Attachment #87458
XLS document with protected A1:D2 cells and protected sheet but with all permissions granted application/ 2013-10-11 15:42:24 UTC 13.50 KB no flags Details

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Attachment #87459
Screenshot (1) of sheet protecting dialog with all permissions checked image/png 2013-10-11 15:43:30 UTC 14.49 KB no flags Details
Attachment #87460
Screenshot (2) of successful column resize in Excel XP(2002) image/png 2013-10-11 15:44:09 UTC 7.32 KB no flags Details
Attachment #87461
Screenshot (3) of error message when trying to resize column in LO Calc 4.1.2 final image/png 2013-10-11 15:44:50 UTC 17.15 KB no flags Details