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content() 0x14604a057 <+1495>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a05c ; <+1500> at dp_manager.cxx:734 0x14604a05c <+1500>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a063 <+1507>: 48 83 c0 70 addq $0x70, %rax 0x14604a067 <+1511>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a06e <+1518>: 48 8d 55 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a072 <+1522>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x14604a077 <+1527>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604a07a <+1530>: e8 19 20 0d 00 callq 0x14611c098 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::create_folder(ucbhelper::Content*, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, bool) 0x14604a07f <+1535>: 88 85 c6 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x33a(%rbp) 0x14604a085 <+1541>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a08a ; <+1546> at dp_manager.cxx:738 0x14604a08a <+1546>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a091 <+1553>: e8 8a 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x14604a096 <+1558>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a09b ; <+1563> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a09b <+1563>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a0a2 <+1570>: e8 79 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x14604a0a7 <+1575>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a0ac ; <+1580> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a0ac <+1580>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a0b3 <+1587>: e8 68 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x14604a0b8 <+1592>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a0bd ; <+1597> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a0bd <+1597>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a0c4 <+1604>: e8 57 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x14604a0c9 <+1609>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a0ce ; <+1614> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a0ce <+1614>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x14604a0d1 <+1617>: 48 8d 8d 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a0d8 <+1624>: 48 89 48 18 movq %rcx, 0x18(%rax) 0x14604a0dc <+1628>: 48 8d 8d 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a0e3 <+1635>: 48 89 48 08 movq %rcx, 0x8(%rax) 0x14604a0e7 <+1639>: 48 c7 40 10 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, 0x10(%rax) 0x14604a0ef <+1647>: c7 00 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, (%rax) 0x14604a0f5 <+1653>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a0fc <+1660>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a100 <+1664>: 31 d2 xorl %edx, %edx 0x14604a102 <+1666>: 48 8d 8d 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a109 <+1673>: 41 b8 04 00 00 00 movl $0x4, %r8d 0x14604a10f <+1679>: 4c 8d 8d 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %r9 0x14604a116 <+1686>: e8 ef 22 0d 00 callq 0x14611c40a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::transferContent(ucbhelper::Content const&, ucbhelper::InsertOperation, rtl::OUString const&, int, rtl::OUString const&, bool, rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString*, rtl::OUString const&) 0x14604a11b <+1691>: 88 85 c5 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x33b(%rbp) 0x14604a121 <+1697>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a126 ; <+1702> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a126 <+1702>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a12d <+1709>: 8a 85 c5 fc ff ff movb -0x33b(%rbp), %al 0x14604a133 <+1715>: 34 ff xorb $-0x1, %al 0x14604a135 <+1717>: 88 85 c4 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14604a13b <+1723>: e8 b0 aa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a140 <+1728>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a147 <+1735>: e8 a4 aa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a14c <+1740>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a153 <+1747>: e8 98 aa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a158 <+1752>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a15f <+1759>: e8 8c aa fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a164 <+1764>: 8a 85 c4 fc ff ff movb -0x33c(%rbp), %al 0x14604a16a <+1770>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14604a16c <+1772>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a177 ; <+1783> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a172 <+1778>: e9 f0 01 00 00 jmp 0x14604a367 ; <+2279> at dp_manager.cxx:743 0x14604a177 <+1783>: b8 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %eax 0x14604a17c <+1788>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x14604a17e <+1790>: e8 c5 23 0d 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x14604a183 <+1795>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14604a186 <+1798>: c6 85 97 fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x269(%rbp) 0x14604a18d <+1805>: 48 8d 35 8a 29 0f 00 leaq 0xf298a(%rip), %rsi ; "UCB transferContent() failed!" 0x14604a194 <+1812>: 48 8d 8d 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a19b <+1819>: 48 89 bd b8 fc ff ff movq %rdi, -0x348(%rbp) 0x14604a1a2 <+1826>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x14604a1a5 <+1829>: 48 89 85 b0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x350(%rbp) 0x14604a1ac <+1836>: e8 af f5 ff ff callq 0x146049760 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14604a1b1 <+1841>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a1b6 ; <+1846> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a1b6 <+1846>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x14604a1b8 <+1848>: 89 c6 movl %eax, %esi 0x14604a1ba <+1850>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a1c1 <+1857>: e8 ca fd fa ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14604a1c6 <+1862>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a1cb ; <+1867> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a1cb <+1867>: 48 8d b5 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a1d2 <+1874>: 48 8d 95 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a1d9 <+1881>: 48 8b bd b0 fc ff ff movq -0x350(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a1e0 <+1888>: e8 db fd fa ff callq 0x145ff9fc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hpp:23 0x14604a1e5 <+1893>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a1ea ; <+1898> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a1ea <+1898>: c6 85 97 fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x269(%rbp) 0x14604a1f1 <+1905>: 48 8b 35 60 5e 13 00 movq 0x135e60(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18580: typeinfo for com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException 0x14604a1f8 <+1912>: 48 8d 15 f1 fd fa ff leaq -0x5020f(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::~RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hdl:13 0x14604a1ff <+1919>: 48 8b bd b8 fc ff ff movq -0x348(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a206 <+1926>: e8 61 23 0d 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x14604a20b <+1931>: e9 38 0e 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604a210 <+1936>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a212 <+1938>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a219 <+1945>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a21f <+1951>: e9 01 09 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab25 ; <+4261> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a224 <+1956>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a226 <+1958>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a22d <+1965>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a233 <+1971>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a250 ; <+2000> at dp_manager.cxx:729 0x14604a238 <+1976>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a23c <+1980>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a23e <+1982>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a245 <+1989>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a24b <+1995>: e8 a0 a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a250 <+2000>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a257 <+2007>: e8 94 a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a25c <+2012>: e9 c4 08 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab25 ; <+4261> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a261 <+2017>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a263 <+2019>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a26a <+2026>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a270 <+2032>: e9 5b 03 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5d0 ; <+2896> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a275 <+2037>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a277 <+2039>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a27e <+2046>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a284 <+2052>: e9 5b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a2e4 ; <+2148> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a289 <+2057>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a28b <+2059>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a292 <+2066>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a298 <+2072>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a2d8 ; <+2136> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a29d <+2077>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a29f <+2079>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a2a6 <+2086>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a2ac <+2092>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a2cc ; <+2124> at dp_manager.cxx:736 0x14604a2b1 <+2097>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a2b8 <+2104>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a2ba <+2106>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a2c1 <+2113>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a2c7 <+2119>: e8 24 a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a2cc <+2124>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a2d3 <+2131>: e8 18 a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a2d8 <+2136>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a2df <+2143>: e8 0c a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a2e4 <+2148>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a2eb <+2155>: e8 00 a9 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a2f0 <+2160>: e9 db 02 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5d0 ; <+2896> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a2f5 <+2165>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a2f7 <+2167>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a2fe <+2174>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a304 <+2180>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a344 ; <+2244> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a309 <+2185>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a30b <+2187>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a312 <+2194>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a318 <+2200>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a338 ; <+2232> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a31d <+2205>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a324 <+2212>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a326 <+2214>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a32d <+2221>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a333 <+2227>: e8 28 bb fa ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604a338 <+2232>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a33f <+2239>: e8 ac a8 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a344 <+2244>: f6 85 97 fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x269(%rbp) 0x14604a34b <+2251>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a356 ; <+2262> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a351 <+2257>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a362 ; <+2274> at dp_manager.cxx:740 0x14604a356 <+2262>: 48 8b bd b8 fc ff ff movq -0x348(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a35d <+2269>: e8 fe 21 0d 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x14604a362 <+2274>: e9 69 02 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5d0 ; <+2896> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a367 <+2279>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a36e <+2286>: 48 83 c0 70 addq $0x70, %rax 0x14604a372 <+2290>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a379 <+2297>: 48 8d 55 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a37d <+2301>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604a380 <+2304>: e8 c1 1d 0d 00 callq 0x14611c146 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::makeURL(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x14604a385 <+2309>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a38a ; <+2314> at dp_manager.cxx:743 0x14604a38a <+2314>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a391 <+2321>: 48 83 c0 68 addq $0x68, %rax 0x14604a395 <+2325>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a39c <+2332>: 48 8d b5 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a3a3 <+2339>: 48 8d 55 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a3a7 <+2343>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x14604a3aa <+2346>: e8 79 20 0d 00 callq 0x14611c428 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x14604a3af <+2351>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a3b4 ; <+2356> at dp_manager.cxx:742 0x14604a3b4 <+2356>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a3bb <+2363>: e8 30 a8 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a3c0 <+2368>: 48 8d 35 c9 25 0f 00 leaq 0xf25c9(%rip), %rsi ; "MediaType" 0x14604a3c7 <+2375>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a3ce <+2382>: e8 7d ef ff ff callq 0x146049350 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14604a3d3 <+2387>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a3d8 ; <+2392> at dp_manager.cxx:748 0x14604a3d8 <+2392>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a3df <+2399>: 48 8d 75 a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a3e3 <+2403>: e8 a8 b4 fd ff callq 0x146025890 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:62 0x14604a3e8 <+2408>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a3ed ; <+2413> at dp_manager.cxx:748 0x14604a3ed <+2413>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a3f4 <+2420>: 48 8d b5 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a3fb <+2427>: 48 8d 95 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a402 <+2434>: 48 8d 8d f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a409 <+2441>: e8 08 20 0d 00 callq 0x14611c416 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::setPropertyValue(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x14604a40e <+2446>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a413 ; <+2451> at dp_manager.cxx:748 0x14604a413 <+2451>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a41a <+2458>: e8 e1 c0 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a41f <+2463>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a426 <+2470>: e8 d5 c0 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a42b <+2475>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a432 <+2482>: e8 b9 a7 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a437 <+2487>: 48 8d 35 d9 27 0f 00 leaq 0xf27d9(%rip), %rsi ; "flush" 0x14604a43e <+2494>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a445 <+2501>: e8 66 0e 00 00 callq 0x14604b2b0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14604a44a <+2506>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a44f ; <+2511> at dp_manager.cxx:752 0x14604a44f <+2511>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a456 <+2518>: e8 a5 41 fc ff callq 0x14600e600 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x14604a45b <+2523>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a460 ; <+2528> at dp_manager.cxx:752 0x14604a460 <+2528>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a467 <+2535>: 48 8d b5 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a46e <+2542>: 48 8d 95 d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a475 <+2549>: 48 8d 8d c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a47c <+2556>: e8 83 1f 0d 00 callq 0x14611c404 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::executeCommand(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x14604a481 <+2561>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a486 ; <+2566> at dp_manager.cxx:752 0x14604a486 <+2566>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a48d <+2573>: e8 6e c0 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a492 <+2578>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a499 <+2585>: e8 62 c0 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a49e <+2590>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a4a5 <+2597>: e8 46 a7 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a4aa <+2602>: e9 f8 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5a7 ; <+2855> at dp_manager.cxx:755 0x14604a4af <+2607>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a4b6 <+2614>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a4b8 <+2616>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a4bf <+2623>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a4c5 <+2629>: e8 26 a7 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a4ca <+2634>: e9 01 01 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5d0 ; <+2896> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a4cf <+2639>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a4d1 <+2641>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a4d8 <+2648>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a4de <+2654>: e9 e1 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5c4 ; <+2884> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a4e3 <+2659>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a4e5 <+2661>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a4ec <+2668>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a4f2 <+2674>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a512 ; <+2706> at dp_manager.cxx:748 0x14604a4f7 <+2679>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a4fe <+2686>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a500 <+2688>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a507 <+2695>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a50d <+2701>: e8 ee bf fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a512 <+2706>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a519 <+2713>: e8 d2 a6 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a51e <+2718>: e9 a1 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5c4 ; <+2884> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a523 <+2723>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a525 <+2725>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a52c <+2732>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a532 <+2738>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a572 ; <+2802> at dp_manager.cxx:753 0x14604a537 <+2743>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a539 <+2745>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a540 <+2752>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a546 <+2758>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a566 ; <+2790> at dp_manager.cxx:752 0x14604a54b <+2763>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a552 <+2770>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a554 <+2772>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a55b <+2779>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a561 <+2785>: e8 9a bf fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604a566 <+2790>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a56d <+2797>: e8 7e a6 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a572 <+2802>: 8b 85 9c fd ff ff movl -0x264(%rbp), %eax 0x14604a578 <+2808>: b9 08 00 00 00 movl $0x8, %ecx 0x14604a57d <+2813>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x14604a57f <+2815>: 0f 85 3f 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a5c4 ; <+2884> at dp_manager.cxx:756 0x14604a585 <+2821>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a58c <+2828>: e8 bd 1f 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604a591 <+2833>: 48 89 85 80 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x280(%rbp) 0x14604a598 <+2840>: e8 bd 1f 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604a59d <+2845>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5a2 ; <+2850> at dp_manager.cxx:755 0x14604a5a2 <+2850>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5a7 ; <+2855> at dp_manager.cxx:755 0x14604a5a7 <+2855>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a5ae <+2862>: e8 87 1e 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604a5b3 <+2867>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a5ba <+2874>: e8 7b 1e 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604a5bf <+2879>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5e1 ; <+2913> at dp_manager.cxx:757 0x14604a5c4 <+2884>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a5cb <+2891>: e8 6a 1e 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604a5d0 <+2896>: 48 8d bd 70 ff ff ff leaq -0x90(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a5d7 <+2903>: e8 5e 1e 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604a5dc <+2908>: e9 44 05 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab25 ; <+4261> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a5e1 <+2913>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a5e8 <+2920>: e8 93 e7 fb ff callq 0x146008d80 ; dp_manager::ActivePackages::Data::Data at dp_activepackages.hxx:41 0x14604a5ed <+2925>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a5f2 ; <+2930> at dp_manager.cxx:759 0x14604a5f2 <+2930>: 48 8b 95 c0 fd ff ff movq -0x240(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a5f9 <+2937>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x14604a5fc <+2940>: 48 8d 8d 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a603 <+2947>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x14604a606 <+2950>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a60d <+2957>: 48 8d 4d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a611 <+2961>: 4c 8d 45 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %r8 0x14604a615 <+2965>: 4c 8d 4d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %r9 0x14604a619 <+2969>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a620 <+2976>: e8 bb a1 ff ff callq 0x1460447e0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer at dp_manager.cxx:579 0x14604a625 <+2981>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a62a ; <+2986> at dp_manager.cxx:758 0x14604a62a <+2986>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a62e <+2990>: 48 8d b5 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a635 <+2997>: e8 f6 e6 fb ff callq 0x146008d30 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x14604a63a <+3002>: 48 89 85 a8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x358(%rbp) 0x14604a641 <+3009>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a646 ; <+3014> at dp_manager.cxx:758 0x14604a646 <+3014>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a64d <+3021>: e8 9e a5 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a652 <+3026>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a659 <+3033>: 48 81 c7 c0 00 00 00 addq $0xc0, %rdi 0x14604a660 <+3040>: e8 5b e8 ff ff callq 0x146048ec0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14604a665 <+3045>: 48 89 85 a0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x360(%rbp) 0x14604a66c <+3052>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a671 ; <+3057> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a671 <+3057>: 48 8b 85 a0 fc ff ff movq -0x360(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a678 <+3064>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14604a67b <+3067>: 48 8b 49 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rcx 0x14604a67f <+3071>: 48 8d bd 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a686 <+3078>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a68a <+3082>: 48 8d 55 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a68e <+3086>: 48 89 8d 98 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x368(%rbp) 0x14604a695 <+3093>: e8 ac 1a 0d 00 callq 0x14611c146 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::makeURL(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&) 0x14604a69a <+3098>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a69f ; <+3103> at dp_manager.cxx:768 0x14604a69f <+3103>: 48 8d bd 78 fe ff ff leaq -0x188(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a6a6 <+3110>: e8 75 97 fa ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x14604a6ab <+3115>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a6b0 ; <+3120> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a6b0 <+3120>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x14604a6b3 <+3123>: 48 8d 4d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a6b7 <+3127>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x14604a6ba <+3130>: 48 8d bd 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a6c1 <+3137>: 48 8d 95 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a6c8 <+3144>: 48 8d 4d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a6cc <+3148>: 45 31 c0 xorl %r8d, %r8d 0x14604a6cf <+3151>: 4c 8d 8d 78 fe ff ff leaq -0x188(%rbp), %r9 0x14604a6d6 <+3158>: 48 8b b5 a0 fc ff ff movq -0x360(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a6dd <+3165>: 48 8b 85 98 fc ff ff movq -0x368(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a6e4 <+3172>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x14604a6e6 <+3174>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a6eb ; <+3179> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a6eb <+3179>: 48 8d b5 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a6f2 <+3186>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a6f9 <+3193>: e8 e2 9f fc ff callq 0x1460146e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x14604a6fe <+3198>: 48 89 85 90 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x370(%rbp) 0x14604a705 <+3205>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a70a ; <+3210> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a70a <+3210>: 48 8d bd 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a711 <+3217>: e8 ba 4c fc ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604a716 <+3222>: 48 8d bd 78 fe ff ff leaq -0x188(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a71d <+3229>: e8 ce a4 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a722 <+3234>: 48 8d bd 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a729 <+3241>: e8 c2 a4 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a72e <+3246>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a735 <+3253>: e8 56 8e fa ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x14604a73a <+3258>: 88 85 8f fc ff ff movb %al, -0x371(%rbp) 0x14604a740 <+3264>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a745 ; <+3269> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a745 <+3269>: 8a 85 8f fc ff ff movb -0x371(%rbp), %al 0x14604a74b <+3275>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14604a74d <+3277>: 0f 85 dd 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a830 ; <+3504> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a753 <+3283>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a758 ; <+3288> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a758 <+3288>: 48 8d 35 c3 f8 0e 00 leaq 0xef8c3(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x14604a75f <+3295>: 48 8d 15 b7 24 0f 00 leaq 0xf24b7(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/desktop/source/deployment/manager/dp_manager.cxx:770: " 0x14604a766 <+3302>: 48 8d 0d d3 f9 0e 00 leaq 0xef9d3(%rip), %rcx ; "OSL_ASSERT: %s" 0x14604a76d <+3309>: 4c 8d 05 fa 24 0f 00 leaq 0xf24fa(%rip), %r8 ; "" 0x14604a774 <+3316>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x14604a776 <+3318>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x14604a779 <+3321>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x14604a77e <+3326>: 40 88 bd 8e fc ff ff movb %dil, -0x372(%rbp) 0x14604a785 <+3333>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x14604a787 <+3335>: 8a 85 8e fc ff ff movb -0x372(%rbp), %al 0x14604a78d <+3341>: e8 54 1c 0d 00 callq 0x14611c3e6 ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x14604a792 <+3346>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a797 ; <+3351> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a797 <+3351>: e9 94 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a830 ; <+3504> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a79c <+3356>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a79e <+3358>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a7a5 <+3365>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a7ab <+3371>: e9 26 03 00 00 jmp 0x14604aad6 ; <+4182> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a7b0 <+3376>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a7b7 <+3383>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a7b9 <+3385>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a7c0 <+3392>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a7c6 <+3398>: e8 25 a4 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a7cb <+3403>: e9 06 03 00 00 jmp 0x14604aad6 ; <+4182> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a7d0 <+3408>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a7d2 <+3410>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a7d9 <+3417>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a7df <+3423>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a81f ; <+3487> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a7e4 <+3428>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a7e6 <+3430>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a7ed <+3437>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a7f3 <+3443>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a813 ; <+3475> at dp_manager.cxx:767 0x14604a7f8 <+3448>: 48 8d bd 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a7ff <+3455>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a801 <+3457>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a808 <+3464>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a80e <+3470>: e8 bd 4b fc ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604a813 <+3475>: 48 8d bd 78 fe ff ff leaq -0x188(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a81a <+3482>: e8 d1 a3 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a81f <+3487>: 48 8d bd 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a826 <+3494>: e8 c5 a3 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a82b <+3499>: e9 a6 02 00 00 jmp 0x14604aad6 ; <+4182> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604a830 <+3504>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a835 ; <+3509> at dp_manager.cxx:770 0x14604a835 <+3509>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a83a ; <+3514> at dp_manager.cxx:771 0x14604a83a <+3514>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a841 <+3521>: e8 4a 8d fa ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x14604a846 <+3526>: 88 85 8d fc ff ff movb %al, -0x373(%rbp) 0x14604a84c <+3532>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a851 ; <+3537> at dp_manager.cxx:771 0x14604a851 <+3537>: 8a 85 8d fc ff ff movb -0x373(%rbp), %al 0x14604a857 <+3543>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14604a859 <+3545>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a864 ; <+3556> at dp_manager.cxx:773 0x14604a85f <+3551>: e9 43 02 00 00 jmp 0x14604aaa7 ; <+4135> at dp_manager.cxx:799 0x14604a864 <+3556>: c6 85 7f fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x281(%rbp) 0x14604a86b <+3563>: 48 8d bd 70 fe ff ff leaq -0x190(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a872 <+3570>: 48 8b b5 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a879 <+3577>: e8 20 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c09e ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getIdentifier(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x14604a87e <+3582>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a883 ; <+3587> at dp_manager.cxx:778 0x14604a883 <+3587>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a88a <+3594>: 48 05 b0 00 00 00 addq $0xb0, %rax 0x14604a890 <+3600>: 48 8d bd 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a897 <+3607>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604a89a <+3610>: e8 51 02 fd ff callq 0x14601aaf0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x14604a89f <+3615>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a8a4 ; <+3620> at dp_manager.cxx:779 0x14604a8a4 <+3620>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a8ab <+3627>: 48 8b b5 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a8b2 <+3634>: e8 d9 ee ff ff callq 0x146049790 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::isInstalled at dp_manager.cxx:658 0x14604a8b7 <+3639>: 88 85 8c fc ff ff movb %al, -0x374(%rbp) 0x14604a8bd <+3645>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a8c2 ; <+3650> at dp_manager.cxx:779 0x14604a8c2 <+3650>: 8a 85 8c fc ff ff movb -0x374(%rbp), %al 0x14604a8c8 <+3656>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14604a8ca <+3658>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604a8d5 ; <+3669> at dp_manager.cxx:782 0x14604a8d0 <+3664>: e9 ea 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a9bf ; <+3903> at dp_manager.cxx:785 0x14604a8d5 <+3669>: 48 8b 85 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a8dc <+3676>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14604a8df <+3679>: 48 8b 89 98 00 00 00 movq 0x98(%rcx), %rcx 0x14604a8e6 <+3686>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a8ed <+3693>: 48 89 8d 80 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x380(%rbp) 0x14604a8f4 <+3700>: e8 f7 b9 fc ff callq 0x1460162f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14604a8f9 <+3705>: 48 89 85 78 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x388(%rbp) 0x14604a900 <+3712>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a905 ; <+3717> at dp_manager.cxx:782 0x14604a905 <+3717>: 48 8b 85 78 fc ff ff movq -0x388(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a90c <+3724>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14604a90f <+3727>: 48 8b 49 70 movq 0x70(%rcx), %rcx 0x14604a913 <+3731>: 48 8d bd 60 fe ff ff leaq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a91a <+3738>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604a91d <+3741>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x14604a91f <+3743>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a924 ; <+3748> at dp_manager.cxx:782 0x14604a924 <+3748>: 48 8b 8d b0 fd ff ff movq -0x250(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604a92b <+3755>: 48 8d b5 70 fe ff ff leaq -0x190(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a932 <+3762>: 48 8d 95 60 fe ff ff leaq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a939 <+3769>: 4c 8d 45 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %r8 0x14604a93d <+3773>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a944 <+3780>: 48 8b 85 80 fc ff ff movq -0x380(%rbp), %rax 0x14604a94b <+3787>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x14604a94d <+3789>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a952 ; <+3794> at dp_manager.cxx:782 0x14604a952 <+3794>: 48 8d bd 60 fe ff ff leaq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a959 <+3801>: e8 92 a2 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a95e <+3806>: e9 5c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a9bf ; <+3903> at dp_manager.cxx:785 0x14604a963 <+3811>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a965 <+3813>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a96c <+3820>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a972 <+3826>: e9 a3 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa1a ; <+3994> at dp_manager.cxx:787 0x14604a977 <+3831>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a979 <+3833>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a980 <+3840>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a986 <+3846>: e9 83 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa0e ; <+3982> at dp_manager.cxx:787 0x14604a98b <+3851>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a98d <+3853>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a994 <+3860>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a99a <+3866>: e9 63 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa02 ; <+3970> at dp_manager.cxx:787 0x14604a99f <+3871>: 48 8d bd 60 fe ff ff leaq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a9a6 <+3878>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604a9a8 <+3880>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604a9af <+3887>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604a9b5 <+3893>: e8 36 a2 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a9ba <+3898>: e9 43 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa02 ; <+3970> at dp_manager.cxx:787 0x14604a9bf <+3903>: c6 85 7f fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x281(%rbp) 0x14604a9c6 <+3910>: 48 8d b5 70 fe ff ff leaq -0x190(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604a9cd <+3917>: 48 8d 95 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604a9d4 <+3924>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a9db <+3931>: e8 e0 a8 ff ff callq 0x1460452c0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayerDB at dp_manager.cxx:646 0x14604a9e0 <+3936>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604a9e5 ; <+3941> at dp_manager.cxx:786 0x14604a9e5 <+3941>: 48 8d bd 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a9ec <+3948>: e8 4f cc fa ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14604a9f1 <+3953>: 48 8d bd 70 fe ff ff leaq -0x190(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604a9f8 <+3960>: e8 f3 a1 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604a9fd <+3965>: e9 68 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa6a ; <+4074> at dp_manager.cxx:793 0x14604aa02 <+3970>: 48 8d bd 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa09 <+3977>: e8 32 cc fa ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14604aa0e <+3982>: 48 8d bd 70 fe ff ff leaq -0x190(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa15 <+3989>: e8 d6 a1 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604aa1a <+3994>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa21 <+4001>: e8 28 1b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604aa26 <+4006>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604aa2a <+4010>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa31 <+4017>: 48 89 85 70 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x390(%rbp) 0x14604aa38 <+4024>: e8 a3 08 00 00 callq 0x14604b2e0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::deletePackageFromCache at dp_manager.cxx:828 0x14604aa3d <+4029>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa42 ; <+4034> at dp_manager.cxx:791 0x14604aa42 <+4034>: e8 1f 1b 0d 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14604aa47 <+4039>: e9 fc 05 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604aa4c <+4044>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604aa4e <+4046>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604aa55 <+4053>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604aa5b <+4059>: e8 fa 1a 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604aa60 <+4064>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa65 ; <+4069> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604aa65 <+4069>: e9 6c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aad6 ; <+4182> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604aa6a <+4074>: f6 85 7f fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x281(%rbp) 0x14604aa71 <+4081>: 0f 85 1a 00 00 00 jne 0x14604aa91 ; <+4113> at dp_manager.cxx:798 0x14604aa77 <+4087>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604aa7b <+4091>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa82 <+4098>: e8 59 08 00 00 callq 0x14604b2e0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::deletePackageFromCache at dp_manager.cxx:828 0x14604aa87 <+4103>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa8c ; <+4108> at dp_manager.cxx:796 0x14604aa8c <+4108>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aa91 ; <+4113> at dp_manager.cxx:798 0x14604aa91 <+4113>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aa98 <+4120>: e8 13 d7 ff ff callq 0x1460481b0 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::fireModified at dp_manager.cxx:428 0x14604aa9d <+4125>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aaa2 ; <+4130> at dp_manager.cxx:799 0x14604aaa2 <+4130>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aaa7 ; <+4135> at dp_manager.cxx:799 0x14604aaa7 <+4135>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aaae <+4142>: c6 85 9a fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x266(%rbp) 0x14604aab5 <+4149>: c7 85 78 fd ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0x288(%rbp) 0x14604aabf <+4159>: e8 8c c7 fb ff callq 0x146007250 ; dp_manager::ActivePackages::Data::~Data at dp_activepackages.hxx:39 0x14604aac4 <+4164>: f6 85 9a fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x266(%rbp) 0x14604aacb <+4171>: 0f 85 22 00 00 00 jne 0x14604aaf3 ; <+4211> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604aad1 <+4177>: e9 11 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aae7 ; <+4199> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604aad6 <+4182>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aadd <+4189>: e8 6e c7 fb ff callq 0x146007250 ; dp_manager::ActivePackages::Data::~Data at dp_activepackages.hxx:39 0x14604aae2 <+4194>: e9 3e 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ab25 ; <+4261> at dp_manager.cxx:801 0x14604aae7 <+4199>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aaee <+4206>: e8 dd 48 fc ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604aaf3 <+4211>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aaf7 <+4215>: e8 f4 a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604aafc <+4220>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab00 <+4224>: e8 eb a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab05 <+4229>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab09 <+4233>: e8 e2 a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab0e <+4238>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab12 <+4242>: e8 d9 a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab17 <+4247>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab1b <+4251>: e8 1a 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604ab20 <+4256>: e9 9e 04 00 00 jmp 0x14604afc3 ; <+5443> at dp_manager.cxx:804 0x14604ab25 <+4261>: 48 8b bd 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab2c <+4268>: e8 9f 48 fc ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604ab31 <+4273>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab35 <+4277>: e8 b6 a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab3a <+4282>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab3e <+4286>: e8 ad a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab43 <+4291>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab47 <+4295>: e8 a4 a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab4c <+4300>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab50 <+4304>: e8 9b a0 fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604ab55 <+4309>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab59 <+4313>: e8 dc 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c43a ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x14604ab5e <+4318>: 8b 85 9c fd ff ff movl -0x264(%rbp), %eax 0x14604ab64 <+4324>: b9 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5, %ecx 0x14604ab69 <+4329>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x14604ab6b <+4331>: 89 85 6c fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x394(%rbp) 0x14604ab71 <+4337>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14604ab94 ; <+4372> at dp_manager.cxx:803 0x14604ab77 <+4343>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ab7e <+4350>: e8 cb 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604ab83 <+4355>: 48 89 85 48 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2b8(%rbp) 0x14604ab8a <+4362>: e8 d7 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14604ab8f <+4367>: e9 b4 04 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604ab94 <+4372>: b8 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %eax 0x14604ab99 <+4377>: 8b 8d 6c fc ff ff movl -0x394(%rbp), %ecx 0x14604ab9f <+4383>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14604aba1 <+4385>: 0f 85 55 00 00 00 jne 0x14604abfc ; <+4476> at dp_manager.cxx:807 0x14604aba7 <+4391>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604abae <+4398>: e8 9b 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604abb3 <+4403>: 48 89 85 50 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2b0(%rbp) 0x14604abba <+4410>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604abc1 <+4417>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604abc4 <+4420>: e8 17 09 00 00 callq 0x14604b4e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:62 0x14604abc9 <+4425>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604abce ; <+4430> at dp_manager.cxx:806 0x14604abce <+4430>: 48 8d b5 d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604abd5 <+4437>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604abdc <+4444>: e8 2f 08 00 00 callq 0x14604b410 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::logIntern at dp_manager.h:278 0x14604abe1 <+4449>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604abe6 ; <+4454> at dp_manager.cxx:806 0x14604abe6 <+4454>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604abed <+4461>: e8 0e b9 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604abf2 <+4466>: e8 6f 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14604abf7 <+4471>: e9 4c 04 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604abfc <+4476>: b8 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %eax 0x14604ac01 <+4481>: 8b 8d 6c fc ff ff movl -0x394(%rbp), %ecx 0x14604ac07 <+4487>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14604ac09 <+4489>: 0f 85 55 00 00 00 jne 0x14604ac64 ; <+4580> at dp_manager.cxx:811 0x14604ac0f <+4495>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac16 <+4502>: e8 33 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604ac1b <+4507>: 48 89 85 58 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2a8(%rbp) 0x14604ac22 <+4514>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac29 <+4521>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604ac2c <+4524>: e8 7f 08 00 00 callq 0x14604b4b0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:62 0x14604ac31 <+4529>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ac36 ; <+4534> at dp_manager.cxx:810 0x14604ac36 <+4534>: 48 8d b5 f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604ac3d <+4541>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac44 <+4548>: e8 c7 07 00 00 callq 0x14604b410 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::logIntern at dp_manager.h:278 0x14604ac49 <+4553>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ac4e ; <+4558> at dp_manager.cxx:810 0x14604ac4e <+4558>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac55 <+4565>: e8 a6 b8 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604ac5a <+4570>: e8 07 19 0d 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14604ac5f <+4575>: e9 e4 03 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604ac64 <+4580>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x14604ac69 <+4585>: 8b 8d 6c fc ff ff movl -0x394(%rbp), %ecx 0x14604ac6f <+4591>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14604ac71 <+4593>: 0f 85 55 00 00 00 jne 0x14604accc ; <+4684> at dp_manager.cxx:815 0x14604ac77 <+4599>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac7e <+4606>: e8 cb 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604ac83 <+4611>: 48 89 85 60 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2a0(%rbp) 0x14604ac8a <+4618>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ac91 <+4625>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14604ac94 <+4628>: e8 e7 07 00 00 callq 0x14604b480 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:62 0x14604ac99 <+4633>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ac9e ; <+4638> at dp_manager.cxx:814 0x14604ac9e <+4638>: 48 8d b5 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604aca5 <+4645>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604acac <+4652>: e8 5f 07 00 00 callq 0x14604b410 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::logIntern at dp_manager.h:278 0x14604acb1 <+4657>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604acb6 ; <+4662> at dp_manager.cxx:814 0x14604acb6 <+4662>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604acbd <+4669>: e8 3e b8 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604acc2 <+4674>: e8 9f 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14604acc7 <+4679>: e9 7c 03 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604accc <+4684>: b8 07 00 00 00 movl $0x7, %eax 0x14604acd1 <+4689>: 8b 8d 6c fc ff ff movl -0x394(%rbp), %ecx 0x14604acd7 <+4695>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14604acd9 <+4697>: 0f 85 2b 03 00 00 jne 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604acdf <+4703>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ace6 <+4710>: e8 63 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14604aceb <+4715>: 48 89 85 70 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x290(%rbp) 0x14604acf2 <+4722>: 48 8d bd 48 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604acf9 <+4729>: e8 ec 12 0d 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x14604acfe <+4734>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ad03 ; <+4739> at dp_manager.cxx:819 0x14604ad03 <+4739>: 48 8d b5 48 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604ad0a <+4746>: 48 8b bd 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ad11 <+4753>: e8 fa 06 00 00 callq 0x14604b410 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::logIntern at dp_manager.h:278 0x14604ad16 <+4758>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ad1b ; <+4763> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604ad1b <+4763>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x14604ad20 <+4768>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x14604ad22 <+4770>: e8 21 18 0d 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x14604ad27 <+4775>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14604ad2a <+4778>: c6 85 6f fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x291(%rbp) 0x14604ad31 <+4785>: 48 8d 8d 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604ad38 <+4792>: be b8 0b 00 00 movl $0xbb8, %esi ; imm = 0xBB8 0x14604ad3d <+4797>: 48 89 bd 60 fc ff ff movq %rdi, -0x3a0(%rbp) 0x14604ad44 <+4804>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x14604ad47 <+4807>: 48 89 85 58 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3a8(%rbp) 0x14604ad4e <+4814>: e8 8d 13 0d 00 callq 0x14611c0e0 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getResourceString(unsigned short) 0x14604ad53 <+4819>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ad58 ; <+4824> at dp_manager.cxx:821 0x14604ad58 <+4824>: 48 8b b5 c8 fd ff ff movq -0x238(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604ad5f <+4831>: 48 8d bd 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ad66 <+4838>: e8 65 6d fd ff callq 0x146021ad0 ; rtl::operator+(rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:264 0x14604ad6b <+4843>: 48 89 95 50 fc ff ff movq %rdx, -0x3b0(%rbp) 0x14604ad72 <+4850>: 48 89 85 48 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3b8(%rbp) 0x14604ad79 <+4857>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ad7e ; <+4862> at dp_manager.cxx:821 0x14604ad7e <+4862>: 48 8b 85 48 fc ff ff movq -0x3b8(%rbp), %rax 0x14604ad85 <+4869>: 48 89 85 30 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x14604ad8c <+4876>: 48 8b 8d 50 fc ff ff movq -0x3b0(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604ad93 <+4883>: 48 89 8d 38 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x14604ad9a <+4890>: 48 8d bd 40 fe ff ff leaq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ada1 <+4897>: 48 8d b5 30 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604ada8 <+4904>: e8 a3 6d fd ff callq 0x146021b50 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:381 0x14604adad <+4909>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604adb2 ; <+4914> at dp_manager.cxx:822 0x14604adb2 <+4914>: 48 8d bd 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604adb9 <+4921>: 48 8b b5 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604adc0 <+4928>: e8 cb f1 fa ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14604adc5 <+4933>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604adca ; <+4938> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604adca <+4938>: 48 8d b5 40 fe ff ff leaq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604add1 <+4945>: 48 8d 95 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604add8 <+4952>: 48 8d 8d 48 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604addf <+4959>: 48 8b bd 58 fc ff ff movq -0x3a8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ade6 <+4966>: e8 65 af fc ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x14604adeb <+4971>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604adf0 ; <+4976> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604adf0 <+4976>: c6 85 6f fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x291(%rbp) 0x14604adf7 <+4983>: 48 8b 35 12 52 13 00 movq 0x135212(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f00: typeinfo for com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException 0x14604adfe <+4990>: 48 8d 15 8b af fc ff leaq -0x35075(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14604ae05 <+4997>: 48 8b bd 60 fc ff ff movq -0x3a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ae0c <+5004>: e8 5b 17 0d 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x14604ae11 <+5009>: e9 32 02 00 00 jmp 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604ae16 <+5014>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae18 <+5016>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae1f <+5023>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae25 <+5029>: e9 b2 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aedc ; <+5212> at dp_manager.cxx:823 0x14604ae2a <+5034>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae2c <+5036>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae33 <+5043>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae39 <+5049>: e9 92 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aed0 ; <+5200> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604ae3e <+5054>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae40 <+5056>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae47 <+5063>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae4d <+5069>: e9 5b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aead ; <+5165> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604ae52 <+5074>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae54 <+5076>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae5b <+5083>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae61 <+5089>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aea1 ; <+5153> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604ae66 <+5094>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae68 <+5096>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae6f <+5103>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae75 <+5109>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604ae95 ; <+5141> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604ae7a <+5114>: 48 8d bd 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ae81 <+5121>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604ae83 <+5123>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604ae8a <+5130>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604ae90 <+5136>: e8 cb af fa ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604ae95 <+5141>: 48 8d bd 40 fe ff ff leaq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604ae9c <+5148>: e8 4f 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604aea1 <+5153>: 48 8d bd 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aea8 <+5160>: e8 43 9d fa ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14604aead <+5165>: f6 85 6f fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x291(%rbp) 0x14604aeb4 <+5172>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14604aebf ; <+5183> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604aeba <+5178>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aecb ; <+5195> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604aebf <+5183>: 48 8b bd 60 fc ff ff movq -0x3a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aec6 <+5190>: e8 95 16 0d 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x14604aecb <+5195>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aed0 ; <+5200> at dp_manager.cxx:820 0x14604aed0 <+5200>: 48 8d bd 48 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604aed7 <+5207>: e8 24 b6 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604aedc <+5212>: e8 79 16 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604aee1 <+5217>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604aee6 ; <+5222> at dp_manager.cxx:823 0x14604aee6 <+5222>: e9 1f 01 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604aeeb <+5227>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604aeed <+5229>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604aef4 <+5236>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604aefa <+5242>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604af1a ; <+5274> at dp_manager.cxx:816 0x14604aeff <+5247>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604af06 <+5254>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604af08 <+5256>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604af0f <+5263>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604af15 <+5269>: e8 e6 b5 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604af1a <+5274>: e8 3b 16 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604af1f <+5279>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604af24 ; <+5284> at dp_manager.cxx:816 0x14604af24 <+5284>: e9 e1 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604af29 <+5289>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604af2b <+5291>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604af32 <+5298>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604af38 <+5304>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604af58 ; <+5336> at dp_manager.cxx:812 0x14604af3d <+5309>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604af44 <+5316>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604af46 <+5318>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604af4d <+5325>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604af53 <+5331>: e8 a8 b5 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604af58 <+5336>: e8 fd 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604af5d <+5341>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604af62 ; <+5346> at dp_manager.cxx:812 0x14604af62 <+5346>: e9 a3 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604af67 <+5351>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604af69 <+5353>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604af70 <+5360>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604af76 <+5366>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604af96 ; <+5398> at dp_manager.cxx:808 0x14604af7b <+5371>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604af82 <+5378>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604af84 <+5380>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604af8b <+5387>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604af91 <+5393>: e8 6a b5 fa ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14604af96 <+5398>: e8 bf 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604af9b <+5403>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604afa0 ; <+5408> at dp_manager.cxx:808 0x14604afa0 <+5408>: e9 65 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604afa5 <+5413>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604afa7 <+5415>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x14604afae <+5422>: 89 8d 9c fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604afb4 <+5428>: e8 a1 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14604afb9 <+5433>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604afbe ; <+5438> at dp_manager.cxx:804 0x14604afbe <+5438>: e9 47 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604b00a ; <+5514> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604afc3 <+5443>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604afc7 <+5447>: e8 f4 97 fc ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604afcc <+5452>: 8b 85 78 fd ff ff movl -0x288(%rbp), %eax 0x14604afd2 <+5458>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x14604afd5 <+5461>: 89 85 44 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x3bc(%rbp) 0x14604afdb <+5467>: 0f 87 67 00 00 00 ja 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604afe1 <+5473>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14604afe6 ; <+5478> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604afe6 <+5478>: 48 8b 05 6b 52 13 00 movq 0x13526b(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x14604afed <+5485>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x14604aff0 <+5488>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x14604aff4 <+5492>: 0f 85 4e 00 00 00 jne 0x14604b048 ; <+5576> at dp_manager.cxx:792 0x14604affa <+5498>: 48 8b 85 38 fd ff ff movq -0x2c8(%rbp), %rax 0x14604b001 <+5505>: 48 81 c4 e0 03 00 00 addq $0x3e0, %rsp ; imm = 0x3E0 0x14604b008 <+5512>: 5d popq %rbp 0x14604b009 <+5513>: c3 retq 0x14604b00a <+5514>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604b00e <+5518>: e8 ad 97 fc ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14604b013 <+5523>: 83 bd 9c fd ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x264(%rbp) 0x14604b01a <+5530>: 0f 8d 0c 00 00 00 jge 0x14604b02c ; <+5548> at dp_manager.cxx:824 0x14604b020 <+5536>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604b027 <+5543>: e8 28 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c554 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x14604b02c <+5548>: 48 8b bd a0 fd ff ff movq -0x260(%rbp), %rdi 0x14604b033 <+5555>: e8 3a 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c572 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x14604b038 <+5560>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14604b03a <+5562>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14604b03d <+5565>: 89 8d 40 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x3c0(%rbp) 0x14604b043 <+5571>: e8 b8 86 fa ff callq 0x145ff3700 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x14604b048 <+5576>: e8 37 15 0d 00 callq 0x14611c584 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x14604a625 UNWIND PLANS for libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x146049a80) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 354288-0x0000000000057dbd) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5513: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 5514: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x14612398c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 354288-0x0000000000057dbd) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x14612398c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 354288-0x0000000000057dbd) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5513: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 5514: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x14612398c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 354288-0x0000000000057dc0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x14604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&): 0x14604b510 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x14604b511 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x14604b514 <+4>: 48 83 ec 50 subq $0x50, %rsp 0x14604b518 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x14604b51b <+11>: 4c 8b 55 10 movq 0x10(%rbp), %r10 0x14604b51f <+15>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x14604b523 <+19>: 48 89 55 f0 movq %rdx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x14604b527 <+23>: 48 89 4d e8 movq %rcx, -0x18(%rbp) 0x14604b52b <+27>: 4c 89 45 e0 movq %r8, -0x20(%rbp) 0x14604b52f <+31>: 4c 89 4d d8 movq %r9, -0x28(%rbp) 0x14604b533 <+35>: 4c 89 55 d0 movq %r10, -0x30(%rbp) 0x14604b537 <+39>: 48 8b 4d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604b53b <+43>: 48 83 c1 b0 addq $-0x50, %rcx 0x14604b53f <+47>: 48 8b 55 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdx 0x14604b543 <+51>: 48 8b 75 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x14604b547 <+55>: 4c 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %r8 0x14604b54b <+59>: 4c 8b 4d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %r9 0x14604b54f <+63>: 4c 8b 55 d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %r10 0x14604b553 <+67>: 48 89 75 c8 movq %rsi, -0x38(%rbp) 0x14604b557 <+71>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x14604b55a <+74>: 48 8b 4d c8 movq -0x38(%rbp), %rcx 0x14604b55e <+78>: 4c 89 14 24 movq %r10, (%rsp) 0x14604b562 <+82>: 48 89 45 c0 movq %rax, -0x40(%rbp) 0x14604b566 <+86>: e8 15 e5 ff ff callq 0x146049a80 ; dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage at dp_manager.cxx:695 0x14604b56b <+91>: 48 8b 45 c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rax 0x14604b56f <+95>: 48 83 c4 50 addq $0x50, %rsp 0x14604b573 <+99>: 5d popq %rbp 0x14604b574 <+100>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x14604b56b UNWIND PLANS for libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x14604b510) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 361088-0x00000000000582e5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 361088-0x00000000000582e5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 361088-0x00000000000582e5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 360832-0x0000000000058390) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension: 0x146018b00 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146018b01 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146018b04 <+4>: 48 81 ec 30 06 00 00 subq $0x630, %rsp ; imm = 0x630 0x146018b0b <+11>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x146018b0e <+14>: 4c 8b 55 10 movq 0x10(%rbp), %r10 0x146018b12 <+18>: 4c 8b 1d 3f 77 16 00 movq 0x16773f(%rip), %r11 ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146018b19 <+25>: 4d 8b 1b movq (%r11), %r11 0x146018b1c <+28>: 4c 89 5d f8 movq %r11, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146018b20 <+32>: 48 89 b5 00 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x300(%rbp) 0x146018b27 <+39>: 48 89 95 f8 fc ff ff movq %rdx, -0x308(%rbp) 0x146018b2e <+46>: 48 89 8d f0 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146018b35 <+53>: 4c 89 85 e8 fc ff ff movq %r8, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146018b3c <+60>: 4c 89 8d e0 fc ff ff movq %r9, -0x320(%rbp) 0x146018b43 <+67>: 4c 89 95 d8 fc ff ff movq %r10, -0x328(%rbp) 0x146018b4a <+74>: 48 8b 8d 00 fd ff ff movq -0x300(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018b51 <+81>: c6 85 d7 fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x329(%rbp) 0x146018b58 <+88>: 48 89 bd 20 fc ff ff movq %rdi, -0x3e0(%rbp) 0x146018b5f <+95>: 48 89 85 18 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3e8(%rbp) 0x146018b66 <+102>: 48 89 8d 10 fc ff ff movq %rcx, -0x3f0(%rbp) 0x146018b6d <+109>: e8 fe 65 ff ff callq 0x14600f170 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146018b72 <+114>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018b77 ; <+119> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:638 0x146018b77 <+119>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018b7b <+123>: e8 50 97 ff ff callq 0x1460122d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146018b80 <+128>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018b85 ; <+133> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:639 0x146018b85 <+133>: 48 8b bd e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018b8c <+140>: 48 8d 35 3c 25 12 00 leaq 0x12253c(%rip), %rsi ; "user" 0x146018b93 <+147>: e8 58 97 ff ff callq 0x1460122f0 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [5])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146018b98 <+152>: 88 85 0f fc ff ff movb %al, -0x3f1(%rbp) 0x146018b9e <+158>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018ba3 ; <+163> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:639 0x146018ba3 <+163>: 8a 85 0f fc ff ff movb -0x3f1(%rbp), %al 0x146018ba9 <+169>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146018bab <+171>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146018bb6 ; <+182> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:640 0x146018bb1 <+177>: e9 95 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018c4b ; <+331> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:641 0x146018bb6 <+182>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018bba <+186>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018bc1 <+193>: e8 fa 8c ff ff callq 0x1460118c0 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getUserRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:180 0x146018bc6 <+198>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018bcb ; <+203> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:640 0x146018bcb <+203>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018bcf <+207>: 48 8d 75 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018bd3 <+211>: e8 98 97 ff ff callq 0x146012370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x146018bd8 <+216>: 48 89 85 00 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x400(%rbp) 0x146018bdf <+223>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018be4 ; <+228> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:640 0x146018be4 <+228>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018be8 <+232>: e8 e3 97 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018bed <+237>: e9 ee 01 00 00 jmp 0x146018de0 ; <+736> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:649 0x146018bf2 <+242>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018bf4 <+244>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018bfb <+251>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018c01 <+257>: e9 a1 1e 00 00 jmp 0x14601aaa7 ; <+8103> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018c06 <+262>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018c08 <+264>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018c0f <+271>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018c15 <+277>: e9 81 1e 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa9b ; <+8091> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018c1a <+282>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018c1c <+284>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018c23 <+291>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018c29 <+297>: e9 2f 1e 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa5d ; <+8029> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018c2e <+302>: 48 8d 7d e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018c32 <+306>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018c34 <+308>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018c3b <+315>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018c41 <+321>: e8 8a 97 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018c46 <+326>: e9 12 1e 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa5d ; <+8029> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018c4b <+331>: 48 8b bd e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018c52 <+338>: 48 8d 35 7b 24 12 00 leaq 0x12247b(%rip), %rsi ; "shared" 0x146018c59 <+345>: e8 92 97 ff ff callq 0x1460123f0 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [7])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x146018c5e <+350>: 88 85 ff fb ff ff movb %al, -0x401(%rbp) 0x146018c64 <+356>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018c69 ; <+361> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:641 0x146018c69 <+361>: 8a 85 ff fb ff ff movb -0x401(%rbp), %al 0x146018c6f <+367>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146018c71 <+369>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146018c7c ; <+380> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:642 0x146018c77 <+375>: e9 59 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018cd5 ; <+469> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018c7c <+380>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018c80 <+384>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018c87 <+391>: e8 54 8d ff ff callq 0x1460119e0 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getSharedRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:184 0x146018c8c <+396>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018c91 ; <+401> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:642 0x146018c91 <+401>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018c95 <+405>: 48 8d 75 e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018c99 <+409>: e8 d2 96 ff ff callq 0x146012370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x146018c9e <+414>: 48 89 85 f0 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x410(%rbp) 0x146018ca5 <+421>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018caa ; <+426> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:642 0x146018caa <+426>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018cae <+430>: e8 1d 97 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018cb3 <+435>: e9 23 01 00 00 jmp 0x146018ddb ; <+731> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018cb8 <+440>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018cbc <+444>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018cbe <+446>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018cc5 <+453>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018ccb <+459>: e8 00 97 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018cd0 <+464>: e9 88 1d 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa5d ; <+8029> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018cd5 <+469>: b8 18 00 00 00 movl $0x18, %eax 0x146018cda <+474>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146018cdc <+476>: e8 67 38 10 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146018ce1 <+481>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146018ce4 <+484>: c6 85 bf fc ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x341(%rbp) 0x146018ceb <+491>: 48 8d 35 f1 23 12 00 leaq 0x1223f1(%rip), %rsi ; "No valid repository name provided." 0x146018cf2 <+498>: 48 8d 4d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018cf6 <+502>: 48 89 bd e8 fb ff ff movq %rdi, -0x418(%rbp) 0x146018cfd <+509>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146018d00 <+512>: 48 89 85 e0 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x420(%rbp) 0x146018d07 <+519>: e8 e4 97 ff ff callq 0x1460124f0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146018d0c <+524>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018d11 ; <+529> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:646 0x146018d11 <+529>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018d15 <+533>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018d1c <+540>: e8 6f 12 fe ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146018d21 <+545>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018d26 ; <+550> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:646 0x146018d26 <+550>: 66 c7 45 ce 00 00 movw $0x0, -0x32(%rbp) 0x146018d2c <+556>: 48 8d 75 d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018d30 <+560>: 48 8d 55 d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdx 0x146018d34 <+564>: 48 8d 4d ce leaq -0x32(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018d38 <+568>: 48 8b bd e0 fb ff ff movq -0x420(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018d3f <+575>: e8 8c 01 fe ff callq 0x145ff8ed0 ; com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException::IllegalArgumentException at IllegalArgumentException.hpp:23 0x146018d44 <+580>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018d49 ; <+585> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018d49 <+585>: c6 85 bf fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x341(%rbp) 0x146018d50 <+592>: 48 8b 35 31 73 16 00 movq 0x167331(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f60: typeinfo for com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException 0x146018d57 <+599>: 48 8d 15 b2 01 fe ff leaq -0x1fe4e(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException::~IllegalArgumentException at IllegalArgumentException.hdl:14 0x146018d5e <+606>: 48 8b bd e8 fb ff ff movq -0x418(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018d65 <+613>: e8 02 38 10 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146018d6a <+618>: e9 6d 1d 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x146018d6f <+623>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018d71 <+625>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018d78 <+632>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018d7e <+638>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018db8 ; <+696> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018d83 <+643>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018d85 <+645>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018d8c <+652>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018d92 <+658>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018daf ; <+687> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018d97 <+663>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018d9b <+667>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146018d9d <+669>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146018da4 <+676>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146018daa <+682>: e8 b1 d0 fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018daf <+687>: 48 8d 7d d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018db3 <+691>: e8 38 be fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146018db8 <+696>: f6 85 bf fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x341(%rbp) 0x146018dbf <+703>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146018dca ; <+714> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018dc5 <+709>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018dd6 ; <+726> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:644 0x146018dca <+714>: 48 8b bd e8 fb ff ff movq -0x418(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018dd1 <+721>: e8 8a 37 10 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146018dd6 <+726>: e9 82 1c 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa5d ; <+8029> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146018ddb <+731>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018de0 ; <+736> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:649 0x146018de0 <+736>: 48 8b 85 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rax 0x146018de7 <+743>: 48 83 c0 78 addq $0x78, %rax 0x146018deb <+747>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018def <+751>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146018df2 <+754>: e8 f9 1c 00 00 callq 0x14601aaf0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146018df7 <+759>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018dfc ; <+764> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:651 0x146018dfc <+764>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018e00 <+768>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018e07 <+775>: e8 54 8d ff ff callq 0x146011b60 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getTmpRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:192 0x146018e0c <+780>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018e11 ; <+785> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 0x146018e11 <+785>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018e15 <+789>: e8 26 b9 ff ff callq 0x146014740 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146018e1a <+794>: 48 89 85 d8 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x428(%rbp) 0x146018e21 <+801>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018e26 ; <+806> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 0x146018e26 <+806>: 48 8b 85 d8 fb ff ff movq -0x428(%rbp), %rax 0x146018e2d <+813>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146018e30 <+816>: 48 8b 49 48 movq 0x48(%rcx), %rcx 0x146018e34 <+820>: 48 8b 95 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdx 0x146018e3b <+827>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018e3f <+831>: 48 89 8d d0 fb ff ff movq %rcx, -0x430(%rbp) 0x146018e46 <+838>: 48 89 95 c8 fb ff ff movq %rdx, -0x438(%rbp) 0x146018e4d <+845>: e8 4e e1 ff ff callq 0x146016fa0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence at Sequence.hxx:50 0x146018e52 <+850>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018e57 ; <+855> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:658 0x146018e57 <+855>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018e5b <+859>: e8 c0 af fd ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146018e60 <+864>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018e65 ; <+869> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:658 0x146018e65 <+869>: 4c 8b 8d e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %r9 0x146018e6c <+876>: b8 48 00 00 00 movl $0x48, %eax 0x146018e71 <+881>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146018e73 <+883>: 4c 89 8d c0 fb ff ff movq %r9, -0x440(%rbp) 0x146018e7a <+890>: e8 61 8f ff ff callq 0x146011de0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x146018e7f <+895>: 48 89 85 b8 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x448(%rbp) 0x146018e86 <+902>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018e8b ; <+907> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:659 0x146018e8b <+907>: 48 8b 85 b8 fb ff ff movq -0x448(%rbp), %rax 0x146018e92 <+914>: 48 8b bd b8 fb ff ff movq -0x448(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018e99 <+921>: 48 89 85 b0 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x450(%rbp) 0x146018ea0 <+928>: e8 2b 49 ff ff callq 0x14600d7d0 ; dp_manager::TmpRepositoryCommandEnv::TmpRepositoryCommandEnv at dp_commandenvironments.cxx:138 0x146018ea5 <+933>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018eaa ; <+938> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:659 0x146018eaa <+938>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146018eac <+940>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146018eae <+942>: 48 8b 95 b0 fb ff ff movq -0x450(%rbp), %rdx 0x146018eb5 <+949>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x146018eb9 <+953>: 48 89 8d a8 fb ff ff movq %rcx, -0x458(%rbp) 0x146018ec0 <+960>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146018ed8 ; <+984> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:659 0x146018ec6 <+966>: 48 8b 85 b0 fb ff ff movq -0x450(%rbp), %rax 0x146018ecd <+973>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146018ed1 <+977>: 48 89 85 a8 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x458(%rbp) 0x146018ed8 <+984>: 48 8b 85 a8 fb ff ff movq -0x458(%rbp), %rax 0x146018edf <+991>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018ee3 <+995>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146018ee6 <+998>: e8 85 e0 ff ff callq 0x146016f70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146018eeb <+1003>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018ef0 ; <+1008> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 0x146018ef0 <+1008>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x146018ef3 <+1011>: 48 8d 4d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018ef7 <+1015>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146018efa <+1018>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018efe <+1022>: 48 8d 4d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018f02 <+1026>: 4c 8d 45 a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %r8 0x146018f06 <+1030>: 48 8b b5 d8 fb ff ff movq -0x428(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018f0d <+1037>: 48 8b 95 c8 fb ff ff movq -0x438(%rbp), %rdx 0x146018f14 <+1044>: 4c 8b 8d c0 fb ff ff movq -0x440(%rbp), %r9 0x146018f1b <+1051>: 48 8b 85 d0 fb ff ff movq -0x430(%rbp), %rax 0x146018f22 <+1058>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146018f24 <+1060>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018f29 ; <+1065> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 0x146018f29 <+1065>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018f2d <+1069>: e8 8e b8 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146018f32 <+1074>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018f36 <+1078>: e8 b5 bc fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146018f3b <+1083>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018f3f <+1087>: e8 7c e0 ff ff callq 0x146016fc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x146018f44 <+1092>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018f48 <+1096>: e8 43 a6 fd ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x146018f4d <+1101>: 88 85 a7 fb ff ff movb %al, -0x459(%rbp) 0x146018f53 <+1107>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018f58 ; <+1112> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:660 0x146018f58 <+1112>: 8a 85 a7 fb ff ff movb -0x459(%rbp), %al 0x146018f5e <+1118>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146018f60 <+1120>: 0f 85 2e 02 00 00 jne 0x146019194 ; <+1684> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:669 0x146018f66 <+1126>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018f6b ; <+1131> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x146018f6b <+1131>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x146018f70 <+1136>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146018f72 <+1138>: e8 d1 35 10 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146018f77 <+1143>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146018f7a <+1146>: c6 85 be fc ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x342(%rbp) 0x146018f81 <+1153>: 48 8b b5 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018f88 <+1160>: 48 8d 0d 84 24 12 00 leaq 0x122484(%rip), %rcx ; "Extension Manager: Failed to create temporary XPackage for url: " 0x146018f8f <+1167>: 48 89 bd 98 fb ff ff movq %rdi, -0x468(%rbp) 0x146018f96 <+1174>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146018f99 <+1177>: 48 89 85 90 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x470(%rbp) 0x146018fa0 <+1184>: e8 7b 1b 00 00 callq 0x14601ab20 ; rtl::operator+(char const (&) [65], rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:272 0x146018fa5 <+1189>: 48 89 95 88 fb ff ff movq %rdx, -0x478(%rbp) 0x146018fac <+1196>: 48 89 85 80 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x480(%rbp) 0x146018fb3 <+1203>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018fb8 ; <+1208> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:663 0x146018fb8 <+1208>: 48 8b 85 80 fb ff ff movq -0x480(%rbp), %rax 0x146018fbf <+1215>: 48 89 45 80 movq %rax, -0x80(%rbp) 0x146018fc3 <+1219>: 48 8b 8d 88 fb ff ff movq -0x478(%rbp), %rcx 0x146018fca <+1226>: 48 89 4d 88 movq %rcx, -0x78(%rbp) 0x146018fce <+1230>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018fd2 <+1234>: 48 8d 75 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018fd6 <+1238>: e8 c5 1b 00 00 callq 0x14601aba0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:381 0x146018fdb <+1243>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018fe0 ; <+1248> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:664 0x146018fe0 <+1248>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018fe7 <+1255>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146018fee <+1262>: e8 9d 0f fe ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146018ff3 <+1267>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146018ff8 ; <+1272> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:664 0x146018ff8 <+1272>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146018fff <+1279>: e8 fc 55 ff ff callq 0x14600e600 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x146019004 <+1284>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019009 ; <+1289> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x146019009 <+1289>: 48 8d 75 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601900d <+1293>: 48 8d 95 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019014 <+1300>: 48 8d 8d 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601901b <+1307>: 48 8b bd 90 fb ff ff movq -0x470(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019022 <+1314>: e8 29 cd ff ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x146019027 <+1319>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601902c ; <+1324> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x14601902c <+1324>: c6 85 be fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x342(%rbp) 0x146019033 <+1331>: 48 8b 35 d6 6f 16 00 movq 0x166fd6(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f00: typeinfo for com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException 0x14601903a <+1338>: 48 8d 15 4f cd ff ff leaq -0x32b1(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x146019041 <+1345>: 48 8b bd 98 fb ff ff movq -0x468(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019048 <+1352>: e8 1f 35 10 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x14601904d <+1357>: e9 8a 1a 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x146019052 <+1362>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019054 <+1364>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601905b <+1371>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019061 <+1377>: e9 ee 19 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa54 ; <+8020> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019066 <+1382>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019068 <+1384>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601906f <+1391>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019075 <+1397>: e9 d1 19 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa4b ; <+8011> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601907a <+1402>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601907c <+1404>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019083 <+1411>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019089 <+1417>: e9 55 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460190e3 ; <+1507> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:656 0x14601908e <+1422>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019090 <+1424>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019097 <+1431>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601909d <+1437>: e9 38 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460190da ; <+1498> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:656 0x1460190a2 <+1442>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460190a4 <+1444>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460190ab <+1451>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460190b1 <+1457>: 48 8b bd b8 fb ff ff movq -0x448(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460190b8 <+1464>: e8 b3 3e ff ff callq 0x14600cf70 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x1460190bd <+1469>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460190da ; <+1498> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:656 0x1460190c2 <+1474>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460190c6 <+1478>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460190c8 <+1480>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460190cf <+1487>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460190d5 <+1493>: e8 e6 b6 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460190da <+1498>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460190de <+1502>: e8 0d bb fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460190e3 <+1507>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460190e7 <+1511>: e8 d4 de ff ff callq 0x146016fc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x1460190ec <+1516>: e9 5a 19 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa4b ; <+8011> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x1460190f1 <+1521>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460190f3 <+1523>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460190fa <+1530>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019100 <+1536>: e9 3d 19 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa42 ; <+8002> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019105 <+1541>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019107 <+1543>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601910e <+1550>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019114 <+1556>: e9 58 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019171 ; <+1649> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x146019119 <+1561>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601911b <+1563>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019122 <+1570>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019128 <+1576>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019168 ; <+1640> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x14601912d <+1581>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601912f <+1583>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019136 <+1590>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601913c <+1596>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601915c ; <+1628> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x146019141 <+1601>: 48 8d bd 60 ff ff ff leaq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019148 <+1608>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601914a <+1610>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019151 <+1617>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019157 <+1623>: e8 a4 d3 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601915c <+1628>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019163 <+1635>: e8 f8 cc fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019168 <+1640>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601916c <+1644>: e8 7f ba fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019171 <+1649>: f6 85 be fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x342(%rbp) 0x146019178 <+1656>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146019183 ; <+1667> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x14601917e <+1662>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601918f ; <+1679> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:661 0x146019183 <+1667>: 48 8b bd 98 fb ff ff movq -0x468(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601918a <+1674>: e8 d1 33 10 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x14601918f <+1679>: e9 ae 18 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa42 ; <+8002> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019194 <+1684>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601919b <+1691>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460191a2 <+1698>: e8 b9 89 ff ff callq 0x146011b60 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getTmpRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:192 0x1460191a7 <+1703>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460191ac ; <+1708> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:669 0x1460191ac <+1708>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460191b3 <+1715>: 48 8d 75 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460191b7 <+1719>: 48 8d 95 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdx 0x1460191be <+1726>: e8 0d 1a 00 00 callq 0x14601abd0 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:134 0x1460191c3 <+1731>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460191c8 ; <+1736> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:669 0x1460191c8 <+1736>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460191cf <+1743>: e8 fc 91 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460191d4 <+1748>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460191db <+1755>: e8 20 1a 00 00 callq 0x14601ac00 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:130 0x1460191e0 <+1760>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460191e5 ; <+1765> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:671 0x1460191e5 <+1765>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460191ec <+1772>: 48 8d 75 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460191f0 <+1776>: e8 a9 2e 10 00 callq 0x14611c09e ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getIdentifier(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x1460191f5 <+1781>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460191fa ; <+1786> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:672 0x1460191fa <+1786>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460191fe <+1790>: e8 ed d0 ff ff callq 0x1460162f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146019203 <+1795>: 48 89 85 78 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x488(%rbp) 0x14601920a <+1802>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601920f ; <+1807> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:672 0x14601920f <+1807>: 48 8b 85 78 fb ff ff movq -0x488(%rbp), %rax 0x146019216 <+1814>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146019219 <+1817>: 48 8b 49 70 movq 0x70(%rcx), %rcx 0x14601921d <+1821>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019224 <+1828>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146019227 <+1831>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146019229 <+1833>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601922e ; <+1838> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:673 0x14601922e <+1838>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019235 <+1845>: e8 36 5f ff ff callq 0x14600f170 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601923a <+1850>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601923f ; <+1855> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:674 0x14601923f <+1855>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019246 <+1862>: e8 25 5f ff ff callq 0x14600f170 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601924b <+1867>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019250 ; <+1872> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:676 0x146019250 <+1872>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019257 <+1879>: e8 a4 53 ff ff callq 0x14600e600 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x14601925c <+1884>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019261 ; <+1889> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:679 0x146019261 <+1889>: 48 8b 95 f0 fc ff ff movq -0x310(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019268 <+1896>: 4c 8b 85 e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %r8 0x14601926f <+1903>: 4c 8b 8d d8 fc ff ff movq -0x328(%rbp), %r9 0x146019276 <+1910>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x146019279 <+1913>: 48 8d 8d 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019280 <+1920>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146019283 <+1923>: 48 8d 75 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019287 <+1927>: 48 8d 4d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601928b <+1931>: 48 8b bd 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019292 <+1938>: e8 49 de ff ff callq 0x1460170e0 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::doChecksForAddExtension at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:540 0x146019297 <+1943>: 88 85 77 fb ff ff movb %al, -0x489(%rbp) 0x14601929d <+1949>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460192a2 ; <+1954> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:677 0x1460192a2 <+1954>: 8a 85 77 fb ff ff movb -0x489(%rbp), %al 0x1460192a8 <+1960>: 24 01 andb $0x1, %al 0x1460192aa <+1962>: 88 85 bd fc ff ff movb %al, -0x343(%rbp) 0x1460192b0 <+1968>: c6 85 bc fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x344(%rbp) 0x1460192b7 <+1975>: 48 8b 8d 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rcx 0x1460192be <+1982>: 48 83 c1 60 addq $0x60, %rcx 0x1460192c2 <+1986>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x1460192c5 <+1989>: e8 b6 aa fd ff callq 0x145ff3d80 ; dp_misc::MutexHolder::getMutex at dp_misc.h:47 0x1460192ca <+1994>: 48 89 85 68 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x498(%rbp) 0x1460192d1 <+2001>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460192d6 ; <+2006> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:693 0x1460192d6 <+2006>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460192dd <+2013>: 48 8b b5 68 fb ff ff movq -0x498(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460192e4 <+2020>: e8 07 18 00 00 callq 0x14601aaf0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x1460192e9 <+2025>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460192ee ; <+2030> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:695 0x1460192ee <+2030>: f6 85 bd fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x343(%rbp) 0x1460192f5 <+2037>: 0f 84 6f 0f 00 00 je 0x14601a26a ; <+5994> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:779 0x1460192fb <+2043>: 48 8d b5 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019302 <+2050>: 48 8d 95 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019309 <+2057>: 48 8b bd 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019310 <+2064>: e8 eb ca ff ff callq 0x146015e00 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::isUserDisabled at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:363 0x146019315 <+2069>: 88 85 67 fb ff ff movb %al, -0x499(%rbp) 0x14601931b <+2075>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019320 ; <+2080> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:699 0x146019320 <+2080>: 8a 85 67 fb ff ff movb -0x499(%rbp), %al 0x146019326 <+2086>: 24 01 andb $0x1, %al 0x146019328 <+2088>: 88 85 bc fc ff ff movb %al, -0x344(%rbp) 0x14601932e <+2094>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019335 <+2101>: e8 56 a2 fd ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x14601933a <+2106>: 88 85 66 fb ff ff movb %al, -0x49a(%rbp) 0x146019340 <+2112>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019345 ; <+2117> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:700 0x146019345 <+2117>: 8a 85 66 fb ff ff movb -0x49a(%rbp), %al 0x14601934b <+2123>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14601934d <+2125>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146019358 ; <+2136> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:704 0x146019353 <+2131>: e9 75 03 00 00 jmp 0x1460196cd ; <+3021> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:721 0x146019358 <+2136>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601935f <+2143>: e8 8c cf ff ff callq 0x1460162f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x146019364 <+2148>: 48 89 85 58 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4a8(%rbp) 0x14601936b <+2155>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019370 ; <+2160> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:704 0x146019370 <+2160>: 48 8b 85 58 fb ff ff movq -0x4a8(%rbp), %rax 0x146019377 <+2167>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14601937a <+2170>: 48 8b 49 58 movq 0x58(%rcx), %rcx 0x14601937e <+2174>: 48 8b 95 e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019385 <+2181>: 48 8d bd f0 fe ff ff leaq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601938c <+2188>: 48 89 8d 50 fb ff ff movq %rcx, -0x4b0(%rbp) 0x146019393 <+2195>: 48 89 95 48 fb ff ff movq %rdx, -0x4b8(%rbp) 0x14601939a <+2202>: e8 01 b4 ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601939f <+2207>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460193a4 ; <+2212> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:704 0x1460193a4 <+2212>: 31 f6 xorl %esi, %esi 0x1460193a6 <+2214>: 48 8d 8d f0 fe ff ff leaq -0x110(%rbp), %rcx 0x1460193ad <+2221>: 48 8b bd 58 fb ff ff movq -0x4a8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460193b4 <+2228>: 48 8b 95 48 fb ff ff movq -0x4b8(%rbp), %rdx 0x1460193bb <+2235>: 48 8b 85 50 fb ff ff movq -0x4b0(%rbp), %rax 0x1460193c2 <+2242>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x1460193c4 <+2244>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460193c9 ; <+2249> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:704 0x1460193c9 <+2249>: 48 8d bd f0 fe ff ff leaq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460193d0 <+2256>: e8 eb b3 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460193d5 <+2261>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460193dc <+2268>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460193e3 <+2275>: e8 68 88 ff ff callq 0x146011c50 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getBakRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:196 0x1460193e8 <+2280>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460193ed ; <+2285> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x1460193ed <+2285>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460193f4 <+2292>: e8 47 b3 ff ff callq 0x146014740 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1460193f9 <+2297>: 48 89 85 40 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4c0(%rbp) 0x146019400 <+2304>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019405 ; <+2309> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x146019405 <+2309>: 48 8b 85 40 fb ff ff movq -0x4c0(%rbp), %rax 0x14601940c <+2316>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14601940f <+2319>: 48 8b 49 50 movq 0x50(%rcx), %rcx 0x146019413 <+2323>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601941a <+2330>: 48 89 8d 38 fb ff ff movq %rcx, -0x4c8(%rbp) 0x146019421 <+2337>: e8 2a cf ff ff callq 0x146016350 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146019426 <+2342>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601942b ; <+2347> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:709 0x14601942b <+2347>: 48 8d bd d0 fe ff ff leaq -0x130(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019432 <+2354>: e8 69 b3 ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146019437 <+2359>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601943c ; <+2364> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x14601943c <+2364>: 48 8d bd e8 fe ff ff leaq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019443 <+2371>: 48 8d 95 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601944a <+2378>: 48 8d 8d d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019451 <+2385>: 4c 8d 85 d0 fe ff ff leaq -0x130(%rbp), %r8 0x146019458 <+2392>: 48 8b b5 40 fb ff ff movq -0x4c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601945f <+2399>: 48 8b 85 38 fb ff ff movq -0x4c8(%rbp), %rax 0x146019466 <+2406>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146019468 <+2408>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601946d ; <+2413> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x14601946d <+2413>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019474 <+2420>: 48 8d b5 e8 fe ff ff leaq -0x118(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601947b <+2427>: e8 60 b2 ff ff callq 0x1460146e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x146019480 <+2432>: 48 89 85 30 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4d0(%rbp) 0x146019487 <+2439>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601948c ; <+2444> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x14601948c <+2444>: 48 8d bd e8 fe ff ff leaq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019493 <+2451>: e8 38 5f ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019498 <+2456>: 48 8d bd d0 fe ff ff leaq -0x130(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601949f <+2463>: e8 1c b3 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460194a4 <+2468>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460194ab <+2475>: e8 c0 ce ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460194b0 <+2480>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460194b7 <+2487>: e8 14 8f ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460194bc <+2492>: 48 8d bd c8 fe ff ff leaq -0x138(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460194c3 <+2499>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460194ca <+2506>: e8 81 87 ff ff callq 0x146011c50 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::getBakRepository at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:196 0x1460194cf <+2511>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460194d4 ; <+2516> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:710 0x1460194d4 <+2516>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460194db <+2523>: 48 8d b5 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460194e2 <+2530>: 48 8d 95 c8 fe ff ff leaq -0x138(%rbp), %rdx 0x1460194e9 <+2537>: e8 32 17 00 00 callq 0x14601ac20 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::set at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:138 0x1460194ee <+2542>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460194f3 ; <+2547> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:710 0x1460194f3 <+2547>: 48 8d bd c8 fe ff ff leaq -0x138(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460194fa <+2554>: e8 d1 8e ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460194ff <+2559>: e9 c4 01 00 00 jmp 0x1460196c8 ; <+3016> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:716 0x146019504 <+2564>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601950b <+2571>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601950d <+2573>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019514 <+2580>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601951a <+2586>: e8 b1 8e ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601951f <+2591>: e9 1e 15 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa42 ; <+8002> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019524 <+2596>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019526 <+2598>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601952d <+2605>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019533 <+2611>: e9 fe 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa36 ; <+7990> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019538 <+2616>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601953a <+2618>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019541 <+2625>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019547 <+2631>: e9 de 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa2a ; <+7978> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601954c <+2636>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601954e <+2638>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019555 <+2645>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601955b <+2651>: e9 be 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa1e ; <+7966> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019560 <+2656>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019562 <+2658>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019569 <+2665>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601956f <+2671>: e9 9e 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa12 ; <+7954> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019574 <+2676>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019576 <+2678>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601957d <+2685>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019583 <+2691>: e9 7e 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa06 ; <+7942> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x146019588 <+2696>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601958a <+2698>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019591 <+2705>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019597 <+2711>: e9 5e 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9fa ; <+7930> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601959c <+2716>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601959e <+2718>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460195a5 <+2725>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460195ab <+2731>: e9 3e 14 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x1460195b0 <+2736>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460195b2 <+2738>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460195b9 <+2745>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460195bf <+2751>: e9 47 07 00 00 jmp 0x146019d0b ; <+4619> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x1460195c4 <+2756>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460195c6 <+2758>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460195cd <+2765>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460195d3 <+2771>: e9 bb 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019693 ; <+2963> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:711 0x1460195d8 <+2776>: 48 8d bd f0 fe ff ff leaq -0x110(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460195df <+2783>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460195e1 <+2785>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x1460195e8 <+2792>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x1460195ee <+2798>: e8 cd b1 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460195f3 <+2803>: e9 9b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019693 ; <+2963> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:711 0x1460195f8 <+2808>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1460195fa <+2810>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019601 <+2817>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019607 <+2823>: e9 5b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019667 ; <+2919> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x14601960c <+2828>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601960e <+2830>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019615 <+2837>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601961b <+2843>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601965b ; <+2907> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x146019620 <+2848>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019622 <+2850>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019629 <+2857>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601962f <+2863>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601964f ; <+2895> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:707 0x146019634 <+2868>: 48 8d bd e8 fe ff ff leaq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601963b <+2875>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601963d <+2877>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019644 <+2884>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601964a <+2890>: e8 81 5d ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601964f <+2895>: 48 8d bd d0 fe ff ff leaq -0x130(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019656 <+2902>: e8 65 b1 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601965b <+2907>: 48 8d bd d8 fe ff ff leaq -0x128(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019662 <+2914>: e8 09 cd ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019667 <+2919>: 48 8d bd e0 fe ff ff leaq -0x120(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601966e <+2926>: e8 5d 8d ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019673 <+2931>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019693 ; <+2963> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:711 0x146019678 <+2936>: 48 8d bd c8 fe ff ff leaq -0x138(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601967f <+2943>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019681 <+2945>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019688 <+2952>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601968e <+2958>: e8 3d 8d ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019693 <+2963>: 8b 85 c4 fc ff ff movl -0x33c(%rbp), %eax 0x146019699 <+2969>: b9 08 00 00 00 movl $0x8, %ecx 0x14601969e <+2974>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x1460196a0 <+2976>: 0f 85 65 06 00 00 jne 0x146019d0b ; <+4619> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x1460196a6 <+2982>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460196ad <+2989>: e8 9c 2e 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x1460196b2 <+2994>: 48 89 85 b0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x350(%rbp) 0x1460196b9 <+3001>: e8 9c 2e 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x1460196be <+3006>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460196c3 ; <+3011> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:715 0x1460196c3 <+3011>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460196c8 ; <+3016> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:716 0x1460196c8 <+3016>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460196cd ; <+3021> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:721 0x1460196cd <+3021>: b8 78 00 00 00 movl $0x78, %eax 0x1460196d2 <+3026>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x1460196d4 <+3028>: e8 07 87 ff ff callq 0x146011de0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x1460196d9 <+3033>: 48 89 85 28 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4d8(%rbp) 0x1460196e0 <+3040>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460196e5 ; <+3045> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:721 0x1460196e5 <+3045>: 48 8b 85 28 fb ff ff movq -0x4d8(%rbp), %rax 0x1460196ec <+3052>: 48 8b bd 28 fb ff ff movq -0x4d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460196f3 <+3059>: 48 89 85 20 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4e0(%rbp) 0x1460196fa <+3066>: e8 21 4f ff ff callq 0x14600e620 ; dp_manager::SilentCheckPrerequisitesCommandEnv::SilentCheckPrerequisitesCommandEnv at dp_commandenvironments.cxx:237 0x1460196ff <+3071>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019704 ; <+3076> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:721 0x146019704 <+3076>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146019706 <+3078>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146019708 <+3080>: 48 8b 95 20 fb ff ff movq -0x4e0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601970f <+3087>: 48 89 95 a8 fc ff ff movq %rdx, -0x358(%rbp) 0x146019716 <+3094>: 48 8b b5 a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601971d <+3101>: 48 83 fe 00 cmpq $0x0, %rsi 0x146019721 <+3105>: 48 89 b5 18 fb ff ff movq %rsi, -0x4e8(%rbp) 0x146019728 <+3112>: 48 89 8d 10 fb ff ff movq %rcx, -0x4f0(%rbp) 0x14601972f <+3119>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x146019747 ; <+3143> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:722 0x146019735 <+3125>: 48 8b 85 18 fb ff ff movq -0x4e8(%rbp), %rax 0x14601973c <+3132>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146019740 <+3136>: 48 89 85 10 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4f0(%rbp) 0x146019747 <+3143>: 48 8b 85 10 fb ff ff movq -0x4f0(%rbp), %rax 0x14601974e <+3150>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019755 <+3157>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146019758 <+3160>: e8 13 d8 ff ff callq 0x146016f70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14601975d <+3165>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019762 ; <+3170> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:724 0x146019762 <+3170>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019766 <+3174>: e8 85 cb ff ff callq 0x1460162f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14601976b <+3179>: 48 89 85 08 fb ff ff movq %rax, -0x4f8(%rbp) 0x146019772 <+3186>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019777 ; <+3191> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:724 0x146019777 <+3191>: 48 8b 85 08 fb ff ff movq -0x4f8(%rbp), %rax 0x14601977e <+3198>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146019781 <+3201>: 48 8b 49 38 movq 0x38(%rcx), %rcx 0x146019785 <+3205>: 48 8b b5 e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601978c <+3212>: 48 8d 95 c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019793 <+3219>: bf 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %edi 0x146019798 <+3224>: 89 bd 04 fb ff ff movl %edi, -0x4fc(%rbp) 0x14601979e <+3230>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1460197a1 <+3233>: 44 8b 85 04 fb ff ff movl -0x4fc(%rbp), %r8d 0x1460197a8 <+3240>: 48 89 8d f8 fa ff ff movq %rcx, -0x508(%rbp) 0x1460197af <+3247>: 44 89 c1 movl %r8d, %ecx 0x1460197b2 <+3250>: 4c 8b 8d f8 fa ff ff movq -0x508(%rbp), %r9 0x1460197b9 <+3257>: 41 ff d1 callq *%r9 0x1460197bc <+3260>: 89 85 f4 fa ff ff movl %eax, -0x50c(%rbp) 0x1460197c2 <+3266>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460197c7 ; <+3271> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:724 0x1460197c7 <+3271>: 8b 85 f4 fa ff ff movl -0x50c(%rbp), %eax 0x1460197cd <+3277>: 89 85 a4 fc ff ff movl %eax, -0x35c(%rbp) 0x1460197d3 <+3283>: 83 bd a4 fc ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x35c(%rbp) 0x1460197da <+3290>: 0f 85 22 03 00 00 jne 0x146019b02 ; <+4098> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:750 0x1460197e0 <+3296>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460197e4 <+3300>: e8 57 af ff ff callq 0x146014740 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1460197e9 <+3305>: 48 89 85 e8 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x518(%rbp) 0x1460197f0 <+3312>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460197f5 ; <+3317> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x1460197f5 <+3317>: 48 8b 85 e8 fa ff ff movq -0x518(%rbp), %rax 0x1460197fc <+3324>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1460197ff <+3327>: 48 8b 49 48 movq 0x48(%rcx), %rcx 0x146019803 <+3331>: 48 8b 95 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601980a <+3338>: 48 8b b5 f0 fc ff ff movq -0x310(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019811 <+3345>: 48 8d bd b0 fe ff ff leaq -0x150(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019818 <+3352>: 48 89 8d e0 fa ff ff movq %rcx, -0x520(%rbp) 0x14601981f <+3359>: 48 89 95 d8 fa ff ff movq %rdx, -0x528(%rbp) 0x146019826 <+3366>: 48 89 b5 d0 fa ff ff movq %rsi, -0x530(%rbp) 0x14601982d <+3373>: e8 ee a5 fd ff callq 0x145ff3e20 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146019832 <+3378>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019837 ; <+3383> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:729 0x146019837 <+3383>: 4c 8b 8d e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %r9 0x14601983e <+3390>: 48 8d bd a8 fe ff ff leaq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019845 <+3397>: 4c 89 8d c8 fa ff ff movq %r9, -0x538(%rbp) 0x14601984c <+3404>: e8 4f af ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146019851 <+3409>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019856 ; <+3414> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x146019856 <+3414>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x146019859 <+3417>: 48 8d 8d a8 fe ff ff leaq -0x158(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019860 <+3424>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146019863 <+3427>: 48 8d bd b8 fe ff ff leaq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601986a <+3434>: 4c 8d 85 b0 fe ff ff leaq -0x150(%rbp), %r8 0x146019871 <+3441>: 48 8b b5 e8 fa ff ff movq -0x518(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019878 <+3448>: 48 8b 95 d8 fa ff ff movq -0x528(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601987f <+3455>: 48 8b 8d d0 fa ff ff movq -0x530(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019886 <+3462>: 4c 8b 8d c8 fa ff ff movq -0x538(%rbp), %r9 0x14601988d <+3469>: 48 8b 85 e0 fa ff ff movq -0x520(%rbp), %rax 0x146019894 <+3476>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146019896 <+3478>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601989b ; <+3483> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x14601989b <+3483>: 48 8d b5 b8 fe ff ff leaq -0x148(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460198a2 <+3490>: 48 8b bd 20 fc ff ff movq -0x3e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460198a9 <+3497>: e8 32 ae ff ff callq 0x1460146e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator= at Reference.hxx:357 0x1460198ae <+3502>: 48 89 85 c0 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x540(%rbp) 0x1460198b5 <+3509>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460198ba ; <+3514> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x1460198ba <+3514>: 48 8d bd b8 fe ff ff leaq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460198c1 <+3521>: e8 0a 5b ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460198c6 <+3526>: 48 8d bd a8 fe ff ff leaq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460198cd <+3533>: e8 ee ae ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460198d2 <+3538>: 48 8d bd b0 fe ff ff leaq -0x150(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460198d9 <+3545>: e8 12 b3 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460198de <+3550>: 8a 85 bc fc ff ff movb -0x344(%rbp), %al 0x1460198e4 <+3556>: 24 01 andb $0x1, %al 0x1460198e6 <+3558>: 88 85 a3 fc ff ff movb %al, -0x35d(%rbp) 0x1460198ec <+3564>: 48 8b bd e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460198f3 <+3571>: 48 8d 35 d5 17 12 00 leaq 0x1217d5(%rip), %rsi ; "user" 0x1460198fa <+3578>: e8 f1 89 ff ff callq 0x1460122f0 ; rtl::operator==(rtl::OUString const&, char const (&) [5])::operator== at ustring.hxx:1609 0x1460198ff <+3583>: 88 85 bf fa ff ff movb %al, -0x541(%rbp) 0x146019905 <+3589>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601990a ; <+3594> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:736 0x14601990a <+3594>: 8a 85 bf fa ff ff movb -0x541(%rbp), %al 0x146019910 <+3600>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146019912 <+3602>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14601991d ; <+3613> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:737 0x146019918 <+3608>: e9 a0 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199bd ; <+3773> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:740 0x14601991d <+3613>: c6 85 a3 fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x35d(%rbp) 0x146019924 <+3620>: e9 94 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199bd ; <+3773> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:740 0x146019929 <+3625>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601992b <+3627>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019932 <+3634>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019938 <+3640>: 48 8b bd 28 fb ff ff movq -0x4d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601993f <+3647>: e8 2c 36 ff ff callq 0x14600cf70 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146019944 <+3652>: e9 c2 03 00 00 jmp 0x146019d0b ; <+4619> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x146019949 <+3657>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601994b <+3659>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019952 <+3666>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019958 <+3672>: e9 a2 03 00 00 jmp 0x146019cff ; <+4607> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x14601995d <+3677>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601995f <+3679>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019966 <+3686>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601996c <+3692>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199ac ; <+3756> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x146019971 <+3697>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019973 <+3699>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601997a <+3706>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019980 <+3712>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199a0 ; <+3744> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:728 0x146019985 <+3717>: 48 8d bd b8 fe ff ff leaq -0x148(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601998c <+3724>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601998e <+3726>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019995 <+3733>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601999b <+3739>: e8 30 5a ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460199a0 <+3744>: 48 8d bd a8 fe ff ff leaq -0x158(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460199a7 <+3751>: e8 14 ae ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1460199ac <+3756>: 48 8d bd b0 fe ff ff leaq -0x150(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460199b3 <+3763>: e8 38 b2 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1460199b8 <+3768>: e9 42 03 00 00 jmp 0x146019cff ; <+4607> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x1460199bd <+3773>: 48 8d bd a0 fe ff ff leaq -0x160(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460199c4 <+3780>: 48 8b b5 20 fc ff ff movq -0x3e0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1460199cb <+3787>: e8 ce 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c09e ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::getIdentifier(com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x1460199d0 <+3792>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199d5 ; <+3797> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:741 0x1460199d5 <+3797>: 48 8b bd 20 fc ff ff movq -0x3e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1460199dc <+3804>: e8 0f c9 ff ff callq 0x1460162f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1460199e1 <+3809>: 48 89 85 b0 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x550(%rbp) 0x1460199e8 <+3816>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1460199ed ; <+3821> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:741 0x1460199ed <+3821>: 48 8b 85 b0 fa ff ff movq -0x550(%rbp), %rax 0x1460199f4 <+3828>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1460199f7 <+3831>: 48 8b 49 70 movq 0x70(%rcx), %rcx 0x1460199fb <+3835>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a02 <+3842>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146019a05 <+3845>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146019a07 <+3847>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019a0c ; <+3852> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:745 0x146019a0c <+3852>: 8a 85 a3 fc ff ff movb -0x35d(%rbp), %al 0x146019a12 <+3858>: 4c 8b 8d e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %r9 0x146019a19 <+3865>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a20 <+3872>: 88 85 af fa ff ff movb %al, -0x551(%rbp) 0x146019a26 <+3878>: 4c 89 8d a0 fa ff ff movq %r9, -0x560(%rbp) 0x146019a2d <+3885>: e8 6e ad ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x146019a32 <+3890>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019a37 ; <+3895> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:743 0x146019a37 <+3895>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x146019a3a <+3898>: 48 8d 8d 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019a41 <+3905>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146019a44 <+3908>: 8a 95 af fa ff ff movb -0x551(%rbp), %dl 0x146019a4a <+3914>: 80 e2 01 andb $0x1, %dl 0x146019a4d <+3917>: 0f b6 ca movzbl %dl, %ecx 0x146019a50 <+3920>: 48 8d b5 a0 fe ff ff leaq -0x160(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019a57 <+3927>: 48 8d 95 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019a5e <+3934>: 45 31 c0 xorl %r8d, %r8d 0x146019a61 <+3937>: 48 8b bd 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a68 <+3944>: 4c 8b 8d a0 fa ff ff movq -0x560(%rbp), %r9 0x146019a6f <+3951>: e8 1c c9 ff ff callq 0x146016390 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::activateExtension at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:419 0x146019a74 <+3956>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019a79 ; <+3961> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:743 0x146019a79 <+3961>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a80 <+3968>: e8 3b ad ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019a85 <+3973>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a8c <+3980>: e8 5f b1 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019a91 <+3985>: 48 8d bd a0 fe ff ff leaq -0x160(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019a98 <+3992>: e8 53 b1 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019a9d <+3997>: e9 4c 02 00 00 jmp 0x146019cee ; <+4590> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019aa2 <+4002>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019aa4 <+4004>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019aab <+4011>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019ab1 <+4017>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019af1 ; <+4081> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:747 0x146019ab6 <+4022>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019ab8 <+4024>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019abf <+4031>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019ac5 <+4037>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ae5 ; <+4069> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:743 0x146019aca <+4042>: 48 8d bd 90 fe ff ff leaq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019ad1 <+4049>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019ad3 <+4051>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019ada <+4058>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019ae0 <+4064>: e8 db ac ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019ae5 <+4069>: 48 8d bd 98 fe ff ff leaq -0x168(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019aec <+4076>: e8 ff b0 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019af1 <+4081>: 48 8d bd a0 fe ff ff leaq -0x160(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019af8 <+4088>: e8 f3 b0 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019afd <+4093>: e9 fd 01 00 00 jmp 0x146019cff ; <+4607> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x146019b02 <+4098>: 48 8b 85 a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rax 0x146019b09 <+4105>: 48 83 c0 48 addq $0x48, %rax 0x146019b0d <+4109>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146019b10 <+4112>: e8 7b b5 fd ff callq 0x145ff5090 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::hasValue at Any.h:182 0x146019b15 <+4117>: 88 85 9f fa ff ff movb %al, -0x561(%rbp) 0x146019b1b <+4123>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b20 ; <+4128> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:750 0x146019b20 <+4128>: 8a 85 9f fa ff ff movb -0x561(%rbp), %al 0x146019b26 <+4134>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146019b28 <+4136>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146019b33 ; <+4147> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:751 0x146019b2e <+4142>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b50 ; <+4176> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:752 0x146019b33 <+4147>: 48 8b 85 a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rax 0x146019b3a <+4154>: 48 83 c0 48 addq $0x48, %rax 0x146019b3e <+4158>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146019b41 <+4161>: e8 98 24 10 00 callq 0x14611bfde ; symbol stub for: cppu::throwException(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x146019b46 <+4166>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b4b ; <+4171> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:751 0x146019b4b <+4171>: e9 99 01 00 00 jmp 0x146019ce9 ; <+4585> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019b50 <+4176>: 48 8b 85 a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rax 0x146019b57 <+4183>: 48 83 c0 60 addq $0x60, %rax 0x146019b5b <+4187>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146019b5e <+4190>: e8 2d b5 fd ff callq 0x145ff5090 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::hasValue at Any.h:182 0x146019b63 <+4195>: 88 85 9e fa ff ff movb %al, -0x562(%rbp) 0x146019b69 <+4201>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b6e ; <+4206> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:752 0x146019b6e <+4206>: 8a 85 9e fa ff ff movb -0x562(%rbp), %al 0x146019b74 <+4212>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146019b76 <+4214>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146019b81 ; <+4225> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:753 0x146019b7c <+4220>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b9e ; <+4254> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019b81 <+4225>: 48 8b 85 a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rax 0x146019b88 <+4232>: 48 83 c0 60 addq $0x60, %rax 0x146019b8c <+4236>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146019b8f <+4239>: e8 4a 24 10 00 callq 0x14611bfde ; symbol stub for: cppu::throwException(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x146019b94 <+4244>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019b99 ; <+4249> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:753 0x146019b99 <+4249>: e9 46 01 00 00 jmp 0x146019ce4 ; <+4580> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019b9e <+4254>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x146019ba3 <+4259>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146019ba5 <+4261>: e8 9e 29 10 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x146019baa <+4266>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146019bad <+4269>: c6 85 9f fc ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x361(%rbp) 0x146019bb4 <+4276>: 48 8d 35 99 18 12 00 leaq 0x121899(%rip), %rsi ; "Extension Manager: exception during addExtension, ckeckPrerequisites failed" 0x146019bbb <+4283>: 48 8d 8d 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019bc2 <+4290>: 48 89 bd 90 fa ff ff movq %rdi, -0x570(%rbp) 0x146019bc9 <+4297>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x146019bcc <+4300>: 48 89 85 88 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x578(%rbp) 0x146019bd3 <+4307>: e8 98 10 00 00 callq 0x14601ac70 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x146019bd8 <+4312>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019bdd ; <+4317> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:757 0x146019bdd <+4317>: 48 8d bd 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019be4 <+4324>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019beb <+4331>: e8 a0 03 fe ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146019bf0 <+4336>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019bf5 ; <+4341> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:757 0x146019bf5 <+4341>: 48 8d bd 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019bfc <+4348>: e8 ff 49 ff ff callq 0x14600e600 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x146019c01 <+4353>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019c06 ; <+4358> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019c06 <+4358>: 48 8d b5 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019c0d <+4365>: 48 8d 95 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdx 0x146019c14 <+4372>: 48 8d 8d 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019c1b <+4379>: 48 8b bd 88 fa ff ff movq -0x578(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019c22 <+4386>: e8 29 c1 ff ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x146019c27 <+4391>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019c2c ; <+4396> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019c2c <+4396>: c6 85 9f fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x361(%rbp) 0x146019c33 <+4403>: 48 8b 35 d6 63 16 00 movq 0x1663d6(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f00: typeinfo for com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException 0x146019c3a <+4410>: 48 8d 15 4f c1 ff ff leaq -0x3eb1(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x146019c41 <+4417>: 48 8b bd 90 fa ff ff movq -0x570(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019c48 <+4424>: e8 1f 29 10 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x146019c4d <+4429>: e9 8a 0e 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x146019c52 <+4434>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019c54 <+4436>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019c5b <+4443>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019c61 <+4449>: e9 5b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019cc1 ; <+4545> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019c66 <+4454>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019c68 <+4456>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019c6f <+4463>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019c75 <+4469>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019cb5 ; <+4533> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019c7a <+4474>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019c7c <+4476>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019c83 <+4483>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019c89 <+4489>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ca9 ; <+4521> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019c8e <+4494>: 48 8d bd 68 fe ff ff leaq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019c95 <+4501>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146019c97 <+4503>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146019c9e <+4510>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x146019ca4 <+4516>: e8 57 c8 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019ca9 <+4521>: 48 8d bd 80 fe ff ff leaq -0x180(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019cb0 <+4528>: e8 ab c1 fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019cb5 <+4533>: 48 8d bd 88 fe ff ff leaq -0x178(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019cbc <+4540>: e8 2f af fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146019cc1 <+4545>: f6 85 9f fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x361(%rbp) 0x146019cc8 <+4552>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146019cd3 ; <+4563> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019cce <+4558>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019cdf ; <+4575> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019cd3 <+4563>: 48 8b bd 90 fa ff ff movq -0x570(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019cda <+4570>: e8 81 28 10 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x146019cdf <+4575>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019cff ; <+4607> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x146019ce4 <+4580>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ce9 ; <+4585> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019ce9 <+4585>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019cee ; <+4590> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:755 0x146019cee <+4590>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019cf5 <+4597>: e8 c6 aa ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019cfa <+4602>: e9 83 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019cff <+4607>: 48 8d bd c0 fe ff ff leaq -0x140(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019d06 <+4614>: e8 b5 aa ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146019d0b <+4619>: 8b 85 c4 fc ff ff movl -0x33c(%rbp), %eax 0x146019d11 <+4625>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x146019d16 <+4630>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146019d18 <+4632>: 89 85 84 fa ff ff movl %eax, -0x57c(%rbp) 0x146019d1e <+4638>: 0f 85 63 00 00 00 jne 0x146019d87 ; <+4743> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019d24 <+4644>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019d2b <+4651>: e8 1e 28 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019d30 <+4656>: 48 89 85 70 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x390(%rbp) 0x146019d37 <+4663>: 48 8d bd 90 fd ff ff leaq -0x270(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019d3e <+4670>: e8 a7 22 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019d43 <+4675>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019d48 ; <+4680> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:761 0x146019d48 <+4680>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019d4f <+4687>: 48 8d b5 90 fd ff ff leaq -0x270(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019d56 <+4694>: e8 45 0f 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019d5b <+4699>: 48 89 85 78 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x588(%rbp) 0x146019d62 <+4706>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019d67 ; <+4711> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:761 0x146019d67 <+4711>: 48 8d bd 90 fd ff ff leaq -0x270(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019d6e <+4718>: e8 8d c7 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019d73 <+4723>: e8 e2 27 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146019d78 <+4728>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019d7d ; <+4733> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:762 0x146019d7d <+4733>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019d82 <+4738>: e9 e3 04 00 00 jmp 0x14601a26a ; <+5994> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:779 0x146019d87 <+4743>: b8 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %eax 0x146019d8c <+4748>: 8b 8d 84 fa ff ff movl -0x57c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146019d92 <+4754>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146019d94 <+4756>: 0f 85 5e 00 00 00 jne 0x146019df8 ; <+4856> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:764 0x146019d9a <+4762>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019da1 <+4769>: e8 a8 27 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019da6 <+4774>: 48 89 85 78 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x388(%rbp) 0x146019dad <+4781>: 48 8d bd a8 fd ff ff leaq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019db4 <+4788>: e8 31 22 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019db9 <+4793>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019dbe ; <+4798> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:763 0x146019dbe <+4798>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019dc5 <+4805>: 48 8d b5 a8 fd ff ff leaq -0x258(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019dcc <+4812>: e8 cf 0e 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019dd1 <+4817>: 48 89 85 70 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x590(%rbp) 0x146019dd8 <+4824>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ddd ; <+4829> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:763 0x146019ddd <+4829>: 48 8d bd a8 fd ff ff leaq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019de4 <+4836>: e8 17 c7 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019de9 <+4841>: e8 6c 27 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146019dee <+4846>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019df3 ; <+4851> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:764 0x146019df3 <+4851>: e9 8a ff ff ff jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019df8 <+4856>: b8 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %eax 0x146019dfd <+4861>: 8b 8d 84 fa ff ff movl -0x57c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146019e03 <+4867>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146019e05 <+4869>: 0f 85 5e 00 00 00 jne 0x146019e69 ; <+4969> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:766 0x146019e0b <+4875>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e12 <+4882>: e8 37 27 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019e17 <+4887>: 48 89 85 80 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x380(%rbp) 0x146019e1e <+4894>: 48 8d bd c0 fd ff ff leaq -0x240(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e25 <+4901>: e8 c0 21 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019e2a <+4906>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019e2f ; <+4911> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:765 0x146019e2f <+4911>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e36 <+4918>: 48 8d b5 c0 fd ff ff leaq -0x240(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019e3d <+4925>: e8 5e 0e 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019e42 <+4930>: 48 89 85 68 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x598(%rbp) 0x146019e49 <+4937>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019e4e ; <+4942> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:765 0x146019e4e <+4942>: 48 8d bd c0 fd ff ff leaq -0x240(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e55 <+4949>: e8 a6 c6 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019e5a <+4954>: e8 fb 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146019e5f <+4959>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019e64 ; <+4964> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:766 0x146019e64 <+4964>: e9 19 ff ff ff jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019e69 <+4969>: b8 04 00 00 00 movl $0x4, %eax 0x146019e6e <+4974>: 8b 8d 84 fa ff ff movl -0x57c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146019e74 <+4980>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146019e76 <+4982>: 0f 85 5e 00 00 00 jne 0x146019eda ; <+5082> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:768 0x146019e7c <+4988>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e83 <+4995>: e8 c6 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019e88 <+5000>: 48 89 85 88 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x378(%rbp) 0x146019e8f <+5007>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019e96 <+5014>: e8 4f 21 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019e9b <+5019>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ea0 ; <+5024> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:767 0x146019ea0 <+5024>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019ea7 <+5031>: 48 8d b5 d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019eae <+5038>: e8 ed 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019eb3 <+5043>: 48 89 85 60 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5a0(%rbp) 0x146019eba <+5050>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ebf ; <+5055> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:767 0x146019ebf <+5055>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019ec6 <+5062>: e8 35 c6 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019ecb <+5067>: e8 8a 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146019ed0 <+5072>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ed5 ; <+5077> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:768 0x146019ed5 <+5077>: e9 a8 fe ff ff jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019eda <+5082>: b8 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5, %eax 0x146019edf <+5087>: 8b 8d 84 fa ff ff movl -0x57c(%rbp), %ecx 0x146019ee5 <+5093>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146019ee7 <+5095>: 0f 85 5e 00 00 00 jne 0x146019f4b ; <+5195> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:759 0x146019eed <+5101>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019ef4 <+5108>: e8 55 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019ef9 <+5113>: 48 89 85 90 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x370(%rbp) 0x146019f00 <+5120>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f07 <+5127>: e8 de 20 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019f0c <+5132>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019f11 ; <+5137> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:769 0x146019f11 <+5137>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f18 <+5144>: 48 8d b5 f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019f1f <+5151>: e8 7c 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019f24 <+5156>: 48 89 85 58 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5a8(%rbp) 0x146019f2b <+5163>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019f30 ; <+5168> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:769 0x146019f30 <+5168>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f37 <+5175>: e8 c4 c5 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019f3c <+5180>: e8 19 26 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146019f41 <+5185>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019f46 ; <+5190> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:770 0x146019f46 <+5190>: e9 37 fe ff ff jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x146019f4b <+5195>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f52 <+5202>: e8 f7 25 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146019f57 <+5207>: 48 8d bd 50 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f5e <+5214>: 48 89 85 50 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5b0(%rbp) 0x146019f65 <+5221>: e8 80 20 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146019f6a <+5226>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019f6f ; <+5231> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:771 0x146019f6f <+5231>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f76 <+5238>: 48 8d b5 50 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019f7d <+5245>: e8 1e 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601aca0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x146019f82 <+5250>: 48 89 85 48 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5b8(%rbp) 0x146019f89 <+5257>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019f8e ; <+5262> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:771 0x146019f8e <+5262>: 48 8d bd 50 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019f95 <+5269>: e8 66 c5 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146019f9a <+5274>: 48 8b b5 f8 fc ff ff movq -0x308(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019fa1 <+5281>: 48 8d 3d f8 14 12 00 leaq 0x1214f8(%rip), %rdi ; "Extension Manager: exception during addExtension, url: " 0x146019fa8 <+5288>: e8 43 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601acf0 ; rtl::operator+(char const (&) [56], rtl::OUString const&)::operator+ at stringconcat.hxx:272 0x146019fad <+5293>: 48 89 95 40 fa ff ff movq %rdx, -0x5c0(%rbp) 0x146019fb4 <+5300>: 48 89 85 38 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5c8(%rbp) 0x146019fbb <+5307>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019fc0 ; <+5312> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:774 0x146019fc0 <+5312>: 48 8b 85 38 fa ff ff movq -0x5c8(%rbp), %rax 0x146019fc7 <+5319>: 48 89 85 10 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1f0(%rbp) 0x146019fce <+5326>: 48 8b 8d 40 fa ff ff movq -0x5c0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146019fd5 <+5333>: 48 89 8d 18 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146019fdc <+5340>: 48 8d bd 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019fe3 <+5347>: 48 8d b5 10 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146019fea <+5354>: e8 81 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601ad70 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:381 0x146019fef <+5359>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146019ff4 ; <+5364> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:774 0x146019ff4 <+5364>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146019ffb <+5371>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a002 <+5378>: e8 89 ff fd ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14601a007 <+5383>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a00c ; <+5388> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:772 0x14601a00c <+5388>: 48 8d bd 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a013 <+5395>: 48 8d b5 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a01a <+5402>: 48 8d 95 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a021 <+5409>: 48 8d 8d 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601a028 <+5416>: e8 23 bd ff ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x14601a02d <+5421>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a032 ; <+5426> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:772 0x14601a032 <+5426>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a039 <+5433>: e8 22 be fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a03e <+5438>: 48 8d bd 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a045 <+5445>: e8 a6 ab fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a04a <+5450>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a051 <+5457>: 48 8d b5 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a058 <+5464>: e8 43 0d 00 00 callq 0x14601ada0 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator<<= at Any.hxx:238 0x14601a05d <+5469>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a062 ; <+5474> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:775 0x14601a062 <+5474>: 48 8d bd 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a069 <+5481>: e8 22 bd ff ff callq 0x146015d90 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14601a06e <+5486>: e8 e7 24 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a073 <+5491>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a078 ; <+5496> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a078 <+5496>: e9 05 fd ff ff jmp 0x146019d82 ; <+4738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:777 0x14601a07d <+5501>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a07f <+5503>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a086 <+5510>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a08c <+5516>: e9 94 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a125 ; <+5669> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a091 <+5521>: 48 8d bd 50 fe ff ff leaq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a098 <+5528>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a09a <+5530>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a0a1 <+5537>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a0a7 <+5543>: e8 54 c4 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a0ac <+5548>: e9 74 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a125 ; <+5669> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a0b1 <+5553>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a0b3 <+5555>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a0ba <+5562>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a0c0 <+5568>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a0e0 ; <+5600> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:772 0x14601a0c5 <+5573>: 48 8d bd 08 fe ff ff leaq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a0cc <+5580>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a0ce <+5582>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a0d5 <+5589>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a0db <+5595>: e8 80 bd fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a0e0 <+5600>: 48 8d bd 20 fe ff ff leaq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a0e7 <+5607>: e8 04 ab fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a0ec <+5612>: e9 34 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a125 ; <+5669> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a0f1 <+5617>: 48 8d bd 28 fe ff ff leaq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a0f8 <+5624>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a0fa <+5626>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a101 <+5633>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a107 <+5639>: e8 84 bc ff ff callq 0x146015d90 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14601a10c <+5644>: e9 14 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a125 ; <+5669> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a111 <+5649>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a113 <+5651>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a11a <+5658>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a120 <+5664>: e9 b5 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a125 <+5669>: e8 30 24 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a12a <+5674>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a12f ; <+5679> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a12f <+5679>: e9 a6 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a134 <+5684>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a136 <+5686>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a13d <+5693>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a143 <+5699>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a163 ; <+5731> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:770 0x14601a148 <+5704>: 48 8d bd f0 fd ff ff leaq -0x210(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a14f <+5711>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a151 <+5713>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a158 <+5720>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a15e <+5726>: e8 9d c3 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a163 <+5731>: e8 f2 23 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a168 <+5736>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a16d ; <+5741> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:770 0x14601a16d <+5741>: e9 68 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a172 <+5746>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a174 <+5748>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a17b <+5755>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a181 <+5761>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a1a1 ; <+5793> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:768 0x14601a186 <+5766>: 48 8d bd d8 fd ff ff leaq -0x228(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a18d <+5773>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a18f <+5775>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a196 <+5782>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a19c <+5788>: e8 5f c3 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a1a1 <+5793>: e8 b4 23 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a1a6 <+5798>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a1ab ; <+5803> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:768 0x14601a1ab <+5803>: e9 2a 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a1b0 <+5808>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a1b2 <+5810>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a1b9 <+5817>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a1bf <+5823>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a1df ; <+5855> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:766 0x14601a1c4 <+5828>: 48 8d bd c0 fd ff ff leaq -0x240(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a1cb <+5835>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a1cd <+5837>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a1d4 <+5844>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a1da <+5850>: e8 21 c3 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a1df <+5855>: e8 76 23 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a1e4 <+5860>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a1e9 ; <+5865> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:766 0x14601a1e9 <+5865>: e9 ec 02 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a1ee <+5870>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a1f0 <+5872>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a1f7 <+5879>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a1fd <+5885>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a21d ; <+5917> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:764 0x14601a202 <+5890>: 48 8d bd a8 fd ff ff leaq -0x258(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a209 <+5897>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a20b <+5899>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a212 <+5906>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a218 <+5912>: e8 e3 c2 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a21d <+5917>: e8 38 23 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a222 <+5922>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a227 ; <+5927> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:764 0x14601a227 <+5927>: e9 ae 02 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a22c <+5932>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a22e <+5934>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a235 <+5941>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a23b <+5947>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a25b ; <+5979> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:762 0x14601a240 <+5952>: 48 8d bd 90 fd ff ff leaq -0x270(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a247 <+5959>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a249 <+5961>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a250 <+5968>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a256 <+5974>: e8 a5 c2 fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a25b <+5979>: e8 fa 22 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a260 <+5984>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a265 ; <+5989> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:762 0x14601a265 <+5989>: e9 70 02 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4da ; <+6618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a26a <+5994>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a271 <+6001>: e8 1a ae fd ff callq 0x145ff5090 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::hasValue at Any.h:182 0x14601a276 <+6006>: 88 85 37 fa ff ff movb %al, -0x5c9(%rbp) 0x14601a27c <+6012>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a281 ; <+6017> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:779 0x14601a281 <+6017>: 8a 85 37 fa ff ff movb -0x5c9(%rbp), %al 0x14601a287 <+6023>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14601a289 <+6025>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a294 ; <+6036> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:788 0x14601a28f <+6031>: e9 24 02 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4b8 ; <+6584> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:803 0x14601a294 <+6036>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a29b <+6043>: e8 f0 92 fd ff callq 0x145ff3590 ; com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference::is at Reference.h:94 0x14601a2a0 <+6048>: 88 85 36 fa ff ff movb %al, -0x5ca(%rbp) 0x14601a2a6 <+6054>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a2ab ; <+6059> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:788 0x14601a2ab <+6059>: 8a 85 36 fa ff ff movb -0x5ca(%rbp), %al 0x14601a2b1 <+6065>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x14601a2b3 <+6067>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a2be ; <+6078> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:791 0x14601a2b9 <+6073>: e9 fa 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a3b8 ; <+6328> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:796 0x14601a2be <+6078>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a2c2 <+6082>: e8 79 a4 ff ff callq 0x146014740 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14601a2c7 <+6087>: 48 89 85 28 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5d8(%rbp) 0x14601a2ce <+6094>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a2d3 ; <+6099> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:791 0x14601a2d3 <+6099>: 48 8b 85 28 fa ff ff movq -0x5d8(%rbp), %rax 0x14601a2da <+6106>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x14601a2dd <+6109>: 48 8b 49 50 movq 0x50(%rcx), %rcx 0x14601a2e1 <+6113>: 48 8d bd 80 fd ff ff leaq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a2e8 <+6120>: 48 89 8d 20 fa ff ff movq %rcx, -0x5e0(%rbp) 0x14601a2ef <+6127>: e8 5c c0 ff ff callq 0x146016350 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601a2f4 <+6132>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a2f9 ; <+6137> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:793 0x14601a2f9 <+6137>: 48 8d bd 78 fd ff ff leaq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a300 <+6144>: e8 9b a4 ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601a305 <+6149>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a30a ; <+6154> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:791 0x14601a30a <+6154>: 48 8d bd 88 fd ff ff leaq -0x278(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a311 <+6161>: 48 8d 95 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a318 <+6168>: 48 8d 8d 80 fd ff ff leaq -0x280(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601a31f <+6175>: 4c 8d 85 78 fd ff ff leaq -0x288(%rbp), %r8 0x14601a326 <+6182>: 48 8b b5 28 fa ff ff movq -0x5d8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a32d <+6189>: 48 8b 85 20 fa ff ff movq -0x5e0(%rbp), %rax 0x14601a334 <+6196>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x14601a336 <+6198>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a33b ; <+6203> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:791 0x14601a33b <+6203>: 48 8d bd 78 fd ff ff leaq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a342 <+6210>: e8 79 a4 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a347 <+6215>: 48 8d bd 80 fd ff ff leaq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a34e <+6222>: e8 1d c0 ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a353 <+6227>: 48 8d bd 88 fd ff ff leaq -0x278(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a35a <+6234>: e8 71 50 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a35f <+6239>: e9 54 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a3b8 ; <+6328> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:796 0x14601a364 <+6244>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a366 <+6246>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a36d <+6253>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a373 <+6259>: e9 08 01 00 00 jmp 0x14601a480 ; <+6528> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:798 0x14601a378 <+6264>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a37a <+6266>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a381 <+6273>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a387 <+6279>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a3a7 ; <+6311> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:791 0x14601a38c <+6284>: 48 8d bd 78 fd ff ff leaq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a393 <+6291>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a395 <+6293>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a39c <+6300>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a3a2 <+6306>: e8 19 a4 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a3a7 <+6311>: 48 8d bd 80 fd ff ff leaq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a3ae <+6318>: e8 bd bf ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a3b3 <+6323>: e9 c8 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a480 ; <+6528> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:798 0x14601a3b8 <+6328>: 8a 85 bc fc ff ff movb -0x344(%rbp), %al 0x14601a3be <+6334>: 48 8d bd 70 fd ff ff leaq -0x290(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a3c5 <+6341>: 88 85 1f fa ff ff movb %al, -0x5e1(%rbp) 0x14601a3cb <+6347>: e8 80 bf ff ff callq 0x146016350 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601a3d0 <+6352>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a3d5 ; <+6357> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:797 0x14601a3d5 <+6357>: 48 8d bd 68 fd ff ff leaq -0x298(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a3dc <+6364>: e8 bf a3 ff ff callq 0x1460147a0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:115 0x14601a3e1 <+6369>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a3e6 ; <+6374> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:795 0x14601a3e6 <+6374>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x14601a3e9 <+6377>: 48 8d 8d 68 fd ff ff leaq -0x298(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601a3f0 <+6384>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x14601a3f3 <+6387>: 8a 95 1f fa ff ff movb -0x5e1(%rbp), %dl 0x14601a3f9 <+6393>: 80 e2 01 andb $0x1, %dl 0x14601a3fc <+6396>: 0f b6 ca movzbl %dl, %ecx 0x14601a3ff <+6399>: 48 8d b5 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a406 <+6406>: 48 8d 95 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a40d <+6413>: 45 31 c0 xorl %r8d, %r8d 0x14601a410 <+6416>: 4c 8d 8d 70 fd ff ff leaq -0x290(%rbp), %r9 0x14601a417 <+6423>: 48 8b bd 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a41e <+6430>: e8 6d bf ff ff callq 0x146016390 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::activateExtension at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:419 0x14601a423 <+6435>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a428 ; <+6440> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:795 0x14601a428 <+6440>: 48 8d bd 68 fd ff ff leaq -0x298(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a42f <+6447>: e8 8c a3 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a434 <+6452>: 48 8d bd 70 fd ff ff leaq -0x290(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a43b <+6459>: e8 30 bf ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a440 <+6464>: e9 5d 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4a2 ; <+6562> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:802 0x14601a445 <+6469>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a447 <+6471>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a44e <+6478>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a454 <+6484>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a474 ; <+6516> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:795 0x14601a459 <+6489>: 48 8d bd 68 fd ff ff leaq -0x298(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a460 <+6496>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a462 <+6498>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a469 <+6505>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a46f <+6511>: e8 4c a3 ff ff callq 0x1460147c0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a474 <+6516>: 48 8d bd 70 fd ff ff leaq -0x290(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a47b <+6523>: e8 f0 be ff ff callq 0x146016370 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a480 <+6528>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a487 <+6535>: e8 c2 20 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a48c <+6540>: 48 89 85 10 fa ff ff movq %rax, -0x5f0(%rbp) 0x14601a493 <+6547>: e8 c2 20 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a498 <+6552>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a49d ; <+6557> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:801 0x14601a49d <+6557>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4a2 ; <+6562> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:802 0x14601a4a2 <+6562>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a4a9 <+6569>: e8 30 1b 10 00 callq 0x14611bfde ; symbol stub for: cppu::throwException(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x14601a4ae <+6574>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4b3 ; <+6579> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:803 0x14601a4b3 <+6579>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4b8 ; <+6584> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:803 0x14601a4b8 <+6584>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a4bf <+6591>: e8 7c d1 fd ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14601a4c4 <+6596>: 48 8b bd 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a4cb <+6603>: e8 50 c4 ff ff callq 0x146016920 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::fireModified at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:1488 0x14601a4d0 <+6608>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a4d5 ; <+6613> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a4d5 <+6613>: e9 83 04 00 00 jmp 0x14601a95d ; <+7773> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:812 0x14601a4da <+6618>: 48 8d bd f8 fe ff ff leaq -0x108(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a4e1 <+6625>: e8 5a d1 fd ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14601a4e6 <+6630>: e9 03 05 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a4eb <+6635>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a4ed <+6637>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a4f4 <+6644>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a4fa <+6650>: 8b 85 c4 fc ff ff movl -0x33c(%rbp), %eax 0x14601a500 <+6656>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x14601a505 <+6661>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x14601a507 <+6663>: 89 85 0c fa ff ff movl %eax, -0x5f4(%rbp) 0x14601a50d <+6669>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a530 ; <+6704> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:811 0x14601a513 <+6675>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a51a <+6682>: e8 2f 20 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a51f <+6687>: 48 89 85 28 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3d8(%rbp) 0x14601a526 <+6694>: e8 3b 20 10 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14601a52b <+6699>: e9 ac 05 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a530 <+6704>: b8 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %eax 0x14601a535 <+6709>: 8b 8d 0c fa ff ff movl -0x5f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x14601a53b <+6715>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14601a53d <+6717>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a560 ; <+6752> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:813 0x14601a543 <+6723>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a54a <+6730>: e8 ff 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a54f <+6735>: 48 89 85 30 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3d0(%rbp) 0x14601a556 <+6742>: e8 0b 20 10 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14601a55b <+6747>: e9 7c 05 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a560 <+6752>: b8 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %eax 0x14601a565 <+6757>: 8b 8d 0c fa ff ff movl -0x5f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x14601a56b <+6763>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14601a56d <+6765>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a590 ; <+6800> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:815 0x14601a573 <+6771>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a57a <+6778>: e8 cf 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a57f <+6783>: 48 89 85 38 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3c8(%rbp) 0x14601a586 <+6790>: e8 db 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14601a58b <+6795>: e9 4c 05 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a590 <+6800>: b8 04 00 00 00 movl $0x4, %eax 0x14601a595 <+6805>: 8b 8d 0c fa ff ff movl -0x5f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x14601a59b <+6811>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14601a59d <+6813>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a5c0 ; <+6848> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:817 0x14601a5a3 <+6819>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a5aa <+6826>: e8 9f 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a5af <+6831>: 48 89 85 40 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3c0(%rbp) 0x14601a5b6 <+6838>: e8 ab 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14601a5bb <+6843>: e9 1c 05 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a5c0 <+6848>: b8 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5, %eax 0x14601a5c5 <+6853>: 8b 8d 0c fa ff ff movl -0x5f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x14601a5cb <+6859>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14601a5cd <+6861>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a5f0 ; <+6896> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:819 0x14601a5d3 <+6867>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a5da <+6874>: e8 6f 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a5df <+6879>: 48 89 85 48 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3b8(%rbp) 0x14601a5e6 <+6886>: e8 7b 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c566 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x14601a5eb <+6891>: e9 ec 04 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a5f0 <+6896>: b8 09 00 00 00 movl $0x9, %eax 0x14601a5f5 <+6901>: 8b 8d 0c fa ff ff movl -0x5f4(%rbp), %ecx 0x14601a5fb <+6907>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x14601a5fd <+6909>: 0f 85 db 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a6de ; <+7134> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:810 0x14601a603 <+6915>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a60a <+6922>: e8 3f 1f 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a60f <+6927>: 48 89 85 58 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x3a8(%rbp) 0x14601a616 <+6934>: 48 8d bd 40 fd ff ff leaq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a61d <+6941>: e8 c8 19 10 00 callq 0x14611bfea ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x14601a622 <+6946>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a627 ; <+6951> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:823 0x14601a627 <+6951>: 48 8d 35 ad 0d 12 00 leaq 0x120dad(%rip), %rsi ; "Extension Manager: exception in doChecksForAddExtension" 0x14601a62e <+6958>: 48 8d bd 10 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a635 <+6965>: e8 66 e4 ff ff callq 0x146018aa0 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14601a63a <+6970>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a63f ; <+6975> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:824 0x14601a63f <+6975>: 48 8d bd 08 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a646 <+6982>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a64d <+6989>: e8 3e f9 fd ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14601a652 <+6994>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a657 ; <+6999> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:822 0x14601a657 <+6999>: 48 8d bd 18 fd ff ff leaq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a65e <+7006>: 48 8d b5 10 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a665 <+7013>: 48 8d 95 08 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a66c <+7020>: 48 8d 8d 40 fd ff ff leaq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601a673 <+7027>: e8 d8 b6 ff ff callq 0x146015d50 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:23 0x14601a678 <+7032>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a67d ; <+7037> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:822 0x14601a67d <+7037>: 48 8d bd 08 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a684 <+7044>: e8 d7 b7 fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a689 <+7049>: 48 8d bd 10 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a690 <+7056>: e8 5b a5 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a695 <+7061>: b8 28 00 00 00 movl $0x28, %eax 0x14601a69a <+7066>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x14601a69c <+7068>: e8 a7 1e 10 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x14601a6a1 <+7073>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14601a6a4 <+7076>: 48 8d b5 18 fd ff ff leaq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a6ab <+7083>: 48 89 bd 00 fa ff ff movq %rdi, -0x600(%rbp) 0x14601a6b2 <+7090>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14601a6b5 <+7093>: e8 16 e4 ff ff callq 0x146018ad0 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14601a6ba <+7098>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a6bf ; <+7103> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:825 0x14601a6bf <+7103>: 48 8b 35 4a 59 16 00 movq 0x16594a(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18f00: typeinfo for com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException 0x14601a6c6 <+7110>: 48 8d 15 c3 b6 ff ff leaq -0x493d(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14601a6cd <+7117>: 48 8b bd 00 fa ff ff movq -0x600(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a6d4 <+7124>: e8 93 1e 10 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x14601a6d9 <+7129>: e9 fe 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a6de <+7134>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a6e5 <+7141>: e8 64 1e 10 00 callq 0x14611c54e ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x14601a6ea <+7146>: b9 10 00 00 00 movl $0x10, %ecx 0x14601a6ef <+7151>: 89 cf movl %ecx, %edi 0x14601a6f1 <+7153>: 48 89 85 f8 f9 ff ff movq %rax, -0x608(%rbp) 0x14601a6f8 <+7160>: e8 4b 1e 10 00 callq 0x14611c548 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_allocate_exception 0x14601a6fd <+7165>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14601a700 <+7168>: c6 85 67 fc ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x399(%rbp) 0x14601a707 <+7175>: 48 8d 35 8a 0c 12 00 leaq 0x120c8a(%rip), %rsi ; "Extension Manager: unexpected exception in doChecksForAddExtension" 0x14601a70e <+7182>: 48 8d 95 60 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a715 <+7189>: 48 89 bd f0 f9 ff ff movq %rdi, -0x610(%rbp) 0x14601a71c <+7196>: 48 89 d7 movq %rdx, %rdi 0x14601a71f <+7199>: 48 89 85 e8 f9 ff ff movq %rax, -0x618(%rbp) 0x14601a726 <+7206>: e8 45 e3 ff ff callq 0x146018a70 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14601a72b <+7211>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a730 ; <+7216> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:829 0x14601a730 <+7216>: 48 8d bd 58 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a737 <+7223>: 48 8b b5 10 fc ff ff movq -0x3f0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a73e <+7230>: e8 4d f8 fd ff callq 0x145ff9f90 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14601a743 <+7235>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a748 ; <+7240> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:827 0x14601a748 <+7240>: 48 8d b5 60 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601a74f <+7247>: 48 8d 95 58 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601a756 <+7254>: 48 8b bd e8 f9 ff ff movq -0x618(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a75d <+7261>: e8 5e f8 fd ff callq 0x145ff9fc0 ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hpp:23 0x14601a762 <+7266>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a767 ; <+7271> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:827 0x14601a767 <+7271>: c6 85 67 fc ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x399(%rbp) 0x14601a76e <+7278>: 48 8b 35 e3 58 16 00 movq 0x1658e3(%rip), %rsi ; (void *)0x0000000102e18580: typeinfo for com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException 0x14601a775 <+7285>: 48 8d 15 74 f8 fd ff leaq -0x2078c(%rip), %rdx ; com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException::~RuntimeException at RuntimeException.hdl:13 0x14601a77c <+7292>: 48 8b bd f0 f9 ff ff movq -0x610(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a783 <+7299>: e8 e4 1d 10 00 callq 0x14611c56c ; symbol stub for: __cxa_throw 0x14601a788 <+7304>: e9 4f 03 00 00 jmp 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601a78d <+7309>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a78f <+7311>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a796 <+7318>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a79c <+7324>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a7dc ; <+7388> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:827 0x14601a7a1 <+7329>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a7a3 <+7331>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a7aa <+7338>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a7b0 <+7344>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a7d0 ; <+7376> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:827 0x14601a7b5 <+7349>: 48 8d bd 58 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a7bc <+7356>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a7be <+7358>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a7c5 <+7365>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a7cb <+7371>: e8 90 b6 fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a7d0 <+7376>: 48 8d bd 60 fd ff ff leaq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a7d7 <+7383>: e8 14 a4 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a7dc <+7388>: f6 85 67 fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x399(%rbp) 0x14601a7e3 <+7395>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x14601a7ee ; <+7406> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:827 0x14601a7e9 <+7401>: e9 0c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a7fa ; <+7418> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:830 0x14601a7ee <+7406>: 48 8b bd f0 f9 ff ff movq -0x610(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a7f5 <+7413>: e8 66 1d 10 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x14601a7fa <+7418>: e8 5b 1d 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a7ff <+7423>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a804 ; <+7428> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:830 0x14601a804 <+7428>: e9 e5 01 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a809 <+7433>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a80b <+7435>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a812 <+7442>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a818 <+7448>: e9 9b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8b8 ; <+7608> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:826 0x14601a81d <+7453>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a81f <+7455>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a826 <+7462>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a82c <+7468>: e9 7b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8ac ; <+7596> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:826 0x14601a831 <+7473>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a833 <+7475>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a83a <+7482>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a840 <+7488>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a860 ; <+7520> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:822 0x14601a845 <+7493>: 48 8d bd 08 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a84c <+7500>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a84e <+7502>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a855 <+7509>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a85b <+7515>: e8 00 b6 fd ff callq 0x145ff5e60 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a860 <+7520>: 48 8d bd 10 fd ff ff leaq -0x2f0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a867 <+7527>: e8 84 a3 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a86c <+7532>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8ac ; <+7596> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:826 0x14601a871 <+7537>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a873 <+7539>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a87a <+7546>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a880 <+7552>: 48 8b bd 00 fa ff ff movq -0x600(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a887 <+7559>: e8 d4 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c560 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_free_exception 0x14601a88c <+7564>: e9 0f 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8a0 ; <+7584> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a891 <+7569>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a893 <+7571>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a89a <+7578>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a8a0 <+7584>: 48 8d bd 18 fd ff ff leaq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a8a7 <+7591>: e8 e4 b4 ff ff callq 0x146015d90 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x14601a8ac <+7596>: 48 8d bd 40 fd ff ff leaq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a8b3 <+7603>: e8 48 bc fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a8b8 <+7608>: e8 9d 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a8bd <+7613>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8c2 ; <+7618> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:826 0x14601a8c2 <+7618>: e9 27 01 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a8c7 <+7623>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a8c9 <+7625>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a8d0 <+7632>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a8d6 <+7638>: e8 7f 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a8db <+7643>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8e0 ; <+7648> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:820 0x14601a8e0 <+7648>: e9 09 01 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a8e5 <+7653>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a8e7 <+7655>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a8ee <+7662>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a8f4 <+7668>: e8 61 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a8f9 <+7673>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a8fe ; <+7678> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:818 0x14601a8fe <+7678>: e9 eb 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a903 <+7683>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a905 <+7685>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a90c <+7692>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a912 <+7698>: e8 43 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a917 <+7703>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a91c ; <+7708> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:816 0x14601a91c <+7708>: e9 cd 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a921 <+7713>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a923 <+7715>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a92a <+7722>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a930 <+7728>: e8 25 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a935 <+7733>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a93a ; <+7738> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:814 0x14601a93a <+7738>: e9 af 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a93f <+7743>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601a941 <+7745>: 48 89 85 c8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x338(%rbp) 0x14601a948 <+7752>: 89 8d c4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601a94e <+7758>: e8 07 1c 10 00 callq 0x14611c55a ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14601a953 <+7763>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a958 ; <+7768> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:812 0x14601a958 <+7768>: e9 91 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601a9ee ; <+7918> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a95d <+7773>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a964 <+7780>: c6 85 d7 fc ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x329(%rbp) 0x14601a96b <+7787>: e8 90 bb fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a970 <+7792>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a977 <+7799>: e8 54 4a ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a97c <+7804>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a983 <+7811>: e8 48 4a ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a988 <+7816>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a98f <+7823>: e8 5c a2 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a994 <+7828>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a99b <+7835>: e8 50 a2 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601a9a0 <+7840>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9a7 <+7847>: e8 54 04 00 00 callq 0x14601ae00 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::~ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:145 0x14601a9ac <+7852>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9b3 <+7859>: e8 48 04 00 00 callq 0x14601ae00 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::~ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:145 0x14601a9b8 <+7864>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9bc <+7868>: e8 0f 4a ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a9c1 <+7873>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9c5 <+7877>: e8 06 7a ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a9ca <+7882>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9ce <+7886>: e8 6d cc fd ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14601a9d3 <+7891>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9d7 <+7895>: e8 f4 79 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601a9dc <+7900>: f6 85 d7 fc ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x329(%rbp) 0x14601a9e3 <+7907>: 0f 85 8e 00 00 00 jne 0x14601aa77 ; <+8055> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a9e9 <+7913>: e9 7d 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa6b ; <+8043> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601a9ee <+7918>: 48 8d bd 00 ff ff ff leaq -0x100(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601a9f5 <+7925>: e8 06 bb fd ff callq 0x145ff6500 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14601a9fa <+7930>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa01 <+7937>: e8 ca 49 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa06 <+7942>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa0d <+7949>: e8 be 49 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa12 <+7954>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa19 <+7961>: e8 d2 a1 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601aa1e <+7966>: 48 8d bd 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa25 <+7973>: e8 c6 a1 fd ff callq 0x145ff4bf0 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14601aa2a <+7978>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa31 <+7985>: e8 ca 03 00 00 callq 0x14601ae00 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::~ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:145 0x14601aa36 <+7990>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa3d <+7997>: e8 be 03 00 00 callq 0x14601ae00 ; (anonymous namespace)::ExtensionRemoveGuard::~ExtensionRemoveGuard at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:145 0x14601aa42 <+8002>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa46 <+8006>: e8 85 49 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa4b <+8011>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa4f <+8015>: e8 7c 79 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa54 <+8020>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa58 <+8024>: e8 e3 cb fd ff callq 0x145ff7640 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x14601aa5d <+8029>: 48 8d 7d f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa61 <+8033>: e8 6a 79 ff ff callq 0x1460123d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa66 <+8038>: e9 30 00 00 00 jmp 0x14601aa9b ; <+8091> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601aa6b <+8043>: 48 8b bd 20 fc ff ff movq -0x3e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aa72 <+8050>: e8 59 49 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aa77 <+8055>: 48 8b 05 da 57 16 00 movq 0x1657da(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x14601aa7e <+8062>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x14601aa81 <+8065>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x14601aa85 <+8069>: 0f 85 51 00 00 00 jne 0x14601aadc ; <+8156> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:776 0x14601aa8b <+8075>: 48 8b 85 18 fc ff ff movq -0x3e8(%rbp), %rax 0x14601aa92 <+8082>: 48 81 c4 30 06 00 00 addq $0x630, %rsp ; imm = 0x630 0x14601aa99 <+8089>: 5d popq %rbp 0x14601aa9a <+8090>: c3 retq 0x14601aa9b <+8091>: 48 8b bd 20 fc ff ff movq -0x3e0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aaa2 <+8098>: e8 29 49 ff ff callq 0x14600f3d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14601aaa7 <+8103>: 83 bd c4 fc ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x33c(%rbp) 0x14601aaae <+8110>: 0f 8d 0c 00 00 00 jge 0x14601aac0 ; <+8128> at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:833 0x14601aab4 <+8116>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aabb <+8123>: e8 94 1a 10 00 callq 0x14611c554 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_call_unexpected 0x14601aac0 <+8128>: 48 8b bd c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rdi 0x14601aac7 <+8135>: e8 a6 1a 10 00 callq 0x14611c572 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x14601aacc <+8140>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14601aace <+8142>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14601aad1 <+8145>: 89 8d e4 f9 ff ff movl %ecx, -0x61c(%rbp) 0x14601aad7 <+8151>: e8 24 8c fd ff callq 0x145ff3700 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x14601aadc <+8156>: e8 a3 1a 10 00 callq 0x14611c584 ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146018f24 UNWIND PLANS for libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x146018b00) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 153712-0x0000000000027851) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 8090: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 8091: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x14611f98c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 153712-0x0000000000027851) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x14611f98c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 153712-0x0000000000027851) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 8090: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 8091: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x14611f98c, personality routine is at address 0x146180250 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 153712-0x0000000000027860) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x14601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&): 0x14601ae20 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x14601ae21 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x14601ae24 <+4>: 48 83 ec 50 subq $0x50, %rsp 0x14601ae28 <+8>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x14601ae2b <+11>: 4c 8b 55 10 movq 0x10(%rbp), %r10 0x14601ae2f <+15>: 48 89 75 f8 movq %rsi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x14601ae33 <+19>: 48 89 55 f0 movq %rdx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x14601ae37 <+23>: 48 89 4d e8 movq %rcx, -0x18(%rbp) 0x14601ae3b <+27>: 4c 89 45 e0 movq %r8, -0x20(%rbp) 0x14601ae3f <+31>: 4c 89 4d d8 movq %r9, -0x28(%rbp) 0x14601ae43 <+35>: 4c 89 55 d0 movq %r10, -0x30(%rbp) 0x14601ae47 <+39>: 48 8b 4d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601ae4b <+43>: 48 83 c1 b0 addq $-0x50, %rcx 0x14601ae4f <+47>: 48 8b 55 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdx 0x14601ae53 <+51>: 48 8b 75 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x14601ae57 <+55>: 4c 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %r8 0x14601ae5b <+59>: 4c 8b 4d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %r9 0x14601ae5f <+63>: 4c 8b 55 d0 movq -0x30(%rbp), %r10 0x14601ae63 <+67>: 48 89 75 c8 movq %rsi, -0x38(%rbp) 0x14601ae67 <+71>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x14601ae6a <+74>: 48 8b 4d c8 movq -0x38(%rbp), %rcx 0x14601ae6e <+78>: 4c 89 14 24 movq %r10, (%rsp) 0x14601ae72 <+82>: 48 89 45 c0 movq %rax, -0x40(%rbp) 0x14601ae76 <+86>: e8 85 dc ff ff callq 0x146018b00 ; dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:635 0x14601ae7b <+91>: 48 8b 45 c0 movq -0x40(%rbp), %rax 0x14601ae7f <+95>: 48 83 c4 50 addq $0x50, %rsp 0x14601ae83 <+99>: 5d popq %rbp 0x14601ae84 <+100>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x14601ae7b UNWIND PLANS for libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence const&, rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) (start addr 0x14601ae20) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 162704-0x0000000000027bf5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 162704-0x0000000000027bf5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 162704-0x0000000000027bf5) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 100: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeployment.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 161888-0x0000000000027c00) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension: 0x146859190 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146859191 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146859194 <+4>: 48 81 ec 80 01 00 00 subq $0x180, %rsp ; imm = 0x180 0x14685919b <+11>: 44 88 c0 movb %r8b, %al 0x14685919e <+14>: 4c 8b 0d 4b 50 0b 00 movq 0xb504b(%rip), %r9 ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1468591a5 <+21>: 4d 8b 09 movq (%r9), %r9 0x1468591a8 <+24>: 4c 89 4d f8 movq %r9, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1468591ac <+28>: 48 89 bd 70 ff ff ff movq %rdi, -0x90(%rbp) 0x1468591b3 <+35>: 48 89 b5 68 ff ff ff movq %rsi, -0x98(%rbp) 0x1468591ba <+42>: 48 89 95 60 ff ff ff movq %rdx, -0xa0(%rbp) 0x1468591c1 <+49>: 48 89 8d 58 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0xa8(%rbp) 0x1468591c8 <+56>: 24 01 andb $0x1, %al 0x1468591ca <+58>: 88 85 57 ff ff ff movb %al, -0xa9(%rbp) 0x1468591d0 <+64>: 48 8b 8d 70 ff ff ff movq -0x90(%rbp), %rcx 0x1468591d7 <+71>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468591db <+75>: 48 89 8d 18 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0xe8(%rbp) 0x1468591e2 <+82>: e8 09 bb ff ff callq 0x146854cf0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::Any at Any.hxx:55 0x1468591e7 <+87>: 48 8b b5 60 ff ff ff movq -0xa0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468591ee <+94>: 48 8b bd 68 ff ff ff movq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468591f5 <+101>: 48 89 b5 10 ff ff ff movq %rsi, -0xf0(%rbp) 0x1468591fc <+108>: e8 3f 22 00 00 callq 0x14685b440 ; rtl::Reference::get at ref.hxx:168 0x146859201 <+113>: 48 89 85 08 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146859208 <+120>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685920d ; <+125> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x14685920d <+125>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x14685920f <+127>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x146859211 <+129>: 48 8b 95 08 ff ff ff movq -0xf8(%rbp), %rdx 0x146859218 <+136>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x14685921c <+140>: 48 89 8d 00 ff ff ff movq %rcx, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146859223 <+147>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x14685923b ; <+171> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x146859229 <+153>: 48 8b 85 08 ff ff ff movq -0xf8(%rbp), %rax 0x146859230 <+160>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146859234 <+164>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x14685923b <+171>: 48 8b 85 00 ff ff ff movq -0x100(%rbp), %rax 0x146859242 <+178>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859246 <+182>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146859249 <+185>: e8 12 22 00 00 callq 0x14685b460 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x14685924e <+190>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859253 ; <+195> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x146859253 <+195>: 48 8b 85 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x14685925a <+202>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x14685925e <+206>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859262 <+210>: 48 8d 55 b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdx 0x146859266 <+214>: 48 8b b5 10 ff ff ff movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rsi 0x14685926d <+221>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x146859270 <+224>: e8 77 74 07 00 callq 0x1468d06ec ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::Content(rtl::OUString const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference const&) 0x146859275 <+229>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685927a ; <+234> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x14685927a <+234>: 48 8d 35 ef 62 08 00 leaq 0x862ef(%rip), %rsi ; "Title" 0x146859281 <+241>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859285 <+245>: e8 06 22 00 00 callq 0x14685b490 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x14685928a <+250>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685928f ; <+255> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x14685928f <+255>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859293 <+259>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x146859297 <+263>: 48 8d 55 b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdx 0x14685929b <+267>: e8 46 74 07 00 callq 0x1468d06e6 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString const&) 0x1468592a0 <+272>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468592a5 ; <+277> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x1468592a5 <+277>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468592a9 <+281>: 48 8d 75 c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468592ad <+285>: e8 3e 21 00 00 callq 0x14685b3f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::operator= at Any.hxx:148 0x1468592b2 <+290>: 48 89 85 f8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x108(%rbp) 0x1468592b9 <+297>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468592be ; <+302> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x1468592be <+302>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468592c2 <+306>: e8 a9 6a fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x1468592c7 <+311>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468592cb <+315>: e8 60 a9 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1468592d0 <+320>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468592d4 <+324>: e8 1f 74 07 00 callq 0x1468d06f8 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x1468592d9 <+329>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468592dd <+333>: e8 ae b1 fd ff callq 0x146834490 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1468592e2 <+338>: e9 d6 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593bd ; <+557> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:853 0x1468592e7 <+343>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468592e9 <+345>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1468592f0 <+352>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468592f6 <+358>: e9 6f 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685936a ; <+474> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:847 0x1468592fb <+363>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468592fd <+365>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146859304 <+372>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x14685930a <+378>: e9 52 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859361 ; <+465> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x14685930f <+383>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146859311 <+385>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146859318 <+392>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x14685931e <+398>: e9 35 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859358 ; <+456> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x146859323 <+403>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146859325 <+405>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x14685932c <+412>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x146859332 <+418>: e9 18 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685934f ; <+447> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:846 0x146859337 <+423>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685933b <+427>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14685933d <+429>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146859344 <+436>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x14685934a <+442>: e8 21 6a fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14685934f <+447>: 48 8d 7d b0 leaq -0x50(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859353 <+451>: e8 d8 a8 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146859358 <+456>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685935c <+460>: e8 97 73 07 00 callq 0x1468d06f8 ; symbol stub for: ucbhelper::Content::~Content() 0x146859361 <+465>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859365 <+469>: e8 26 b1 fd ff callq 0x146834490 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14685936a <+474>: 8b 85 44 ff ff ff movl -0xbc(%rbp), %eax 0x146859370 <+480>: b9 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %ecx 0x146859375 <+485>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x146859377 <+487>: 0f 85 a2 04 00 00 jne 0x14685981f ; <+1679> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x14685937d <+493>: 48 8b bd 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859384 <+500>: e8 47 77 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146859389 <+505>: 48 89 85 38 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xc8(%rbp) 0x146859390 <+512>: c7 85 34 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0xcc(%rbp) 0x14685939a <+522>: e8 3d 77 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x14685939f <+527>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593a4 ; <+532> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:851 0x1468593a4 <+532>: e9 dd 03 00 00 jmp 0x146859786 ; <+1526> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x1468593a9 <+537>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468593ab <+539>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1468593b2 <+546>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468593b8 <+552>: e9 62 04 00 00 jmp 0x14685981f ; <+1679> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x1468593bd <+557>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468593c1 <+561>: e8 5a 52 fd ff callq 0x14682e620 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x1468593c6 <+566>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593cb ; <+571> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:854 0x1468593cb <+571>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468593cf <+575>: 48 8d 75 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468593d3 <+579>: e8 88 dc ff ff callq 0x146857060 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:533 0x1468593d8 <+584>: 88 85 f7 fe ff ff movb %al, -0x109(%rbp) 0x1468593de <+590>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593e3 ; <+595> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:854 0x1468593e3 <+595>: 8a 85 f7 fe ff ff movb -0x109(%rbp), %al 0x1468593e9 <+601>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x1468593eb <+603>: 0f 85 76 00 00 00 jne 0x146859467 ; <+727> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:860 0x1468593f1 <+609>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593f6 ; <+614> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856 0x1468593f6 <+614>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468593fb ; <+619> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856 0x1468593fb <+619>: 48 8d 35 0e 51 08 00 leaq 0x8510e(%rip), %rsi ; "legacy.osl" 0x146859402 <+626>: 48 8d 15 6d 61 08 00 leaq 0x8616d(%rip), %rdx ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/desktop/source/deployment/gui/dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856: " 0x146859409 <+633>: 48 8d 0d f7 51 08 00 leaq 0x851f7(%rip), %rcx ; "%s" 0x146859410 <+640>: 4c 8d 05 ba 61 08 00 leaq 0x861ba(%rip), %r8 ; "Could not get file name for extension." 0x146859417 <+647>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146859419 <+649>: 40 88 c7 movb %al, %dil 0x14685941c <+652>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146859421 <+657>: 40 88 bd f6 fe ff ff movb %dil, -0x10a(%rbp) 0x146859428 <+664>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x14685942a <+666>: 8a 85 f6 fe ff ff movb -0x10a(%rbp), %al 0x146859430 <+672>: e8 df 71 07 00 callq 0x1468d0614 ; symbol stub for: sal_detail_logFormat 0x146859435 <+677>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685943a ; <+682> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856 0x14685943a <+682>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685943f ; <+687> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856 0x14685943f <+687>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859444 ; <+692> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:856 0x146859444 <+692>: c7 85 34 ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, -0xcc(%rbp) 0x14685944e <+702>: e9 2a 03 00 00 jmp 0x14685977d ; <+1517> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x146859453 <+707>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146859455 <+709>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x14685945c <+716>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x146859462 <+722>: e9 af 03 00 00 jmp 0x146859816 ; <+1670> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x146859467 <+727>: 48 8b bd 68 ff ff ff movq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685946e <+734>: e8 bd fc ff ff callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x146859473 <+739>: 48 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x14685947a <+746>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685947f ; <+751> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:860 0x14685947f <+751>: 0f b6 85 57 ff ff ff movzbl -0xa9(%rbp), %eax 0x146859486 <+758>: 83 e0 01 andl $0x1, %eax 0x146859489 <+761>: 48 8b bd e8 fe ff ff movq -0x118(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859490 <+768>: 89 c6 movl %eax, %esi 0x146859492 <+770>: e8 29 20 00 00 callq 0x14685b4c0 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::setWarnUser at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:159 0x146859497 <+775>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685949c ; <+780> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:861 0x14685949c <+780>: 48 8b 85 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x1468594a3 <+787>: 48 8b 78 68 movq 0x68(%rax), %rdi 0x1468594a7 <+791>: e8 44 af fd ff callq 0x1468343f0 ; dp_gui::TheExtensionManager::getExtensionManager at dp_gui_theextmgr.hxx:108 0x1468594ac <+796>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x1468594b3 <+803>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468594b8 ; <+808> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:861 0x1468594b8 <+808>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468594bc <+812>: 48 8b b5 e0 fe ff ff movq -0x120(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468594c3 <+819>: e8 18 20 00 00 callq 0x14685b4e0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:121 0x1468594c8 <+824>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468594cd ; <+829> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:862 0x1468594cd <+829>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468594d1 <+833>: e8 3a af fd ff callq 0x146834410 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x1468594d6 <+838>: 48 89 85 d8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x128(%rbp) 0x1468594dd <+845>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468594e2 ; <+850> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:862 0x1468594e2 <+850>: 48 8b 85 d8 fe ff ff movq -0x128(%rbp), %rax 0x1468594e9 <+857>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1468594ec <+860>: 48 8b 49 38 movq 0x38(%rcx), %rcx 0x1468594f0 <+864>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468594f4 <+868>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1468594f7 <+871>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1468594f9 <+873>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468594fe ; <+878> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:864 0x1468594fe <+878>: 48 8b 85 18 ff ff ff movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rax 0x146859505 <+885>: 48 83 e8 80 subq $-0x80, %rax 0x146859509 <+889>: 48 8d 15 e8 60 08 00 leaq 0x860e8(%rip), %rdx ; "%EXTENSION_NAME" 0x146859510 <+896>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859514 <+900>: 48 8d 4d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rcx 0x146859518 <+904>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14685951b <+907>: e8 f0 1f 00 00 callq 0x14685b510 ; rtl::OUString::replaceAll(char const (&) [16], rtl::OUString const&) const::replaceAll at ustring.hxx:2433 0x146859520 <+912>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859525 ; <+917> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:865 0x146859525 <+917>: 48 8b bd 68 ff ff ff movq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685952c <+924>: e8 ff fb ff ff callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x146859531 <+929>: 48 89 85 d0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x130(%rbp) 0x146859538 <+936>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685953d ; <+941> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:865 0x14685953d <+941>: 48 8d 75 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rsi 0x146859541 <+945>: 48 8d 55 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdx 0x146859545 <+949>: 48 8b bd d0 fe ff ff movq -0x130(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685954c <+956>: e8 bf 8f ff ff callq 0x146852510 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::progressSection at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:293 0x146859551 <+961>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859556 ; <+966> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 0x146859556 <+966>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685955a <+970>: e8 b1 ae fd ff callq 0x146834410 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::operator-> at Reference.h:410 0x14685955f <+975>: 48 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x146859566 <+982>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685956b ; <+987> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 0x14685956b <+987>: 48 8b 85 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rax 0x146859572 <+994>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146859575 <+997>: 48 8b 49 40 movq 0x40(%rcx), %rcx 0x146859579 <+1001>: 48 8b 95 60 ff ff ff movq -0xa0(%rbp), %rdx 0x146859580 <+1008>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859584 <+1012>: 48 89 8d c0 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x140(%rbp) 0x14685958b <+1019>: 48 89 95 b8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146859592 <+1026>: e8 59 20 00 00 callq 0x14685b5f0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::Sequence at Sequence.hxx:50 0x146859597 <+1031>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685959c ; <+1036> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:870 0x14685959c <+1036>: 4c 8b 85 58 ff ff ff movq -0xa8(%rbp), %r8 0x1468595a3 <+1043>: 48 8b bd 68 ff ff ff movq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468595aa <+1050>: 4c 89 85 b0 fe ff ff movq %r8, -0x150(%rbp) 0x1468595b1 <+1057>: e8 8a 1e 00 00 callq 0x14685b440 ; rtl::Reference::get at ref.hxx:168 0x1468595b6 <+1062>: 48 89 85 a8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x158(%rbp) 0x1468595bd <+1069>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468595c2 ; <+1074> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:870 0x1468595c2 <+1074>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x1468595c4 <+1076>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x1468595c6 <+1078>: 48 8b 95 a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468595cd <+1085>: 48 83 fa 00 cmpq $0x0, %rdx 0x1468595d1 <+1089>: 48 89 8d a0 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x160(%rbp) 0x1468595d8 <+1096>: 0f 84 12 00 00 00 je 0x1468595f0 ; <+1120> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:870 0x1468595de <+1102>: 48 8b 85 a8 fe ff ff movq -0x158(%rbp), %rax 0x1468595e5 <+1109>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x1468595e9 <+1113>: 48 89 85 a0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x160(%rbp) 0x1468595f0 <+1120>: 48 8b 85 a0 fe ff ff movq -0x160(%rbp), %rax 0x1468595f7 <+1127>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468595fe <+1134>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146859601 <+1137>: e8 5a 1e 00 00 callq 0x14685b460 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::Reference at Reference.hxx:149 0x146859606 <+1142>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685960b ; <+1147> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 0x14685960b <+1147>: 48 89 e0 movq %rsp, %rax 0x14685960e <+1150>: 48 8d 8d 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rcx 0x146859615 <+1157>: 48 89 08 movq %rcx, (%rax) 0x146859618 <+1160>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685961c <+1164>: 48 8d 4d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rcx 0x146859620 <+1168>: 4c 8d 4d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %r9 0x146859624 <+1172>: 48 8b b5 c8 fe ff ff movq -0x138(%rbp), %rsi 0x14685962b <+1179>: 48 8b 95 b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rdx 0x146859632 <+1186>: 4c 8b 85 b0 fe ff ff movq -0x150(%rbp), %r8 0x146859639 <+1193>: 48 8b 85 c0 fe ff ff movq -0x140(%rbp), %rax 0x146859640 <+1200>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146859642 <+1202>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859647 ; <+1207> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 0x146859647 <+1207>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685964b <+1211>: e8 80 ae fd ff callq 0x1468344d0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146859650 <+1216>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859657 <+1223>: e8 34 ae fd ff callq 0x146834490 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14685965c <+1228>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859660 <+1232>: e8 ab 1f 00 00 callq 0x14685b610 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x146859665 <+1237>: e9 c3 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685972d ; <+1437> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:882 0x14685966a <+1242>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x14685966c <+1244>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146859673 <+1251>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x146859679 <+1257>: e9 8f 01 00 00 jmp 0x14685980d ; <+1661> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x14685967e <+1262>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146859680 <+1264>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x146859687 <+1271>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x14685968d <+1277>: e9 72 01 00 00 jmp 0x146859804 ; <+1652> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x146859692 <+1282>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146859694 <+1284>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x14685969b <+1291>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468596a1 <+1297>: e9 55 01 00 00 jmp 0x1468597fb ; <+1643> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:881 0x1468596a6 <+1302>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468596a8 <+1304>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1468596af <+1311>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468596b5 <+1317>: e9 38 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468596f2 ; <+1378> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:871 0x1468596ba <+1322>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468596bc <+1324>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1468596c3 <+1331>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468596c9 <+1337>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468596e9 ; <+1369> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 0x1468596ce <+1342>: 48 8d bd 78 ff ff ff leaq -0x88(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468596d5 <+1349>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468596d7 <+1351>: 48 89 85 48 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xb8(%rbp) 0x1468596de <+1358>: 89 8d 44 ff ff ff movl %ecx, -0xbc(%rbp) 0x1468596e4 <+1364>: e8 a7 ad fd ff callq 0x146834490 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x1468596e9 <+1369>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468596ed <+1373>: e8 1e 1f 00 00 callq 0x14685b610 ; com::sun::star::uno::Sequence::~Sequence at Sequence.hxx:109 0x1468596f2 <+1378>: 8b 85 44 ff ff ff movl -0xbc(%rbp), %eax 0x1468596f8 <+1384>: b9 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %ecx 0x1468596fd <+1389>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x1468596ff <+1391>: 89 85 9c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x164(%rbp) 0x146859705 <+1397>: 0f 85 bb 00 00 00 jne 0x1468597c6 ; <+1590> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x14685970b <+1403>: 48 8b bd 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859712 <+1410>: e8 b9 73 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146859717 <+1415>: 48 89 85 20 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xe0(%rbp) 0x14685971e <+1422>: e8 b9 73 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146859723 <+1427>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859728 ; <+1432> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:876 0x146859728 <+1432>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685972d ; <+1437> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:882 0x14685972d <+1437>: 48 8b bd 68 ff ff ff movq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859734 <+1444>: e8 f7 f9 ff ff callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x146859739 <+1449>: 48 89 85 90 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146859740 <+1456>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859745 ; <+1461> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:882 0x146859745 <+1461>: 31 f6 xorl %esi, %esi 0x146859747 <+1463>: 48 8b bd 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685974e <+1470>: e8 6d 1d 00 00 callq 0x14685b4c0 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::setWarnUser at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:159 0x146859753 <+1475>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146859758 ; <+1480> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:882 0x146859758 <+1480>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685975c <+1484>: e8 cf a4 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146859761 <+1489>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859765 <+1493>: e8 66 86 fd ff callq 0x146831dd0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14685976a <+1498>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685976e <+1502>: e8 bd 1e 00 00 callq 0x14685b630 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146859773 <+1507>: c7 85 34 ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, -0xcc(%rbp) 0x14685977d <+1517>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859781 <+1521>: e8 aa a4 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146859786 <+1526>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685978a <+1530>: e8 e1 65 fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x14685978f <+1535>: 8b 85 34 ff ff ff movl -0xcc(%rbp), %eax 0x146859795 <+1541>: 83 e8 01 subl $0x1, %eax 0x146859798 <+1544>: 89 85 8c fe ff ff movl %eax, -0x174(%rbp) 0x14685979e <+1550>: 0f 87 90 00 00 00 ja 0x146859834 ; <+1700> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x1468597a4 <+1556>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468597a9 ; <+1561> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x1468597a9 <+1561>: 48 8b 05 40 4a 0b 00 movq 0xb4a40(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x1468597b0 <+1568>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x1468597b3 <+1571>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x1468597b7 <+1575>: 0f 85 77 00 00 00 jne 0x146859834 ; <+1700> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:883 0x1468597bd <+1581>: 48 81 c4 80 01 00 00 addq $0x180, %rsp ; imm = 0x180 0x1468597c4 <+1588>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1468597c5 <+1589>: c3 retq 0x1468597c6 <+1590>: b8 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %eax 0x1468597cb <+1595>: 8b 8d 9c fe ff ff movl -0x164(%rbp), %ecx 0x1468597d1 <+1601>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x1468597d3 <+1603>: 0f 85 22 00 00 00 jne 0x1468597fb ; <+1643> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:881 0x1468597d9 <+1609>: 48 8b bd 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468597e0 <+1616>: e8 eb 72 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x1468597e5 <+1621>: 48 89 85 28 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd8(%rbp) 0x1468597ec <+1628>: e8 eb 72 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x1468597f1 <+1633>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468597f6 ; <+1638> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:881 0x1468597f6 <+1638>: e9 32 ff ff ff jmp 0x14685972d ; <+1437> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:882 0x1468597fb <+1643>: 48 8d 7d 90 leaq -0x70(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468597ff <+1647>: e8 2c a4 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146859804 <+1652>: 48 8d 7d 98 leaq -0x68(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859808 <+1656>: e8 c3 85 fd ff callq 0x146831dd0 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x14685980d <+1661>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859811 <+1665>: e8 1a 1e 00 00 callq 0x14685b630 ; com::sun::star::uno::Reference::~Reference at Reference.hxx:108 0x146859816 <+1670>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685981a <+1674>: e8 11 a4 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x14685981f <+1679>: 48 8d 7d e0 leaq -0x20(%rbp), %rdi 0x146859823 <+1683>: e8 48 65 fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146859828 <+1688>: 48 8b bd 48 ff ff ff movq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685982f <+1695>: e8 c6 72 07 00 callq 0x1468d0afa ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146859834 <+1700>: e8 d3 72 07 00 callq 0x1468d0b0c ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146859642 UNWIND PLANS for libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(rtl::Reference&, rtl::OUString const&, rtl::OUString const&, bool) (start addr 0x146859190) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 219808-0x0000000000036149) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1589: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1590: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x1468d5410, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 219808-0x0000000000036149) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x1468d5410, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 219808-0x0000000000036149) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 1589: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 1590: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x1468d5410, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 219808-0x0000000000036150) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute: 0x146858260 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x146858261 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x146858264 <+4>: 48 81 ec 60 03 00 00 subq $0x360, %rsp ; imm = 0x360 0x14685826b <+11>: 48 8b 05 7e 5f 0b 00 movq 0xb5f7e(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146858272 <+18>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146858275 <+21>: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -0x8(%rbp) 0x146858279 <+25>: 48 89 bd c8 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x238(%rbp) 0x146858280 <+32>: 48 8b 85 c8 fd ff ff movq -0x238(%rbp), %rax 0x146858287 <+39>: 48 89 85 80 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x280(%rbp) 0x14685828e <+46>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x146858290 <+48>: 89 c6 movl %eax, %esi 0x146858292 <+50>: 48 8b 8d 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rcx 0x146858299 <+57>: 48 81 c1 a0 00 00 00 addq $0xa0, %rcx 0x1468582a0 <+64>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x1468582a3 <+67>: e8 68 0d 00 00 callq 0x146859010 ; osl::Condition::wait at conditn.hxx:83 0x1468582a8 <+72>: 83 f8 00 cmpl $0x0, %eax 0x1468582ab <+75>: 0f 84 56 00 00 00 je 0x146858307 ; <+167> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:694 0x1468582b1 <+81>: 48 8d 35 6a 72 08 00 leaq 0x8726a(%rip), %rsi ; "dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::run: ignored osl::Condition::wait failure\n" 0x1468582b8 <+88>: 48 8d 45 d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rax 0x1468582bc <+92>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1468582bf <+95>: 48 89 85 78 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x288(%rbp) 0x1468582c6 <+102>: e8 75 0d 00 00 callq 0x146859040 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:236 0x1468582cb <+107>: 48 8b bd 78 fd ff ff movq -0x288(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468582d2 <+114>: e8 cf 81 07 00 callq 0x1468d04a6 ; symbol stub for: dp_misc::TRACE(rtl::OUString const&) 0x1468582d7 <+119>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468582dc ; <+124> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:691 0x1468582dc <+124>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468582e0 <+128>: e8 4b b9 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x1468582e5 <+133>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858307 ; <+167> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:694 0x1468582ea <+138>: 48 8d 7d d0 leaq -0x30(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468582ee <+142>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468582f0 <+144>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x1468582f7 <+151>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x1468582fd <+157>: e8 2e b9 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858302 <+162>: e9 c4 0c 00 00 jmp 0x146858fcb ; <+3435> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:691 0x146858307 <+167>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x14685830e <+174>: 48 05 a0 00 00 00 addq $0xa0, %rax 0x146858314 <+180>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858317 <+183>: e8 54 0d 00 00 callq 0x146859070 ; osl::Condition::reset at conditn.hxx:76 0x14685831c <+188>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858320 <+192>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858327 <+199>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x14685832d <+205>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146858330 <+208>: e8 6b e7 fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146858335 <+213>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x14685833c <+220>: 8b 88 b0 00 00 00 movl 0xb0(%rax), %ecx 0x146858342 <+226>: 89 8d ac fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x254(%rbp) 0x146858348 <+232>: c7 80 b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0, 0xb0(%rax) 0x146858352 <+242>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146858356 <+246>: 48 89 85 d0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x230(%rbp) 0x14685835d <+253>: 48 8b 85 d0 fd ff ff movq -0x230(%rbp), %rax 0x146858364 <+260>: 48 89 85 d8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x228(%rbp) 0x14685836b <+267>: 48 8b 85 d8 fd ff ff movq -0x228(%rbp), %rax 0x146858372 <+274>: 48 89 85 e0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x220(%rbp) 0x146858379 <+281>: 48 8b 85 e0 fd ff ff movq -0x220(%rbp), %rax 0x146858380 <+288>: 48 83 c0 28 addq $0x28, %rax 0x146858384 <+292>: 48 89 85 e8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x218(%rbp) 0x14685838b <+299>: 48 8b 85 e8 fd ff ff movq -0x218(%rbp), %rax 0x146858392 <+306>: 48 89 85 f0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x210(%rbp) 0x146858399 <+313>: 48 8b 85 f0 fd ff ff movq -0x210(%rbp), %rax 0x1468583a0 <+320>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x1468583a3 <+323>: 48 89 85 70 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x290(%rbp) 0x1468583aa <+330>: 48 8d 7d c8 leaq -0x38(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468583ae <+334>: 48 8b 85 70 fd ff ff movq -0x290(%rbp), %rax 0x1468583b5 <+341>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x1468583b7 <+343>: 89 8d b0 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x250(%rbp) 0x1468583bd <+349>: 48 8b 95 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468583c4 <+356>: c6 82 b5 00 00 00 00 movb $0x0, 0xb5(%rdx) 0x1468583cb <+363>: e8 f0 e7 fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x1468583d0 <+368>: 83 bd ac fd ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x254(%rbp) 0x1468583d7 <+375>: 0f 84 0d 00 00 00 je 0x1468583ea ; <+394> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:713 0x1468583dd <+381>: 83 bd b0 fd ff ff 00 cmpl $0x0, -0x250(%rbp) 0x1468583e4 <+388>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x1468583ef ; <+399> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:714 0x1468583ea <+394>: e9 9f fe ff ff jmp 0x14685828e ; <+46> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:680 0x1468583ef <+399>: 83 bd ac fd ff ff 02 cmpl $0x2, -0x254(%rbp) 0x1468583f6 <+406>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146858401 ; <+417> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:717 0x1468583fc <+412>: e9 ad 0b 00 00 jmp 0x146858fae ; <+3406> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:828 0x146858401 <+417>: b8 70 00 00 00 movl $0x70, %eax 0x146858406 <+422>: 89 c7 movl %eax, %edi 0x146858408 <+424>: e8 93 0c 00 00 callq 0x1468590a0 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator new at weak.hxx:85 0x14685840d <+429>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858410 <+432>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x146858413 <+435>: 48 8b 95 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdx 0x14685841a <+442>: 48 83 c2 28 addq $0x28, %rdx 0x14685841e <+446>: 48 8b b5 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858425 <+453>: 4c 8b 46 60 movq 0x60(%rsi), %r8 0x146858429 <+457>: 48 81 c6 90 00 00 00 addq $0x90, %rsi 0x146858430 <+464>: 48 89 bd 68 fd ff ff movq %rdi, -0x298(%rbp) 0x146858437 <+471>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x14685843a <+474>: 48 89 b5 60 fd ff ff movq %rsi, -0x2a0(%rbp) 0x146858441 <+481>: 48 89 d6 movq %rdx, %rsi 0x146858444 <+484>: 4c 89 c2 movq %r8, %rdx 0x146858447 <+487>: 48 8b 85 60 fd ff ff movq -0x2a0(%rbp), %rax 0x14685844e <+494>: 48 89 8d 58 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2a8(%rbp) 0x146858455 <+501>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x146858458 <+504>: e8 63 0c 00 00 callq 0x1468590c0 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::ProgressCmdEnv at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:151 0x14685845d <+509>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858462 ; <+514> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:717 0x146858462 <+514>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858466 <+518>: 48 8b b5 58 fd ff ff movq -0x2a8(%rbp), %rsi 0x14685846d <+525>: e8 8e 0c 00 00 callq 0x146859100 ; rtl::Reference::Reference at ref.hxx:61 0x146858472 <+530>: c6 85 ab fd ff ff 01 movb $0x1, -0x255(%rbp) 0x146858479 <+537>: 8b 85 b0 fd ff ff movl -0x250(%rbp), %eax 0x14685847f <+543>: 83 c0 ff addl $-0x1, %eax 0x146858482 <+546>: 89 85 b0 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x250(%rbp) 0x146858488 <+552>: 83 f8 00 cmpl $0x0, %eax 0x14685848b <+555>: 0f 8c 8e 0a 00 00 jl 0x146858f1f ; <+3263> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:822 0x146858491 <+561>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858498 <+568>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x14685849e <+574>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468584a2 <+578>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1468584a5 <+581>: e8 f6 e5 fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x1468584aa <+586>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468584af ; <+591> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:728 0x1468584af <+591>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x1468584b6 <+598>: c6 80 b5 00 00 00 01 movb $0x1, 0xb5(%rax) 0x1468584bd <+605>: 48 8d 7d b8 leaq -0x48(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468584c1 <+609>: e8 fa e6 fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x1468584c6 <+614>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468584ca <+618>: 48 89 85 f8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x208(%rbp) 0x1468584d1 <+625>: 48 89 85 00 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x200(%rbp) 0x1468584d8 <+632>: 48 c7 45 a8 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, -0x58(%rbp) 0x1468584e0 <+640>: 48 c7 45 b0 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, -0x50(%rbp) 0x1468584e8 <+648>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x1468584ef <+655>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x1468584f5 <+661>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468584f9 <+665>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1468584fc <+668>: e8 9f e5 fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146858501 <+673>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858506 ; <+678> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:736 0x146858506 <+678>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x14685850d <+685>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146858511 <+689>: 48 89 85 08 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1f8(%rbp) 0x146858518 <+696>: 48 8b 85 08 fe ff ff movq -0x1f8(%rbp), %rax 0x14685851f <+703>: 48 89 85 10 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1f0(%rbp) 0x146858526 <+710>: 48 8b 85 10 fe ff ff movq -0x1f0(%rbp), %rax 0x14685852d <+717>: 48 89 c1 movq %rax, %rcx 0x146858530 <+720>: 48 89 8d 18 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1e8(%rbp) 0x146858537 <+727>: 48 8b 8d 18 fe ff ff movq -0x1e8(%rbp), %rcx 0x14685853e <+734>: 48 8b 49 08 movq 0x8(%rcx), %rcx 0x146858542 <+738>: 48 8b 50 20 movq 0x20(%rax), %rdx 0x146858546 <+742>: 48 c1 ea 08 shrq $0x8, %rdx 0x14685854a <+746>: 48 8b 0c d1 movq (%rcx,%rdx,8), %rcx 0x14685854e <+750>: 48 8b 40 20 movq 0x20(%rax), %rax 0x146858552 <+754>: 48 25 ff 00 00 00 andq $0xff, %rax 0x146858558 <+760>: 48 c1 e0 04 shlq $0x4, %rax 0x14685855c <+764>: 48 01 c1 addq %rax, %rcx 0x14685855f <+767>: 48 89 8d 50 fd ff ff movq %rcx, -0x2b0(%rbp) 0x146858566 <+774>: 48 8d 45 d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rax 0x14685856a <+778>: 48 8d 4d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rcx 0x14685856e <+782>: 48 89 8d 28 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1d8(%rbp) 0x146858575 <+789>: 48 8b 8d 50 fd ff ff movq -0x2b0(%rbp), %rcx 0x14685857c <+796>: 48 89 8d 20 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1e0(%rbp) 0x146858583 <+803>: 48 8b 95 28 fe ff ff movq -0x1d8(%rbp), %rdx 0x14685858a <+810>: 48 8b b5 20 fe ff ff movq -0x1e0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858591 <+817>: 48 89 85 38 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1c8(%rbp) 0x146858598 <+824>: 48 89 b5 30 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x1d0(%rbp) 0x14685859f <+831>: 48 8b 85 38 fe ff ff movq -0x1c8(%rbp), %rax 0x1468585a6 <+838>: 48 8b b5 30 fe ff ff movq -0x1d0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468585ad <+845>: 48 89 85 48 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1b8(%rbp) 0x1468585b4 <+852>: 48 89 b5 40 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x1c0(%rbp) 0x1468585bb <+859>: 48 8b 85 48 fe ff ff movq -0x1b8(%rbp), %rax 0x1468585c2 <+866>: 48 8b b5 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468585c9 <+873>: 48 8b 36 movq (%rsi), %rsi 0x1468585cc <+876>: 48 89 30 movq %rsi, (%rax) 0x1468585cf <+879>: 48 8b b5 40 fe ff ff movq -0x1c0(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468585d6 <+886>: 48 8b 76 08 movq 0x8(%rsi), %rsi 0x1468585da <+890>: 48 89 70 08 movq %rsi, 0x8(%rax) 0x1468585de <+894>: 48 83 78 08 00 cmpq $0x0, 0x8(%rax) 0x1468585e3 <+899>: 48 89 95 48 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x2b8(%rbp) 0x1468585ea <+906>: 48 89 85 40 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c0(%rbp) 0x1468585f1 <+913>: 0f 84 10 00 00 00 je 0x146858607 ; <+935> [inlined] std::__1::shared_ptr::operator=(std::__1::shared_ptr const&) + 125 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:736 0x1468585f7 <+919>: 48 8b 85 40 fd ff ff movq -0x2c0(%rbp), %rax 0x1468585fe <+926>: 48 8b 78 08 movq 0x8(%rax), %rdi 0x146858602 <+930>: e8 6f 84 07 00 callq 0x1468d0a76 ; symbol stub for: std::__1::__shared_weak_count::__add_shared() 0x146858607 <+935>: 48 8d 45 d8 leaq -0x28(%rbp), %rax 0x14685860b <+939>: 48 89 85 58 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x1a8(%rbp) 0x146858612 <+946>: 48 8b 8d 48 fd ff ff movq -0x2b8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146858619 <+953>: 48 89 8d 50 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1b0(%rbp) 0x146858620 <+960>: 48 8b 95 58 fe ff ff movq -0x1a8(%rbp), %rdx 0x146858627 <+967>: 48 89 95 68 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x198(%rbp) 0x14685862e <+974>: 48 89 8d 60 fe ff ff movq %rcx, -0x1a0(%rbp) 0x146858635 <+981>: 48 8b b5 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rsi 0x14685863c <+988>: 48 89 b5 70 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x190(%rbp) 0x146858643 <+995>: 48 8b 36 movq (%rsi), %rsi 0x146858646 <+998>: 48 89 75 e8 movq %rsi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x14685864a <+1002>: 48 8b b5 60 fe ff ff movq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858651 <+1009>: 48 89 b5 80 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x180(%rbp) 0x146858658 <+1016>: 48 8b 36 movq (%rsi), %rsi 0x14685865b <+1019>: 48 8b bd 68 fe ff ff movq -0x198(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858662 <+1026>: 48 89 37 movq %rsi, (%rdi) 0x146858665 <+1029>: 48 8d 75 e8 leaq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858669 <+1033>: 48 89 b5 78 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x188(%rbp) 0x146858670 <+1040>: 48 8b 75 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858674 <+1044>: 48 8b bd 60 fe ff ff movq -0x1a0(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685867b <+1051>: 48 89 37 movq %rsi, (%rdi) 0x14685867e <+1054>: 48 83 c2 08 addq $0x8, %rdx 0x146858682 <+1058>: 48 8b b5 50 fe ff ff movq -0x1b0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858689 <+1065>: 48 83 c6 08 addq $0x8, %rsi 0x14685868d <+1069>: 48 89 95 90 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x170(%rbp) 0x146858694 <+1076>: 48 89 b5 88 fe ff ff movq %rsi, -0x178(%rbp) 0x14685869b <+1083>: 48 8b 95 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468586a2 <+1090>: 48 89 95 98 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x168(%rbp) 0x1468586a9 <+1097>: 48 8b 12 movq (%rdx), %rdx 0x1468586ac <+1100>: 48 89 55 f0 movq %rdx, -0x10(%rbp) 0x1468586b0 <+1104>: 48 8b 95 88 fe ff ff movq -0x178(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468586b7 <+1111>: 48 89 95 a8 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x158(%rbp) 0x1468586be <+1118>: 48 8b 12 movq (%rdx), %rdx 0x1468586c1 <+1121>: 48 8b b5 90 fe ff ff movq -0x170(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468586c8 <+1128>: 48 89 16 movq %rdx, (%rsi) 0x1468586cb <+1131>: 48 8d 55 f0 leaq -0x10(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468586cf <+1135>: 48 89 95 a0 fe ff ff movq %rdx, -0x160(%rbp) 0x1468586d6 <+1142>: 48 8b 55 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdx 0x1468586da <+1146>: 48 8b b5 88 fe ff ff movq -0x178(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468586e1 <+1153>: 48 89 16 movq %rdx, (%rsi) 0x1468586e4 <+1156>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1468586e7 <+1159>: e8 c4 f3 ff ff callq 0x146857ab0 ; std::__1::shared_ptr::~shared_ptr at memory:4591 0x1468586ec <+1164>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x1468586f3 <+1171>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x1468586f7 <+1175>: 48 89 85 b0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x150(%rbp) 0x1468586fe <+1182>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858701 <+1185>: e8 da b8 00 00 callq 0x146863fe0 ; std::__1::deque, std::__1::allocator > >::pop_front at deque:2533 0x146858706 <+1190>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685870b ; <+1195> [inlined] std::__1::queue, std::__1::deque, std::__1::allocator > > >::pop() + 13 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:737 0x14685870b <+1195>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858710 ; <+1200> at queue:298 0x146858710 <+1200>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858714 <+1204>: e8 a7 e4 fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146858719 <+1209>: f6 85 ab fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x255(%rbp) 0x146858720 <+1216>: 0f 84 b5 00 00 00 je 0x1468587db ; <+1403> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:738 0x146858726 <+1222>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685872a <+1226>: 48 89 85 b8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x148(%rbp) 0x146858731 <+1233>: 48 8b 85 b8 fe ff ff movq -0x148(%rbp), %rax 0x146858738 <+1240>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x14685873b <+1243>: 83 38 04 cmpl $0x4, (%rax) 0x14685873e <+1246>: 0f 84 97 00 00 00 je 0x1468587db ; <+1403> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:738 0x146858744 <+1252>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858748 <+1256>: e8 e3 09 00 00 callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x14685874d <+1261>: 48 89 85 38 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2c8(%rbp) 0x146858754 <+1268>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858759 ; <+1273> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:742 0x146858759 <+1273>: 48 8b bd 38 fd ff ff movq -0x2c8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858760 <+1280>: e8 1b 9d ff ff callq 0x146852480 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::startProgress at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:276 0x146858765 <+1285>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685876a ; <+1290> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:743 0x14685876a <+1290>: c6 85 ab fd ff ff 00 movb $0x0, -0x255(%rbp) 0x146858771 <+1297>: e9 65 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468587db ; <+1403> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:738 0x146858776 <+1302>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858778 <+1304>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x14685877f <+1311>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858785 <+1317>: 48 8b bd 68 fd ff ff movq -0x298(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685878c <+1324>: e8 cf 9b fe ff callq 0x146842360 ; cppu::OWeakObject::operator delete at weak.hxx:87 0x146858791 <+1329>: e9 35 08 00 00 jmp 0x146858fcb ; <+3435> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:691 0x146858796 <+1334>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858798 <+1336>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x14685879f <+1343>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x1468587a5 <+1349>: e9 f6 07 00 00 jmp 0x146858fa0 ; <+3392> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:687 0x1468587aa <+1354>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468587ac <+1356>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x1468587b3 <+1363>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x1468587b9 <+1369>: e9 cb 01 00 00 jmp 0x146858989 ; <+1833> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:766 0x1468587be <+1374>: 48 8d 7d a0 leaq -0x60(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468587c2 <+1378>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1468587c4 <+1380>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x1468587cb <+1387>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x1468587d1 <+1393>: e8 ea e3 fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x1468587d6 <+1398>: e9 ae 01 00 00 jmp 0x146858989 ; <+1833> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:766 0x1468587db <+1403>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468587df <+1407>: 48 89 85 c0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x140(%rbp) 0x1468587e6 <+1414>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468587ea <+1418>: 8b 08 movl (%rax), %ecx 0x1468587ec <+1420>: 89 c8 movl %ecx, %eax 0x1468587ee <+1422>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x1468587f1 <+1425>: 48 83 ea 05 subq $0x5, %rdx 0x1468587f5 <+1429>: 48 89 85 30 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2d0(%rbp) 0x1468587fc <+1436>: 48 89 95 28 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x2d8(%rbp) 0x146858803 <+1443>: 0f 87 72 01 00 00 ja 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x146858809 <+1449>: 48 8d 05 dc 07 00 00 leaq 0x7dc(%rip), %rax ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute() + 3468 0x146858810 <+1456>: 48 8b 8d 30 fd ff ff movq -0x2d0(%rbp), %rcx 0x146858817 <+1463>: 48 63 14 88 movslq (%rax,%rcx,4), %rdx 0x14685881b <+1467>: 48 01 c2 addq %rax, %rdx 0x14685881e <+1470>: ff e2 jmpq *%rdx 0x146858820 <+1472>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x146858824 <+1476>: 48 89 85 c8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x138(%rbp) 0x14685882b <+1483>: 48 8b 4d a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rcx 0x14685882f <+1487>: 48 83 c1 08 addq $0x8, %rcx 0x146858833 <+1491>: 48 89 85 d0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x130(%rbp) 0x14685883a <+1498>: 48 8b 55 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rdx 0x14685883e <+1502>: 48 83 c2 10 addq $0x10, %rdx 0x146858842 <+1506>: 48 89 85 d8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x128(%rbp) 0x146858849 <+1513>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685884d <+1517>: 0f b6 70 04 movzbl 0x4(%rax), %esi 0x146858851 <+1521>: 83 e6 01 andl $0x1, %esi 0x146858854 <+1524>: 48 8d 45 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rax 0x146858858 <+1528>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685885f <+1535>: 89 b5 24 fd ff ff movl %esi, -0x2dc(%rbp) 0x146858865 <+1541>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146858868 <+1544>: 48 89 95 18 fd ff ff movq %rdx, -0x2e8(%rbp) 0x14685886f <+1551>: 48 89 ca movq %rcx, %rdx 0x146858872 <+1554>: 48 8b 8d 18 fd ff ff movq -0x2e8(%rbp), %rcx 0x146858879 <+1561>: 44 8b 85 24 fd ff ff movl -0x2dc(%rbp), %r8d 0x146858880 <+1568>: e8 0b 09 00 00 callq 0x146859190 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:840 0x146858885 <+1573>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685888a ; <+1578> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:749 0x14685888a <+1578>: e9 ec 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x14685888f <+1583>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x146858893 <+1587>: 48 89 85 e0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x120(%rbp) 0x14685889a <+1594>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685889e <+1598>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x1468588a2 <+1602>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468588a6 <+1606>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468588ad <+1613>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x1468588b0 <+1616>: e8 8b 0f 00 00 callq 0x146859840 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_removeExtension at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:888 0x1468588b5 <+1621>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468588ba ; <+1626> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:752 0x1468588ba <+1626>: e9 bc 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x1468588bf <+1631>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468588c3 <+1635>: 48 89 85 e8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x118(%rbp) 0x1468588ca <+1642>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468588ce <+1646>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x1468588d2 <+1650>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x1468588d6 <+1654>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468588dd <+1661>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x1468588e0 <+1664>: e8 ab 13 00 00 callq 0x146859c90 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_enableExtension at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:968 0x1468588e5 <+1669>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468588ea ; <+1674> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:755 0x1468588ea <+1674>: e9 8c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x1468588ef <+1679>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468588f3 <+1683>: 48 89 85 f0 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x110(%rbp) 0x1468588fa <+1690>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x1468588fe <+1694>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x146858902 <+1698>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858906 <+1702>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685890d <+1709>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x146858910 <+1712>: e8 8b 16 00 00 callq 0x146859fa0 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_disableExtension at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:992 0x146858915 <+1717>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685891a ; <+1722> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:758 0x14685891a <+1722>: e9 5c 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x14685891f <+1727>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x146858923 <+1731>: 48 89 85 f8 fe ff ff movq %rax, -0x108(%rbp) 0x14685892a <+1738>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685892e <+1742>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x146858932 <+1746>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858939 <+1753>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x14685893c <+1756>: e8 6f 19 00 00 callq 0x14685a2b0 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_checkForUpdates at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:916 0x146858941 <+1761>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858946 ; <+1766> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:761 0x146858946 <+1766>: e9 30 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x14685894b <+1771>: 48 8d 45 a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685894f <+1775>: 48 89 85 00 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0x100(%rbp) 0x146858956 <+1782>: 48 8b 45 a8 movq -0x58(%rbp), %rax 0x14685895a <+1786>: 48 83 c0 18 addq $0x18, %rax 0x14685895e <+1790>: 48 8d 75 c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858962 <+1794>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858969 <+1801>: 48 89 c2 movq %rax, %rdx 0x14685896c <+1804>: e8 df 25 00 00 callq 0x14685af50 ; dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_acceptLicense at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:1016 0x146858971 <+1809>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858976 ; <+1814> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x146858976 <+1814>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x14685897b ; <+1819> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:764 0x14685897b <+1819>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685897f <+1823>: e8 2c f1 ff ff callq 0x146857ab0 ; std::__1::shared_ptr::~shared_ptr at memory:4591 0x146858984 <+1828>: e9 56 05 00 00 jmp 0x146858edf ; <+3199> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:815 0x146858989 <+1833>: 48 8d 7d a8 leaq -0x58(%rbp), %rdi 0x14685898d <+1837>: e8 1e f1 ff ff callq 0x146857ab0 ; std::__1::shared_ptr::~shared_ptr at memory:4591 0x146858992 <+1842>: 8b 85 b4 fd ff ff movl -0x24c(%rbp), %eax 0x146858998 <+1848>: b9 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3, %ecx 0x14685899d <+1853>: 39 c8 cmpl %ecx, %eax 0x14685899f <+1855>: 89 85 14 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x2ec(%rbp) 0x1468589a5 <+1861>: 0f 85 7a 00 00 00 jne 0x146858a25 ; <+1989> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:774 0x1468589ab <+1867>: 48 8b bd b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468589b2 <+1874>: e8 19 81 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x1468589b7 <+1879>: 48 89 85 88 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x278(%rbp) 0x1468589be <+1886>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x1468589c5 <+1893>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x1468589cb <+1899>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x1468589d2 <+1906>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x1468589d5 <+1909>: e8 c6 e0 fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x1468589da <+1914>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468589df ; <+1919> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:774 0x1468589df <+1919>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1468589e4 ; <+1924> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:774 0x1468589e4 <+1924>: 8b 85 b0 fd ff ff movl -0x250(%rbp), %eax 0x1468589ea <+1930>: 83 c0 ff addl $-0x1, %eax 0x1468589ed <+1933>: 89 85 b0 fd ff ff movl %eax, -0x250(%rbp) 0x1468589f3 <+1939>: 83 f8 00 cmpl $0x0, %eax 0x1468589f6 <+1942>: 0f 8c b9 04 00 00 jl 0x146858eb5 ; <+3157> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:776 0x1468589fc <+1948>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858a03 <+1955>: 48 83 c0 30 addq $0x30, %rax 0x146858a07 <+1959>: 48 89 85 08 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xf8(%rbp) 0x146858a0e <+1966>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858a11 <+1969>: e8 ca b5 00 00 callq 0x146863fe0 ; std::__1::deque, std::__1::allocator > >::pop_front at deque:2533 0x146858a16 <+1974>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858a1b ; <+1979> [inlined] std::__1::queue, std::__1::deque, std::__1::allocator > > >::pop() + 13 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:775 0x146858a1b <+1979>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858a20 ; <+1984> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:774 0x146858a20 <+1984>: e9 bf ff ff ff jmp 0x1468589e4 ; <+1924> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:774 0x146858a25 <+1989>: b8 02 00 00 00 movl $0x2, %eax 0x146858a2a <+1994>: 8b 8d 14 fd ff ff movl -0x2ec(%rbp), %ecx 0x146858a30 <+2000>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146858a32 <+2002>: 0f 85 1d 00 00 00 jne 0x146858a55 ; <+2037> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:787 0x146858a38 <+2008>: 48 8b bd b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858a3f <+2015>: e8 8c 80 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146858a44 <+2020>: 48 89 85 90 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x270(%rbp) 0x146858a4b <+2027>: e8 8c 80 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146858a50 <+2032>: e9 27 04 00 00 jmp 0x146858e7c ; <+3100> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858a55 <+2037>: b8 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1, %eax 0x146858a5a <+2042>: 8b 8d 14 fd ff ff movl -0x2ec(%rbp), %ecx 0x146858a60 <+2048>: 39 c1 cmpl %eax, %ecx 0x146858a62 <+2050>: 0f 85 38 05 00 00 jne 0x146858fa0 ; <+3392> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:687 0x146858a68 <+2056>: 48 8b bd b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858a6f <+2063>: e8 5c 80 07 00 callq 0x1468d0ad0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x146858a74 <+2068>: 48 89 85 a0 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x260(%rbp) 0x146858a7b <+2075>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858a7f <+2079>: e8 9e 79 07 00 callq 0x1468d0422 ; symbol stub for: cppu::getCaughtException() 0x146858a84 <+2084>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858a89 ; <+2089> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:793 0x146858a89 <+2089>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858a8d <+2093>: e8 8e 5b fd ff callq 0x14682e620 ; rtl::OUString::OUString at ustring.hxx:117 0x146858a92 <+2098>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858a97 ; <+2103> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:794 0x146858a97 <+2103>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858a9e <+2110>: e8 6d c2 ff ff callq 0x146854d10 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hpp:18 0x146858aa3 <+2115>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858aa8 ; <+2120> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:795 0x146858aa8 <+2120>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858aac <+2124>: 48 8d b5 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858ab3 <+2131>: e8 78 c2 ff ff callq 0x146854d30 ; com::sun::star::uno::op::operator>= at Any.hxx:271 0x146858ab8 <+2136>: 88 85 13 fd ff ff movb %al, -0x2ed(%rbp) 0x146858abe <+2142>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858ac3 ; <+2147> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:795 0x146858ac3 <+2147>: 8a 85 13 fd ff ff movb -0x2ed(%rbp), %al 0x146858ac9 <+2153>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146858acb <+2155>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146858ad6 ; <+2166> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:797 0x146858ad1 <+2161>: e9 aa 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858b80 ; <+2336> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:803 0x146858ad6 <+2166>: 48 8d bd 68 ff ff ff leaq -0x98(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858add <+2173>: e8 de e5 ff ff callq 0x1468570c0 ; o3tl::tryAccess(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)::tryAccess at any.hxx:148 0x146858ae2 <+2178>: 48 89 85 08 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x2f8(%rbp) 0x146858ae9 <+2185>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858aee ; <+2190> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:797 0x146858aee <+2190>: 48 8b 85 08 fd ff ff movq -0x2f8(%rbp), %rax 0x146858af5 <+2197>: 48 89 85 98 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x268(%rbp) 0x146858afc <+2204>: 48 83 bd 98 fd ff ff 00 cmpq $0x0, -0x268(%rbp) 0x146858b04 <+2212>: 0f 84 71 00 00 00 je 0x146858b7b ; <+2331> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:802 0x146858b0a <+2218>: 48 8b b5 98 fd ff ff movq -0x268(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858b11 <+2225>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858b15 <+2229>: e8 16 d8 fd ff callq 0x146836330 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:422 0x146858b1a <+2234>: 48 89 85 00 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x300(%rbp) 0x146858b21 <+2241>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858b26 ; <+2246> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:801 0x146858b26 <+2246>: e9 50 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858b7b ; <+2331> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:802 0x146858b2b <+2251>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858b2d <+2253>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858b34 <+2260>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858b3a <+2266>: e9 2e 03 00 00 jmp 0x146858e6d ; <+3085> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858b3f <+2271>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858b41 <+2273>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858b48 <+2280>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858b4e <+2286>: e9 11 03 00 00 jmp 0x146858e64 ; <+3076> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858b53 <+2291>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858b55 <+2293>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858b5c <+2300>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858b62 <+2306>: e9 f4 02 00 00 jmp 0x146858e5b ; <+3067> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858b67 <+2311>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858b69 <+2313>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858b70 <+2320>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858b76 <+2326>: e9 d4 02 00 00 jmp 0x146858e4f ; <+3055> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858b7b <+2331>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858b80 ; <+2336> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:803 0x146858b80 <+2336>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858b84 <+2340>: e8 d7 42 fd ff callq 0x14682ce60 ; rtl::OUString::isEmpty at ustring.hxx:617 0x146858b89 <+2345>: 88 85 ff fc ff ff movb %al, -0x301(%rbp) 0x146858b8f <+2351>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858b94 ; <+2356> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:803 0x146858b94 <+2356>: 8a 85 ff fc ff ff movb -0x301(%rbp), %al 0x146858b9a <+2362>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x146858b9c <+2364>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x146858ba7 ; <+2375> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:804 0x146858ba2 <+2370>: e9 62 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c09 ; <+2473> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:806 0x146858ba7 <+2375>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858bae <+2382>: 48 8d 75 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858bb2 <+2386>: e8 75 77 07 00 callq 0x1468d032c ; symbol stub for: comphelper::anyToString(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&) 0x146858bb7 <+2391>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858bbc ; <+2396> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:804 0x146858bbc <+2396>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858bc0 <+2400>: 48 8d b5 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858bc7 <+2407>: e8 34 62 fd ff callq 0x14682ee00 ; rtl::OUString::operator= at ustring.hxx:436 0x146858bcc <+2412>: 48 89 85 f0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x310(%rbp) 0x146858bd3 <+2419>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858bd8 ; <+2424> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:804 0x146858bd8 <+2424>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858bdf <+2431>: e8 4c b0 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858be4 <+2436>: e9 20 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c09 ; <+2473> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:806 0x146858be9 <+2441>: 48 8d bd 50 ff ff ff leaq -0xb0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858bf0 <+2448>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858bf2 <+2450>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858bf9 <+2457>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858bff <+2463>: e8 2c b0 fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858c04 <+2468>: e9 46 02 00 00 jmp 0x146858e4f ; <+3055> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858c09 <+2473>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c10 <+2480>: e8 9b 50 fd ff callq 0x14682dcb0 ; SolarMutexGuard::SolarMutexGuard at svapp.hxx:1410 0x146858c15 <+2485>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c1a ; <+2490> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:808 0x146858c1a <+2490>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c1e <+2494>: e8 0d 05 00 00 callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x146858c23 <+2499>: 48 89 85 e8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x318(%rbp) 0x146858c2a <+2506>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c2f ; <+2511> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:808 0x146858c2f <+2511>: 48 8b bd e8 fc ff ff movq -0x318(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c36 <+2518>: e8 d5 26 00 00 callq 0x14685b310 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::activeDialog at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:153 0x146858c3b <+2523>: 48 89 85 e0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x320(%rbp) 0x146858c42 <+2530>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c47 ; <+2535> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:808 0x146858c47 <+2535>: 48 8b 85 e0 fc ff ff movq -0x320(%rbp), %rax 0x146858c4e <+2542>: 48 89 85 30 ff ff ff movq %rax, -0xd0(%rbp) 0x146858c55 <+2549>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c5c <+2556>: 48 8d b5 30 ff ff ff leaq -0xd0(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858c63 <+2563>: 48 8d 55 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdx 0x146858c67 <+2567>: e8 f4 25 00 00 callq 0x14685b260 ; VclPtr::Create at vclptr.hxx:130 0x146858c6c <+2572>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c71 ; <+2577> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:807 0x146858c71 <+2577>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c78 <+2584>: 48 8d b5 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858c7f <+2591>: e8 dc 26 00 00 callq 0x14685b360 ; ScopedVclPtr::ScopedVclPtr at vclptr.hxx:312 0x146858c84 <+2596>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858c89 ; <+2601> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:807 0x146858c89 <+2601>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c90 <+2608>: e8 fb 26 00 00 callq 0x14685b390 ; VclPtr::~VclPtr at window.hxx:107 0x146858c95 <+2613>: 48 8b bd 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858c9c <+2620>: 48 83 7f 60 00 cmpq $0x0, 0x60(%rdi) 0x146858ca1 <+2625>: 0f 84 11 01 00 00 je 0x146858db8 ; <+2904> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:811 0x146858ca7 <+2631>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858cae <+2638>: e8 9d 65 fd ff callq 0x14682f250 ; VclPtr::operator-> at vclptr.hxx:137 0x146858cb3 <+2643>: 48 89 85 d8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x328(%rbp) 0x146858cba <+2650>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858cbf ; <+2655> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:810 0x146858cbf <+2655>: 48 8b 85 d8 fc ff ff movq -0x328(%rbp), %rax 0x146858cc6 <+2662>: 48 8b 8d d8 fc ff ff movq -0x328(%rbp), %rcx 0x146858ccd <+2669>: 48 8b 11 movq (%rcx), %rdx 0x146858cd0 <+2672>: 48 8b 92 10 02 00 00 movq 0x210(%rdx), %rdx 0x146858cd7 <+2679>: 48 8b b5 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858cde <+2686>: 48 8b 7e 60 movq 0x60(%rsi), %rdi 0x146858ce2 <+2690>: 48 89 85 d0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x330(%rbp) 0x146858ce9 <+2697>: 48 89 95 c8 fc ff ff movq %rdx, -0x338(%rbp) 0x146858cf0 <+2704>: e8 eb c6 ff ff callq 0x1468553e0 ; dp_gui::DialogHelper::getWindow at dp_gui_dialog2.hxx:70 0x146858cf5 <+2709>: 48 89 85 c0 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x340(%rbp) 0x146858cfc <+2716>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858d01 ; <+2721> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:810 0x146858d01 <+2721>: 48 8b 85 c0 fc ff ff movq -0x340(%rbp), %rax 0x146858d08 <+2728>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146858d0b <+2731>: 48 8b 89 18 02 00 00 movq 0x218(%rcx), %rcx 0x146858d12 <+2738>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858d19 <+2745>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146858d1c <+2748>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146858d1e <+2750>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858d23 ; <+2755> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:810 0x146858d23 <+2755>: 48 8d b5 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rsi 0x146858d2a <+2762>: 48 8b bd d0 fc ff ff movq -0x330(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858d31 <+2769>: 48 8b 85 c8 fc ff ff movq -0x338(%rbp), %rax 0x146858d38 <+2776>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x146858d3a <+2778>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858d3f ; <+2783> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:810 0x146858d3f <+2783>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858d46 <+2790>: e8 e5 ae fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858d4b <+2795>: e9 68 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858db8 ; <+2904> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:811 0x146858d50 <+2800>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858d52 <+2802>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858d59 <+2809>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858d5f <+2815>: e9 df 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e43 ; <+3043> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858d64 <+2820>: 48 8d bd 38 ff ff ff leaq -0xc8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858d6b <+2827>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858d6d <+2829>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858d74 <+2836>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858d7a <+2842>: e8 11 26 00 00 callq 0x14685b390 ; VclPtr::~VclPtr at window.hxx:107 0x146858d7f <+2847>: e9 bf 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e43 ; <+3043> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858d84 <+2852>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858d86 <+2854>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858d8d <+2861>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858d93 <+2867>: e9 9f 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e37 ; <+3031> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858d98 <+2872>: 48 8d bd 28 ff ff ff leaq -0xd8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858d9f <+2879>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858da1 <+2881>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858da8 <+2888>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858dae <+2894>: e8 7d ae fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858db3 <+2899>: e9 7f 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e37 ; <+3031> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858db8 <+2904>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858dbf <+2911>: e8 8c 64 fd ff callq 0x14682f250 ; VclPtr::operator-> at vclptr.hxx:137 0x146858dc4 <+2916>: 48 89 85 b8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x348(%rbp) 0x146858dcb <+2923>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858dd0 ; <+2928> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:811 0x146858dd0 <+2928>: 48 8b 85 b8 fc ff ff movq -0x348(%rbp), %rax 0x146858dd7 <+2935>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x146858dda <+2938>: 48 8b 89 e8 02 00 00 movq 0x2e8(%rcx), %rcx 0x146858de1 <+2945>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858de4 <+2948>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x146858de6 <+2950>: 66 89 85 b6 fc ff ff movw %ax, -0x34a(%rbp) 0x146858ded <+2957>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858df2 ; <+2962> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:811 0x146858df2 <+2962>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858df9 <+2969>: e8 b2 25 00 00 callq 0x14685b3b0 ; ScopedVclPtr::~ScopedVclPtr at vclptr.hxx:355 0x146858dfe <+2974>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e05 <+2981>: e8 f6 4e fd ff callq 0x14682dd00 ; SolarMutexGuard::~SolarMutexGuard at svapp.hxx:1416 0x146858e0a <+2986>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e11 <+2993>: e8 6a c4 ff ff callq 0x146855280 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x146858e16 <+2998>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e1a <+3002>: e8 11 ae fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858e1f <+3007>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e23 <+3011>: e8 48 6f fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146858e28 <+3016>: e8 af 7c 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146858e2d <+3021>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e32 ; <+3026> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858e32 <+3026>: e9 a8 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858edf ; <+3199> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:815 0x146858e37 <+3031>: 48 8d bd 40 ff ff ff leaq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e3e <+3038>: e8 6d 25 00 00 callq 0x14685b3b0 ; ScopedVclPtr::~ScopedVclPtr at vclptr.hxx:355 0x146858e43 <+3043>: 48 8d bd 48 ff ff ff leaq -0xb8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e4a <+3050>: e8 b1 4e fd ff callq 0x14682dd00 ; SolarMutexGuard::~SolarMutexGuard at svapp.hxx:1416 0x146858e4f <+3055>: 48 8d bd 58 ff ff ff leaq -0xa8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e56 <+3062>: e8 25 c4 ff ff callq 0x146855280 ; com::sun::star::deployment::DeploymentException::~DeploymentException at DeploymentException.hdl:14 0x146858e5b <+3067>: 48 8d 7d 80 leaq -0x80(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e5f <+3071>: e8 cc ad fc ff callq 0x146823c30 ; rtl::OUString::~OUString at ustring.hxx:398 0x146858e64 <+3076>: 48 8d 7d 88 leaq -0x78(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e68 <+3080>: e8 03 6f fd ff callq 0x14682fd70 ; com::sun::star::uno::Any::~Any at Any.hxx:108 0x146858e6d <+3085>: e8 6a 7c 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146858e72 <+3090>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858e77 ; <+3095> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858e77 <+3095>: e9 24 01 00 00 jmp 0x146858fa0 ; <+3392> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:687 0x146858e7c <+3100>: e9 f8 f5 ff ff jmp 0x146858479 ; <+537> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:724 0x146858e81 <+3105>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858e83 <+3107>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858e8a <+3114>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858e90 <+3120>: e9 3b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858ed0 ; <+3184> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:778 0x146858e95 <+3125>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858e9c <+3132>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858e9e <+3134>: 48 89 85 b8 fd ff ff movq %rax, -0x248(%rbp) 0x146858ea5 <+3141>: 89 8d b4 fd ff ff movl %ecx, -0x24c(%rbp) 0x146858eab <+3147>: e8 10 dd fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146858eb0 <+3152>: e9 1b 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858ed0 ; <+3184> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:778 0x146858eb5 <+3157>: 48 8d bd 20 ff ff ff leaq -0xe0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858ebc <+3164>: e8 ff dc fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146858ec1 <+3169>: e8 16 7c 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146858ec6 <+3174>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858ecb ; <+3179> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:778 0x146858ecb <+3179>: e9 4f 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f1f ; <+3263> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:822 0x146858ed0 <+3184>: e8 07 7c 07 00 callq 0x1468d0adc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x146858ed5 <+3189>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858eda ; <+3194> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:778 0x146858eda <+3194>: e9 c1 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858fa0 ; <+3392> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:687 0x146858edf <+3199>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858ee6 <+3206>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x146858eec <+3212>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858ef3 <+3219>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146858ef6 <+3222>: e8 a5 db fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146858efb <+3227>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f00 ; <+3232> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:815 0x146858f00 <+3232>: 48 8d bd 18 ff ff ff leaq -0xe8(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f07 <+3239>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858f0e <+3246>: c6 80 b5 00 00 00 00 movb $0x0, 0xb5(%rax) 0x146858f15 <+3253>: e8 a6 dc fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146858f1a <+3258>: e9 5a f5 ff ff jmp 0x146858479 ; <+537> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:724 0x146858f1f <+3263>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858f26 <+3270>: 48 05 a8 00 00 00 addq $0xa8, %rax 0x146858f2c <+3276>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f33 <+3283>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x146858f36 <+3286>: e8 65 db fd ff callq 0x146836aa0 ; osl::Guard::Guard at mutex.hxx:128 0x146858f3b <+3291>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f40 ; <+3296> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:822 0x146858f40 <+3296>: 48 8d bd 10 ff ff ff leaq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f47 <+3303>: 48 8b 85 80 fd ff ff movq -0x280(%rbp), %rax 0x146858f4e <+3310>: c6 80 b5 00 00 00 00 movb $0x0, 0xb5(%rax) 0x146858f55 <+3317>: e8 66 dc fd ff callq 0x146836bc0 ; osl::Guard::~Guard at mutex.hxx:134 0x146858f5a <+3322>: f6 85 ab fd ff ff 01 testb $0x1, -0x255(%rbp) 0x146858f61 <+3329>: 0f 85 2b 00 00 00 jne 0x146858f92 ; <+3378> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:827 0x146858f67 <+3335>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f6b <+3339>: e8 c0 01 00 00 callq 0x146859130 ; rtl::Reference::operator-> at ref.hxx:176 0x146858f70 <+3344>: 48 89 85 a8 fc ff ff movq %rax, -0x358(%rbp) 0x146858f77 <+3351>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f7c ; <+3356> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:827 0x146858f7c <+3356>: 48 8b bd a8 fc ff ff movq -0x358(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f83 <+3363>: e8 48 95 ff ff callq 0x1468524d0 ; dp_gui::ProgressCmdEnv::stopProgress at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:285 0x146858f88 <+3368>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f8d ; <+3373> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:827 0x146858f8d <+3373>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858f92 ; <+3378> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:827 0x146858f92 <+3378>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858f96 <+3382>: e8 35 24 00 00 callq 0x14685b3d0 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146858f9b <+3387>: e9 ee f2 ff ff jmp 0x14685828e ; <+46> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:680 0x146858fa0 <+3392>: 48 8d 7d c0 leaq -0x40(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858fa4 <+3396>: e8 27 24 00 00 callq 0x14685b3d0 ; rtl::Reference::~Reference at ref.hxx:88 0x146858fa9 <+3401>: e9 1d 00 00 00 jmp 0x146858fcb ; <+3435> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:691 0x146858fae <+3406>: 48 8b 05 3b 52 0b 00 movq 0xb523b(%rip), %rax ; (void *)0x00007fff961d9070: __stack_chk_guard 0x146858fb5 <+3413>: 48 8b 00 movq (%rax), %rax 0x146858fb8 <+3416>: 48 3b 45 f8 cmpq -0x8(%rbp), %rax 0x146858fbc <+3420>: 0f 85 25 00 00 00 jne 0x146858fe7 ; <+3463> at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:813 0x146858fc2 <+3426>: 48 81 c4 60 03 00 00 addq $0x360, %rsp ; imm = 0x360 0x146858fc9 <+3433>: 5d popq %rbp 0x146858fca <+3434>: c3 retq 0x146858fcb <+3435>: 48 8b bd b8 fd ff ff movq -0x248(%rbp), %rdi 0x146858fd2 <+3442>: e8 23 7b 07 00 callq 0x1468d0afa ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x146858fd7 <+3447>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x146858fd9 <+3449>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x146858fdc <+3452>: 89 8d a4 fc ff ff movl %ecx, -0x35c(%rbp) 0x146858fe2 <+3458>: e8 b9 b3 fc ff callq 0x1468243a0 ; __clang_call_terminate 0x146858fe7 <+3463>: e8 20 7b 07 00 callq 0x1468d0b0c ; symbol stub for: __stack_chk_fail (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x146858885 UNWIND PLANS for libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute() (start addr 0x146858260) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215920-0x00000000000358fc) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 3434: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 3435: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x1468d524c, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215920-0x00000000000358fc) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x1468d524c, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215920-0x00000000000358fc) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 3434: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 3435: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x1468d524c, personality routine is at address 0x14690e1e8 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libdeploymentgui.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 215920-0x0000000000035920) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run: 0x1044d5e00 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1044d5e01 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1044d5e04 <+4>: 48 83 ec 40 subq $0x40, %rsp 0x1044d5e08 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1044d5e0c <+12>: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax 0x1044d5e0f <+15>: 48 8b 4f 20 movq 0x20(%rdi), %rcx 0x1044d5e13 <+19>: 48 89 7d e0 movq %rdi, -0x20(%rbp) 0x1044d5e17 <+23>: 48 89 cf movq %rcx, %rdi 0x1044d5e1a <+26>: 48 89 45 d8 movq %rax, -0x28(%rbp) 0x1044d5e1e <+30>: e8 8d 00 00 00 callq 0x1044d5eb0 ; osl::Thread::setName at thread.hxx:151 0x1044d5e23 <+35>: 48 8b 45 e0 movq -0x20(%rbp), %rax 0x1044d5e27 <+39>: 48 8b 08 movq (%rax), %rcx 0x1044d5e2a <+42>: 48 8b 49 10 movq 0x10(%rcx), %rcx 0x1044d5e2e <+46>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1044d5e31 <+49>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1044d5e33 <+51>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5e38 ; <+56> at thread.cxx:41 0x1044d5e38 <+56>: e9 4a 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5e87 ; <+135> at thread.cxx:47 0x1044d5e3d <+61>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1044d5e3f <+63>: 48 89 45 f0 movq %rax, -0x10(%rbp) 0x1044d5e43 <+67>: 89 4d ec movl %ecx, -0x14(%rbp) 0x1044d5e46 <+70>: 48 8b 7d f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d5e4a <+74>: e8 8d 60 00 00 callq 0x1044dbedc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch 0x1044d5e4f <+79>: 48 8b 7d d8 movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d5e53 <+83>: 48 8b 0f movq (%rdi), %rcx 0x1044d5e56 <+86>: 48 8b 49 20 movq 0x20(%rcx), %rcx 0x1044d5e5a <+90>: 48 89 45 d0 movq %rax, -0x30(%rbp) 0x1044d5e5e <+94>: ff d1 callq *%rcx 0x1044d5e60 <+96>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5e65 ; <+101> at thread.cxx:45 0x1044d5e65 <+101>: e8 8a 60 00 00 callq 0x1044dbef4 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_rethrow 0x1044d5e6a <+106>: e9 34 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5ea3 ; salhelper::Thread::run() + 163 0x1044d5e6f <+111>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1044d5e71 <+113>: 48 89 45 f0 movq %rax, -0x10(%rbp) 0x1044d5e75 <+117>: 89 4d ec movl %ecx, -0x14(%rbp) 0x1044d5e78 <+120>: e8 6b 60 00 00 callq 0x1044dbee8 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch 0x1044d5e7d <+125>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5e82 ; <+130> at thread.cxx:46 0x1044d5e82 <+130>: e9 06 00 00 00 jmp 0x1044d5e8d ; <+141> at thread.cxx:46 0x1044d5e87 <+135>: 48 83 c4 40 addq $0x40, %rsp 0x1044d5e8b <+139>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1044d5e8c <+140>: c3 retq 0x1044d5e8d <+141>: 48 8b 7d f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d5e91 <+145>: e8 6a 60 00 00 callq 0x1044dbf00 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume 0x1044d5e96 <+150>: 89 d1 movl %edx, %ecx 0x1044d5e98 <+152>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1044d5e9b <+155>: 89 4d cc movl %ecx, -0x34(%rbp) 0x1044d5e9e <+158>: e8 4d e7 ff ff callq 0x1044d45f0 ; __clang_call_terminate (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1044d5e33 UNWIND PLANS for libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run() (start addr 0x1044d5e00) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6304-0x0000000000001943) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 140: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 141: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI LSDA address 0x1044dc408, personality routine is at address 0x1044df060 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6304-0x0000000000001943) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing LSDA address 0x1044dc408, personality routine is at address 0x1044df060 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6304-0x0000000000001943) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 140: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[4]: 141: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info LSDA address 0x1044dc408, personality routine is at address 0x1044df060 This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6304-0x0000000000001950) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(): 0x1044d5ee0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1044d5ee1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1044d5ee4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 10 subq $0x10, %rsp 0x1044d5ee8 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1044d5eec <+12>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d5ef0 <+16>: 48 83 c7 f0 addq $-0x10, %rdi 0x1044d5ef4 <+20>: e8 07 ff ff ff callq 0x1044d5e00 ; salhelper::Thread::run at thread.cxx:37 0x1044d5ef9 <+25>: 48 83 c4 10 addq $0x10, %rsp 0x1044d5efd <+29>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1044d5efe <+30>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1044d5ef9 UNWIND PLANS for libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run() (start addr 0x1044d5ee0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6528-0x000000000000199f) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 30: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6528-0x000000000000199f) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6528-0x000000000000199f) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 30: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 6528-0x0000000000001b90) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x1044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(void *): 0x1044d8840 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x1044d8841 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x1044d8844 <+4>: 48 83 ec 20 subq $0x20, %rsp 0x1044d8848 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x1044d884c <+12>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d8850 <+16>: 48 89 7d f0 movq %rdi, -0x10(%rbp) 0x1044d8854 <+20>: 48 8b 7d f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rdi 0x1044d8858 <+24>: 48 8b 07 movq (%rdi), %rax 0x1044d885b <+27>: ff 50 38 callq *0x38(%rax) 0x1044d885e <+30>: 48 8b 45 f0 movq -0x10(%rbp), %rax 0x1044d8862 <+34>: 48 8b 38 movq (%rax), %rdi 0x1044d8865 <+37>: 48 89 7d e8 movq %rdi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x1044d8869 <+41>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x1044d886c <+44>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x1044d8870 <+48>: ff 50 40 callq *0x40(%rax) 0x1044d8873 <+51>: 48 83 c4 20 addq $0x20, %rsp 0x1044d8877 <+55>: 5d popq %rbp 0x1044d8878 <+56>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x1044d885e UNWIND PLANS for libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(void *) (start addr 0x1044d8840) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 17120-0x0000000000004319) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 56: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 17120-0x0000000000004319) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 17120-0x0000000000004319) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 56: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 16384-0x0000000000004f80) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl: 0x102be1ae0 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x102be1ae1 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x102be1ae4 <+4>: 48 83 ec 30 subq $0x30, %rsp 0x102be1ae8 <+8>: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -0x8(%rbp) 0x102be1aec <+12>: 48 8b 7d f8 movq -0x8(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1af0 <+16>: 48 89 7d e8 movq %rdi, -0x18(%rbp) 0x102be1af4 <+20>: 48 83 7d e8 00 cmpq $0x0, -0x18(%rbp) 0x102be1af9 <+25>: 0f 95 c0 setne %al 0x102be1afc <+28>: 34 ff xorb $-0x1, %al 0x102be1afe <+30>: a8 01 testb $0x1, %al 0x102be1b00 <+32>: 0f 85 05 00 00 00 jne 0x102be1b0b ; <+43> at thread.cxx:208 0x102be1b06 <+38>: e9 1f 00 00 00 jmp 0x102be1b2a ; <+74> at thread.cxx:208 0x102be1b0b <+43>: 48 8d 3d ba d7 00 00 leaq 0xd7ba(%rip), %rdi ; "osl_thread_start_Impl" 0x102be1b12 <+50>: 48 8d 35 3f d5 00 00 leaq 0xd53f(%rip), %rsi ; "/Users/demo/lode/dev/core/sal/osl/unx/thread.cxx" 0x102be1b19 <+57>: ba d0 00 00 00 movl $0xd0, %edx 0x102be1b1e <+62>: 48 8d 0d bd d7 00 00 leaq 0xd7bd(%rip), %rcx ; "pImpl" 0x102be1b25 <+69>: e8 32 1d 00 00 callq 0x102be385c ; symbol stub for: __assert_rtn 0x102be1b2a <+74>: e9 00 00 00 00 jmp 0x102be1b2f ; <+79> at thread.cxx:210 0x102be1b2f <+79>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1b33 <+83>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x102be1b37 <+87>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x102be1b3a <+90>: e8 c3 1f 00 00 callq 0x102be3b02 ; symbol stub for: pthread_mutex_lock 0x102be1b3f <+95>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1b43 <+99>: 48 8b 3f movq (%rdi), %rdi 0x102be1b46 <+102>: 89 45 e4 movl %eax, -0x1c(%rbp) 0x102be1b49 <+105>: e8 d2 f9 ff ff callq 0x102be1520 ; insertThreadId at thread.cxx:596 0x102be1b4e <+110>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1b52 <+114>: 66 89 47 08 movw %ax, 0x8(%rdi) 0x102be1b56 <+118>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1b5a <+122>: 0f bf 4f 0a movswl 0xa(%rdi), %ecx 0x102be1b5e <+126>: 83 e1 fd andl $-0x3, %ecx 0x102be1b61 <+129>: 66 89 c8 movw %cx, %ax 0x102be1b64 <+132>: 66 89 47 0a movw %ax, 0xa(%rdi) 0x102be1b68 <+136>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1b6c <+140>: 0f bf 4f 0a movswl 0xa(%rdi), %ecx 0x102be1b70 <+144>: 83 c9 08 orl $0x8, %ecx 0x102be1b73 <+147>: 66 89 c8 movw %cx, %ax 0x102be1b76 <+150>: 66 89 47 0a movw %ax, 0xa(%rdi) 0x102be1b7a <+154>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1b7e <+158>: 48 83 c7 60 addq $0x60, %rdi 0x102be1b82 <+162>: e8 33 1f 00 00 callq 0x102be3aba ; symbol stub for: pthread_cond_signal 0x102be1b87 <+167>: 89 45 e0 movl %eax, -0x20(%rbp) 0x102be1b8a <+170>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1b8e <+174>: 0f bf 48 0a movswl 0xa(%rax), %ecx 0x102be1b92 <+178>: 83 e1 04 andl $0x4, %ecx 0x102be1b95 <+181>: 83 f9 00 cmpl $0x0, %ecx 0x102be1b98 <+184>: 0f 84 23 00 00 00 je 0x102be1bc1 ; <+225> at thread.cxx:228 0x102be1b9e <+190>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1ba2 <+194>: 48 83 c0 60 addq $0x60, %rax 0x102be1ba6 <+198>: 48 8b 4d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rcx 0x102be1baa <+202>: 48 83 c1 20 addq $0x20, %rcx 0x102be1bae <+206>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x102be1bb1 <+209>: 48 89 ce movq %rcx, %rsi 0x102be1bb4 <+212>: e8 0d 1f 00 00 callq 0x102be3ac6 ; symbol stub for: pthread_cond_wait 0x102be1bb9 <+217>: 89 45 dc movl %eax, -0x24(%rbp) 0x102be1bbc <+220>: e9 c9 ff ff ff jmp 0x102be1b8a ; <+170> at thread.cxx:221 0x102be1bc1 <+225>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1bc5 <+229>: 0f bf 48 0a movswl 0xa(%rax), %ecx 0x102be1bc9 <+233>: 83 e1 01 andl $0x1, %ecx 0x102be1bcc <+236>: 83 f9 00 cmpl $0x0, %ecx 0x102be1bcf <+239>: 0f 9f c2 setg %dl 0x102be1bd2 <+242>: 80 e2 01 andb $0x1, %dl 0x102be1bd5 <+245>: 88 55 f7 movb %dl, -0x9(%rbp) 0x102be1bd8 <+248>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1bdc <+252>: 48 83 c0 20 addq $0x20, %rax 0x102be1be0 <+256>: 48 89 c7 movq %rax, %rdi 0x102be1be3 <+259>: e8 26 1f 00 00 callq 0x102be3b0e ; symbol stub for: pthread_mutex_unlock 0x102be1be8 <+264>: f6 45 f7 01 testb $0x1, -0x9(%rbp) 0x102be1bec <+268>: 89 45 d8 movl %eax, -0x28(%rbp) 0x102be1bef <+271>: 0f 85 12 00 00 00 jne 0x102be1c07 ; <+295> at thread.cxx:248 0x102be1bf5 <+277>: 48 8b 45 e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax 0x102be1bf9 <+281>: 48 8b 40 10 movq 0x10(%rax), %rax 0x102be1bfd <+285>: 48 8b 4d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rcx 0x102be1c01 <+289>: 48 8b 79 18 movq 0x18(%rcx), %rdi 0x102be1c05 <+293>: ff d0 callq *%rax 0x102be1c07 <+295>: 48 8b 7d e8 movq -0x18(%rbp), %rdi 0x102be1c0b <+299>: e8 10 00 00 00 callq 0x102be1c20 ; osl_thread_cleanup_Impl at thread.cxx:175 0x102be1c10 <+304>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x102be1c12 <+306>: 48 83 c4 30 addq $0x30, %rsp 0x102be1c16 <+310>: 5d popq %rbp 0x102be1c17 <+311>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x102be1c07 UNWIND PLANS for libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(void*) (start addr 0x102be1ae0) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'eh_frame CFI' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 619760-0x0000000000097628) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 311: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 619760-0x0000000000097628) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] eh_frame augmented UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from eh_frame CFI plus augmentation from assembly parsing This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 619760-0x0000000000097628) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 311: CFA=rsp +8 => rbp=[CFA-16] rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libuno_sal.dylib.3.__TEXT.__text + 615808-0x00000000000980f0) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x7fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body: 0x7fff8d6ed9f7 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed9f8 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed9fb <+4>: 53 pushq %rbx 0x7fff8d6ed9fc <+5>: 50 pushq %rax 0x7fff8d6ed9fd <+6>: 48 89 fb movq %rdi, %rbx 0x7fff8d6eda00 <+9>: 40 0f b6 f6 movzbl %sil, %esi 0x7fff8d6eda04 <+13>: e8 d1 36 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f10da ; _pthread_set_self_internal 0x7fff8d6eda09 <+18>: 65 8b 0c 25 18 00 00 00 movl %gs:0x18, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda11 <+26>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x7fff8d6eda13 <+28>: f0 lock 0x7fff8d6eda14 <+29>: 0f b1 0d ed 88 b0 08 cmpxchgl %ecx, 0x8b088ed(%rip) ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda1b <+36>: 74 11 je 0x7fff8d6eda2e ; <+55> 0x7fff8d6eda1d <+38>: 48 8d 3d e4 88 b0 08 leaq 0x8b088e4(%rip), %rdi ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda24 <+45>: be 00 00 01 00 movl $0x10000, %esi ; imm = 0x10000 0x7fff8d6eda29 <+50>: e8 52 49 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f2380 ; symbol stub for: os_unfair_lock_lock_with_options 0x7fff8d6eda2e <+55>: 8b 43 10 movl 0x10(%rbx), %eax 0x7fff8d6eda31 <+58>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda33 <+60>: 83 c9 01 orl $0x1, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda36 <+63>: 89 4b 10 movl %ecx, 0x10(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda39 <+66>: f6 43 1b 04 testb $0x4, 0x1b(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda3d <+70>: 74 08 je 0x7fff8d6eda47 ; <+80> 0x7fff8d6eda3f <+72>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda41 <+74>: 83 c9 03 orl $0x3, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda44 <+77>: 89 4b 10 movl %ecx, 0x10(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda47 <+80>: a8 02 testb $0x2, %al 0x7fff8d6eda49 <+82>: 75 27 jne 0x7fff8d6eda72 ; <+123> 0x7fff8d6eda4b <+84>: 48 8d 43 60 leaq 0x60(%rbx), %rax 0x7fff8d6eda4f <+88>: 48 c7 43 60 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, 0x60(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda57 <+96>: 48 8b 0d 3a 88 b0 08 movq 0x8b0883a(%rip), %rcx ; __pthread_head + 8 0x7fff8d6eda5e <+103>: 48 89 4b 68 movq %rcx, 0x68(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda62 <+107>: 48 89 19 movq %rbx, (%rcx) 0x7fff8d6eda65 <+110>: 48 89 05 2c 88 b0 08 movq %rax, 0x8b0882c(%rip) ; __pthread_head + 8 0x7fff8d6eda6c <+117>: ff 05 36 88 b0 08 incl 0x8b08836(%rip) ; _pthread_count 0x7fff8d6eda72 <+123>: 65 8b 04 25 18 00 00 00 movl %gs:0x18, %eax 0x7fff8d6eda7a <+131>: 31 c9 xorl %ecx, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda7c <+133>: f0 lock 0x7fff8d6eda7d <+134>: 0f b1 0d 84 88 b0 08 cmpxchgl %ecx, 0x8b08884(%rip) ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda84 <+141>: 74 0c je 0x7fff8d6eda92 ; <+155> 0x7fff8d6eda86 <+143>: 48 8d 3d 7b 88 b0 08 leaq 0x8b0887b(%rip), %rdi ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda8d <+150>: e8 f4 48 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f2386 ; symbol stub for: os_unfair_lock_unlock 0x7fff8d6eda92 <+155>: 48 83 3d d6 88 b0 08 00 cmpq $0x0, 0x8b088d6(%rip) ; __libdispatch_offset + 3 0x7fff8d6eda9a <+163>: 74 08 je 0x7fff8d6edaa4 ; <+173> 0x7fff8d6eda9c <+165>: 48 89 df movq %rbx, %rdi 0x7fff8d6eda9f <+168>: e8 2d 3b 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f15d1 ; _pthread_introspection_hook_callout_thread_start 0x7fff8d6edaa4 <+173>: 48 8b 7b 28 movq 0x28(%rbx), %rdi 0x7fff8d6edaa8 <+177>: ff 53 20 callq *0x20(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6edaab <+180>: 48 89 df movq %rbx, %rdi 0x7fff8d6edaae <+183>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x7fff8d6edab1 <+186>: e8 fb 16 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6ef1b1 ; _pthread_exit (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x7fff8d6edaab UNWIND PLANS for libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body (start addr 0x7fff8d6ed9f7) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'assembly insn profiling' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'compact unwind info' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libsystem_pthread.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 10835-0x0000000000002b12) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libsystem_pthread.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 10835-0x0000000000002b12) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x7fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body: 0x7fff8d6ed9f7 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed9f8 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed9fb <+4>: 53 pushq %rbx 0x7fff8d6ed9fc <+5>: 50 pushq %rax 0x7fff8d6ed9fd <+6>: 48 89 fb movq %rdi, %rbx 0x7fff8d6eda00 <+9>: 40 0f b6 f6 movzbl %sil, %esi 0x7fff8d6eda04 <+13>: e8 d1 36 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f10da ; _pthread_set_self_internal 0x7fff8d6eda09 <+18>: 65 8b 0c 25 18 00 00 00 movl %gs:0x18, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda11 <+26>: 31 c0 xorl %eax, %eax 0x7fff8d6eda13 <+28>: f0 lock 0x7fff8d6eda14 <+29>: 0f b1 0d ed 88 b0 08 cmpxchgl %ecx, 0x8b088ed(%rip) ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda1b <+36>: 74 11 je 0x7fff8d6eda2e ; <+55> 0x7fff8d6eda1d <+38>: 48 8d 3d e4 88 b0 08 leaq 0x8b088e4(%rip), %rdi ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda24 <+45>: be 00 00 01 00 movl $0x10000, %esi ; imm = 0x10000 0x7fff8d6eda29 <+50>: e8 52 49 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f2380 ; symbol stub for: os_unfair_lock_lock_with_options 0x7fff8d6eda2e <+55>: 8b 43 10 movl 0x10(%rbx), %eax 0x7fff8d6eda31 <+58>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda33 <+60>: 83 c9 01 orl $0x1, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda36 <+63>: 89 4b 10 movl %ecx, 0x10(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda39 <+66>: f6 43 1b 04 testb $0x4, 0x1b(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda3d <+70>: 74 08 je 0x7fff8d6eda47 ; <+80> 0x7fff8d6eda3f <+72>: 89 c1 movl %eax, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda41 <+74>: 83 c9 03 orl $0x3, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda44 <+77>: 89 4b 10 movl %ecx, 0x10(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda47 <+80>: a8 02 testb $0x2, %al 0x7fff8d6eda49 <+82>: 75 27 jne 0x7fff8d6eda72 ; <+123> 0x7fff8d6eda4b <+84>: 48 8d 43 60 leaq 0x60(%rbx), %rax 0x7fff8d6eda4f <+88>: 48 c7 43 60 00 00 00 00 movq $0x0, 0x60(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda57 <+96>: 48 8b 0d 3a 88 b0 08 movq 0x8b0883a(%rip), %rcx ; __pthread_head + 8 0x7fff8d6eda5e <+103>: 48 89 4b 68 movq %rcx, 0x68(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6eda62 <+107>: 48 89 19 movq %rbx, (%rcx) 0x7fff8d6eda65 <+110>: 48 89 05 2c 88 b0 08 movq %rax, 0x8b0882c(%rip) ; __pthread_head + 8 0x7fff8d6eda6c <+117>: ff 05 36 88 b0 08 incl 0x8b08836(%rip) ; _pthread_count 0x7fff8d6eda72 <+123>: 65 8b 04 25 18 00 00 00 movl %gs:0x18, %eax 0x7fff8d6eda7a <+131>: 31 c9 xorl %ecx, %ecx 0x7fff8d6eda7c <+133>: f0 lock 0x7fff8d6eda7d <+134>: 0f b1 0d 84 88 b0 08 cmpxchgl %ecx, 0x8b08884(%rip) ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda84 <+141>: 74 0c je 0x7fff8d6eda92 ; <+155> 0x7fff8d6eda86 <+143>: 48 8d 3d 7b 88 b0 08 leaq 0x8b0887b(%rip), %rdi ; _pthread_list_lock 0x7fff8d6eda8d <+150>: e8 f4 48 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f2386 ; symbol stub for: os_unfair_lock_unlock 0x7fff8d6eda92 <+155>: 48 83 3d d6 88 b0 08 00 cmpq $0x0, 0x8b088d6(%rip) ; __libdispatch_offset + 3 0x7fff8d6eda9a <+163>: 74 08 je 0x7fff8d6edaa4 ; <+173> 0x7fff8d6eda9c <+165>: 48 89 df movq %rbx, %rdi 0x7fff8d6eda9f <+168>: e8 2d 3b 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6f15d1 ; _pthread_introspection_hook_callout_thread_start 0x7fff8d6edaa4 <+173>: 48 8b 7b 28 movq 0x28(%rbx), %rdi 0x7fff8d6edaa8 <+177>: ff 53 20 callq *0x20(%rbx) 0x7fff8d6edaab <+180>: 48 89 df movq %rbx, %rdi 0x7fff8d6edaae <+183>: 48 89 c6 movq %rax, %rsi 0x7fff8d6edab1 <+186>: e8 fb 16 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6ef1b1 ; _pthread_exit (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x7fff8d6ed9f7 UNWIND PLANS for libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body (start addr 0x7fff8d6ed9f7) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'assembly insn profiling' Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'compact unwind info' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libsystem_pthread.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 10835-0x0000000000002b12) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 5: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Compact unwind UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from compact unwind info This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: yes. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libsystem_pthread.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 10835-0x0000000000002b12) row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbx=[CFA-24] rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) disassemble --bytes --address 0x7fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start: 0x7fff8d6ed214 <+0>: 55 pushq %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed215 <+1>: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp 0x7fff8d6ed218 <+4>: 48 83 ec 18 subq $0x18, %rsp 0x7fff8d6ed21c <+8>: e8 b8 06 00 00 callq 0x7fff8d6ed8d9 ; _pthread_start 0x7fff8d6ed221 <+13>: c9 leave 0x7fff8d6ed222 <+14>: c3 retq (lldb) image show-unwind --address 0x7fff8d6ed221 UNWIND PLANS for libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start (start addr 0x7fff8d6ed214) Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan is 'assembly insn profiling' Fast UnwindPlan is 'x86_64 default unwind plan' Assembly language inspection UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from assembly insn profiling This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: yes. Address range of this UnwindPlan: [libsystem_pthread.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 8816-0x000000000000227f) row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[1]: 1: CFA=rsp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[2]: 4: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] row[3]: 14: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Fast UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 default unwind plan This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: no. row[0]: 0: CFA=rbp+16 => rbp=[CFA-16] rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] Arch default at entry point UnwindPlan: This UnwindPlan originally sourced from x86_64 at-func-entry default This UnwindPlan is sourced from the compiler: no. This UnwindPlan is valid at all instruction locations: not specified. row[0]: 0: CFA=rsp +8 => rsp=CFA+0 rip=[CFA-8] (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b919bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 315 at strtmpl.cxx:1280, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b919bb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uString_new_WithLength(ppThis=0x000070000fee7e50, nLen=62) + 315 at strtmpl.cxx:1280 1277 IMPL_RTL_STRCODE* pTempStr = (*ppThis)->buffer; 1278 memset(pTempStr, 0, nLen*sizeof(IMPL_RTL_STRCODE)); 1279 } -> 1280 } 1281 1282 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 1283 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc00 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 160 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc00 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 160 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=102) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=102) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=102) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=102) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=102) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=0, str=u"fÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0066 u'f') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=102) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=105) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=105) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=1, str=u"iÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0069 u'i') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=105) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=108) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=108) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=108) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=108) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=108) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=2, str=u"lÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006c u'l') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=108) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=3, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=58) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=58) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=58) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=58) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=58) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=4, str=u":Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+003a u':') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=58) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 frame #1: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 68 at uri.hxx:110 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at urihelper.hxx:40 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1967 at pkguri.cxx:158 frame #5: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #6: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #7: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #8: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #9: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #10: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #11: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #12: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #13: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #14: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #15: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #16: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #17: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #18: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #19: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #20: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #21: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #22: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #25: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #26: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' -> 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' -> 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : 50 -1; // not a hex digit (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { -> 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; -> 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); -> 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) -> 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { 97 if (nChar >= 0xC0 && nChar <= 0xF4) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203 200 rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(aConverter); 201 *pType = EscapeOctet; 202 } -> 203 return nChar; 204 } 205 else 206 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: -> 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) 679 { 680 writeEscapeOctet(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 681 break; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=5, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' -> 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' -> 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : 50 -1; // not a hex digit (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { -> 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; -> 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); -> 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) -> 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { 97 if (nChar >= 0xC0 && nChar <= 0xF4) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203 200 rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(aConverter); 201 *pType = EscapeOctet; 202 } -> 203 return nChar; 204 } 205 else 206 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: -> 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) 679 { 680 writeEscapeOctet(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 681 break; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=6, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' -> 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' -> 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : 50 -1; // not a hex digit (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { -> 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; -> 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); -> 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) -> 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { 97 if (nChar >= 0xC0 && nChar <= 0xF4) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203 200 rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(aConverter); 201 *pType = EscapeOctet; 202 } -> 203 return nChar; 204 } 205 else 206 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: -> 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) 679 { 680 writeEscapeOctet(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 681 break; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=7, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=85) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=85) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=85) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=85) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=85) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=8, str=u"UÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0055 u'U') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=85) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=9, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=10, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=114) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=114) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=11, str=u"rÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0072 u'r') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=114) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=115) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 frame #1: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 frame #2: 0x0000000146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 68 at uri.hxx:110 frame #3: 0x0000000146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at urihelper.hxx:40 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1967 at pkguri.cxx:158 frame #5: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #6: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #7: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #8: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #9: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #10: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #11: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #12: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #13: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #14: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #15: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #16: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #17: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #18: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #19: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #20: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #21: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #22: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #23: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #24: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #25: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #26: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #27: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #28: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) s Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=115) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=12, str=u"sÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0073 u's') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=115) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' -> 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' -> 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : 50 -1; // not a hex digit (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { -> 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; -> 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); -> 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) -> 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { 97 if (nChar >= 0xC0 && nChar <= 0xF4) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203 200 rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(aConverter); 201 *pType = EscapeOctet; 202 } -> 203 return nChar; 204 } 205 else 206 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: -> 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) 679 { 680 writeEscapeOctet(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 681 break; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=13, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=100) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=100) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=14, str=u"dÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0064 u'd') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=100) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=101) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=101) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=15, str=u"eÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+0065 u'e') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=101) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=109) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=109) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=109) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=109) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=109) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=16, str=u"mÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006d u'm') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=109) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b508 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1992 at uri.cxx:207 204 } 205 else 206 { -> 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b512 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2002 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 11 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a71b libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 11 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=111) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=111) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 19 at character.hxx:248, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a723 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 19 at character.hxx:248 245 @since LibreOffice 5.0 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { -> 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 74 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a75a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 74 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 81 at character.hxx:250, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a761 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 81 at character.hxx:250 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst -> 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 253 /** Check for low surrogate. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 106 at character.hxx:249, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8a77a libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isHighSurrogate(code=111) + 106 at character.hxx:249 246 */ 247 inline bool isHighSurrogate(sal_uInt32 code) { 248 assert(isUnicodeCodePoint(code)); -> 249 return code >= detail::surrogatesHighFirst 250 && code <= detail::surrogatesHighLast; 251 } 252 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b51a libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2010 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b57b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2107 at uri.cxx:210 207 *pType = EscapeNo; 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? -> 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } 212 } 213 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b584 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2116 at uri.cxx:208 205 else 206 { 207 *pType = EscapeNo; -> 208 return rtl::isHighSurrogate(nChar) && *pBegin < pEnd 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=111) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=111) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) (lldb) error: invalid thread Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e057 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 551 at ustrbuf.cxx:155 152 /* insert the new characters */ 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { -> 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e061 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 561 at ustrbuf.cxx:157 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ -> 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e09f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 623 at ustrbuf.cxx:160 157 pBuf[offset] = *str; 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); -> 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0a4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 628 at ustrbuf.cxx:161 158 else 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } -> 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0b4 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 644 at ustrbuf.cxx:162 159 memcpy( pBuf + offset, str, len * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 160 } 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; -> 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } 164 } 165 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e0c7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=17, str=u"oÙ፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 663 at ustrbuf.cxx:164 161 (*This)->length = nOldLen + len; 162 pBuf[ nOldLen + len ] = 0; 163 } -> 164 } 165 166 void rtl_uStringbuffer_insertUtf32( 167 rtl_uString ** pThis, sal_Int32 * capacity, sal_Int32 offset, sal_uInt32 c) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 71 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 91 at uri.cxx:62, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b67b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+006f u'o') + 91 at uri.cxx:62 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); -> 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType 65 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 113 at uri.cxx:220, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 113 at uri.cxx:220 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); -> 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( 223 pBuffer, pCapacity, (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 191 at uri.cxx:229, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8be0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=111) + 191 at uri.cxx:229 226 pBuffer, pCapacity, 227 static_cast< sal_Unicode >((nUtf32 & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00)); 228 } -> 229 } 230 231 void writeEscapeOctet(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 232 sal_uInt32 nOctet) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bccb libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 363 at uri.cxx:686 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); -> 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: 689 if (eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeStrict) { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd02 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 418 at uri.cxx:671 668 sal_Unicode const * pEnd = p + pText->length; 669 sal_Int32 nCapacity = pText->length; 670 rtl_uString_new_WithLength(pResult, nCapacity); -> 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc0e libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 174 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad77 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 55 at uri.cxx:84 81 bool bEncoded, rtl_TextEncoding eCharset, 82 EscapeType * pType) 83 { -> 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ad8e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 78 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adb8 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 120 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d00b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 27 at uri.cxx:45 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' -> 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d011 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=50) + 33 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adcd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 141 at uri.cxx:88 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 -> 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8add3 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 147 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8cff7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 7 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d019 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 41 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d02d libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 61 at uri.cxx:47 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' -> 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : 50 -1; // not a hex digit (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d036 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 70 at uri.cxx:46 43 { 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : -> 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : 48 nUtf32 >= 0x61 && nUtf32 <= 0x66 ? // 'a'--'f' 49 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x61 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8d07c libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::getHexWeight(nUtf32=70) + 140 at uri.cxx:44 41 42 inline int getHexWeight(sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 43 { -> 44 return nUtf32 >= 0x30 && nUtf32 <= 0x39 ? // '0'--'9' 45 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x30) : 46 nUtf32 >= 0x41 && nUtf32 <= 0x46 ? // 'A'--'F' 47 static_cast< int >(nUtf32 - 0x41 + 10) : (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ade9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 169 at uri.cxx:89 86 int nWeight2; 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 -> 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adef libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 175 at uri.cxx:87 84 sal_uInt32 nChar = *(*pBegin)++; 85 int nWeight1; 86 int nWeight2; -> 87 if (nChar == cEscapePrefix && bEncoded && pEnd - *pBegin >= 2 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8adf5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 181 at uri.cxx:91 88 && (nWeight1 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[0])) >= 0 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { -> 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae03 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 195 at uri.cxx:92 89 && (nWeight2 = getHexWeight((*pBegin)[1])) >= 0) 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; -> 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae0f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 207 at uri.cxx:93 90 { 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); -> 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8ae19 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 217 at uri.cxx:94 91 *pBegin += 2; 92 nChar = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nWeight1 << 4 | nWeight2); 93 if (nChar <= 0x7F) -> 94 *pType = EscapeChar; 95 else if (eCharset == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) 96 { 97 if (nChar >= 0xC0 && nChar <= 0xF4) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b4fd libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 1981 at uri.cxx:203 200 rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter(aConverter); 201 *pType = EscapeOctet; 202 } -> 203 return nChar; 204 } 205 else 206 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b594 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::readUcs4(pBegin=0x000070000fee7b20, pEnd=u"", bEncoded=true, eCharset=76, pType=0x000070000fee7b18)::EscapeType*) + 2132 at uri.cxx:212 209 && rtl::isLowSurrogate(**pBegin) ? 210 rtl::combineSurrogates(nChar, *(*pBegin)++) : nChar; 211 } -> 212 } 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc28 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 200 at uri.cxx:674 671 while (p < pEnd) 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; -> 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc36 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 214 at uri.cxx:675 672 { 673 EscapeType eType; 674 sal_uInt32 nUtf32 = readUcs4(&p, pEnd, true, eCharset, &eType); -> 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bc83 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 291 at uri.cxx:678 675 switch (eType) 676 { 677 case EscapeChar: -> 678 if (nUtf32 <= 0x7F && eMechanism == rtl_UriDecodeToIuri) 679 { 680 writeEscapeOctet(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 681 break; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bcb6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 342 at uri.cxx:685 682 } 683 SAL_FALLTHROUGH; 684 case EscapeNo: -> 685 writeUcs4(pResult, &nCapacity, nUtf32); 686 break; 687 688 case EscapeOctet: (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd63 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 19 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b82dd7 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(code=47) + 7 at character.hxx:43 40 */ 41 inline bool isUnicodeCodePoint(sal_uInt32 code) 42 { -> 43 return code <= 0x10FFFF; 44 } 45 46 /** Check for ASCII character. (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd6b libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 27 at uri.cxx:216 213 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { -> 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bd9e libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 78 at uri.cxx:217 214 void writeUcs4(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, sal_uInt32 nUtf32) 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); -> 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdab libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 91 at uri.cxx:219 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { 218 writeUnicode( -> 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; 222 writeUnicode( (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8bdb9 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 105 at uri.cxx:218 215 { 216 assert(rtl::isUnicodeCodePoint(nUtf32)); 217 if (nUtf32 <= 0xFFFF) { -> 218 writeUnicode( 219 pBuffer, pCapacity, static_cast< sal_Unicode >(nUtf32)); 220 } else { 221 nUtf32 -= 0x10000; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8b64f libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 47 at uri.cxx:61 58 inline void writeUnicode(rtl_uString ** pBuffer, sal_Int32 * pCapacity, 59 sal_Unicode cChar) 60 { -> 61 rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(pBuffer, pCapacity, (*pBuffer)->length, &cChar, 1); 62 } 63 64 enum EscapeType (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de4b libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 27 at ustrbuf.cxx:129 126 const sal_Unicode * str, 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { -> 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8de8a libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 90 at ustrbuf.cxx:130 127 sal_Int32 len) 128 { 129 assert(This); -> 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dedf libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 175 at ustrbuf.cxx:131 128 { 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); -> 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df35 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 261 at ustrbuf.cxx:132 129 assert(This); 130 assert(capacity && *capacity >= 0); 131 assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= (**This).length); -> 132 assert(len >= 0); 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df6f libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 319 at ustrbuf.cxx:136 133 sal_Int32 nOldLen; 134 sal_Unicode * pBuf; 135 sal_Int32 n; -> 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8df79 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 329 at ustrbuf.cxx:138 135 sal_Int32 n; 136 if( len != 0 ) 137 { -> 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfb0 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 384 at ustrbuf.cxx:141 138 if (*capacity < (*This)->length + len) 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 -> 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfbd libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 397 at ustrbuf.cxx:142 139 rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( This, capacity, (*This)->length + len ); 140 141 nOldLen = (*This)->length; -> 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfcc libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 412 at ustrbuf.cxx:145 142 pBuf = (*This)->buffer; 143 144 /* copy the tail */ -> 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8dfd5 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 421 at ustrbuf.cxx:146 143 144 /* copy the tail */ 145 n = (nOldLen - offset); -> 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; 149 else if( n > 1 ) (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e001 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 465 at ustrbuf.cxx:149 146 if( n == 1 ) 147 /* optimized for 1 character */ 148 pBuf[offset + len] = pBuf[offset]; -> 149 else if( n > 1 ) 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ (lldb) Process 652 stopped * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 150 memmove( pBuf + offset + len, pBuf + offset, n * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); 151 152 /* insert the new characters */ -> 153 if( str != nullptr ) 154 { 155 if( len == 1 ) 156 /* optimized for 1 character */ (lldb) bt * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 frame #1: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 frame #2: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:218 frame #3: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 68 at uri.hxx:110 frame #5: 0x0000000146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at urihelper.hxx:40 frame #6: 0x0000000146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1967 at pkguri.cxx:158 frame #7: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #8: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #9: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #10: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #11: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #12: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #13: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #14: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #15: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #16: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #17: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #18: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #19: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #20: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #21: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #22: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #23: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #24: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #26: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #27: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #28: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) bt all thread #1: tid = 0x1866, 0x00007fff8d659e85 libsystem_malloc.dylib`free, queue = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff8d659e85 libsystem_malloc.dylib`free frame #1: 0x00007fff783b1bc3 CoreFoundation`-[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 frame #2: 0x00007fff76f7e968 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddFontToIndex(TFontIndex const*, unsigned int, CGFont*) const + 510 frame #3: 0x00007fff76f7b1ad libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::AddAllFontsToIndex(TFontIndex const*) const + 217 frame #4: 0x00007fff76f77de3 libFontRegistry.dylib`TLocalFontRegistryImp::GetIndex(unsigned short) const + 313 frame #5: 0x00007fff76f8ba9d libFontRegistry.dylib`__CFURL const* TFontRegistryImp::CopyFontForNameCommon(__CFString const*, TFontQueryOptions const&) const + 125 frame #6: 0x00007fff76f7952a libFontRegistry.dylib`XTCopyFontWithName + 94 frame #7: 0x00007fff79a03fb3 CoreText`TDescriptorSource::CopyFontDescriptorPerPostScriptName(__CFString const*, unsigned long, unsigned long) const + 355 frame #8: 0x00007fff799f5bd9 CoreText`ContainsAndIsOnlySearchableAttribute(__CFDictionary const*, TDescriptorSource const&, __CFString const*, unsigned long) + 90 frame #9: 0x00007fff79967c95 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptorInternal(__CFSet const*, bool) const + 219 frame #10: 0x00007fff79967acc CoreText`TDescriptor::InitBaseFont(bool) + 34 frame #11: 0x00007fff79967707 CoreText`TDescriptor::CreateMatchingDescriptor(__CFSet const*, double, unsigned long) const + 261 frame #12: 0x00007fff799873c7 CoreText`CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor + 100 frame #13: 0x00007fff8ab2a17d UIFoundation`+[__NSFontTypefaceInfo typefaceInfoForPostscriptName:options:] + 296 frame #14: 0x00007fff8ab2e973 UIFoundation`__NSFontFactoryWithName + 138 frame #15: 0x00007fff8ab2e83d UIFoundation`+[NSFont fontWithName:size:] + 44 frame #16: 0x00007fff8aa828e7 UIFoundation`__NSDefaultFont_block_invoke + 39 frame #17: 0x00007fff8d4a0128 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8 frame #18: 0x00007fff8d4a00e5 libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 38 frame #19: 0x00007fff8aa828bd UIFoundation`NSDefaultFont + 41 frame #20: 0x00007fff760ce17a AppKit`__NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 578 frame #21: 0x00007fff761febc6 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 frame #22: 0x00007fff761feac1 AppKit`_NSDrawTextCell + 57 frame #23: 0x00007fff761fe660 AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 554 frame #24: 0x00007fff761859a9 AppKit`+[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 frame #25: 0x00007fff761fe42b AppKit`__47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 135 frame #26: 0x00007fff761f94d8 AppKit`-[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 frame #27: 0x00007fff761fe395 AppKit`-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 181 frame #28: 0x00007fff761f9210 AppKit`+[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 frame #29: 0x00007fff7df26a38 QuartzCore`CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 frame #30: 0x00007fff7e043a3c QuartzCore`___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 frame #31: 0x00007fff7e04369d QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 frame #32: 0x00007fff761ee8ce AppKit`_NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 frame #33: 0x00007fff7e037546 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 frame #34: 0x00007fff7e037671 QuartzCore`CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 frame #35: 0x00007fff7e02ce88 QuartzCore`CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 frame #36: 0x00007fff7df23d55 QuartzCore`CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 frame #37: 0x00007fff764b6c69 AppKit`__37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 frame #38: 0x00007fff7842aec7 CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 frame #39: 0x00007fff7842ae37 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 frame #40: 0x00007fff7840bad9 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 873 frame #41: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #42: 0x00007fff779a8fbc HIToolbox`RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 frame #43: 0x00007fff779a8cf9 HIToolbox`ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184 frame #44: 0x00007fff779a8c26 HIToolbox`_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 frame #45: 0x00007fff76092b79 AppKit`_DPSNextEvent + 1093 frame #46: 0x00007fff767a81c3 AppKit`-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1637 frame #47: 0x000000010a3d3ef6 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::DoYield(this=0x00006080000abf40, bWait=false, bHandleAllCurrentEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 998 at salinst.cxx:628 frame #48: 0x000000010a2638f0 libvcllo.dylib`ImplYield(i_bWait=false, i_bAllEvents=false, nReleased=0) + 1744 at svapp.cxx:505 frame #49: 0x000000010a2631d8 libvcllo.dylib`Application::Yield() + 24 at svapp.cxx:552 frame #50: 0x000000010a26314e libvcllo.dylib`Application::Execute() + 478 at svapp.cxx:469 frame #51: 0x0000000102c8a5b9 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::DoExecute() + 9 at app.cxx:1366 frame #52: 0x0000000102c8d6d3 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::Desktop::Main(this=0x00007fff5d0bcb68) + 12563 at app.cxx:1693 frame #53: 0x000000010a271b0a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMain() + 186 at svmain.cxx:185 frame #54: 0x000000010a3d33a9 libvcllo.dylib`AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent(pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 249 at salinst.cxx:469 frame #55: 0x000000010a519a00 libvcllo.dylib`::-[VCL_NSApplication sendEvent:](self=0x00006000001101a0, _cmd="sendEvent:", pEvent=0x0000608000131120) + 80 at frame #56: 0x00007fff76087589 AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 1002 frame #57: 0x00007fff760521ad AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 1237 frame #58: 0x000000010a3d189a libvcllo.dylib`ImplSVMainHook(pnInit=0x00007fff5d0bcae4) + 522 at salinst.cxx:211 frame #59: 0x000000010a27337c libvcllo.dylib`SVMain() + 44 at svmain.cxx:220 frame #60: 0x0000000102d02606 libsofficeapp.dylib`::soffice_main() + 534 at sofficemain.cxx:165 frame #61: 0x0000000102b43efd soffice`sal_main + 13 at main.c:48 frame #62: 0x0000000102b43ed7 soffice`main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fff5d0bcc50) + 39 at main.c:47 frame #63: 0x00007fff8d4d6255 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 thread #2: tid = 0x1872, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102b6019e libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_wait(seconds=10) + 110 at alloc_cache.cxx:1334 frame #3: 0x0000000102b60077 libuno_sal.dylib.3`rtl_cache_wsupdate_all(arg=0x000000000000000a) + 87 at alloc_cache.cxx:1485 frame #4: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #5: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #4: tid = 0x1882, 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10, name = '' frame #0: 0x00007fff8d5fd41a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d5fc867 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg + 55 frame #2: 0x00007fff7840c834 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 frame #3: 0x00007fff7840bcc1 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1361 frame #4: 0x00007fff7840b514 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 frame #5: 0x00007fff761df5a0 AppKit`_NSEventThread + 205 frame #6: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #5: tid = 0x188e, 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d60415a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__accept + 10 frame #1: 0x0000000102bc5a40 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_acceptPipe(pPipe=0x00007ff0fb898a00) + 224 at pipe.cxx:428 frame #2: 0x0000000102cf7972 libsofficeapp.dylib`osl::Pipe::accept(this=0x000060000127e330, Connection=0x0000700010178860) + 50 at pipe.hxx:151 frame #3: 0x0000000102cf5b20 libsofficeapp.dylib`desktop::PipeIpcThread::execute(this=0x000060000127e300) + 160 at officeipcthread.cxx:1193 frame #4: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #5: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000127e300) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #6: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000127e300) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #7: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x00006000001146d0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #10: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #6: tid = 0x1a11, 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d604c8a libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_cvwait + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ee96a libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_cond_wait + 712 frame #2: 0x0000000102ba5132 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::osl_waitCondition(Condition=0x00006000000e5c80, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 3010 at conditn.cxx:201 frame #3: 0x0000000144ce3340 libupdchklo.dylib`osl::Condition::wait(this=0x0000600000179770, pTimeout=0x00007000101fbe60) + 32 at conditn.hxx:84 frame #4: 0x0000000144ce7260 libupdchklo.dylib`(anonymous namespace)::UpdateCheckThread::run(this=0x00000001445aaf90) + 720 at updatecheck.cxx:506 frame #5: 0x0000000144ce329e libupdchklo.dylib`::threadFunc(param=0x00000001445aaf90) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #6: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x0000608000717190) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #7: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #8: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #9: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 thread #10: tid = 0xb12b, 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #0: 0x00007fff8d6054e6 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10 frame #1: 0x00007fff8d6ed622 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 1023 frame #2: 0x00007fff8d6ed211 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 13 * thread #11: tid = 0xb12e, 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153, stop reason = step in * frame #0: 0x0000000102b8e04c libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uStringbuffer_insert(This=0x000070000fee7e50, capacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, offset=18, str=u"/Ù፣骥㤡窰࿮瀀", len=1) + 540 at ustrbuf.cxx:153 frame #1: 0x0000000102b8b667 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUnicode(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, cChar=U+002f u'/') + 71 at uri.cxx:61 frame #2: 0x0000000102b8bdc1 libuno_sal.dylib.3`(anonymous namespace)::writeUcs4(pBuffer=0x000070000fee7e50, pCapacity=0x000070000fee7b1c, nUtf32=47) + 113 at uri.cxx:218 frame #3: 0x0000000102b8bcc6 libuno_sal.dylib.3`::rtl_uriDecode(pText=0x00000001466140d8, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76, pResult=0x000070000fee7e50) + 358 at uri.cxx:685 frame #4: 0x0000000146c7db64 libucppkg1.dylib`rtl::Uri::decode(rText=0x000070000fee7e60, eMechanism=rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, eCharset=76) + 68 at uri.hxx:110 frame #5: 0x0000000146c7d246 libucppkg1.dylib`ucb_impl::urihelper::decodeSegment(rSegment=0x000070000fee7e60) + 38 at urihelper.hxx:40 frame #6: 0x0000000146c7c35f libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::init(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 1967 at pkguri.cxx:158 frame #7: 0x0000000146c5c9f9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::PackageUri::getPackage(this=0x000070000fee86f8) const + 25 at pkguri.hxx:64 frame #8: 0x0000000146c741a9 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::createPackage(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8) + 105 at pkgprovider.cxx:212 frame #9: 0x0000000146c4574d libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::loadData(pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, rURI=0x000070000fee86f8, rProps=0x000070000fee86c0, rxPackage=0x000070000fee86b0) + 93 at pkgcontent.cxx:2239 frame #10: 0x0000000146c44f82 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::Content::create(rxContext=0x0000000144a0f2f8, pProvider=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 162 at pkgcontent.cxx:150 frame #11: 0x0000000146c73d30 libucppkg1.dylib`package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 944 at pkgprovider.cxx:194 frame #12: 0x0000000146c74133 libucppkg1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to package_ucp::ContentProvider::queryContent(this=0x0000000144a0f2b0, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at pkgprovider.cxx:169 frame #13: 0x00000001430079dc libucb1.dylib`UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 268 at ucb.cxx:531 frame #14: 0x0000000143007b13 libucb1.dylib`non-virtual thunk to UniversalContentBroker::queryContent(this=0x0000000117a81a90, Identifier=0x000070000fee8b58) + 51 at ucb.cxx:516 frame #15: 0x00000001093d0c8d libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::getContentThrow(rBroker=0x000070000fee8b60, xId=0x000070000fee8b58) + 173 at content.cxx:259 frame #16: 0x00000001093d00de libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 126 at content.cxx:320 frame #17: 0x00000001093d11e9 libucbhelper.dylib`ucbhelper::Content::Content(this=0x000070000fee8d70, rURL=0x000070000fee8d68, rEnv=0x000070000fee8da0, rCtx=0x000000014660f070) + 41 at content.cxx:313 frame #18: 0x0000000146044c78 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer(this=0x000000014660f008, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType=0x000070000fee91b0, sourceContent_=0x000070000fee91d0, title=0x000070000fee91c8, dbData=0x000070000fee90a8) + 1176 at dp_manager.cxx:616 frame #19: 0x000000014604a625 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 2981 at dp_manager.cxx:758 frame #20: 0x000000014604b56b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::PackageManagerImpl::addPackage(this=0x000000014660f008, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9858, mediaType_=0x000070000fee9850, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv_=0x000070000fee9848) + 91 at dp_manager.cxx:686 frame #21: 0x0000000146018f24 libdeployment.dylib`dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 1060 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:657 frame #22: 0x000000014601ae7b libdeployment.dylib`non-virtual thunk to dp_manager::ExtensionManager::addExtension(this=0x0000000144a15a90, url=0x0000608002c61e08, properties=0x000070000fee9a20, repository=0x0000608002c61e10, xAbortChannel=0x000070000fee9a38, xCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9a18) + 91 at dp_extensionmanager.cxx:625 frame #23: 0x0000000146859642 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::_addExtension(this=0x000060000017b300, rCmdEnv=0x000070000fee9dd0, rPackageURL=0x0000608002c61e08, rRepository=0x0000608002c61e10, bWarnUser=true) + 1202 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:869 frame #24: 0x0000000146858885 libdeploymentgui.dylib`dp_gui::ExtensionCmdQueue::Thread::execute(this=0x000060000017b300) + 1573 at dp_gui_extensioncmdqueue.cxx:748 frame #25: 0x00000001044d5e33 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b300) + 51 at thread.cxx:40 frame #26: 0x00000001044d5ef9 libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`non-virtual thunk to salhelper::Thread::run(this=0x000060000017b310) + 25 at thread.cxx:37 frame #27: 0x00000001044d885e libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3`::threadFunc(param=0x000060000017b310) + 30 at thread.hxx:185 frame #28: 0x0000000102be1c07 libuno_sal.dylib.3`osl_thread_start_Impl(pData=0x000060800071bab0) + 295 at thread.cxx:240 frame #29: 0x00007fff8d6edaab libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_body + 180 frame #30: 0x00007fff8d6ed9f7 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_start + 286 frame #31: 0x00007fff8d6ed221 libsystem_pthread.dylib`thread_start + 13 (lldb) process kill Process 652 exited with status = 9 (0x00000009) (lldb)